How to change uvm testbench or sequence to wait for the write response before next transaction in AXI protocol - uvm

I have developed an uvm driver implementing AXI protocol and it has two queues for collecting write and read transactions. As soon as the driver receives transactions from sequencer, transactions are pushed to the read queue or write queue and read and write channels drive respective transaction on each AXI channel. The driver does not wait for the write response before it issues next read or write as AXI specifies. Now, I want to change the behavior so that it waits for the write transaction to complete (write response come back) and then issue the next transaction. What would be the best place in my testbench to implement this feature -- driver, sequencer, sequence, or sequence_item?
Ideally, I wish I could do it in my sequence, because this approach won't need testbench change. Then, the question is how a sequence knows when the write response arrived? The idea of transaction level modeling (TLM) means that the sequence items are in transaction level and no need to worry about details on the handshaking.
If modifying sequence is difficult, another idea is to (reluctantly) change the driver to have a single queue with depth one for both read and write. Then, the first read or write transaction should be removed from the queue before the second one can be accepted by the driver. When is it? It is when the response from the first write arrives, then the transaction is removed from the q and next transaction can be accepted from the sequencer.

A quick google search shows how to do response based sequences and drivers here and here. The basic gist is that you want to use the driver's get() and put() methods instead of just get_next_item() and item_done().


What do terms like Hash, Forward mean in the Flink plan?

This is an image of the Flink plan that appears on the dashboard when I deploy my job. As you can see, the connections between operators are marked as FORWARD/HASH etc. What do they refer to? When is something called a HASH and when is something called a FORWARD?
Please refer to the below Job Graph (Fraud Detection using Flink).
The FORWARD connection means that all data consumed by one of the parallel instances of the Source operator is transferred to exactly one instance of the subsequent operator. It also indicates the same level of parallelism of the two connected operators.
The HASH connection between DynamicKeyFunction and DynamicAlertFunction means that for each message a hash code is calculated and messages are evenly distributed among available parallel instances of the next operator. Such a connection needs to be explicitly “requested” from Flink by using keyBy.
A REBALANCE distribution is either caused by an explicit call to rebalance() or by a change of parallelism (12 -> 1 in the case of the job graph from Figure 2). Calling rebalance() causes data to be repartitioned in a round-robin fashion and can help to mitigate data skew in certain scenarios.
The Fraud Detection job graph in Figure 2 contains an additional data source: Rules Source. It also consumes from Kafka. Rules are “mixed into” the main processing data flow through the BROADCAST channel. Unlike other methods of transmitting data between operators, such as forward, hash or rebalance that make each message available for processing in only one of the parallel instances of the receiving operator, broadcast makes each message available at the input of all of the parallel instances of the operator to which the broadcast stream is connected. This makes broadcast applicable to a wide range of tasks that need to affect the processing of all messages, regardless of their key or source partition.
Reference Document.
First of all, as we know, a Flink streaming job will be splitted into several tasks according to its job graph(or DAG). The FORWARD/HASH is a partitioner between the upstream tasks and downstream tasks, which is used to partition data from the input.
What is Forward? And When does Forward occur?
This means the partitioner will forwards elements only to the locally running downstream tasks. Forward is the default partitioner if you don't specify any partitioner directly or use the functions with partitioner like reblance/keyBy.
What is Hash? And When does Hash occur?
This is a partitioner that partition the records based on the key group index. It occurs when you call keyBy.

Cassandra write consistency level ALL clarification

According to Datastax documentation for Cassandra:
"If the coordinator cannot write to enough replicas to meet the requested consistency level, it throws an Unavailable Exception and does not perform any writes."
Does this mean that while the write is in process, the data updated by the write will not be available to read requests? I mean it is possible that 4/5 nodes have successfully sent a SUCCESS to the coordinator, meaning that their data have been updated. But the 5th one is yet to do the write. Now if a read request comes in and goes to one of these 4 nodes, it will still show the old data until the coordinator recieves a confirmation from the 5th node and marks the new data valid?
If the coordinator knows that it cannot possibly achieve consistency before it attempts the write, then it will fail the request immediately before doing the write. (This is described in the quote given)
However, if the coordinator believes that there are enough nodes to achieve its configured consistency level at the time of the attempt, it will start to send its data to its peers. If one of the peers does not return a success, the request will fail and you will get into a state where the nodes that fail have the old data and the ones that passed have the new data.
If a read requests comes in, it will show the data it finds on the nodes it reaches no matter if it is old or new.
Let us take your example to demonstrate.
If you have 5 nodes and you have replication 3. This will mean that 3 of those 5 nodes will have the write that you have sent. However, one of the three nodes returned a failure to the coordinator. Now if you read with consistency level ALL. You will read all three nodes and will always get the new write (Latest timestamp always wins).
However, if you read with consistency level ONE, there is a 1/3 chance you will get the old value.

