How can I stop Google App Engine(GAE) from CloudFunctions - google-app-engine

I'd like to stop GAE instance from CloudFunctions(node.js 8)
I refered to the following documents.
I wrote below code
var requestdata = {
servicesId: SERVICE_ID,
versionsId: VERSION_ID,
auth: authClient,
automaticScaling: {
maxInstances: 0,
minInstances: 0
But it is not work well.
I encounter this error message.
Error: function crashed. Details:
Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "automaticScaling[standardSchedulerSettings][maxInstances]": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'automaticScaling[standardSchedulerSettings][maxInstances]' could not be found in request message.
Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "automaticScaling[standardSchedulerSettings][minInstances]": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'automaticScaling[standardSchedulerSettings][minInstances]' could not be found in request message.
I do not know how to solve the problem.
If you have any advice, please let me know.

This is because standardSchedulerSettings is not a valid parameter as it does not exist in v1beta5.
As of January 2019, the Admin API was upgraded from v1beta -> V1.
The v1beta4 and v1beta5 versions of the API are no longer supported and scheduled for shut down on January 14, 2019.
To resolve this just update any old dependencies you may have to the latest version and make sure to follow the latest V1 documentation .
This worked for me.


Access package assignment approval update via MSGraph API returns HTTP 403: Only user tokens are supported

I'm trying to call Access package assignment approval update via MSGraph Beta API (Java 0.51.0-SNAPSHOT). The call fails with following error:
2022-08-26 22:32:44.239 ERROR 10208 --- [nio-9999-exec-4] global : CoreHttpProvider[sendRequestInternal] - 408Graph service exception
2022-08-26 22:32:44.239 ERROR 10208 --- [nio-9999-exec-4] global : Throwable detail: Error code:
Error message: Only user tokens are supported
SdkVersion : graph-java/v0.51.0
403 : Forbidden
[Some information was truncated for brevity, enable debug logging for more details]
Based on the error message can I think, that Application tokens are not really supported, but the strange thing is, that I can call Access package assignment approval get without any issue. I have of course delegated the permission EntitlementManagement.ReadWrite.All to the Application user.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment using Graph Explorer and got the below results:
I am able to retrieve the properties of an approval object successfully like this:
To update those properties, I ran the same query as you like below, and it got updated successfully:
"reviewResult": "Approve",
"justification": "Please approve"
Make sure to pass 'Request body' with the PATCH query. Please check whether you are giving correct id's or not in the query.
The <id> before /steps/ in the query is the id of accessPackageAssignmentRequest that is in PendingApproval State.
To get that id, you can run the below query:
GET$expand=requestor($expand=connectedOrganization)&$filter=(requestState eq 'PendingApproval')
The <id> after /steps/ in the query is the step id that I got by running below query:
GET<id_that_you _got_in_above_query>
Please note that, you cannot update Access package assignment approval using Application permissions. Application permissions are not supported for PATCH query.
You can refer this MsDoc to confirm that like below:
So, it will only work if you login with work or school account(personal-login)

solr 8.11 Field Types docs contradiction. Any guidance?

I'm setting up my first Solr server via docker using solr:8.11.1-slim. I am gonna use the schema API to set up the schema for my core whose name is 'products'.
While reading the docs there seems to be false info on the docs for field types:
I followed the first guide to get info on what field types I can specify and am trying to send requests based on the second doc such as this:
{ 'add-field': { "name":"latlong", "type":"LatLongPointSpatialField", "multiValued":False, "stored":True, 'indexed': True } },
but Solr gives me back errors such as:
org.apache.solr.api.ApiBag$ExceptionWithErrObject: error processing commands, errors: [{add-field={name=latlong, type=LatLongPointSpatialField, multiValued=false, stored=true, indexed=true}, errorMessages=[Field 'latlong': Field type 'LatLongPointSpatialField' not found
So what gives? Am I misreading the docs or are they wrong or is something wrong with the solr 8.11.1 image in docker? Why does it not accept the field types I'm providing?
Thanks for your help ahead of time.

Authentication with sp-rest-proxy / node-sp-auth

I am getting 403 errors with sp-rest-proxy. I was originally using the “User Credentials” strategy which allowed me to GET data, but not POST it. So now I’m am trying the “Addin only permissions”. My I.T. team was able get the app registered for me. but I am still receiving the below error now even with GET.
Error Details:
"readyState": 4,
"responseText": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException\",\"message\":{\"lang\":\"en-US\",\"value\":\"Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))\"}}}",
"responseJSON": {
"error": {
"code": "-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))"
"status": 403,
"statusText": "Forbidden"
Things I suspect I messed up on:
I strongly think its my server/private config I have the following…
const RestProxy = require('sp-rest-proxy');
const settings = {
configPath: './config/private.json',
port: 8081,
const restProxy = new RestProxy(settings);
and private (not the actual values I am using expect for "strategy" )
"siteUrl": "",
"strategy": "OnlineAddinOnly",
"clientId": "0000000-000000-000000-0000-00000000",
"clientSecret": "000000000000000000000000000000",
"realm": "00000-0000-0000-0000-000000"
I couldn’t find much on the “strategy” value on the sp-rest-proxy or the node-sp-auth side of the documentation. I can assume its OnlineAddinOnly but I’m not able to find the specific syntax for what possible values this attribute expects. I also noticed that the “clientSecret” is changing once I run the server, I assume this is an intentional encryption.
During the App registration phase (step 5 of this I had the IT folk set the “right” attribute in AppPermissionRequests to “Write” instead “FullControl”, I noticed that “FullControl” seems to be used in most example though I wasn’t sure if it was required. Can anyone confirm that?
[Edit: confirmed this is not the issue by setting this to FullControl]
I am trying to build an internal data management tool that only needs to work on localhost to get manipulate and replace json files in my teams SharePoint. (just in a nice way so that non-coders can do this). The “sp-rest-proxy” library seems to be what I need to implement the REST API effectively in react.
As far as I know, SharePoint app-only access is disabled by default. You need to ask your administrator to enable it by running the following command:
set-spotenant -DisableCustomAppAuthentication $false
The answer likely in the XML AppPermissionRequests. The creator of the library was able to point me to a better example and I had noticed some differences we had a different scope value and no AllowAppOnlyPolicy adding these seems to have fixed most of the issue. I am able to confirm that I can now do GET.
I am still having issues with GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl and using the to add/replace files but I am not sure that is related and will treat it as a separate issue as it may not be related to sp-rest-proxy or node-sp-auth
the correct AppPermissionRequests XML should be this ->
and as #Michael Han_MSFT mentioned you should ensure that DisableCustomAppAuthentication is set to false
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />

