How to remove auto generated <p> tag inside text-angular? - angularjs

I am trying to use text-angular but after every line changes it will auto-generate new tag for every new line.

According to their documentation, depending on the version you are using, it might be as simple as adding the taDefaultWrap-Attribute and specifying which wrapping-mode you want., e.g.:
<text-angular ng-model="htmlVariable" ta-default-wrap="div"></text-angular>
Documention can be found here:
Relevant part from their website:
taDefaultWrap: The name of a HTML tag that will wrap each line by
It was implemented due to a request which can be found here:
Option to disable default p wrapping
The request included the following examples which should work:
ta-default-wrap="" <!-- no tag for new line -->


"How to fix 'at<init>' error in selenium"

I have created the object of Select in selenium to handle dropdown . Also have included the associated packages. Yet the dropdown is not getting selected. Kindly help!
Select select = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/header[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[6]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]")));
I am recieving the following error "at";
Alongwith a note when i hover over Select -
Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.
As far as I can see your XPath expression ends with a which indicates <a> HTML tag which in its turn stands for a hyperlink
In order to be able to use Select class you need to pass to it's constructor a WebElement instance which will point to a <select> HTML tag.
If there is no <select> elements in your page source code - it means that the dropdown is being generated by means of CSS and JavaScript therefore you just need to click the link with the Blouses text which in its turn can be as simple as:
If you still want to use XPath - be aware that you can make it a lot shorter, readable and reliable: limit your search scope to hyperlinks only like //a and utilise text() XPath function to match only "interesting" links, the expression which will click the link with Blouses text would be something like:

How to remove alt attribute of img tag in HTML Purifier?

By default, HTML Purifier adds an alt attribute to each img tag (really annoying behavior). So
<img src="123.jpg" />
<img src="123.jpg" alt="123.jpg" />
Documentation mentiones an Attr.DefaultImageAlt option. It defaults to NULL meaning to use the basename of the src attribute for the alt. When I set Attr.DefaultImageAlt to an empty string the result becomes
<img src="123.jpg" alt="" />
Anyone can suggest how to get rid of the alt attribute completely?
What you're observing stems from that the alt attribute is mandatory for img tags according to the standards, and HTML Purifier takes the standards into account.
That means HTML Purifier, unless you tweak its fundamental HTML handling behaviour (be it by patching HTML Purifier, or by overriding its understanding of certain tags or attributes), cannot be made to leave away the alt= attribute.
(Browsers actually have a similar behaviour, though it may not be as apparent - if you remove alt=, they will still have an internal alt= value that they use instead.)
If this information doesn't change your opinion on how to handle the attribute, read on:
(i.e. changing the behaviour by changing the HTML Purifier source code.)
If you want to patch HTML Purifier to allow alt to be absent, you should patch library/HTMLPurifier/AttrTransform/ImgRequired.php. You can also see how the Attr.DefaultImageAlt directive is used there - if you supply a value of null (rather than an empty string), part of the filename will be used as the alt value.
(i.e. changing the behaviour without changing the HTML Purifier source code.)
If you want to override the HTML Purifier behaviour, check out the Customize! documentation on the HTML Purifier site.
Without having tested it, I believe you need to make two changes to override the behaviour you see:
1) Make alt non-mandatory:
$htmlDef = $this->configuration->getHTMLDefinition(true);
$htmlDef->addAttribute('img', 'alt', new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text());
The lack of * should help you there.
2) Remove or replace the ImgRequired attribute-transformation.
You can see that the HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgRequired class ends up getting registered to both $htmlDef->info_attr_transform_post['img'] and $htmlDef->info_attr_transform_pre['img'] in library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php. You should be able to do something like this:
$htmlDef->info_attr_transform_pre['img'] = array();
$htmlDef->info_attr_transform_post['img'] = array();
// You can *replace* the old behaviour with your own by writing
// your own class and loading it here:
// $htmlDef->info_attr_transform_pre['img'][] = new YourOwnClass();
// $htmlDef->info_attr_transform_post['img'][] = new YourOwnClass();
There may be some roadblocks on the way to getting this to work (e.g. the class may be registered somewhere subtly different that I just said it would be - it's been a few years since I tinkered with HTML Purifier on this level!), but this should set you on a good path to getting your hands dirty on HTML Purifier code. :)

Are html tags inside directive attribute valid in AngularJS

I was doing code review and found custom directive with html tags inside attribute:
<form-field help="Use <b>foo</b> option to blah blah"></form-field>
I find it very unusual, and thought that it will not work in older browsers. But when I and author of this code checked - it turned out that it works in every version of IE we had (10+) and in Chrome/FF without any troubles.
Moreover I checked it in W3C validator ( and it looks like HTML allows to have unescaped tags inside attributes. This SO answers Can data-* attribute contain HTML tags? confirms that too.
So my question is: Can this make troubles when used with AngularJS? Will this behavior change in Angular 2.0? And finally is this accepted usage of attributes?
I personally would like something like this:
Use <b>foo</b> option to blah blah
Yes, you can do that with ng-bind-html directive. Take a look at this:

How to implement Disqus counter in AngularJS?

I'm trying to implement a disqus counter following this official tutorial in my angular application. But I can't see any number, all that's displayed is "First article" which is the text in the span element that should be replaced with the counts if I'm getting it right.
1) I've added the count.js in my index.html right before the body closing tag (and used my site's name, not an example like here):
<script id="dsq-count-scr" src="//" async></script>
2) As I'm using Angular UI Router I guess I shouldn't use counts for links but rather an identifier:
<span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="test">First article</span>
3) The identifier is also specified in the config: = 'test';
As my language settings specified in the config get applied I believe the config is initiated.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

ngSanitize does not allow allow id attribute

I am using ngBindHtml to display some HTML from an (internal) CMS:
<span ng-bind-html="cmsHtml"></span>
The HTML contains a link with an id attribute:
"<a id='fsgPdfLink' href='http://blah/download.pdf' target='_blank'>Click here to download the PDF</a>"
However, I notice that the id attribute is removed by angular before writing the link to the page, so what gets rendered is just:
<a href='http://blah/download.pdf' target='_blank'>Click here to download the PDF</a>
Looking at the source for the ngSanitize module, it seems that for some reason the id attribute is not on the list of valid attributes:
What's the reason for not allowing the id attribute? Is it a security risk?
I'd really like to continue to use ngBindHtml if possible. Is there an API where I can add safe tags to the sanitizer's list? Or do I have to edit the source myself to add this tag?
To partially answer my own question, there doesn't seem to be an API to change the built-in whitelist, as described in this open issue:
