Alternative for host file modification in order to test site before moving to new server? - file

Is there an other option or browser add-on or program for testing/setting up a website with correct domain on a new server.
For example when I deploy a new website on a new server I would like to test it with the actual domain BEFORE changing the DNS settings so when I DO change the DNS the website works without problems.
Right now I modify the local host files to point domains to the new server (so I can test locally) but this seems a bit outdated..
Just wondering if there's something smarter/quicker..
Thanks for thinking with me!


moving wordpress website and database

I made wp website on my testing domain. I would like now to move it to local mamp server.
I have tried using updraftplus plugin, but it didn't work (website is constantly refreshing, sort of being in a loop).
Now I want to move it manually. I have downloaded whole website through ftp and I also exported db.
I made new dbd with same name on my mamp server/phpadmin. In wp-cofig the database, username, password are the same as in my testing page. however local site can't connect to db that I have imported (I have used the same name for database on local machine).
I have read several instructions how to do this, but now I'm lost.
Any help is really appreciated.
Try this solution:link
Did you use the same table prefix as you used in previous one.
and Don't Forget to Change your previous base URL to new local URL in each and every place in your SQL file.
find wp_options in database and change site url and home url from your testing domain to localhost

AppHarbor - Same SQL Server in more than one application

I am using the variables to configure the same "connection string" between two applications, since the two do access the same database of users.
Can I set the same SQL Server (Nano 10GB) in more than one application to use transformation for web.config?
This is not currently possible since there is no way to have the connectionsstring injected into other applications than the one that has the add-on provisioned. Feel free to add this as a feedback suggestion.
It is possible, but requires some legwork. Basically you need to have one app with a known location (URL is fine) that the others can ask for the Connection String. The hard part is doing it securely enough. I'm partway there...
I've rigged up a system where you have a password that both of your Apps know in AppSettings, and then have the Secondary Website send a Public Key to the Primary Website with the password. Who then encodes the connection string, and sends it back.
The password CAN be injected by Appharbor when it does a deploy. And the connection string is also setup on the deploy. Ideally you'd use SSL but I don't have that setup and it makes life hard when working locally.
Proof Of Concept:
It does work, just start both of the website projects in there, and go to http://localhost:4002/Database and you will see what is in the connection String of the Primary website.
EDIT: I just realized that since you can piggyback the SSL Cert of appharbor with the free subdomain they give you, you can use that URL for added security if you don't have your own SSL cert.

Cakephp loads old database config file

I developed a small cakephp website on local machine. When I upload to my host server, I realize that I must use their prefix for the database name and database user. So, I go and create new database name and new user. When I visit the site, it has this:
Warning (2): mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'old_name'#'localhost' (using password: YES) [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php, line 552]
I am 100% sure, I already change the name to "new_name", it runs on my local machine, but I dont know why it still load the old name. I go to ftp, and download the database config file, it clearly stated that, the database user is "new_name", i dont understand why when I go to the site, it loads the old database config. I am new to cakephp, please help.
try to clear the files from your app/tmp directory and tripple check the configuration.
Sometimes it can take a while for files to become live. One host I use has a folder for upload and then they transfer to the live folder from there automatically. Could it be something like this?
You possibly need to specify an IP for the database instead of localhost. Often the database is hosted on a different server to the code.

How can I add an additional site to my VPS server?

I have a VPS hosting service. First of all, I installed bind9 and everything that my main website works just fine. Now, I bought another domain and set its nameserver address&ip to my website ones.
I added a configuration file of that site like '/etc/apache2/sites-available/' and I did 'a2ensite' to enable the website to apache2. After one, when I reloaded my server, I see '000default' and '' in my '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/' directory.
I have thought I am done with settings, but I still cannot connect to the domain I think I have read it somewhere that I have to set up 'zone' thing which I did when I was setting dns.
For example,
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { none; };
Is this correct? If so, what are the things that I need to do afteron?
I can see a very descriptive answer here It includes everything from hosting multiple domains to even getting sub domains up on the same VPS.

