Why I cannot use spark interpreter in zeppelin? - apache-zeppelin

In the picture, it turned out that I can use python interpreter but not spark. I have no idea why. Please give me help. I'm totally lost.🥺
Here is the command window of zeppelin
My code is just 1 + 1 , to test whether I can run different interpreter.
here is the bash window

It seems, you have incompatible versions of Java and Scala or JAVA_HOME is not set.
Please go thru this related question, how to fix and about the issue
Failed to initialize compiler: object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror not found


Gatling Error: There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations

I'm new to Gatling and I'm trying to use ./gatling.sh to open a simulation script but I'm getting the following error:
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in
I can view multiple scripts within the user-files/simulations directory but still get the error.
Does anyone have any ideas why Gatling is not finding the simulation script?
The error doesn't necessarily mean that there are no scripts, but that the gatling was not able to find compiled script.
In details
I was facing a similar error, but it was something like this:
Could not reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/simulations
So I opened the gatling.bat file and changed the parameter of set JAVA_OPTS from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M:
set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx512M...
After I did that, the gatling was able to really start running, compiling the files and display:
Choose a simulation number:
[0] computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
[1] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep01
[2] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep02
[3] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep03
[4] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep04
[5] computerdatabase.advanced.AdvancedSimulationStep05
Gatling can only run with Jdk8. For windows, you can install multiple JDK as well. After install JDK8, go to your bin/gatling.bat, right click on that and select Edit.
Replace all %JAVA_HOME% with the your JDK8 path.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe
Make sure that you have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set.
On a Mac, you can type "env" in Terminal to show all of your environment variables. On Windows, type "set" in cmd to get a list.
You should see something like:
You should first check your scala code and remove all the errors from your file/all the files, even if any one of the file has some issues then none of the test is going to get compiled and run.
Please check the package names and the file actually belongs to same package or not. [this was the issue in my case.]
Check indentation, it should not mismatch. [this was also there in my case]
Then you can check replacing JAVA_HOME in gatling.bat or gatling.sh file with the actual path as mentioned by some guys here.
Lastly you can change the JAVA_OPTS like mentioned by some one in above comments.[from -Xmx1G to be -Xmx512M]
This error may be caused by JAVA_HOME wrongly set.
Following Gatling documentation the system needs JDK8 to run:
Does not support JDK9 at the moment.
To check if you have JDK8 installed on Mac for example you can do:
# List Java versions installed
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
if you get:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Means that there is only JDK9 installed. Then you have to download and instal JDK8 (in Mac you can have several JDK installed), now the previous command returns:
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
9.0.4, x86_64: "Java SE 9.0.4" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
1.8.0_171, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_171.jdk/Contents/Home
and we can set JAVA_HOME with JDK8:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
After these steps running gatling.sh should not show the error anymore.
Add the next code to logback.xml
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
And start gatling.sh
P.S. it's magical

z.load in apache zeppelin results in error

i'm trying z.load in apache zeppelin as following:
I get an ERROR and it says (not sure this is the error):
Must be used before SparkInterpreter (%spark) initialized
Hint: put this paragraph before any Spark code and restart Zeppelin/Interpreter
this zeppelin section is the first i have in my notebook so i'm not sure what its complaining about..
Right now I can't check your problem, but you should restart interpreter (pushing restart button) before loading dependency jar file.
There might be a chance that Sparkcontext has already been started by other notebook.
So as Kangrok mentioned, just restart Spark interpreter.
But apart from that, why don't you use the latest zeppelin, in which you don't need to use %dep to load your dependencies. Instead it can load from Interpreter screen.
More details can be found here https://zeppelin.incubator.apache.org/docs/0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/manual/dependencymanagement.html

"meteor mongo" crashes with "Error: EINVAL, invalid argument"

