I don't like to use title in URL, this is not succinct. default:
how to change it to: http://example.com/work/[page_id]/ like this:
I am new to reactjs, before I start to include something like the jquery lib to do this - what would be the best way of adding a class to found links in a piece of text?
const attachClassesToLinks = (htmlWithLinks) => {
// do something special
return htmlWithLinks
so something like this
attachClassesToLinks('a piece of text with a link and another link2')
a jquery like method
//$(htmlWithLinks).find('a').addClass('text--font-size-14 hyperlink-primary')
In ng-admin edit view I need to change file upload url with id as below , but I don't know how to fetch id of selected entity in uploadInformation base url like {{entry.values.id}} , below is my code :
.title('Edit File {{ entry.values.id }}({{ entry.values.filePath}})') // title() accepts a template string, which has access to the entry
.actions(['list', 'show', 'delete']) // choose which buttons appear in the top action bar. Show is disabled by default
nga.field('file', 'file').uploadInformation({ 'url': baseurl +"files/upload/{{entry.values.id}}"}),// fields() without arguments returns the list of fields. That way you can reuse fields from another view to avoid repetition
{{ entry.values.id }} - is an Angular expression and in this form should be used in HTML not in JavaScript.
I assume that entry is your $scope variable, hence you need to write something like this: ... .uploadInformation({ 'url': baseurl+ "files/upload/"+$scope.entry.values.id})
$scope.entry should be prepopulated in your controller's code
I'm using Angular ui-router, my state look like:
.state('detail', {
url: '/detail/{id}',
In the HTML file I prefer to use ui-serf directive to build the link. For example:
<a ui-sref="detail( { id:123 } )">...
How can I build a link with optional query parameter? For example:
I think that the ui-router way it's not to use query parameters, but instead of doing:
declare the state as
.state('detail', {
url: '/detail/{id}/{format}/{pretty}',
and using it like:
Anyway, if you really want to use the query format, you can do it out-of-the-box like as state in the doc:
You can also specify parameters as query parameters, following a '?':
url: "/contacts?myParam" // will match to url of
"/contacts?myParam=value" If you need to have more than one, separate
them with an '&':
url: "/contacts?myParam1&myParam2" // will match to url of
See: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/URL-Routing#query-parameters
Have you tried just adding it? :
<a ui-sref="detail( { id:123, optional: 'moo' } )">...
I know that is how dotJEM angular routing would work ( except the syntax is a bit different ).
in my grails app I need to get some data from database and show it in a gsp page.
I know that I need to get data from controller, for example
List<Event> todayEvents = Event.findAllByStartTime(today)
gets all Event with date today
Now, how can I render it in a gsp page?How can I pass that list of Event objects to gsp?
Thanks a lot
You can learn many of the basic concepts using Grails scaffolding. Create a new project with a domain and issue command generate-all com.sample.MyDomain it will generate you a controller and a view.
To answer your question create a action in a controller like this:
class EventController {
//Helpful when controller actions are exposed as REST service.
static allowedMethods = [save: "POST", update: "POST", delete: "POST"]
def showEvents() {
List<Event> todayEvents = Event.findAllByStartTime(today)
On your GSP you can loop through the list and print them as you wish
<g:each in="${eventsList}" var="p">
Good luck
I am not sure if this is really what you meant, because in that case I suggest you to read some more on the grails :), but anyway, for your case you can use render, redirect as well but here I am taking simplest way:
In your controller you have:
def getAllElements(){
List<Event> todayEvents = Event.findAllByStartTime(today)
[todayEvents :todayEvents ]
and then in the GSP(I assume you know about grails conventions, as if you don't specify view name, it will by default render gsp page with the same name as the function in the controller, inside views/):
<g:each in="${todayEvents}" var="eventInstance">
something like this.
Am working with views and am wondering if there is a way to get the view to update the breadcrumb trail. When on my first view called homme the breadcrumbs are not updated it still just says "home >" as if it is still on the homepage. When I click a post the breadcrumbs update to "Home › Blogs › admin's blog › ". I need it to say Home > Homme > Name of Article, basically what you would expect when going to a blog site or post.
Can I get the view to act like a blog?
One option is to try overriding the themeable output generated by the default breadcrumb function.
Assuming you've created your own theme - create a file called template.php at the root of your theme. Create a function named YOURTHEME_breadcrumb, where YOURTHEME is the name of the theme. The HTML returned by this function will be the breadcrumb. Modify the return values as necessary here to get what you want. Consider using Drupal's menu functions to build a more satisfactory breadcrumb.
Check the comments of this API article for more detail: http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes--theme.inc/function/theme_breadcrumb/7
Adding this to your template.php file should work with d7 sites:
function theme_breadcrumb($breadcrumb)
if (substr($_GET['q'], 0, 13) == 'news/category') {
$breadcrumb[] = l('News', 'news/');
if (count($breadcrumb) > 1) {
if ($breadcrumb) {
return '<div class="breadcrumb">'. implode(' › ', $breadcrumb) ."</div>\n";