Send checkbox to range from single checkbox incrementally in Google Sheets - checkbox

I have a Google Sheet with a large number of applications with multiple responses. The person going through them would like all of the information for each application formatted neatly and to give them a way to go through each application and mark whether to accept or reject the entry.
I have set up and formatted a sheet that displays all of the info from a single application with all of the answers being displayed by =Indirect() referencing a hidden value. A simple next button attached to a script increases that value by 1 to bring up the next application.
I need a way to send the Accept/Reject value back to the first sheets raw data, but it seems like checkboxes only work with formulas when they are receiving a value. Because the same cell is being used when parsing through applications, I have no way of referencing that checkbox in the raw data.
I think I need to have a script check the indirect value to know which application is currently being used and then send TRUE to the correct cell, then have it be reset back to unchecked (potentially as part of the 'Next' button)?
Hopefully I explained this well enough and thanks for any help~


Salesforce Screen flow search and display record information

I'm working on a screen flow. The idea is to have a lookup component the user can search a contact. Then I would like to display the information from the Contact (Account Name, Contact Name, Number Email) and I would like to be able to have the user update that information if needed. I just stomped on how it can be done. I know it should be able to be pulled from the record ID in some type of way and maybe use an Assignment to display the information. Can someone guide me on a next step or if anyone has an instructional video would be helpful.
You wouldn't be able to display the looked up contact's fields on that screen as soon as you populate that field. That would be something only possible in code (aura component or lwc).
What you can do, however is -
Get Record element after that screen element. (Get Contact, where Id = lookupcomponent.recordId)
use the new Fields (BETA) option on another screen Fields (BETA)
(this method is easier, doesn't have as much control and is limited on fields, depending on data type, you can use)
add inputs one by one and set the default values Add Fields One By One
(this method allows more control)
Then, you will need an update element. If you used the Fields (BETA) you can just update the record variable. If you did the inputs one by one, you will need to update the contact and set fields individually.
Full Flow Example

How can I make a photograph database that displays the results of a query as some kind of image gallery?

I am taking a database design class and for a project want to make a database of my mom's digital photos for her. I haven't dealt in application up to this point, only theory, but I have Access. Therefore, ideal answers don't suggest non-database solutions and don't assume I know much about actual database implementation. Solutions specific to Access could also be a plus. I hope that precursor saves some time and effort.
Theoretically, my mom wants to see all photos of pets from '05-'07 in raw format, and she enters an appropriate query. I suspect I can handle it up to there. However, at the moment, the best I can figure out to do is to return a column of either attachments or OLE objects. 5 clicks per photo is not ideal. I need a faster way to present the images. Opening them all in a grid of thumbnails or as a one-click-slide-show would seem the natural fit, but whatever works. How can I accomplish this?
Less important but worth consideration is the fact that, at some point, it would be great if this same type of system could be implemented on the internet for all of the family reunion photos she has taken, but I will take what I can get.
Use one form to get parameters for the query. then use another form(more processing) or report(if printing) to show the selected pictures. I will not cover passing parameters but here are some links.
There is a complication, in Access pictures are usually stored in the attachment type. the attachment column can hold many pictures in each record. So if we have a table called Pictures with an attachment type column also called Pictures, then each individual picture is actually stored under Pictures.Pictures.FileData.
So to display the picture query we use a form/report with default view set to Continuous Forms (displays many records or in this case pictures on the same page) then in the details section of our Display form we place an attachment control and bind that control to our filtered Pictures.FileData.
Format and add functionality to taste.

Azure Search: rotationFromOriginal not properly populated

As I am reading here, "when the imageAction is set to generateNormalizedImages, the new normalized_images field will contain an array of images. Each image is a complex type" which should contain a very important field for my scenario (rotationFromOriginal).
I noticed that, even if Azure Search perfectly accomplish the rotation of the images, this property will always be 0 (unlike other fields as originalWidth, which are correctly populated).
Do you know why I have this issue? Am I the only one?
AFAIK, the value of rotationFromOriginal was in normalized_images and it was as an input, so it must be populated at first.
And use the parameters in normalized_images json file to rotation and process image. For more details, you could refer to this article.

Dynamically disabling menu based on database query?

So I'm not a programmer, but my friend is. He's trying to help me develop a web/phone app but we are stuck because I'm having trouble communicating to him an idea and he is having trouble understanding. One or both of us is a moron ;) Part of the problem is that I don't even know where to search for the answer cuz I don't know the specific search terms...believe me I've tried...and I've searched stack overflow as well. Here is the problem:
Short Question:
Websites (like hotel search) allow you to search for rooms by selecting checkboxes in certain categories (i.e. smoking/nonsmoking, stars, size of bed, near downtown, etc.). Certainly these sites are referencing a large database of hotels in a city.
How can you create a site so that as you check boxes (narrow your search), other options which are no longer available are dynamically "grayed out" or disabled on the fly so you cannot check those boxes. So if I were to check 4 stars and that excluded all smoking rooms based on the database, then the option to check "smoking" would be disabled.
The key to this is that the site is querying a database as you click boxes, then based on the results of that query (which is presumably many rows of data (a subset)), it is analysing that subset of data to determine whether checkbox options should be on/off, then dynamically "graying out" specific options that are no longer available. Once you got to only a single possible result, then the site would pop up the website for that hotel (or some other action).
What is this called? Where can I get more information on this. Any pointing toward the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance!
So here is my sample database. Each Column (i.e. AA, AB, AC) represents a checkbox. '1'= True, '0'= False, and '2'= Either. Therefore, if you click checkbox AA, then only the top three rows would meet the criteria of AA=True. So query would return the top three rows. The '2's could be either True/False so since they don't affect outcome, those checkboxes should be disabled and only the checkboxes CA,CB, & CC should remain choosable. If you then click checkbox CB, then result ZYX would be output.
Conceptually, How do you go from the initial click to the point where the database is queried and the results are used to dynamically change the menu. People have suggested javascript but i am not looking for a language. I am more looking for the concept. I was thinking that the query would return a new "temp" array with just the top three rows. Then each column of this "temp" array would be queried to see if it contained a '1' in any of the rows. If it did, then that button would be turned "ON". If it didn't then that button would be turned "OFF". Is this confusing? Am I asking for too much ;)
This sounds like javascript could help. For example, using jQuery, you can dynamically send queries to databases based on whatever you click on checkboxes, and then reload a particular section of the webpage. Javascript can also dynamically disable checkboxes.

asp mvc, best solution to store user input data before it will be saved to database

for example i've got a form with some input fields(every form and it's inputs with validation rules are stored in database).
Every input got it's own OnChange() which posts json (i.e. new value, input element name, ...) to controller for validation, if validation passes the new value must be saved somewhere until user clicks submit button, which will save all data to database table.
And here i'd like to ask, what this special place between ui and database can be ?
also if user closes browser/form the next time he'll come back i need to ask him if he would like to start from an empty form or fill form with values he previously entered there.
Thank You !
Cookies or intermediary database table would work for this case.
for an intermediary database like that, you could use something like MongoDB, it is really easy to get it started, you just work with the classes you have, don't need to setup any schema, you just save the objects
If you are submitting the entire form at the end, why can't you just store the values at that time? Is this a multi-page form(s)? Why not allow the database records to be partially filled? You could always add a bit column to mark the record as complete or incomplete. This would be much simpler than duplicating your table structure.
