Userscript to bypass "You are now leaving" page - userscripts

A web site's links external links all redirect to a "You are now leaving" page.
When I copy the originally posted link-URL, they look like this:
Page HTML:
<a href="/leave.php?"
I would like to create a userscript that bypasses the /leave.php page and redirects me to the true link on click.
Is there a simple solution to this?

That's a job for a relatively standard redirect script.
Note the use of #run-at document-start and of location.replaceDoc.
// ==UserScript==
// #name, skip the "You are now leaving" page
// #match *://*
// #grant none
// #run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
var targUrlEnc = (/\?u=/i, "");
if (targUrlEnc) {
var targUrl = decodeURIComponent (targUrlEnc);
location.replace (targUrl);


Replacing an extension-less image in gmail HTML view with tampermonkey

On HTML gmail view top left corner the new Gmail logo could be seen. I want to replace it with the old one ( ) but I'm not sure how. I've tried a 9 year old stackoverflow thread but it didn't work since the gmail logo link isn't a link to the file with an extension.
found a way
// ==UserScript==
// #name Image Replacer
// #version 1.1
// #description Image Replacer
// #require
// #match*
// #grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/*globals $*/
var old_url = ""
var new_url = ""
$("img[src='"+old_url+"']").attr("src", new_url);

Dose Tampermonkey can run script before the page loaded?

I'm trying to use tampermonkey to refresh a website, its works except the server was busy, and the respond time is long, may i know can the script run before the page fully loaded?
I would also wanna now can the script work on any website without the #match / #include?
Many thanks.
// #name TEST
// #version 1
// #grant none
// #match
// ==/UserScript==
document.location = "";
}, 10

Why does a tampermonkey script for* appear in the menu for

I have a tampermonkey script with this header:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Google News - Remove old articles
// #namespace
// #version 0.2
// #description Remove articles that already appeared recently
// #author AC
// #require
// #match*
// #icon
// #grant none
// ==/UserScript==
When I am on the page and I click on the tampermonkey icon in the Firefox toolbar, this script appears. Why?
Because the page contains an iframe, and that iframe links to
Userscripts run in iframes, and when they do, they get added to the Tampermonkey icon at the top.

removing an element with a userscript

First attempt at a userscript, and despite finding numerous examples on the internet of how to remove elements from a page, none of them work (and this looks like one of the most basic applications of a userscript, too).
Using violentmonkey-2.12.8 on this page:
I want to remove the "exitModalOverlay" div (disabling it in the developer tools does exactly what I want), which blacks out the page (preventing me from reading it).
I will insert one of the more common techniques I have found (which doesn't work). I would appreciate any method which does. Thanks.
// ==UserScript==
// #namespace confused
// #name zehohedge_remove_subscription_popup
// #version 1
// #description removes the overlay div that asks to subscribe
// #match*
// #grant none
// #noframes
// ==/UserScript==
var todelete = document.getElementById('exitModalOverlay');
if (todelete) { todelete.parentNode.removeChild(todelete); }
Based on the post & comments, it seems the element is loaded/created after the DOM. In that case, you would need to run the script after page loading is complete.
Although when testing on the link provided with JavaScript enabled (, the element does not appear, here is an example of how you can remove the item.
It is possible there are other factors involved (e.g. browser, country, login, cookies etc).
ViolentMonkey by default runs on document-end which is after DOM loaded but before all external elements are loaded.
Setting the userscript to run at document-idle will run after everything is loaded.
// ==UserScript==
// #namespace confused
// #name zehohedge_remove_subscription_popup
// #version 1
// #description removes the overlay div that asks to subscribe
// #match*
// #grant none
// #noframes
// #run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
// find element
const todelete = document.getElementById('exitModalOverlay');
// remove element if found
if (todelete) { todelete.remove(); }
Removing the element is not the only way to get rid of an element. You can also use CSS to achieve a similar outcome by setting its display to none. For example:
// ==UserScript==
// #namespace confused
// #name zehohedge_remove_subscription_popup
// #version 1
// #description removes the overlay div that asks to subscribe
// #match*
// #grant GM_addStyle
// #noframes
// ==/UserScript==
const css = `
#exitModalOverlay {
display: none;
Using JavaScript to apply CSS to the element without GM_addStyle (although not as good as above)
// ==UserScript==
// #namespace confused
// #name zehohedge_remove_subscription_popup
// #version 1
// #description removes the overlay div that asks to subscribe
// #match*
// #grant none
// #noframes
// #run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
// find element
const todelete = document.getElementById('exitModalOverlay');
// remove element if found
if (todelete) { = 'none'; }
📌 It is worth noting that CSS applies all the time (unless over-written specifically), even if an element is created later, while JavaScript applies at the time it runs and will not apply to elements created later (without additional methods to cause it to run again).
Maybe so...
window.onload = function() {
var todelete = document.querySelector('#exitModalOverlay');
todelete.outerHTML = '';
window.onload = function() {
var todelete = document.querySelector('#exitModalOverlay');

How do I take text contained in web page and make it part of the page title?

I desperately need help with writing a Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script that takes part of the information within the web page and makes it part of the page (and window) title.
A client's name is part of the target (internal) web page, and clearly labeled within the HTML:
<div id="patient-info" class="ehr-patients-info">
<div id="patient-identification">
<span title="" id="patient-name">
I want to add the text "Johnnyfirst Smithylast" to the window title and tried:
var ptname = document.getElementById("patient-name") ;
document.title = document.title + " | Name: " + ptname ;
But that resulted in titles like: ...| Name: null.
The second problem is that the web site to which I am piggybacking this userscript doesn't load all at once. After the initial page load, there's heavy javascript functionality which loads various parts of the page and ends up displaying the client name as above.
When I try $(window).on('load', function() { ... }) or $(document).ready(), it seems to be acting on a preliminary version of the web page that doesn't have the information fully loaded yet.
Your target page is AJAX driven and Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey fires way before most AJAX page loads finish. So, you must use techniques like MutationObserver, waitForKeyElements, etc., to compensate.
For example, here's a complete Tampermonkey script that changes the title when it finds the patient-name node:
// ==UserScript==
// #name _Put the patient Name in the title
// #noframes
// #require
// #require
// #grant GM_addStyle
// #grant GM.getValue
// ==/UserScript==
// #grant none
//- The #grant directives are needed to restore the proper sandbox.
/* global waitForKeyElements */
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, curly */
'use strict';
waitForKeyElements ("#patient-name, .patient-name", scrapeTextToTitle);
function scrapeTextToTitle (jNode) {
var nameRaw = jNode.text ().trim ();
var nameSanitized = nameRaw.replace (/\s+/g, " ");
document.title += " | Name: " + nameSanitized;
