SQL Server 2012 Data Recovery - sql-server

I just recently had a Sharepoint server die out on me a really old Sharepoint 3.0 server.
I was able to recover all the .mdf and .ldf sql database files since the previous admin didn't make backups of it. How can I extract the word documents, excel documents and pdfs etc off of these databases?
I have installed windows server 2008 on an old pc with sql server management studio and SQL 2012.


Unable to connect the Entity Data Model to a SQL Server database file

I created a .mdf database file using VS 2017 on a developer workstation. I then copied it across to a different workstation and then tried to use VS2017 to connect to the .mdf data file again and generate an Entity Data Model.
I get the error
Database.mdf cannot be opened because it is version 869. This server supports version 852.
Both workstations have SQL Server 2017 on them as well as SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012. In both cases I can connect with SQL Server 2017 to the .mdf file.
The error message talks about a server yet I'm not hosting the .MDF file on a server. It is a stand alone file.
Does VS2017 connect with SQL Server Express or EF libraries. What is it that I need to upgrade so that VS 2017 can connect to this .mdf file ?

Export SQL Server 2014 database (2008 compatible) in a backup file compatible with 2012

I'm a bit stuck with this scenario. My dev VM has SQL Server 2014 on it, and I've been working on a SQL Server 2008 database. The 2008 database is listed as '2008 compatible'. I now need to put this on a demo server which has an older edition of SQL Server (2012), and I find that 2008 compatible DBs don't create 2008 compatible backups (which I would have thought would be a given).
I'm actually trying to backup from SQL 2014 and recover into SQL Server 2012. How do I get a SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2012 compatible backup file from my 2008 compatible database?
You have to script the SQL database creation, in SQL Server Management Studio :
right click on the DB -> Task -> Generate script
From there a series off dialog to choose what to generate with the SQL command creation and where, in clipboard or file (recommanded for big DB), with optionally the data as some Insert Into SQL command. To find the data option click on the "Advanced" button and search for "Type of data to script"

SQL Server - Copy database from Server 2008 to Server 2012

I have two servers one in Denmark the other here in the UK. I need to make a copy of a database out of SQL Server Management 2008 (1st server) and place it in SQL Server Management 2012(2nd server). I have tried connecting to the remote server but have been getting difficulties so instead of connecting both up and doing it that way I was hoping there is a function like copy database which could do this for me. I have gone into tasks and copy database in SQL Server 2008 but in the Copy Database Wizard that appears it says "You can use this wizard to move or copy databases from an instance of SQL Server 2000 or later to an instance of SQL Server 2008". I'm looking for something like this that will work for Server 2012.
Copy your database file .mdf and log file .ldf and paste in your SQL Server
Install file in Programs Files->Microsoft SQL Server->MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS->MSSQL->DATA.
Open SQL Server. Right-click on Databases then Select Attach... option.
You can create a backup with the Management Studio on the source and restore it on the target.
You need Management Studio 2012 to make this step. You can then create empty database on 2012 server. Right click on this empty DB->Tasks->Copy database..
Wizard will guide you. You should to this under 2012 Management Studio because it is compatible with 2008 Server - vice versa it will not work.
Of course, cleanest way is to do this via backup (.bak file - Tasks->Backup.. then on 2012 server Tasks->Restore->Files or FileGroups) but you need remote access (RDP) to the server.

Move all sharepoint 2007 databases to a new Sql Server

In our organization we have a Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 installed and configured on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32 bit).
The database had been installed and configured on a Sql Server 2000 (Windows 2000 Server 32 bit).
Now we are in the process to move all the databases from the Sql Server 2000 to a new Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprise (64bit).
The new server has been already installed and doesn't have the same name of the Sql Server 2000.
We would like to upgrade all the Sharepoint 2007 database to the RDBMS so that we can dismiss the old, slow Sql server 2000.
Has anyone tried to do something similar?
You should do the following steps:
Backup all content and configuration databases. Backup your SSP databases.
Prepare content databases for moving.
Delete all the content databases.
Stop the SharePoint Farm by stopping a Timer, Tracing, Administration service
Copy mdf files of an old config database to a new SQL server
Attach SharePoint_Config database on a new server from copied mdf files.
Run stsadm -o renameserver -oldservername OLDSERVER -newservername NEWSERVER
Start all the SharePoint services stopped in 4.
Copy mdf files of content databases to a new server and attach these databases.
Attach content databases.
Add a content databases from a new SQL to SharePoint with stsadm or Central Administration
Restore an SSP databases
Create a new SSP using Restore command from an SSP database on a new SQL server.
Delete an old SSP.

Configure VS2008 to create SQL Server databases instead of SQL Server Express?

Probably asked and answered before, but difficult to search for.
In VS2008 when you right-click App_Data folder and create new database, it attempts to create a SQL Server Express database. Well I have SQL Server 2005 Standard installed and have thus uninstalled Express. How do I get VS2008 configured to know I want SQL Server databases (NOT Express) created?
SQL Server Express databases are SQL Server databases and vice-versa. While is true that the SQL Server 2008 database files format is different from SQL Server 2005 one, whthin the same version (2005, 2005 SP1, 2005 SP2, 2008 , 2008 SP1 etc etc) all SKUs (Express, Standard, Exnterprise etc) have all the same datbase format.
Yout Visual Studio tools are guiding you down the wrong path. You should not use the Solution Explorer to add a database to the App_Data folder. Instead you should use the Server Explorer tool (menu View/Server xplorer or press Ctrl+W,L) and connect to your SQL Server 2005 instance. Then use the Server Explorer tool to explore the database. To connect to the database from your solution, add a connection string to the web.config file.
While you can manage the database objects from the Server Explorer, thar is a horrible way to do it and will cause only pain on the long run. You should instead create deployment scripts with DDL statements and run those scripts when the solution is deployed. This way your database metadata is part of your source control and you can keep track of application database versions, see Version Control and your Database.
