Batch Script : File Existence Based on User Prompt Location - batch-file

Step for only one time
First time when the user executes the Batch file - 'Test.bat' it should prompt the user for Directory path & move the path to a text file - Path.txt and proceed with next step :Nextcommand
Step for Everytime
When the User runs the same batch file - 'Test.bat' from Second time, it should check for the existence of the above file 'Path.txt' in the above user specified directory and if available then proceed to next step :Nextcommand else have to create the file as specified in the above step.
My Code
echo off
#echo off
IF EXIST "%FileLoc%\FileLocationPath.txt" GOTO :NextCommand
set loc= Enter File Location:
set /p FileLoc=%loc%
#echo %FileLoc%>>FileLocationPath.txt
GOTO :NextCommand

For information to survive, you need to write it to a file (there are other possibilities, like Registry, but a file is the easiest solution)
#echo off
IF EXIST "FileLocationPath.txt" (
<"FileLocationPath.txt" set /p FileLoc=
goto :NextCommand
set /p "FileLoc=Enter File Location: "
>"FileLocationPath.txt" echo %FileLoc%
echo using %FileLoc%
If you ever need to reset the default, just delete the file.

This should be what you want.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
call :check
if defined FileLoc (
echo %FileLoc%
) else (
set /p "FileLoc=Enter File Location: "
echo set "FileLoc=!FileLoc!">>"%0"
goto :eof
It will check the existance of the variable, which at first will not exist, User will enter it, then once user entered the location, it will store that location as a variable below the :check label. Each time from now when the script is ran, the check label is called and the already set location is set.


How can i call resgen in a bat file if the file is edited?

I need to create a resource file using resgen.exe only if the file is edited.
I've found a way to do it, and i need to loop through all the Language available.
This is my script.
#echo on
echo ------------------------------
echo -- Starting a run of resgen --
echo ------------------------------
Set resourcesPath=%~1Resources\
Set configuration=%~2
Set platform=%~3
set landingPath=%~1bin\%configuration%\Resources\
echo %landingPath%
IF exist %landingPath% ( echo %landingPath% exists ) ELSE ( mkdir %landingPath% && echo %landingPath% created)
set obj[0].Resource="%landingPath%Strings.en-GB.resources"
set obj[0].Text="%resourcesPath%Strings.en-GB.txt"
set obj[1].Resource=""
set obj[1].Text=""
set obj[2].Resource=""
set obj[2].Text=""
FOR /L %%i IN (0 1 2) DO (
for %%x in ("%%obj[%%i].Text%%") do set date_of_filenameTxt=%%~tx
for %%x in ("%%obj[%%i].Resource%%") do set date_of_filenameRes=%%~tx
ECHO %date_of_filenameTxt:~0, 16%
ECHO %date_of_filenameRes:~0, 16%
IF "%date_of_filenameTxt:~0, 16%" == "%date_of_filenameRes:~0, 16%" call :same
call :notsame
(ECHO "No Copy for the :" %%obj[%%i].Text%% )
call :end
"%resourcesPath%resgen.exe" %%obj[%%i].Text%% %%obj[%%i].Resource%%
The problem is on getting the string from the obj[], how should be the sintax?
i've found if i do as below, it works.
call echo resource = %%obj[0].Resource%%
The task could be done much easier with the following code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
echo ------------------------------
echo -- Starting a run of resgen --
echo ------------------------------
set "resourcesPath=%~1Resources\"
set "configuration=%~2"
set "platform=%~3"
set "landingPath=%~1bin\%configuration%\Resources\"
if exist "%landingPath%" echo "%landingPath%" exists.& goto ProcessFiles
mkdir "%landingPath%"
if exist "%landingPath%" echo "%landingPath%" created.& goto ProcessFiles
echo ERROR: "%landingPath%" could not be created!& goto EndBatch
for %%I in ("%resourcesPath%Strings.*-*.txt") do (
set "RunResgen=1"
for %%J in ("%landingPath%%%~nI.resources") do if "%%~tJ" == "%%~tI" set "RunResgen="
if defined RunResgen "%resourcesPath%resgen.exe" "%%I" "%landingPath%%%~nI.resources"
The outer FOR loop searches in the directory Resources for non-hidden files matching the wildcard pattern Strings.*-*.txt. There could be used also the wildcard pattern Strings.*.txt or the pattern Strings.??-??.txt.
For a found text file there is first defined the environment variable RunResgen with string value 1 whereby the value does not matter.
Next is executed one more FOR processing the resource file in landing Resources directory. If that file does not exist at all, %%~tJ expands to an empty string which means the IF condition compares "" with something like "10.11.2021 19:00" and so the condition is not true. If the appropriate .resources file exists, its last modification time is compared with the last modification time of the .txt file. If the two file time stamps are equal, the environment variable RunResgen is undefined for the next IF condition because of no need to run resgen.exe for this pair of text and resources files.
The second IF condition checks the existence of the environment variable RunResgen and if this variable still exists because of .resources file does not exist at all or has not the same last modification time as the .txt file, the executable resgen.exe is executed with the two file names.
Please note that the file date/time format depends on the country setting of the used account. On my Windows machine the date/time format is dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm and for that reason the simple string comparison works with these sixteen characters plus the two surrounding quotes taken also into account on comparing the two strings.
resgen.exe must create the .resources file with last modification date/time explicitly set to last modification date/time of the .txt file or this code does not work at all.
There is usually used on Windows the archive file attribute do determine if a source file was modified since last processing it. But I suppose this is not possible here as one .txt file could be used for multiple .resources files for multiple configurations and platforms (wherever the environment variable platform is used in real batch file).
Well, the main code could be even more optimized by using just following single line:
for %%I in ("%resourcesPath%Strings.*-*.txt") do for %%J in ("%landingPath%%%~nI.resources") do if not "%%~tJ" == "%%~tI" "%resourcesPath%resgen.exe" "%%I" "%landingPath%%%~nI.resources"
The executable resgen.exe is executed on .resources file not existing at all or its last modification date/time is different to the last modification date/time of the .txt file.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
mkdir /?
set /?
setlocal /?
See also single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for an explanation of the operator & to execute always a GOTO after an ECHO.

Batch file not displaying error when no filename exists

I am freshly new to batch and just curious why my .bat file takes input, but does not display an error or anything else, it just closes. Maybe its something i missed. Thanks!
#echo off
REM Clear the screen
REM ------------------------------------------------------
REM Getting user input
REM ------------------------------------------------------
SET /p FilesToCopy="Please enter a file to copy!: "
REM 1. Copies files to myTemp
REM ------------------------------------------
IF EXIST "%FilesToCopy%" (
xcopy %FilesToCopy% C:\myTemp /E
ECHO FILE [%FilesToCopy%] are being copied!
REM 2. Displays error if not found
REM ------------------------------------------
) ELSE (
ECHO Sorry but there was a issue copying [%FilesToCopy%]..
Issue was that I was not running batch file from a local folder and through the cmd prompt itself.

Batch command mixing syntax during execution

I have tried to add a variable into an already existing batch file that I have written. However, when using the new command with the variable the command gets jumbled up.
How it supposed to work.
A user is prompted for an input (one of 3 letters). The input dictates the root directory used for a software execution. This section of code pulls a list of .elf files and is supposed to write them to a .txt file in the root directory.
When using the variable directory, the .txt file and directory are switched during execution.
Original (Works)
DIR \\somepath\%VAR%\*.elf /b /o-s>C:\MyRootFolder\unlk.txt
New command with 2nd variable (acts strangely)
DIR \\somepath\%VAR%\*.elf /b /o-s>%root%\unlk.txt
but executes like this!?
DIR \\somepath\25091562033-00\*.elf /b /o-s \unlk.txt 1>C:\MyRootFolder
I am trying to have my root folder selected by an input further up because there are 3 different versions of software that I need to use to perform an operation. Being able to have the folder selected by an input would make things a lot easier.
Any ideas of why this executes semi-backwards?
Here is the first section of my batch file all the way down to where the error happens. I have removed some of the code that doesn't relate to the issue. Note that the excessive pauses are for troubleshooting and the section which sets the variable %ECUPN% has been removed as it is working as intended.
ECHO off
ECHO What type of processor does this ECU have?
ECHO F = Freescale_Quasar
ECHO M = Motorola
SET /P INPUT=[F/T/M]: %=%
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="F" SET root=C:\Freescale_Quasar && GOTO :Fetch
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="T" SET root=C:\TI_MK100 && GOTO :Fetch
IF /I "%INPUT%"=="M" SET root=C:\MK100_Motorola && GOTO :Fetch
Echo on
ECHO Fetch
DIR \\\didf5076\FlashDataFiles\Flashline\%ECUPN%\*.elf /b /o-s>%root%\unlk.txt
SET /P Code=<%root%\unlk.txt
COPY "\\\didf5076\FlashDataFiles\Flashline\%ECUPN%\%Code%" "%root%\unlock.elf" || GOTO :error_1
ECHO App = %code%>>C:\Unlock\log.txt
GOTO :Build_1

Batch script to Read the filenames in a directory and ask user to select one

Thanks for looking into my concern.
I have five config files in a given directory. In my batch script, I want to read those file names and prompt them to user. Once user has selected a config file, read the variables from it.
Could anyone help me with some logic here. So that, I can take it forward.
Thank you.
A batch or .cmd file like this demonstrates the menu technique (nothing fancy, the user has to enter the filename precisely). Key items:
Good luck!
#echo off
REM Show the user the list and ask them which one to use
echo Please select one of:
for %%F in ("D:\A Given Directory\*.config") do echo %%~nxF
set /P SEL_CFGFNM=Which configuration file:
REM Make sure they answered, and that the file exists
if "%SEL_CFGFNM%" == "" goto ENDIT
if NOT EXIST "D:\A Given Directory\%SEL_CFGFNM%" goto NOCFG
REM User has selected file "D:\A Given Directory\%SEL_CFGFNM%" and it exists
REM Do whatever you want to do with that file now
REM Don't fall through the exit messages
goto ENDIT
REM Exit Messages
echo ERROR: Configuration file "%SEL_CFGFNM%" is not on the list
goto ENDIT
REM Cleanup

Remember username in batch file

I have made a litle batch file,
where you need to insert your account name of your computer.
I'm wondering if you could maybe write the account name to a text file,
so the program could remember it for next time you open it.
and don't have do enter it twice on the same computer.
What about this?
#echo off
echo Prevous value is:
echo %mysetting%
set /p input="Enter new value: "
setx mysetting %input%
Save this as .bat and run twice to see the persistence.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist username.txt (
REM Read from text file:
set /p "user="<username.txt
) else (
REM Read from keyboard:
set /p "user=Enter your username: "
REM Write to text file:
echo !user!>username.txt
