Why basic arithmetic operators don't need math.h library - c

I got a question from my fellow student friend about why +-/* don't need math.h library to work in C language.

<math.h> contains macro and function definitions for mathematical operations. Some of the functionality in <math.h> is required to be present according to the C Standard, but they still aren't intrinsically part of the grammar of the language, unlike the operators +, -, *, / and %.

Because they are in the standard of C and they are only one instruction in Assembly language. math.h is only the name of the library. That doesn't mean there are no math if you don't include it.

If you look at C Operators, notice they are all fairly simple operations that can be done on numbers and values without the need of a function call (sqrt()). These are part of the C standard and are a basic part of the language, present by default in every program.
The math.h Library contains far more complex mathematical operations, mostly in functions, not small assembly instructions. These do not need to be included in the language because not every program is going to need a square root or a cosine.

Basic operators are part of the grammar of the language. In a lib there are "higher functions" that are composed out of basic operators or other libs. So you can reduce everythink back to the basic constructs of a language ... certainly.

Arithmetic operators are built into the language grammar - they're not separate library calls like sqrt() or abs() or whatever. So, they don't need to have any sort of declaration in scope in order to function.

Primarily, the reason math.h is needed for some operations and not others is that the people who designed C decided to build some things into the core language and to keep some things in separate sets, including a set of things for math, a set of things for strings, a set of things for time, a set of things for input and output, and so on.
It would be possible to build the things in math.h into the core language. For example, sizeof is built into the language, so building sqrt into the language too would not require any change of grammar. Also, it would be theoretically possible to exclude some operations like * from the core language and require you to include math.h before using them. However, the language provides ways for declaring functions like sqrt but does not provide ways for declaring operators like *, so some changes to the grammar would have to be made to support this.
So, since it is possible the core language could include or exclude various things, then the reasons for various things being included or excluded are somewhat a matter of choice. Essentially, the basic arithmetic operations were considered fundamental and very useful, so they were made part of the core language, while other functions were not. There are various factors contributing to this.
One is a desire to avoid cluttering the language. If all of the functions declared in headers were part of the core language, then sqrt could be used only for the sqrt in math.h. A programmer could not use sqrt for their own variable name. This is fine for a few names, but, as the library grows, the chance there will be collisions between a name in a library and a name in regular source code grows.
Additionally, if there is existing source code and somebody has a bright idea for a new routine, adding the new routine name to the language might break existing code that is already using that name for a different purpose.
So, generally, we prefer to implement non-essential routines in separate sets, and then authors can choose to include the ones they want to use and learn, and they can leave out the ones they do not need and avoid problems.
Partitioning the libraries into sets like this also means that library routines not used by a program do not have to be linked into the final program executable, so the executable file can be smaller.
Additionally, it means C can be used in a variety of environments, such as a small machine that is not able to support the full math library. Somebody might want to run simple programs that just work with basic arithmetic on a small processor. If the core language of C is small, they can write such programs. If every C program had to include all of the routines on the libraries, it might not be possible to get C working on very small computers.


why is abs() and fabs() defined in two different headers in C

The standard library function abs() is declared in stdlib.h, while fabs() is in math.h.
Why are they reside in different headers?
math.h first appears in 7th Research Unix. It is hard to tell how it got there. For example, [1] claims that bits of C library were merged from "PWB/Unix" which included troff and C compiler pcc, but I cannot prove it.
Another interesting piece of information is library manual from V7 Unix:
(3) These functions, together with those of section 2 and those marked (3S),
constitute library libc, which is automatically loaded by the C compiler
cc(1) and the Fortran compiler f77(1). The link editor ld(1) searches
this library under the `-lc' option. Declarations for some of these
functions may be obtained from include files indicated on the appropri-
ate pages.
(3M) These functions constitute the math library, libm. They are automati-
cally loaded as needed by the Fortran compiler f77(1). The link editor
searches this library under the `-lm' option. Declarations for these
functions may be obtained from the include file <math.h>.
If you look into V7 commands makefiles, only few C programs are linked with -lm flag. So my conclusion is speculative:
libm.a (and math.h) was primarily needed for FORTRAN programs mostly, so it was separated into library to reduce binary footprint (note that it was linked statically).
Not many machines had floating point support. For example, you would need to buy an optional FPP for PDP-11 [2], there is also libfpsim simulation library in Unix to mitigate that, so floating point can be hardly used in early C programs.
1. A History of UNIX before Berkeley: UNIX Evolution: 1975-1984
2. PDP-11 architecture
Most operators like + - / * are also math operators yet these are also readily available. When programming you use so much math, that developers have started to differentiate between math that is needed for everyday stuff and math that is more specialized that you only use some of the time. Abs is one of those functions that are just used to often. Like with pointer arithmetic when you just want to know the difference to calculate the size of a memory block. But you are not interested in knowing which is higher in memory and which is lower.
So to sum up: abs is used often because it calculates the difference of two integers. The difference between two pointers for instance is also an integer. And so it is in stdlib.h. fabs how ever is not something you will need much unless you are doing math specific stuff. Thus it is in math.h.

Compile-time trigonometry in C

I currently have code that looks like
while (very_long_loop) {
y1 = getSomeValue();
x1 = y1*cos(PI/2);
x2 = y2*cos(SOME_CONSTANT);
outputValues(x1, x2, ...);
the obvious optimization would be to compute the cosines ahead-of-time. I could do this by filling an array with the values but I was wondering would it be possible to make the compiler compute these at compile-time?
Edit: I know that C doesn't have compile-time evaluation but I was hoping there would had been some weird and ugly way to do this with macros.
If you're lucky, you won't have to do anything: Modern compilers do constant propagation for functions in the same translation unit and intrinsic functions (which most likely will include the math functions).
Look at the assembly to check if that's the case for your compiler and increase the optimization levels if necessary.
Nope. A pre-computed lookup table would be the only way. In fact, Cosine (and Sine) might even be implemented that way in your libraries.
Profile first, Optimise Later.
No, unfortunately.
I would recommend writing a little program (or script) that generates a list of these values (which you can then #include into the correct place), that is run as part of your build process.
By the way: cos(pi/2) = 0!
You assume that computing cos is more expensive than an access. Perhaps this is not true on your architecture. Thus you should do some testing (profiling) - as always with optimization ideas.
Instead of precomputing these values, it is possible to use global variables to hold the values, which would be computed once on program startup.
No, C doesn't have the concept of compile time evaluation of functions and not even of symbolic constants if they are of type double. The only way to have them as immediate operand would be to precompute them and then to define them in macros. This is the way the C library does it for pi for example.
If you check the code and the compiler is not hoisting the constant values out of the loop, then do so yourself.
If the arguments to the trig functions are constant as in your sample code, then either pre-compute them yourself, or make them static variables so they are only computed once. If they vary between calls, but are constant within the loop then move them to outside the loop. If they vary between iterations of the loop, then a look-up table may be faster, but if that is acceptable accuracy then implementing your own trig functions which halt the calculation at a lower accuracy is also an option.
I am struck with awe by Christoph's answer above.
So nothing needs to be done in this case, where gcc has some knowledge about the math functions. But if you have a function (maybe implemented by you) which cannot be calculated by your C compiler or if your C compiler is not so clever (or you need to fill complicated data structures or some other reason) you can use some higher level language to act as macroprocessor. In the past, I have used eRuby for this purpose, but (ePerl should work very well too and is another obvious readily available and more or less comfortable choice.
You can specify make rules for transforming files with extension .eruby (or .eperl or whatever) to files with that extension stripped out so that, for example, if you write files module.c.eruby or module.h.eruby then make automatically knows how to generate module.c or module.h, respectively, and keeps them up-to-date. In your make rule you can easily add generation of comment that warns editing the file directly.
If you are using Windows or something similar, then I am out of my depths in explaining how to add support for running this transformation automatically for you by your favorite IDE. But I believe it should be possible, or you could just run make outside of your IDE whenever you need to change those .eruby (or whatever) files.
By the way, I have seen that with incredibly small lines of code I have seen eLua implemented to use Lua as a macro language. Of course any other scripting language with support for regular expressions and flexible layout rules should work as well (but Python is malsuited for this purpose due to strict white space rules).

