SSRS Matrix Title Being Cut Off - sql-server

Could someone please explain how I can have the report header (title) expand as far wide as the matrix in the report goes? The title is a textbox and only goes as far wide as I set in the report designer.
I am using SSRS 2017.

You could add a row above the top row of your matrix/tablix and then merge all the cells in that row and make that your report header.

My own solution or better said my workaround, was to set the report background to the colour I wanted and just push the title alignment to the left. Now the background colour fills the width of the report.


Having trouble with alternate shading and hidden cells in SQL Server Reporting Services

The main method I have for altering the formatting of the final reports is in SQL Server Report Builder.
I have a table within this system which currently is as shown below with some information blacked out.
As shown currently the second line (as shown by 004A) of groupings (referred to as a subsample) comes up with blank areas in the second, third, and fifth columns where the cells have been hidden.
This shading has been done with the following code:
=Iif(Left(Fields!LabSampleNo.Value,3) MOD 2 = 0, "WhiteSmoke", "Transparent")
Is there a way to fix this issue without having to go to coding outside the report builder or by making the fields no longer hidden?
Any help would be great.
As the textboxes are hidden you will not be able to see the backcolor. It is the entire textbox you are hiding, not just it's content.
So the answer to your question is no, you will have to make the textboxes visible again however you can just wrap your value expression inside the same logic as you used to hide the columns.
So, let's say you are hiding the columns based on the first column have non numeric characters and the column you wanted to hide was called myDataColumn then you could do something like...
=IIF(ISNUMERIC(Fields!myFirstColumn.Value), Fields!myDataColumn.Value, "")
Your row's background color expression would remain the same.

How could I interactively create an invoice and preview it on WPF?

I'm creating a trial project wherein my window has two grids, left grid is sort of a table that has labels and textboxes each row and asks for a specific part of the invoice like item, name, address stuff like that and the right grid is to show a preview of the invoice that the left side is creating.
I thought about using a document viewer on the right side but I thought that anything I open there would be static and if I put values on the textboxes on the left grid, it wouldn't matter since I opened a standalone document to view on the right grid.
I thought about just creating a table out of the right grid and have the default values and populate the other ones when a user types something on the textbox and make it function as the preview but then I don't know how would I go about and printing it and also, it has about 45 rows which I couldn't fit in the grid without it being unreadable (because I had to cram 45 rows of data inside that small grid)
So is there a tool in the toolbox that could potentially create a interact-able grid? I tried the grid control but I can't seem to only make it show 4 columns because that's all I need, I don't want it to show E and the rest of the alphabet because I want it to resize accordingly with only 4 columns to make it more readable.
Oh and I also have devexpress installed so you guys could also recommend something I can use from there. Thank You.
I think this is the best solution since it does what I wanted it to do.
I created a scroll view and placed a grid inside it then set the length accordingly to show it in a reasonable size and let the scroll bar do its magic for me to see the rest of the grid without compromises of the content's size.

Aligning a logo on the right of a menu strip in Visual Studio 2010

I've got a menu strip, inside which I want to embed my company logo and align it to the right.
My project is on a Windows Form Application, sorry for not including this before.
Several google-trips have found little, this is probably my not using the proper terminology.
What is the best way to do this? I'd also like it to be flexible, so preferably no fixed-position methods.
Thank you.
Dock a TableLayoutPanel to the Top of the Form. Make it have one row and two columns. Put your MenuStrip in the left column, and a PictureBox in the right column for the Logo. Set the right column to AutoSize, the Row to AutoSize, and the TableLayoutPanel to AutoSize. Also set the SizeMode of the PictureBox to Autosize.

Can I force a Chart at the top of a report to always be visible

I have the following report:
In Excel I'd use something called Freeze Pane below the chart ....this would mean as the user scrolls down, the table will scroll, but the chart would always remain visible.
Is it possible to implement this behavior in RS?
Note: the chart and the tablix use different Datasets
Yes, you can get this going with a bit of tweaking.
With Tablix objects, you have the option to fix header rows, i.e. they will stay at the top of the page when scrolling.
You can set this at the Tablix level:
Or at the row level with Advanced Mode set by using the FixedData property:
So what you can do to take advantage of this is to insert a Chart into those repeating Header rows. I tested this with a basic report:
This did succeed in having the Chart scroll with the Tablix, so will fulfil your requirements. One warning - it didn't look good when I did this (overlapping cells and the like), but it was a report with zero formatting so hopefully this will be helpful for you, anyway.
Edit after comment:
In my simple report example I added a new Dataset to the report, and pointed the embedded Chart to this new Dataset - this didn't work, as every time I did this it would always revert to the old Dataset (i.e. the one specified at the Tablix level).
However, what you can do instead is use a Subreport, which contains the required Chart, and embed this Subreport in the Tablix header. I just tried it now and it worked as required; the Chart using the second Dataset was fine and it scrolled with the Tablix as required.
So it's still a viable option with multiple Datasets, you just need the extra step of using a Subreport:
New report:

SSRS indicator sizing

When adding an indicator to a report as per the image, is it possible to have all the indicators the same size regardless of the cell size (so centre them all rather than stretching to fill the cell)
Use rectangles within the cells of the table: within these, objects can be easily sized to not take full height or width.
Yes, sizing the rectangles and their contents can be annoying. I don't try to do much of this with the mouse, I quickly fall back to the properties window where I can type position and size.
try clicking on the indicator area (default name ie GaugeReportItem) within GaugePanel. You will get Size and position in Properties on the right hand side where you can choose AutoLayout. This will in effect center and resize gauges based on the cell width, height and your settings.
Hope it helps.
Exporting SSRS report to Excel did not go as expected.
Report with indicators in rectangles exported to Excel was randomly adding 0 height rows between the records which was not what I wanted. My indicators where simple green ticks and red crosses, based on true false. I have tried everything I found out there, even a subreport for indicator. No luck...
Figured it out that the indicators randomly outgrows the parent item when you export it, just like a chart. Ended up with saving a tick and a cross as an image. Then used an image control(with fit proportional set) and embedded Image with conditional statement to pick specific image. Also added some padding not to overlap borders.
The only problem I could think of is if the background of the report is not white as I could not change the background color of the cell the Image is and there is no option for the Image background.
Hope this helps someone else.