I'm following the tutorial here and am stuck at "inserting parties from the console"... I can't run "meteor mongo"
Here is my output:
$ meteor.bat mongo
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_3 2\dev_bundle\lib\node_modules\fibers\future.js:245
^ Error: EINVAL, invalid argument
at new Socket (net.js:157:18)
at process.stdin (node.js:687:19)
at Command.main.registerCommand.name [as func] (C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\.m eteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.windows.x86_32\tools\commands.js:1036:12)
at C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.1.4\mt-os.window s.x86_32\tools\main.js:1363:23
I'm using Cygwin on Windows 7 SP1, and have tried restarting to no use. In case this is relevant using control-C doesn't kill the meteor server, so I have been killing all the node.exe processes manually through the task manager instead.
This is my first time using meteor, and can't find this replicated anywhere.
** EDIT **
This works using the DOS prompt, but not the cygwin terminal
Thank you, and let me know if you need more info about anything!
At this time meteor on Windows can ONLY be used via the "cmd" prompt. Not even PowerShell will work. Nor does git-bash (in case you were wondering -- I tried that too).
Just do all your meteor commands from a "cmd" shell and you should avoid lots of little issues I think.
One nice thing -- when you want to build/deploy your app -- the nice little tool "demeteorizer" DOES work fine on cygwin/git-bash. :)

"Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." (GstURIDecodeBin)

I have: gstreamer-sdk, gstreamer-ffmpeg, gstreamer-plugins-good, bad, and ugly. I googled everywhere for this error and have found nothing relevant. I'm going a little nuts trying to figure out this error:
Error received from element decodebin20: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.
Debugging information: gstdecodebin2.c(3576): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstPlayBin2:playbin20/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20:
no suitable plugins found
It throws when I run my gstreamer program. Any ideas on why?
You may not be missing any plugins at all.
This error can be a result of just an unlinked pipeline.
Playbin2(decodebin2) got some changes that made it unable to automatically link up some pipelines that formally worked, for example transcoding a decoder to an encoder. In my case, explicitly adding the ffdec_h264 that it used to add automatically fixed it.
Relying on the Playbin2 can be very frustrating when it does not work. Using the setup below, you can create a .png diagram of the pipeline in various phases of construction. It's very helpful in finding why it isn't linking up.
export GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=~/gstdump
for f in $GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR/*.dot ; do dot -T png $f >$f.png; done
This tool also lets you learn from it how to link up pipelines, and replace them with explicit ones that are easier to debug and less likely to break.
In Fedora, I resolved this issue removing gstreamer1-vaapi.x86_64:
sudo yum remove gstreamer1-vaapi.x86_64
uridecodebin is part of the "base" plugin set, so make sure you have gstreamer-plugins-base.
Another thing to look into is your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and GST_PLUGIN_PATH. If they point to a different GStreamer installation, it could cause problems like this. Also, if you didn't install GStreamer with a package manager, you may need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to it (or better yet, install it with a package manager).
Pleas try to use gst-inspect command to find out if environment is correctly setup.
use gst-launch -v playbin2 uri = "your_uri_here" to find more information to trace this issue.

using libsvm classifier in Weka and heap size

problem in working with WEKA 3.6
I want to utilize libsvm.jar but the error "not in the classpath" occurs when I run weka with the command prompt as below:
java -Xmx900m -jar Weka.jar
please note that we use libsvm library when I run weka in normal mode (with the initial heap size and without using command prompt).
besides, I use windows 7-32bit.
help me plz I am running out of time.
Find out where libsvm.jar is and include it in the classpath, e.g.
java -Xmx900m -classpath '.:/usr/share/java/libsvm.jar' -jar Weka.jar
The actual location of libsvm.jar will depend on your system.
The other answer wasn't working for me. According to the Weka documentation, to include LibSVM in the classpath requires not using the "-jar weka.jar" option. Specifying -jar overrides the classpath that you are trying to set.
Instead, use
java -Xmx900m -classpath $CLASSPATH:weka.jar:libsvm.jar weka.gui.GUIChooser