Logic App not able to deserialized Azure data factory pipeline error message

I am facing the below issue with Azure Data Factory using Logic App.
I am using the Azure Data Factory pipeline for migration and Logic App for sending "Success & Failure" notification to the technical team.
Now success is working fine as the message is hardcoded, but failure is not as the Logic App web activity is not able to parse data factory pipeline error.
Here is the input that is going to Logic App web activity
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {},
"body": "{\n \"title\": \"PIPELINE RUN FAILED\",\n \"message\":\"Operation on target Migration Validation failed: Execution fail against sql server. Sql error number: 50000. Error Message: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint \"FK_cmclientapprovedproducts_cmlinkclientchannel\". The conflict occurred in database \"Core7\", table \"dbo.cmClientApprovedProducts\", column 'linkclientchannelid'.\",\n \"color\": \"Red\",\n \"dataFactoryName\": \"LFC-TO-MCP-ADF\",\n \"pipelineName\": \"LFC TO MCP MIGRATION\",\n \"pipelineRunId\": \"f4f84365-58f0-4da1-aa00-64c3a4daa9e1\",\n \"time\": \"2020-07-31T22:44:01.6477435Z\"\n}"
Here is the error logic app is throwing
"errorCode": "2108",
"message": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"InvalidRequestContent\",\"message\":\"The request content is not valid and could not be deserialized: 'After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: F. Path 'message', line 3, position 202.'.\"}}",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "Send Failed Notification",
"details": []
I have tried various options, like set variable and convert by using various existing methods (string, json, replace etc), but no luck
e.g #string(activity('LOS migration').Error.Message)
Struggling almost all day this...please suggest if anyone faced a similar issue...
Below is the data flow activity
now it is working...
Pasting body content into the body text field box WITHOUT clicking on 'Add Dynamic Content' in web activity calling Logic App.
For the failure case, pass the error output use #{activity('LOS migration').error.message.
For sending email, it doesn't know if it's going to send a failure or success email. We have to adapt the body so the activity can use parameters, which we'll define later:
"DataFactoryName": "#{pipeline().DataFactory}",
"PipelineName": "#{pipeline().Pipeline}",
"Subject": "#{pipeline().parameters.Subject}",
"ErrorMessage": "#{pipeline().parameters.ErrorMessage}",
"EmailTo": "#pipeline().parameters.EmailTo"
We can reference this variables in the body by using the following format: #pipeline().parameters.parametername. For more details, you could refer to this article.
If you want to use the direct error message of the data factory activity as an input to the logic app email expression, you could try.
"ErrorMessage": "#{string(replace(activity('activity_name').Error.Message, '"',''''))}"
Replace 'activity_name' with your failing activity name.

Logstash - Solr Integration

Below is my actual log,
--2019-05-09 06:49:05.590 -TRACE 6293 --- [ntainer#0-0-C-1] c.s.s.service.MessageLogServiceImpl : [41a6811cbc1c66eda0e942712a12a003d6bf4654b3edb6d24bf159b592afc64f1557384545548] Event => Message Failure Identified : INVALID_STRUCTURE
My given grok filter pattern,
match => {
"message" => "--%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} -%{LOGLEVEL:level} (?<pid>\d+) --- \[(?<thread>[^\]]+)] (?<classname>[\w.]+)\s+: \[(?<token>[^\]]+)] Event \=> Message Failure Identified : (?<code>[\w]+)"
After doing some adding/removing desired filed below is my tokenized form,
"event" => "message_failure",
"token" => "41a6811cbc1c66eda0e942712a12a003d6bf4654b3edb6d24bf159b592afc64f1557384545548",
"logtime" => "2019-05-09 06:49:05.590"
Now I want to send it to solr, but while sending this is giving me the warning,
[WARN ][logstash.outputs.solrhttp] An error occurred while indexing: undefined method `iso8601' for nil:NilClass
I think it related to "logtime" field since that is the only portion which deals with ISO8601. Nothing extra information found in the logs. What is the problem here?
Finally got the answer. Thanks
this blog
Logstash will use a ruby library called Rsolr for connecting to Solr. Logstash will install the latest version of Rsolr, but latest Rsolr has a bub with timestamp datatype which will prevent indexing to Solr. To prevent this we will have to manually install the working version of Rsolr.
Changed the default rsolr plugin as mentioned in the post and everything started working
