Error when uploading my database from SQL server 2017 to Azure SQL server - sql-server

When I use SQL server 2017 database tool to upload my database, I got this error.
When I generate .bacpac file by myself and upload to azure storage account, then import to azure sql server, I also get the same error.
This database is generated from my asp core project using Entity framework, I generate to sql server 2017 to add more performance update like: partition table, indexing table. After that, I upload this database to Azure cloud, then I get this error.
Please help me!

Please try to remove the login Admin at the database level before trying to migrate to Azure SQL Database again. Admin is not a valid login name you can use in Azure SQL Database.
I usually recommend users to use Azure Data Migration Assistant (DMA) to migrate a SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database, because it performs an assessment first and let you know things you need to fix prior to migrate to Azure SQL. Once all incompatibilities are fixed, DMA allows you to migrate with a couple of clicks.


Migrating multiple Databases using Migration Assistant Tool - SQL SERVER to AZURE SQL Database

I'm trying to migrate all the old databases from SQL SERVER to AZURE SQL Database using Database Migration tool and successfully able to do.
There are more than 100 databases to migrate so for each and every database running the tool and repeating the process is lot of process.
Can someone help with migrating Multiple databases in one go or doing one at a time is the only solution.
You can only select a single database from your source to migrate to the Azure SQL database using the Data Migration Assistant tool.
You can create an Azure Database Migration Service resource in the Azure portal and select one or more databases to migrate from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database.
Refer this Microsoft documentation for detailed process.

Online replication/Mirroring/Migrating Oracle and SQL Server Database to Azure

I am trying to replicate the source database (Oracle 11g and MS SQL Server 201x) to Azure SQL Database. Initially I thought of using Azure DMS(Database Migration Service) to do a full load + Change Data Capture for changes. After started to work on this, I learnt that the DMS requires Control Server privileges on the SQL Server Database and DBA Role on Oracle. We might not get these permissions on the source databases as they are managed by third party company (SaaS model). However, we have read permissions on the source database/tables.
We have to achieve the following :
Replicate data from Oracle Source System to Azure SQL Database and
Replicate data from SQL Server 201x to Azure SQL Database.
What should be the approach?
Azure SQL Data Sync? I read on the forum that it actually writes/creates tables in the source database. This won't be acceptable.
Transactional replication for SQL Server? - Has any one tried? Can you please share your experience?
Third option I thought was to use Attunity Replicate (however, not sure about the licensing costs)
Can someone please help with approaching this business problem?
You said, you have read permissions on the source database/tables(Oracle and SQL Server). I suppose that you just have the read-only permission.
Then the answer is no, we can not copy the data or migrate the database(Oracle and SQL Server) to Azure SQL database without the CONTROL SERVER permission.
Data sync can help you sync the data from SQL server to Azure SQL database, but you need have permission to Azure SQL too. Create the table with same schema and so.
If you don't the permission on SQL server, the Transactional replication also doesn't work.
For Attunity Replicate, I don't know much it, sorry that I can't answer you.
For your questions:
1.Replicate data from Oracle Source System to Azure SQL Database
Please reference this Azure Database Migration Guide: Migrate Oracle to Azure SQL Database.
This scenario describes how to migrate an Oracle instance to Azure SQL Database.
2.Replicate data from SQL Server 201x to Azure SQL Database.
Reference: Azure Database Migration Guide:Migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL Database.
This scenario describes how to migrate a SQL Server instance to Azure SQL Database.
We also could use bellow way to migrate the database with SSMS:
Create a dacpac file and import to Azure SQL.
SSMS Deploy database to Microsof Azure SQL database.
For details, please see: Learn how to Migrate a SQL Server database to SQL Azure server.
Hope this helps.

Deploy SQL database to Azure is failing

I am trying to deploy a SQL Server database to Azure. In SSMS, I right click the database and choose Tasks > Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
This database isn't part of source control or anything, and in the properties, I selected compatibility level 140 (SQL Server 2017).
However, I keep getting the error below when deploying it. What am I doing wrong? I was able to deploy this exact database in the past without issues.
Please forget about SSMS for migrating databases to Azure SQL Database. Use Microsoft Data Migration Assistant for this task. This tool is the easiest way to migrate to Azure SQL Database. It performs an assessment first, then it migrates your databases to Azure.

How do I add my Azure Sql Server Admin User to 'Sysadmin' Server Role?

I'm attempting to migrate a Sql Db from a local server to Azure using the new Data Migration Assistant v2.0 (announced here).
It seems to have connected to my source (a local SQL 2014 server, Windows Auth) and destination (Azure V12 SQL, server admin username and password) servers correctly, but gives the following error when attempting to get to the 'Add Database' step.
Provided credentials for target server
'' have insufficient server-level
permissions to perform migration. The credentials used to connect to
the target server must be a member of the sysadmin server role.
How do I add my Azure Sql Server admin user to the 'sysadmin' server role? I couldn't see anything related to this in the Azure Portal.
I do not believe that Data Migration Assistant is the right tool for the job. If you original database is Microsoft SQL one you could either use The Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Upgrade Advisor Preview or The Export Data Tier application wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. I have used both approaches many times and they work very well.
The following article is probably the best one our there that lists and explains all available options - SQL Server database migration to SQL Database in the cloud.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Update 1 - #Ted has contacted Microsoft and they have said that Data Migration Assistant does not support migrating to Azure at the moment. This scenario will be supported in a future version.
Nov 2017 Update
The MS Data Migration Assistant now absolutely does support migrating on premises SQL databases to Azure SQL, as well assessing your DB for compatibility, and providing / applying suggestions for fixes if required.

Unable to deploy DB from local SQL Server

I'm trying to export a DB from my local SQL Server to Azure SQL.
So far I've tried
Tasks > Deploy Database to Windows Azure SQL Database
I then connect to the Azure DB, give the new DB a name and then let it run.
However, it fails with the message
A project which specifies Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12 (Preview) as the target platform cannot be published to Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
Having followed this page, I'm pretty sure that I have the latest of whatever I need on my local.
So what am I missing? How do I get a DB from a local instance of SQL Server to Azure SQL?
Although there are several means to upload a local DB to Azure, I found that all but one of these fails with the same error message.
The one which worked is the SQL Database Migration Wizard.