Aerospike ACID - How to know the final result of the transaction on timeouts?

I'm new to Aerospike.
I would like to know that in all possible timeout scenarios, as stated in this link:
Client can’t connect by specified timeout (timeout=). Timeout of zero
means that there is no timeout set.
Client does not receive response by specified timeout (timeout=).
Server times out the transaction during it’s own processing (default
of 1 second if client doesn’t specify timeout). To investigate this,
confirm that the server transaction latencies are not the bottleneck.
Client times out after M iterations of retries when there was no error
due to a failed node or a failed connection.
Client can’t obtain a valid node after N retries (where retries are
set from your client).
Client can’t obtain a valid connection after X retries. The retry
count is usually the limiting factor, not the timeout value. The
reasoning is that if you can’t get a connection after R retries, you
never will, so just timeout early.
Of all timeout scenarios mentioned, under which circumstances could I be absolute certain that the final result of the transaction is FAILED?
Does Aerospike offer anything i.e. to rollback the transaction if the client does not respond?
In the worst case, If I could’t be certain about the final result, how would I be able to know for certain about the final state of the transaction?
Many thanks in advance.
We came up with a temporary solution:
Keep a map of [generation -> value read] for that record (maybe a background thread constantly reading the record etc.) and then on timeouts, we would periodically check the map (key = the generation expected) to see if the true written value is actually the one put to the map. If they are the same, it means the write succeeded, otherwise it means the write failed.
Do you guys think it's necessary to do this? Or is there other way?
First, timeouts are not the only error you should be concerned with. Newer clients have an 'inDoubt' flag associated with errors that will indicate that the write may or may not have applied.
There isn't a built-in way of resolving an in-doubt transaction to a definitive answer and if the network is partitioned, there isn't a way in AP to rigorously resolve in-doubt transactions. Rigorous methods do exist for 'Strong Consistency' mode, the same methods can be used to handle common AP scenarios but they will fail under partition.
The method I have used is as follows:
Each record will need a list bin, the list bin will contain the last N transaction ids.
For my use case, I gave each client an unique 2 byte identifier - each client thread a unique 2 byte identifier - and each client thread had a 4 byte counter. So a particular transaction-id would look like would mask an 8 byte identifier from the 2 ids and counter.
* Read the records metadata with the getHeader api - this avoids reading the records bins from storage.
Note - my use case wasn't an increment so I actually had to read the record and write with a generation check. This pattern should be more efficient for a counter use case.
Write the record using operate and gen-equal to the read generation with the these operations: increment the integer bin, prepend to the list of txns, and trim the list of txns. You will prepend you transaction-id to your txns list and then trim the list to the max size of the list you selected.
N needs to be large enough such that a record can be sure to have enough time to verify its transaction given the contention on the key. N will affect the stored size of the record so choosing too big will cost disk resource and choosing too small will render the algorithm ineffective.
If the transaction is successful then you are done.
If the transaction is 'inDoubt' then read the key and check the txns list for your transaction-id. If present then your transaction 'definitely succeeded'.
If your transaction-id isn't in txns, repeat step 3 with the generation returned from the read in step 5.
Return to step 3 - with the exception that on step 5 a 'generation error' would also need to be considered 'in-doubt' since it may have been the previous attempt that finally applied.
Also consider that reading the record in step 5 and not finding the transaction-id in txns does not ensure that the transaction 'definitely failed'. If you wanted to leave the record unchanged but have a 'definitely failed' semantic you would need to have observed the generation move past the previous write's gen-check policy. If it hasn't you could replace the operation in step 6 with a touch - if it succeeds then the initial write 'definitely failed' and if you get a generation-error you will need to check if you raced the application of the initial transaction initial write may now have 'definitely succeeded'.
Again, with 'Strong Consistency' the mentions of 'definitely succeeded' and 'definitely failed' are accurate statements, but in AP these statements have failure modes (especially around network partitions).
Recent clients will provide an extra flag on timeouts, called "in doubt". If false, you are certain the transaction did not succeed (client couldn't even connect to the node so it couldn't have sent the transaction). If true, then there is still an uncertainty as the client would have sent the transaction but wouldn't know if it had reached the cluster or not.
You may also consider looking at Aerospike's Strong Consistency feature which could help your use case.

