Can I use different versions of a package for different environments? - package

I have a project where I need to use SQLite in a local environment but Postgres on a normal server.
Unfortunately, there is no SQLite adapter for Ecto 3 yet, forcing me to keep the Ecto and some related packages at 2.x, which caused some problems such as this one: Ecto 2.0 SQL Sandbox Error on tests
I wonder if it would be possible to specify two different versions of Ecto and thus dependencies for the environments :local and :prod. Currently it seems impossible since there is only one lockfile per project. The only way to achieve it seems to be to store two different lockfiles in the project directory? e.g.

I haven't tried it in depth, but maybe changing the mix.exs file like this would help:
defmodule YourProject.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :your_project,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.7",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps(Mix.env()),
lockfile: lockfile(Mix.env())
# Run "mix help" to learn about applications.
def application do
extra_applications: [:logger]
defp lockfile(:local), do: "mix-local.lock"
defp lockfile(_), do: "mix.lock"
# Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
defp deps(:local) do
[{:ecto, "~> 2.0"}]
defp deps(_) do
[{:ecto, "~> 3.0"}]
Both the lockfile and deps are different for the :local environment.


How to create a Makefile.txt for React app?

I am working on a take home project for a job interview where I have been tasked to create a react application with frontend and backend tests. They have instructed me that they will execute my code using "the make targets specified in Makefile(which they have provided. see later)". I have completed the application and test cases, however I am quite lost on this last step.
I understand that a makefile is used to execute essentially a script, but unsure of how to tell it to set up the application environment.
Here is a copy of the Makefile.txt
# `make setup` will be used after cloning or downloading to fulfill
# dependencies, and setup the the project in an initial state.
# This is where you might download rubygems, node_modules, packages,
# compile code, build container images, initialize a database,
# anything else that needs to happen before your server is started
# for the first time
# `make server` will be used after `make setup` in order to start
# an http server process that listens on any unreserved port
# of your choice (e.g. 8080).
# `make test` will be used after `make setup` in order to run
# your test suite.
Any help, understanding or clarification is appreciated.
I think it is about scripts that you have in package.json file - link, they probably want to have something like make setup script and all others that will run specific functionality for example if they type make test in terminal it will start running tests like npm test

Ansible Issue - [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I've been holding off posting here because I feel like this issue could be too vague. I will try my best to explain. I have been through all of the existing questions but they don't seem relevant to what I am doing.
Basically, I have inherited 3 Ec2 Instances that are Dev / Staging / Live web applications in my new role. I use Ansible playbooks to migrate the Database between all environments. We recently had a new website that was deployed onto all three existing instances.
The Dev box recently died so I blew it away and launched a new one, the website looks fine, however exporting and importing the Database no longer works (on the new instance)
Below is the Ansible output:
TASK: [Export database to migrate] ********************************************
failed: [172.**.**.***] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "wp db export dbv2.sql --tables=t*******0_links,t*******0_options,t*******0_postmeta,t*******0_posts,taxlt4ws0_rg_form,taxlt4ws0_rg_form_meta,taxlt4ws0_rg_form_view,t*******0_term_relationships,t*******0_term_taxonomy,t*******0_termmeta,t*******0_terms,t*******0_usermeta,t*******0_users", "delta": "0:00:00.001594", "end": "2017-09-01 10:21:25.225355", "rc": 127, "start": "2017-09-01 10:21:25.223761", "warnings": []}
stderr: /bin/sh: 1: wp: not found
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
Things I've checked:
Chmod on the folders it import/exports in/from.
IAM Role is set
Used Shell instead of Command in the Playbook
Configs for each environment
I'm really stumped my Ansible knowledge is quite limited as I only picked it up a couple months ago and hadn't run into any issues (even with a new Website) until the Dev box had to be replaced.
I think ansible is referring to wpcli. It is not able to find its executable.
If this is the case,you need to install it with another task before that one.
Basically what this is complaining about is that whatever script you are using in module Export DB is not able to find a wp script or executable.
stderr: /bin/sh: 1: wp: not found
Would recommend checking which wp or maybe do a find to see if it is on the staging or live instances to see what it is and install/copy it over to the Dev instances.
You can test this hypothesis by using a small test script:
create this script say, give it executable permissions and run it on all the env's to see where it fails.

