Compact form of python first and second elements of array - arrays

I have defined two arrays:
and created a third one:
x=np.asarray([[x - a/2, x + a/2] for x in b])
Now, I have defined two variables
u,v = x[:,0], x[:,1]
My question is extremely simple: is there a way to define those variables without the comma, using only array operations? If I write
u,v = x[:,]
the ordering comes out wrong.

If x is 2D:
u, v = x.T
If x is ND:
u, v = np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1)
To confirm:
>>> np.all(u == x[:, 0])
>>> np.all(v == x[:, 1])


handle function Matlab

I'm starting to use functions handles in Matlab and I have a question,
what Matlab computes when I do:
y = (0:.1:1)';
fun = #(x) x(1) + x(2).^2 + exp(x(3)*y)
and what Matlab computes when I do:
fun = #(x) x + x.^2 + exp(x*y)
Because I'm evaluating the Jacobian of these functions (from this code ) and it gives different results. I don't understand the difference of putting x(i) or only x
Let's define a vector vec as vec = [1, 2, 3].
When you use this vec in your first function as results = fun(vec), the program will take only the particular elements of the vector, meaning x(1) = vec(1), x(2) = vec(2) and x(3) = vec(3). The whole expression then will look as
results = vec(1) + vec(2).^2 + exp(vec(3)*y)
or better
results = 1 + 2^2 + exp(3*y)
However, when you use your second expression as results = fun(vec), it will use the entire vector vec in all the cases like this
results = vec + vec.^2 + exp(vec*y)
or better
results = [1, 2, 3] + [1^2, 2^2, 3^2] + exp([1, 2, 3]*y)
You can also clearly see that in the first case, I don't really need to care about matrix dimensions, and the final dimensions of the results variable are the same as the dimensions of your y variable. This is not the case in the second example, because you multiply matrices vec and y, which (in this particular example) results in error, as the vec variable has dimensions 1x3 and the y variable 11x1.
If you want to investigate this, I recommend you split this up into subexpressions and debug, e.g.
f1 = #(x) x(1);
f2 = #(x) x(2).^2;
f3 = #(x) exp(x(3)*y);
f = #(x) f1(x) + f1(x) + f3(x)
You can split it up even further if any subexpression is unclear.
The distinction is that one is an array array multiplication (x * y, I'm assuming x is an array with 11 columns in order for the matrix multiplication to be consistent) and the other is a scalar array multiplication (x(3) * y). The subscript operator (n) for any matrix extracts the n-th value from that matrix. For a scalar, the index can only be 1. For a 1D array, it extracts the n-th element of the column/row vector. For a 2D array, its the n-th element when traversed columnwise.
Also, if you only require the first derivative, I suggest using complex-step differentiation. It provides reduced numerical error and is computationally efficient.

Element-wise sum of arrays in Scala

How do I compute element-wise sum of the Arrays?
val a = new Array[Int](5)
val b = new Array[Int](5)
// assign values
// desired output: Array -> [a(0)+b(0), a(1)+b(1), a(2)+b(2), a(3)+b(3), a(4)+b(4)]
missing parameter type for expanded function
Try: { case (x, y) => x + y }
When you use an underscore as a placeholder in a function definition, it can only appear once (for each function argument position, that is, but in this case flatMap takes a Function1, so there's only one). If you need to refer to an argument more than once, you can't use the placeholder syntax—you'll need to give the argument a name.
As the other answers point out, you can use .map { case (x, y) => x + y } or the tuple accessor version, but it's also worth noting that if you want to avoid a bunch of tuple allocations in an intermediate collection, you can write the following:
scala> (a, b) + _)
res5: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Here zipped is a method that's available on pairs of collections that has a special map that takes a Function2, which means the only tuple that gets created is the (a, b) pair. The extra efficiency probably doesn't matter much in most cases, but the fact that you can pass a Function2 instead of a function from pairs means the syntax is often a little nicer as well.
// one D Array
val x = Array(1, 2, 3, 40, 55)
val x1 = Array(1, 2, 3, 40, 55)>x(i)+ x(i) )
// TWo D Array
val x1= Array((3,5), (5,7))
val x = Array((1,2), (3,4))>( x(i)._1 + x1(i)._1, x(i)._2 + x1(i)._2))

Passing a 1xn array into a function handle instead of individual values for Matlab?

I'm trying to find a way to pass a 1xn array into a function handler with n being the number of variables in the function so let's suppose I declare a handler as such:
U = #(x, y) x^2 + 2*y^2
and plugged in:
U(1, 2)
ans =
Is there some way I can do something similar to this instead?
a = [1, 2]
ans =
Yes you can;
U = #(x, y) x^2 + 2*y^2;
a = {1, 2};
When you expand the contents of a cell {:} it expands as the separate values stored in the cell. This is different from myMatrix(...) or myCell(...) which both produces a subset of the original set (be it a cell or a matrix).

Julia Array Concatenation dimension mismatch

I have a dimensional mismatch problem when using y =[x,a] to concatenate my two arrays:
x = reshape(1:16, 4, 4)
x = mean((x ./ mean(x,1)),2)'
a = zeros(3)
y =[x,a]
print (y)
If I try combining them I will get this error:
mismatch in dimension 2
Both variables x and a appear to be in the same dimensions in the console:
[0.7307313376278893 0.9102437792092966 1.0897562207907034 1.2692686623721108]
But x is in the second dimension. Is there a way to combine the arrays so I can get in dimension 1?
y = [0.7307313376278893 0.9102437792092966 1.0897562207907034 1.2692686623721108, 0.0,0.0,0.0]
The problem is that by transposing x (putting a ' at the end of the line) you end up with the following:
julia> size(x)
julia> size(a)
So when you try y=[x,a] Julia rightfully complains that it cannot concatenate them.
There are (at least) two solutions:
1) Don't transpose x:
x = reshape(1:16, 4, 4)
x = mean((x ./ mean(x,1)),2)
a = zeros(3)
y =[x,a]
print (y)
2) also transpose a and concatenate without a comma:
x = reshape(1:16, 4, 4)
x = mean((x ./ mean(x,1)),2)'
a = zeros(3)'
y =[x a]
print (y)
In the first case you will have size(y) = (7, 1) and in the second case you will have size(y) = (1,7), so which option you choose will depend on what you want for the size of y.

R: Aggregate on Group 1 and NOT Group 2

I am trying to create two data sets, one which summarizes data by 2 groups which I have done using the following code:
x = rnorm(1:100)
g1 = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE)
g2 = sample(LETTERS[24:26], 100, replace = TRUE)
aggregate(x, list(g1, g2), mean)
The second needs to summarize the data by the first group and NOT the second group.
If we consider the possible pairs from the previous example:
A - X B - X C - X
A - Y B - Y C - Y
A - Z B - Z C - Z
The second dataset should to summarize the data as the average of the outgroup.
A - not X
A - not Y
A - not Z etc.
Is there a way to manipulate aggregate functions in R to achieve this?
Or I also thought there could be dummy variable that could represent the data in this way, although I am unsure how it would look.
I have found this answer here:
R using aggregate to find a function (mean) for "all other"
I think this indicates that a dummy variable for each pairing is necessary. However if there is anyone who can offer a better or more efficient way that would be appreciated, as there are many pairings in the true data set.
Thanks in advance
First let us generate the data reproducibly (using set.seed):
# same as question but added set.seed for reproducibility
x = rnorm(1:100)
g1 = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE)
g2 = sample(LETTERS[24:26], 100, replace = TRUE)
Now we have two solutions both of which use aggregate:
1) ave
# x equals the sums over the groups and n equals the counts
ag = cbind(aggregate(x, list(g1, g2), sum),
n = aggregate(x, list(g1, g2), length)[, 3])
ave.not <- function(x, g) ave(x, g, FUN = sum) - x
x = NULL, # don't need x any more
n = NULL, # don't need n any more
mean = x/n,
mean.not = ave.not(x, Group.1) / ave.not(n, Group.1)
This gives:
Group.1 Group.2 mean mean.not
1 A X 0.3155084 -0.091898832
2 B X -0.1789730 0.332544353
3 C X 0.1976471 0.014282465
4 A Y -0.3644116 0.236706489
5 B Y 0.2452157 0.099240545
6 C Y -0.1630036 0.179833987
7 A Z 0.1579046 -0.009670734
8 B Z 0.4392794 0.033121335
9 C Z 0.1620209 0.033714943
To double check the first value under mean and under mean.not:
> mean(x[g1 == "A" & g2 == "X"])
[1] 0.3155084
> mean(x[g1 == "A" & g2 != "X"])
[1] -0.09189883
2) sapply Here is a second approach which gives the same answer:
ag <- aggregate(list(mean = x), list(g1, g2), mean)
f <- function(i) mean(x[g1 == ag$Group.1[i] & g2 != ag$Group.2[i]]))
ag$mean.not = sapply(1:nrow(ag), f)
REVISED Revised based on comments by poster, added a second approach and also made some minor improvements.