Need a way to parse algebraic expressions in C

I need to parse algebraic expressions for an application I'm working on and am hoping to garnish a bit of collective wisdom before taking a crack at it and, possibly, heading down the wrong road.
What I need to do is pretty straight forward: given a textual algebraic expression (3*x - 4(y - sin(pi))) create a object representation of the equation. The custom objects already exist, so I need a parser that creates a tree I can walk to instantiate the objects I need.
The basic requirements would be:
Ability to express the algebra as a grammar so I have control and can customize/extend it as necessary.
The initial syntax will include integers, real numbers, constants, variables, arithmetic operators (+, - , *, /), powers (^), equations (=), parenthesis, precedence, and simple functions (sin(pi)). I'm hoping to extend my app fairly quickly to support functions proper (f(x) = 3x +2).
Must compile in C as it needs to be integrated into my code.
I DON'T need to evaluate the expression mathematically, so software that solves for a variable or performs the arithmetic is noise.
I've done my Google homework and it looks like the best approach is to use a BNF grammar and software to generate a compiler in C. So my questions:
Does a BNF grammar with corresponding parser generator for algebraic expressions (or better yet, LaTex) already exist? Someone has to have done this already. I REALLY want to avoid rolling my own, mainly because I don't want to test it. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount for a library (under $50)
If not, which parser generator for C do you think is the easiest to learn/use here? Lex? YACC? Flex, Bison, Python/SymPy, Others? I'm not familiar with any of these.
The standard Linux tools flex and bison would probably be most appropriate here. IIRC the sample parsers and lexers used in these tools do something close to what you want, so you might be able to just modify that code to get what you need.
These tools seem like they meet your specifications. You can customize the grammars, compile down to C, and use any operator you want.
I've had very good luck with ANTLR. It has runtimes for many different languages, including C, and has a very nice syntax for specifying grammars and building trees. I recently wrote a similar grammar (algebraic expressions) in 131 lines, which is definitely manageable.
I used the code (found on the net) from the following:
Program Translation Fundamentals" by Peter Calingaert
I enhanced it to handle functions, which lets you implement things like "if(a, b, c)" (kind of like how Excel does things).
you can build simple parser yourself or use any of popular "compiler-compiler" (some of them were listed by other posts). just decide if your parser will be complicated enough to use (and learn) an external tool. in any case you'll need to define the grammar, usually it's the most brain intensive task if you don't have prior experience. the formal way to define syntactic grammars is BNF or EBNF

Has the use of C to implement other languages constrained their designs in any way?

