How to use "Like" where predicate in commerce tools - commercetools

I am using commerce tools and I want to fetch data for matching result.
For example: I need to fetch "keyword" by giving key only, same as we do by using like in SQL.
Has anyone know any such query predicate in commerce-tools ?
Thanks in advance :)

The commercetools query predicates do not support substring matches today (Feb 2019). You can do language aware full text search over Products and Categories which would match certain types of substrings (grammatical variations or parts of compound words in languages like german), but not the exact behaviour that you know of SQL LIKE '%key%'.
It basically means you have to plan ahead relatively well in what form of data you need on a resource for your use cases. Or check whether there is an explicit feature for your use case that helps you out.


Is it possible to get a list of similar and/identical documents?

This is a general question that would like to get some input from the search community, so I don't have a piece of code to share just yet.
The objective is for a single document to get a list of similar and/or identical documents indexed by Azure Search - is that possible?
So given a document_id = 1 how do I get a list of the most similar documents to the specified id in the index? Ideally the outcome would be a list of documents order by a match of 0-100 - where 100 (%) would be an identical match.
I considering maybe taking the content of a given document and submitting that as part of the search, but that doesn't seem to be very elegant and it is also error prone in terms of constructing the query and the size of a document can be significant.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions or comments.
You could try using the preview feature "moreLikeThis" ->
I believe that's the closest Azure Search has to offer to what you want.
Edit 1: Be advised that this feature has limitations like non-support for complex types. Make sure it meets your requirements before taking a production dependency.

Solr multilingual search

I'm currently working on a project where we have indexed text content in SOLR. Every content is writen in one specific language (we have 4 differents
european languages) but we would like to add a feature that if the primary search (search text entered by the user) doesn't return much result then we try too look for document in other languages. Thus we would somehow need to translate the query.
Our base is that we can have a mapping list of translated words commonly used in the field of the project.
One solution that came to me was to use synonym search feature. But this might not provide the best results.
Does people have pointers on existing modules that could help us achieving this multilingual search feature? Or conception ideas we cold try to investigate?
It seems like multi-lingual search is not a unique problem.
Please take a look
Solr index and search multilingual data
those two links suggest to have dedicated fields for each language, but you can also have a field that states language, and you can add filter query (&fq=) for the language you have detected (from user query). This is more scalable solution, I think.
One option would be for you to translate your terms at index time, this could probably be done at Solr level or even before Solr at the application level, and then store the translated texts in different fields so you would have fields like:
text_en: "Hello",
text_fi: "Hei"
Then you can just query text_en:Hello and it would match.
And if you want to score primary language matches higher, you could have a primary_language field and then boost documents where it matches the search language higher.

How to make this query using Prometheus?

I'm really new to Prometheus and for the moment I want to do some tests with the query to be a bit more familiar with it.
So with the query container_last_seen[10s] it returns me an array :
And I want to get only the attribute name.
So my idea was to do something like this:
But I have a parse error. So how can I make this query ?
It may seem a little counterintuitive for this purpose, but the aggregation operators allow reducing labels with the by and without clauses.
sum by(name) (container_last_seen{..criteria..})
should get you closer to what you are wanting by returning objects with only the name key.
I think you want a little further though - you don't want values and you don't want the object part - you just want strings. Unfortunately Prometheus deals with numeric metrics that can have labels, and specifically not string metrics.
While it requires additional software, it is officially recommended by Prometheus so I will mention it here as it gets you very close to what I believe is your desired solution:
If you were to chart that query in Grafana, either with all the keys or just the name key, the legend format {{name}} should get you exactly what you want. Grafana also provides label_values to help with this purpose in regards to filtering.
Lastly if this is not the right direction for you, for intensive string-based metrics ELK/EFK stack may be a better fit. There are projects like prometheus-es-exporter that can report the results from ElasticSearch queries as metrics.
This is not possible as labels like 'name' are separate to the metric value. You should look at the JSON the query and query_range endpoints return to see how this is exposed.

Solr AND operator

I have a problem getting the right results with my SOLR query. Basically, let's say I want all documents in English containing the string "toto".*toto*
The problem is that this query sends me all documents in English AND all documents containing toto.
What I need is to get all documents that are in English AND contain toto. How could I achieve this? I'd think this is the standard use of the AND operator...
Actually OR is the default query operator for Solr and your query is not formatted in such a away as to force an AND operation. In order to achieve the AND behavior you could specify your query in one of the following formats:
+iso_lang_cd:en +ctnt_val:*toto*
iso_lang_cd:en && ctnt_val:*toto*
Or you can optionally pass the q.op=AND to force an AND operation. Additionally, you might want to consider using Filter Queries, where you could filter on the language. There are some performance improvements with using filter queries, but please refer to the documentation for more details.
Please see The Standard Query Parser for more details and a good overview of querying.

Algorithms for key value pair, where key is string

I have a problem where there is a huge list of strings or phrases it might scale from 100,000 to 100Million. when i search for a phrase if found it gives me the Id or index to database for further operation. I know hash table can be used for this, but i am looking for other algorithm which could serve me to generate index based on strings and can also be useful in some other features like autocomplete etc.
I read suffix tree/array based on some SO threads they serve the purpose but consumes alot memory than i can afford. Any alternatives to this?
Since my search is only in a huge list of millions of strings. No docs no webpages not interested in search engine like lucene etc.
Also read about inverted index sounds helpful but which algorithm i need to study for it?.
If this Database index is within MS SQL Server you may get good results with SQL Full Text Indexing. Other SQL providers may have a similar function but I would not be able to help with those.
Check out:
