In drupal 7 will I loose webforms if I disable then enable the webform module - drupal-7

If I disable the webform module in drupal 7 site I expect to not have access to the webforms themselves but is the content deleted or will I regain access when I enable the module again?


How to add an admin panel to an existing ASP.NET Core MVC project

I have created a project which on the client side uses ReactJS and on the server side .NET Core 3.1. I have API controllers, loggers, services, repositories etc.
Now I would like to add an Admin panel. I decided to add another .NET Core 3.1 project only for the admin panel and would like to use the same database and identity to control users.
The problem is that I'm not able to sign into the DB that is in use in first project... and I don't know really how to achieve that.
Or maybe I should add AdminLTE to main project - but how?
So, the problem was in my custom login first project I decided to have login and password as a way to log in user.
In custom login there is an email instead of login to log in user.
And that is it.

Facebook Login for an Ionic app powered by Yii2 and Drupal

May be I am overcomplicating things and overthinking of a solution but this is what I am trying to accomplish:
I have an app that uses Ionic Angular JS as the frontend with multiple restful services from the backend. I am using a combination of Drupal and Yii2. Both of the apps can support Facbook login / sign up as web apps as the modules are available. Ionic app by itself can use FBLogin by using NGCordova. However, I need to do the following:
Login to Ionic app using Facebook Login.
Using this login create an account in both my Yii2 and Drupal 7 apps. (I can sacrifice one or the other if I really need to. I have two backends because I need one to store the custom logic an another for the content management.).
User should be able to create new nodes in both of the apps. (Yii2 will have a higher priority).
Any guidance will be great. Eventually I may expand FB login capability to Google ID as well.

how to use admin panel after upload project on server

I am new to umbraco development. In one of my projects I have used Umbraco with ASP.NET MVC.
After publishing & uploading the project on a server, how do I access the Umbraco admin section?
To access the back office of the site, go to http://[YOUR LIVE DOMAIN HERE]/umbraco/.
You were asked for a username and password when you set up the Umbraco site, you'll need to use that to access the CMS.

How to Enable both Social Login and Active Directory Login for Wordpress

I have a wordpress site using Social Login plugin for visitors from outside my organization and I want to enable the Active Directory Login for visitors/editors from inside my organization.
Can the Social Login Plugin and Active Directory Login Plugin work side by side to enable these 2 methods at the same time?
What kind of tweaks or what kind of code should I put in place to achieve this goal?
Wordpress social login plugin will allow you to login both way.
no tweaks needed: some easy steps to follow easy installation:
As admistration, goto 'Plugins' then Click on 'Add New',
Search for 'WordPress Social Login' then Click on 'Install Now',
Wait for it to download, Unpack and to install,
Activate the plugin by Clicking on 'Activate Plugin'
Goto the Settings > WP Social Login to get started.
Here is full documentation of the plugin. make sure your system has desired configuarion.

Adding authentication to a Silverlight 4 RIA services application (not the business template)

I started a Silverlight 4 RIA Services application with the Navigation Application template,
instead of the Business Application template.
Now I want to add authentication to that application (to protect a page from unauthenticated users)
I've added an AuthenticationService to the project,
but I'm not sure what the steps are now to get it actually working and there doesn't seem to be a way to "upgrade" to the business application template.
I can add the [RequiresAuthentication] attribute to some of the normal service methods,
but I cannot figure out how to allow the user to log in or prevent a user from opening a specific page.
Is there any guidance for an "upgrade" like this?
You need to configure the hosting ASP.Net App to enable forms authentication, which will probably require the configuration of an authentication provider.
Try this
edit: doh moments too late ;)