Deployed silverlight enabled WCF Service Stops Working when development server is stopped

I have a silverlight business aplication that gets data from silverlight enabled webservice.
When I run the application in dev environment, it works fine.
when i deploy the application and the web development server is working, then to the application works fine.
But when I stop the development server, the application can't access a service.
My questions are:
When I deploy a silverlight business application, doesn't the service get deployed and get started.
The endpoint address in my ServiceReferences.Clientconfig file is endpoint address="http://localhost:9702/MyWebservice.scv. Do I need to change this?
The enpoint address in the web.config is blank.
Appreciate your help
Because the WCF client code is declared as a "partial" class, what I've been doing to this point is creating another c# partial class file to host a GetClient() method on it. You'll notice that the code is taking into account the port that the service is on... in a few of the environments that I've posted or will be posting to, as well as the development environment, the application is not always on port 80.
Namespace Project.Service
public partial class ServiceClient
public static ServiceClient GetClient()
return new ServiceClient("CustomBinding_Service",
new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}/Services/Service.svc",
Application.Current.Host.Source.Scheme, Application.Current.Host.Source.Host, Application.Current.Host.Source.Port), UriKind.Absolute)));
Hope this helps someone!
Yes you are going to want to change your endpoint address. I recommend doing it in the silverlight code when creating the connection to the WCF service. The service itself lives on the web server, whereas the silverlight application lives on the clients computer. If the web server stops, the web service stops but the silverlight app can keep running.
To do this in code, as long as the path is always in the same domain as the app you can use do like so:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None) //Use whatever security you need here
MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue,
MaxBufferSize = int.MaxValue
Client client = new Client(binding, new EndpointAddress(new Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../MyService.svc")));
Thanks so much for your help. I tried your approach to create the client code but that didn't work. And that's because the problem seems to be somewhere else.
So I installed fiddler to see the traffic.
Fiddler showed that the service was being accessed but the http response code was 302 showing that there was some redirection involved.
The address of my application is like this http:///Silverlightapp/(S(oirppxrwzhlf2a2vbia1ui45))/Default.aspx#/Home and it is hosted on IIS 6.
So I had to employ a workaround by installing the service on machine with IIS7 (and there was no session id involved like in the above url).I still kept the silverlight application hosted on IIS 6.
Anyway, in summary, to anyone who reads the thread, I did the following to troubleshoot and solve issue(temporarily)
Changed the end point address in the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. When you add the service using discover option in VS, the endpoint address is of the localhost and this must be changed.
Registered the service model using ServiceModelReg -i command. (this solved my problem that my applicaiton was only working from development server and not IIS)
-Put the CrossDomain and ClientAccessPolicy files in c:]inetpub\wwwroot folders.
-Used fiddler to look at http response codes. I had to do no configuration in fiddler.
Changed the binarymessageEncoding to textMessageEncoding iin the web.config file of the silverlight web project that also hosted the ecf service. I did this becasue adding a silverlight enabled wcf service creates a custom binding configuration in the web.config file by default uses binary encoding. I needed text encoding to see errors in fidder. But this didn't help much becasue I only saw the name of the operation in the Inspector>xml tab in fiddler. This was the same even after my issues was resolved by workaround.
Thanks for the help
Don't do it in code. Otherwise you won't be able to change it later without recompiling the application (when the address will need to change, perhaps years down the road when you've lost the source code :)
Change the address in ServiceReferences.ClientConfig to where the service is actually hosted... e.g.
If later on you need to change the address without recompiling:
- Open the .xap file (it's just a zip file with a different extension)
- Find the .ClientConfig file and change the address
- Put it back together as a .zip file and rename to .xap
Also, I can't remember anymore whether the .ClientConfig supports relative addresses (e.g. just "MyWebService.svc"), but if it does it may be a good solution as well.