Connecting Phoenix app to MS SQL Azure database

I am trying to connect a phoenix application to MS SQL. After looking around online I came across a couple of adapters called mssql_ecto & mssqlex.
I have added them to the project following the instructions in the readme, installed odbc and checked that the db is online but I am now getting the following error..
[error] Mssqlex.Protocol (#PID<0.13069.0>) failed to connect: ** (Mssqlex.Error) odbc_not_started
My app is configured as below..
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
adapter: MssqlEcto,
username: "<my_username>",
password: "<my_password>",
database: "test",
hostname: "<my_server>",
pool_size: 10
My environment is as follows..
MacOS Sierra 10.12.5
Elixir version: 1.4.4
There is an issue in the mssql_ecto repo already, and I have tried the suggestions from there, but it still has not worked.
If anyone has managed to connect their phoenix/elixir application to MSSQL on macOS and could provide some instructions it would be greatly appreciated (even if it was done in a completely different way to my approach 😉 ).
Side note: Tried it in node with the same db and was able to connect to and query the db.
I've been working through the same issue this week, connecting to an Azure SQL Database, and this is what I've got working.
You are seeing the first of 2 main problems I ran into:
Erlang installed without ODBC
Mssqlex adapter is missing required configuration options
#1: Erlang installed without ODBC
If you've installed Elixir and Erlang using brew, or something like it, you are getting an installation of Erlang that does not include erlang-odbc. In order to remedy this, you will need to install Erlang from source.
I recommend that you install both Erlang and Elixir from source using the method documented here:
Just make sure that you remove the Kerl option, --without-odbc, before you build Erlang.
Now that you have Erlang installed correctly, the odbc_not_started error should go away... to be replaced by connection errors to the database.
#2: Mssqlex adapter is missing required configuration options
As of this moment, the mssqlex adapter does not support the following configuration options that Azure is looking for:
Connection Timeout
To get around this issue, I forked the mssqlex library and added those options in a branch. I am not committing to maintaining this so feel free to fork it yourself.
In order to use the modified mssqlex, replace the mix dependency with the github location and branch name:
{:mssqlex, git: "", branch: "azure-settings", override: true}
The override: true is important because mssql_ecto has a dependency on the mssqlex version in hex.
Now you can update your configuration:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
adapter: MssqlEcto,
username: "<my_username>",
password: "<my_password>",
database: "test",
hostname: "<my_server>",
pool_size: 10,
encrypt: "yes",
trust_server_certificate: "no",
connection_timeout: "30
Other "Gotchas" to Look Out For
Azure requires TCP connection:
In order to connect to an Azure SQL Database, you will need to make sure that the hostname: option starts with tcp:. So, all together, it will look like
hostname: ""
Mssql_ecto does not support Ecto 2.2+:
If you're getting errors related to Ecto or Ecto.SubQuery, you probably need to make sure that you are using a version of Ecto that is supported by mssql_ecto. At this point in time, that means Ecto 2.1.x. Again, this requires a slight change to your mix dependencies:
{:ecto, ">= 2.1.0 and < 2.2.0"}
Dependency cache and lock issues:
If everything seems to be in order according to the above but it just doesn't seem like the new dependencies are being updated and compiled as expected, do the following:
Run mix deps.clean --all
Delete the mix.lock file from your root project directory
Run mix deps.get
Run mix deps.compile
That should do it!

How to apply puppet manifests and modules WITHOUT installing Puppet RPM?

I would like to create an RPM package that applies a Puppet manifest on a server which does not contain Puppet, Facter and Hiera.
Also, and more importantly, I should be able to apply it WITHOUT being obliged to install neither of these tools (Puppet, Facter, Hiera) on the production server.
So basically, the package should run the following command without installing any of the required packages:
puppet apply install.pp --modulepath=./modules --hiera_config=./conf/hiera.yaml
How can I proceed to make such a package ? Is it a good idea to extract the 'binary' files the Puppet/Hiera/Facter RPMs to include them in another one ?
Installing the relevant packages and then removing them would be by far the fastest and safest way to do what you wish. Maybe you can convince your customer that the cost in time for any other solution is not worth the money.
Anyway, if packages are not an option, let's be innovative:
You do not have to install from packages, you can install puppet via ruby gems
In the same way, you can use source tarballs
Those two options might work, but are not innovative enough.
What about installing puppet 'locally' on a disk via the gems or the tarballs, and then mounting this disk via nfs?
While we are here, why not do the same but then mount using sshfs?
still with the idea of a having first a remote install, you could indeed repackage it via fpm (amazing tool, very strongly recommended). You still end up with a package, but a local one which will not require adding a repository, this might alleviate some of your client concerns.
building on this, if the issue is with repositories, not packages, you could download all required packages and install them manually
I guess that the summary of this answer is that the value of doing so is negative compared to using what you distribution provides.

Rack seems to think my environment is ' ' when it is production

Rack app error: # in puma log
when running capistrano production deploy.
source ''
gem 'rails', '4.1.0'
gem 'mysql'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 4.0.3'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'turbolinks'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc
gem 'spring', group: :development
gem 'puma'
group :development do
gem 'capistrano'
gem 'capistrano-rails'
gem 'capistrano3-puma'
gem 'rvm1-capistrano3',require: false
gem 'capistrano3-nginx'
lock '3.2.1'
set :application, 'foobar'
set :repo_url, '/home/joeradtke/rails/foobar/.git'
set :app_port, '8500'
set :nginx_domains, ""
set :nginx_template, "config/nginx.conf.erb"
set :app_server_socket, "#{shared_path}/sockets/puma-#{fetch :application}.sock"
set :deploy_to, '/home/joe/foobar'
set :deploy_user, 'joe'
set :sudo_user, 'joe'
set :stage, :production
set :puma_init_active_record, true
set :puma_env, :production
set :puma_state, "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/puma.state"
set :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml}
set :rvm1_ruby_version, "2.1.2"
set :linked_dirs, %w{bin log tmp/pids tmp/cache tmp/sockets vendor/bundle public/system}
set :ssh_options, {
namespace :deploy do
after :deploy, "nginx:restart"
after :deploy, "puma:restart"
server '', user: 'joe', roles: %w{web app}, primary: true
set :ssh_options, {
keys: %w(/home/joe/.ssh/id_rsa),
forward_agent: true,
auth_methods: %w(publickey)
require 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano/deploy'
require 'rvm1/capistrano3'
require 'capistrano/rails'
require 'capistrano/puma'
require 'capistrano/puma/jungle'
require 'capistrano/puma/monit'
require 'capistrano/nginx'
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r }
cap production deploy runs fine but
web page at root shows:
"A really lowlevel plumbing error occured. Please contact your local Maytag(tm) repair man."
can server assets so nginx is fine.
I think I've put production everywhere.
Even tried adding
secret_key_base:.................. to secret.yml file.
I've been fooling with this for two days. Usually can find online answer but not for this. Please help.
Joe Radtke
I ran in to this same problem today while migrating an app from an old Rails 1.9.3 Suspenders environment to a new Rails 2.0 environment on AWS.
First the message the error message "A really lowlevel plumbing error occured. Please contact your local Maytag(tm) repair man." is some smartass way of saying that there was an error with Puma and you should look in puma.log to see what the error is...
tail -f /var/log/puma/puma.log
In my case I found this line:
Rack app error: #<RuntimeError: Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment, set this value in `config/secrets.yml`>
sadly I'm not nerd enough to tell you exactly why this was an issue, but I can tell you that my config/secrets.yml was not the issue. For some reason that file wasn't getting loaded correctly in production, so I did two things. First I made sure that the puma gem was getting loaded in production:
group :production do
gem 'puma'
I still had problems so I had a look at the application.rb file and changed
# Pick the frameworks you want:
require "active_record/railtie"
require "action_controller/railtie"
require "action_mailer/railtie"
require "sprockets/railtie"
# require "rails/test_unit/railtie"
require "http_logger"
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)
require 'rails/all'
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
Which is what we were using in our newer rails environment.