Prioritizing Transactions in Google AppEngine

Let's say I need to perform two different kinds write operations on a datastore entity that might happen simultaneously, for example:
The client that holds a write-lock on the entry updates the entry's content
The client requests a refresh of the write-lock (updates the lock's expiration time-stamp)
As the content-update operation is only allowed if the client holds the current write-lock, I need to perform the lock-check and the content-write in a transaction (unless there is another way that I am missing?). Also, a lock-refresh must happen in a transaction because the client needs to first be confirmed as the current lock-holder.
The lock-refresh is a very quick operation.
The content-update operation can be quite complex. Think of it as the client sending the server a complicated update-script that the server executes on the content.
Given this, if there is a conflict between those two transactions (should they be executed simultaneously), I would much rather have the lock-refresh operation fail than the complex content-update.
Is there a way that I can "prioritize" the content-update transaction? I don't see anything in the docs and I would imagine that this is not a specific feature, but maybe there is some trick I can use?
For example, what happens if my content-update reads the entry, writes it back with a small modification (without committing the transaction), then performs the lengthy operation and finally writes the result and commits the transaction? Would the first write be applied immediately and cause a simultaneous lock-refresh transaction to fail? Or are all writes kept until the transaction is committed at the end?
Is there such a thing as keeping two transactions open? Or doing an intermediate commit in a transaction?
Clearly, I can just split my content-update into two transactions: The first one sets a "don't mess with this, please!"-flag and the second one (later) writes the changes and clears that flag.
But maybe there is some other trick to achieve this with fewer reads/writes/transactions?
Another thought I had was that there are 3 different "blocks" of data: The current lock-holder (LH), the lock expiration (EX), and the content that is being modified (CO). The lock-refresh operation needs to perform a read of LH and a write to EX in a transaction, while the content-update operation needs to perform a read of LH, a read of CO, and a write of CO in a transaction. Is there a way to break the data apart into three entities and somehow have the transactions span only the needed entities? Since LH is never modified by these two operations, this might help avoid the conflict in the first place?
The datastore uses optimistic concurrency control, which means that a (datastore primitive) transaction waits until it is committed, then succeeds only if someone else hasn't committed first. Typically, the app retries the failed transaction with fresh data. There is no way to modify this first-wins behavior.
It might help to know that datastore transactions are strongly consistent, so a client can first commit a lock refresh with a synchronous datastore call, and when that call returns, the client knows for sure whether it obtained or refreshed the lock. The client can then proceed with its update and lock clear. The case you describe where a lock refresh and an update might occur concurrently from the same client sounds avoidable.
I'm assuming you need the lock mechanism to prevent writes from other clients while the lock owner performs multiple datastore primitive transactions. If a client is actually only doing one update before it releases the lock and it can do so within seconds (well before the datastore RPC timeout), you might get by with just a primitive datastore transaction with optimistic concurrency control and retries. But a lock might be a good idea for simple serialization of, say, edits to a record in a user interface, where a user hits an "edit" button in a UI and you want that to guarantee that the user has some time to prepare and submit changes without the record being changed by someone else. (Whether that's the user experience you want is your decision. :) )

ADO.NET asynchronous reader (queue processing)

I have a large table, 1B+ records that I need to pull down and run an algorithm on every record. How can I use ADO.NET to exec a "select * from table" asynchronously and start reading the rows one by one while is receiving the data?
I also need to dispose of the records after I read them to save on memory. So I am looking of a way to pull a table down record by record and basically shove the record into a queue for processing.
My datasources are oracle and mssql. I have to do this for several datasources.
You should use SSIS for this.
You need a bit of background detail on how the ADO.Net data providers work to understand what you can do and what you can't do. Lets take the SqlClient provider for example. It is true that it is possible to execute queries asynchronously with BeginExecuteReader but this asynchronous execution is only until the query start returning results. At the wire level the SQL text is sent to the server, the server start churning the query execution and eventually will start pushing result rows back to the client. As soon as the first packet comes back to the client, the asynchronous execution is done and the completion callback is executed. After that the client uses the SqlDataReader.Read() method to advance the result set. There are no asynchronous methods in the SqlDataReader. This pattern work wonders for complex queries that return few results after some serious processing is done. While the server is busy producing the result, the client is idle with no threads blocked. However things are completely different for simple queries that produce large result sets (as seem to be the case for you): the server will immedeatly produce resutls and will continue to push them back to the client. The asynchronous callback will be almost instantenous and the bulk of the time will be spent by the client iterating over the SqlDataReader.
You say you're thinking of placing the records into an in memory queue first. What is the purpose of the queue? If your algorithm processing is slower than the throughput of the DataReader result set iteration then this queue will start to build up. It will consume live memory and eventualy will exhaust the memory on the client. To prevent this you would have to build in a flow control mechanism, ie. if the queue size is bigger than N don't put any more records into it. But to achieve this you would have to suspend the data reader iteration and if you do this you push flow control to the server which will suspend the query until the communication pipe is available again (until you start reading from the reader). Ultimately the flow control has to be proagated all the way to the server, which is always the case in any producer-consumer relation, the producer has to stop otherwise intermediate queues fill up. Your in-memory queue serves no purpose at all, other than complicating things. You can simply process items from the reader one by one and if your rate of processing is too slow, the data reader will cause flow control to be applied on the query running on the server. This happens automatically simply because you don't call the DataReader.Read method.
To summarise up, for a large set processing you cannot do asynchronous processing and there is no need for a queue.
Now the difficult part.
Is your processing doing any sort of update back in the database? If yes, then you have much bigger problems:
You cannot use the same connection to write back the result, because it is busy with the data reader. SqlClient for SQL Server supports MARS but that only solves the problem with SQL 2005/2008.
If you're going to enroll the read and update in a transaction if your updates occur on a different connection (see above), then this means using distributed transactions (even when the two conencitons involved point back to the same server). Distributed transactions are slow.
You will need to split the processing into several batches because is very bad to process 1B+ records in a single transaction. This means also that you are going to have to be able to resume processing of an aborted batch, which means you must be able to identify records that were already processed (unless processing is idempotent).
A combination of a DataReader and an iterator block (a.k.a. generator) should be a good fit for this problem. The default DataReaders provided by Microsoft pull data one record at a time from a datasource.
Here's an example in C#:
static IEnumerable<User> RetrieveUsers(DbDataReader reader)
while (reader.NextResult())
User user = new User
Name = reader.GetString(0),
Surname = reader.GetString(1)
yield return user;
A good approach to this would be to pull back the data in blocks, iterate through adding to your queue then calling again. This is going to be better than hitting the DB for each row. If you are pulling them back via a numeric PK then this will be easy, if you need to order by something you can use ROW_NUMBER() to do this.
Just use the DbDataReader (just like Richard Nienaber said). It is a forward-only way of scrolling through the retrieved data. You don't have to dispose of your data because a DbDataReader is forward only.
When you use the DbDataReader it seems that the records are retrieved one by one from the database.
It is however slightly more complicated:
Oracle (and probably MySQL) will fetch a few 100 rows at a time to decrease the number of round trips to the database. You can configure the fetch size of DataReader. Most of the time it will not matter whether you fetch 100 rows or 1000 rows per round trip. However, a very low value like 1 or 2 rows slows things down because with a low value retrieving the data will require too many round trips.
You probably don't have to set the fetch size manually, the default will be just fine.
edit1: See here for an Oracle example:
