Animating react-transition-group with ReactDOM createPortal - reactjs

I have been breaking my head trying to figure out how to accomplish something that I figured would be quite simple (I know...)
Goal is for a very minimal, and reusable modal component that I can animate in some sort of HOC with a trigger button or w/e.
I am creating it using createPortal, and the goal is to have some simple animations be added to on enter/exit of said portal.
I have gotten this to work using GSAP, but ideally I would love for this to go along with SC instead so that I don't have to pull in another animation library.
For the life of me I just cannot get this to work with SC and would love if someone could point me in the right direction.
I have made a sandbox here: using GSAP to run the animations, and it's a bit hacky but it is in the proper direction for what I am going for.
Also, is there a benefit to using react-transition-group over something like

You can use the CSSTransition component instead of Transition. CSSTransition will just toggle approriate class names using given animation timings: .*-enter, .*-enter-active for in-transition and .*-exit, .*-exit-active for out-transition. So you can define all transitions using CSS3 properties with styled-components.
Take a look at my fork:
I've just extended your Modal with transition styles. Note that extending styles requires className property for the component to be extended, so I've added that property to your Modal component.


React Transition Group: What is the purpose of TransitionGroup?

I'm looking to use the React Transition Group library to animate some stuff in my React page. According to those docs, the TransitionGroup component does the following:
The <TransitionGroup> component manages a set of transition components
( and <CSSTransition>) in a list. Like with the transition
components, <TransitionGroup> is a state machine for managing the
mounting and unmounting of components over time.
Consider the example below. As items are removed or added to the
TodoList the in prop is toggled automatically by the
I'm not really sure what that means or why it's important.
Also, when I modify the example code that they embed on the documentation page so that the <TransitionGroup> tags are replaced with <ul> tags everything seems to work just fine (I can remove todo items by clicking on them, I can add new todo items).
Why is <TransitionGroup> component necessary? What does it do? (And why do things appear to work just fine when I replace it with an unordered list?)
React Transition Group has some advantages over typical css animations.These are some points that are coming to my mind.
Its uses binding to change classes for a components. eg: enter, appear, enter-active, appear-active, exit, exit-active etc are all part of animation classes. This make it really interactive interms of rich animations which you can not achive otherwise.
It has advatage to unmount your component using javascript, once animation is done. So basically no extra load on your front end.
It gives your freedom to define animations which ever way you like. Either css classes or defineing your own styles with in js file.
It gives you various type of animation options. Eg: Switch Transitions, Transition Groups, CssTransitions etc.
I would suggest to keep experimenting with typical css animations and react transition group and come to your own conclusion.

Popper isn't getting a z-index?

I'm using the following component:
In the DOM, it has the role of tooltip. I expect that it would automatically get the tooltip zIndex from the theme here:
But it gets no z-index. What gives?
Seems like you're using a component that is too low-level. The zIndex.tooltip you've mentioned is being used in the Tooltip component. So you have two options:
Switch your code to be using Tooltip directly and don't worry about applying zIndexes around
Keep your Popper implementation apply the zIndex manually. Or use withStyles, just like the Tooltip component does.
For a greater flexibility and control over how stuff gets done, I would prefer the second approach, to be fair.

React swipe navigation

swipeable navigation
Whats the best approach to make link area swipeable left and right?
Ive failed to find ready to use component that allows to do that.
Ive tried to use React Touch SyntheticEvent and transform translateX to navigation bar, but failed with calculations. So question is what are the ways to achieve that and is there any react components that can help me to make this work?
Maybe you need to have a look at there.
Although it only supports element swipeable up and down, you can refer to the code of how the author implements element swipeable with translate3d.
The main idea of swiper is to calculate the position of the element, and when to start translation. You can record scrollHeight/scrollWidth and offsetHeight/offsetWidth when you start move event, and compare the value of them when the event is end. Then you know where is the element, and you can control the transform of the element as you want.
So far as I know, maybe Iscroll is a good solution for you.

How to perform jQuery-style serial animations in React

I'm new to React and want to animate a button on hover, like I could do using jQuery. First I want to change the height. When that animation is done (which I would check for using .stop() in jQuery), I want to then animate the weight. What is the best way to do this in React?
A good solution for simple usecases is to include react-transition-group.
Examples here:

How to implement a simple Drag/Drop pattern component in React

I am pretty new to React.js, what I want to implement is a drag drop component (let us call it DDCom):
DDCom can drag (but not move the original one, more like a clone and that clone move with mouse), and that clone can only drop to other DDCom area (when drag start, each DDCom will show a highlight background area to indicate the drop area)
I really have no idea how to implement this in React.js, could anyone give any code example for this ( or some explanation about how to structure this with FLUX pattern)? Most posts point to React DnD, but it seems so big and hard to understand, what I want is a simple clear work flow of implementation.
You might find useful, within the react components / examples there is a drag drop example.
Also looked at React DnD but I agree its hard to wrap your head around it.
Use Dargula.
Its simple and clear and has a react wrapper, react-dragula
This is pretty easy I think with
<DragDropContainer targetKey="DDCom" >
<div>Drag Me!</div>
<DropTarget targetKey="DDCom" >
<p>I'm a valid drop target for the object above since we both have the same targetKey!</p>
If you put dragClone={true} in the DragDropContainer, it will drag a copy as you describe.
Then add an onHit event handler in DropTarget to do what you want when the item is dropped on it.
Works on mouse and touchscreens too.
I used the react dropzone package - There is even support for material ui.