It seems that most new programming languages that have appeared in the last 20 years have been written in C. This makes complete sense as C can be seen as a sort of portable assembly language. But what I'm curious about is whether this has constrained the design of the languages in any way. What prompted my question was thinking about how the C stack is used directly in Python for calling functions. Obviously the programming language designer can do whatever they want in whatever language they want, but it seems to me that the language you choose to write your new language in puts you in a certain mindset and gives you certain shortcuts that are difficult to ignore. Are there other characteristics of these languages that come from being written in that language (good or bad)?
I tend to disagree.
I don't think it's so much that a language's compiler or interpreter is implemented in C — after all, you can implement a virtual machine with C that is completely unlike its host environment, meaning that you can get away from a C / near-assembly language mindset.
However, it's more difficult to claim that the C language itself didn't have any influence on the design of later languages. Take for example the usage of curly braces { } to group statements into blocks, the notion that whitespace and indentation is mostly unimportant, native type's names (int, char, etc.) and other keywords, or the way how variables are defined (ie. type declaration first, followed by the variable's name, optional initialization). Many of today's popular and wide-spread languages (C++, Java, C#, and I'm sure there are even more) share these concepts with C. (These probably weren't completely new with C, but AFAIK C came up with that particular mix of language syntax.)
Even with a C implementation, you're surprisingly free in terms of implementation. For example, chicken scheme uses C as an intermediate, but still manages to use the stack as a nursery generation in its garbage collector.
That said, there are some cases where there are constraints. Case in point: The GHC haskell compiler has a perl script called the Evil Mangler to alter the GCC-outputted assembly code to implement some important optimizations. They've been moving to internally-generated assembly and LLVM partially for that reason. That said, this hasn't constrained the language design - only the compiler's choice of available optimizations.
No, in short. The reality is, look around at the languages that are written in C. Lua, for example, is about as far from C as you can get without becoming Perl. It has first-class functions, fully automated memory management, etc.
It's unusual for new languages to be affected by their implementation language, unless said language contains serious limitations. While I definitely disapprove of C, it's not a limited language, just very error-prone and slow to program in compared to more modern languages. Oh, except in the CRT. For example, Lua doesn't contain directory functionality, because it's not part of the CRT so they can't portably implement it in standard C. That is one way in which C is limited. But in terms of language features, it's not limited.
If you wanted to construct an argument saying that languages implemented in C have XYZ limitations or characteristics, you would have to show that doing things another way is impossible in C.
The C stack is just the system stack, and this concept predates C by quite a bit. If you study theory of computing you will see that using a stack is very powerful.
Using C to implement languages has probably had very little effect on those languages, though the familiarity with C (and other C like languages) of people who design and implement languages has probably influenced their design a great deal. It is very difficult to not be influenced by things you've seen before even when you aren't actively copying the best bits of another language.
Many languages do use C as the glue between them and other things, though. Part of this is that many OSes provide a C API, so to access that it's easy to use C. Additionally, C is just so common and simple that many other languages have some sort of way to interface with it. If you want to glue two modules together which are written in different languages then using C as the middle man is probably the easiest solution.
Where implementing a language in C has probably influenced other languages the most is probably things like how escapes are done in strings, which probably isn't that limiting.
The only thing that has constrained language design is the imagination and technical skill of the language designers. As you said, C can be thought of as a "portable assembly language". If that is true, then asking if C has constrained a design is akin to asking if assembly has constrained language design. Since all code written in any language is eventually executed as assembly, every language would suffer the same constraints. Therefore, the C language itself imposes no constraints that would be overcome by using a different language.
That being said, there are some things that are easier to do in one language vs another. Many language designers take this into account. If the language is being designed to be, say, powerful at string processing but performance is not a concern, then using a language with better built-in string processing facilities (such as C++) might be more optimal.
Many developers choose C for several reasons. First, C is a very common language. Open source projects in particular like that it is relatively easier to find an experienced C-language developer than it is to find an equivalently-skilled developer in some other languages. Second, C typically lends itself to micro-optimization. When writing a parser for a scripted language, the efficiency of the parser has a big impact on the overall performance of scripts written in that language. For compiled languages, a more efficient compiler can reduce compile times. Many C compilers are very good at generating extremely optimized code (which is also part of the reason why many embedded systems are programmed in C), and performance-critical code can be written in inline assembly. Also, C is standardized and is generally a static target. Code can be written to the ANSI/C89 standard and not have to worry about it being incompatible with a future version of C. The revisions made in the C99 standard add functionality but don't break existing code. Finally, C is extremely portable. If at least one compiler exists for a given platform, it's most likely a C compiler. Using a highly-portable language like C makes it easier to maximize the number of platforms that can use the new language.
The one limitation that comes to mind is extensibility and compiler hosting. Consider the case of C#. The compiler is written in C/C++ and is entirely native code. This makes it very difficult to use in process with a C# application.
This has broad implications for the tooling chain of C#. Any code which wants to take advantage of the real C# parser or binding engine has to have at least one component which is written in native code. This eventually results in most of the tooling chain for the C# language being written in C++ which is a bit backwards for a language.
This doesn't limit the language per say but definitely has an effect on the experience around the language.
Garbage collection. Language implementations on top of Java or .NET use the VM's GC. Those on top of C tend to use reference counting.
One thing I can think of is that functions are not necessarily first class members in the language, and this is can't be blamed on C alone (I am not talking about passing a function pointer, though it can be argued that C provides you with that feature).
If one were to write a DSL in groovy (/scheme/lisp/haskell/lua/javascript/and some more that I am not sure of), functions can become first class members. Making functions first class members and allowing for anonymous functions allows to write concise and more human readable code (like demonstrated by LINQ).
Yes, eventually all of these are running under C (or assembly if you want to get to that level), but in terms of providing the user of the language the ability to express themselves better, these abstractions do a wonderful job.
Implementing a compiler/interpreter in C doesn't have any major limitations. On the other hand, implementing a language X to C compiler does. For example, according to the Wikipedia article on C--, when compiling a higher level language to C you can't do precise garbage collection, efficient exception handling, or tail recursion optimization. This is the kind of problem that C-- was intended to solve.

C to IEC 61131-3 IL compiler

I have a requirement for porting some existing C code to a IEC 61131-3 compliant PLC.
I have some options of splitting the code into discrete function blocks and weaving those blocks into a standard solution (Ladder, FB, Structured Text etc). But this would require carving up the C code in order to build each function block.
When looking at the IEC spec I realsied that the IEC Instruction List form could be a target language for a compiler. The wikepedia article lists two development tools:
But these seem to be targeted compiling IEC languages to C, not C to IEC.
Another possible solution is to push the C code through a C to Pascal translator and use that as a starting point for a Structured Text solution.
If not any of these I will go down the route of splitting the code up into function blocks.
As prompted by mlieson's reply I should have mentioned that the C code is an existing real-time control system. So the programs algorithms should already suit a PLC environment.
Maybe this answer comes too late but it is possible to call C code from CoDeSys thanks to an external library.
You can find documentation on the CoDeSys forum at http://forum-en.3s-software.com/viewtopic.php?t=620
That would give you to use your C code into the PLC with minor modifcations. You'll just have to define the functions or function blocks interfaces.
My guess is that a C to Pascal translator will not get you near enough for being worth the trouble. Structured text looks a lot like Pascal, but there are differences that you will need to fix everywhere.
Not a bug issue, but don't forget that PLCs runtime enviroment is a bit different. A C applications starts at main() and ends when main() returns. A PLC calls it main() over and over again, 100:s of times per second and it never ends.
Usally lengthy calculations and I/O needs to be coded in diffent fashion than a C appliation would use.
Unless your C source is many many thousands lines of code - Rewrite it.
It is impossible. To be short: the IL language is a 4GL (i.e. limited to
the domain, as well as other IEC 61131-3 languages -- ST, FBD, LD, SFC).
The C language is a 3GL.
To understand the problem, try to answer the question, which way to
express in IL manipulations with a pointer? for example, to express call a
function by a pointer. What about interrupts? Low level access to the
peripherial devices?
(really, there are more problems)
BTW, there is the Reflex language, aka "C with processes". Reflex is a 4GL for the
control domain with C-like syntax. But the known translators produce
C-code and Python-code.
If the amount of code to convert is a few thousand lines, recoding by hand is probably your best bet.
If you have lots of code to convert, then an automated tool might be very effective.
Using the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit we've built translators to map mechanical motion diagrams into RLL (PLC) code. DMS also has full C parser/analyzers/front ends. The pieces are there to build a C to RLL code.
This isn't an easy task. It likely takes 6-12 man-months to configure DMS to something resembling what you want. If that's less than what it takes to do by hand, then its the right way to do it.
There are a few IEC development environments and target hardware that can use C blocks... I would also take a look at the reasons why it HAS to be an IEC-61131 complaint target. I have written extensively on compliance and why it doesn't mean squat.
SOFTplc corp can help I'm sure with user defined loadable modules... and they can be in C..
Schneider also supports C function blocks...
Labview too!! not sure why IEC is important that's all!! the compiler if existed would create bad code for sure:)
Your best bet is to split your C code into smaller parts which can be recoded as PLC functional blocks and use C to PASCAL convertor for each block which you will rewrite in structured text. Prepare to do a lot of manual work since automated conversion will probably disappoint you.
Also take a look at this page: http://www.control.com/thread/1026228786
Every time I've done this, I just parsed and converted it by hand from C directly to ST. I only ran into a few functions that required complete rewrites, although there was very little that dealt with pointers, which is something that ST generally chokes on, unfortunately.
Using the existing C code as blocks that are called by the PLC program would have the added advantage that the C blocks could run at the same periodicity that they did before, and their function is likely already well documented and tested. This would minimize any effect on changes from the existing control system. This is an architecture for controls with software PLCs that I have seen used before.
