I am trying to pass a value called schoolYear which right now is 2019 lets say or whatever the user chooses really. Below is executed once the user selected submit and it executed a if post request then proceeds onto the edit controller via screen 2. on screen 2 I have a edit function with schoolYear being passed into it and a echo returning 2019 the correct value i choose. Great! Now i am struggling with passing that particular parameter into the table function so it can be used as shown. Can someone point me in the right direction, Thanks
Right now i get no error messages but if i take a look at the sql being passed, it is showing FiscalYear = 0 in the sql being executed which means $schoolyear is not being set from my controller hmmmmmm
return $this->redirect([
'controller' => 'MassUpdateCalender',
'action' => 'edit',
public function edit($schoolYear)
$InformationCalenderTable = $this->loadModel('MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar');
echo $schoolYear;
$elementarySchools = $InformationCalenderTable->getSchoolsByLevel('0%', $schoolYear);
public function getSchoolsByLevel($schoolYear, string $code = '0', string $isSummerSchool = '0')
$query = $this->find()
'FiscalYear' => $schoolYear,
'DistrictCode' => 'MA',
'summerSchool' => $isSummerSchool,
'SchoolCode like' => $code,
return $query->toArray();
The outcome will return a list of all the schools with that where criteria.
From what I understand, you are trying to get schools based on what year they are in. For that, do this:
function edit($schoolYear) {
$elementarySchools = $this->MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar->find('all', array('conditions' => array('MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar.FiscalYear' => $schoolYear)));
However, if you are trying to execute the query in your getSchoolsByLevel function, do this:
function edit($schoolYear) {
$code = $isSummerSchool = 0;
$elementarySchools = $this->MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar->find('all', array('conditions' => array('FiscalYear' => $schoolYear, 'DistrictCode' => 'MA', 'summerSchool' => $isSummerSchool, 'SchoolCode LIKE' => $code)));
If you want to break out your function, like in your example, do this:
function edit($schoolYear) {
$elementarySchools = $this->_getSchoolsByLevel($schoolYear);
function _getSchoolsByLevel($schoolYear, string $code = '0', string $isSummerSchool = '0') {
return $this->MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar->find('all', array('conditions' => array('FiscalYear' => $schoolYear, 'DistrictCode' => 'MA', 'summerSchool' => $isSummerSchool, 'SchoolCode LIKE' => $code)));
Put var $uses = array('MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar'); at the top of your controller class, so you don't have to keep loading the model.
The underscore before the function denotes a private function. Use this so that users can't go to the MMSDvSchoolFromCalendar/getSchoolsByLevel page.
My code:
$this->PackageCustomer->id = $customer_id;
$data['PackageCustomer'] = array(
'shipment' => 2,
'comments' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['content'],
'shipment_equipment' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['shipment_equipment'],
'shipment_note' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['shipment_note'],
'issue_id' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['issue_id']
pr($data); exit;
// pr($this->PackageCustomer->error);
echo $this->PackageCustomer->getLastQuery(); exit;
I inspect array $data. Data is being revived properly. And getLastQuery function is:
function getLastQuery() {
$dbo = $this->getDatasource();
$logs = $dbo->getLog();
$lastLog = end($logs['log']);
return $lastLog['query'];
Which is defined in appModel. I am using cakephp 2.6.9. But last query is :COMMIT which does not make any sense. I check My model convention. It is okay. Now what is the problem in my code?
Try this::
$this->PackageCustomer->id = $customer_id;
$data['PackageCustomer'] = array(
'shipment' => 2,
'comments' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['content'],
'shipment_equipment' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['shipment_equipment'],
'shipment_note' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['shipment_note'],
'issue_id' => $this->request->data['Ticket']['issue_id']
pr($data); exit;
// pr($this->PackageCustomer->error);
echo $this->PackageCustomer->getLastQuery(); exit;
If the above code doesn't work I need the following answered to help further...
I need bit more information can you confirm the following:
What is the name of the table you are trying to save to?
What is the name of the class relating the to the table you are trying to save to?
Are you trying to edit or create a new record in this table?
How can I create a custom Rule-Action which will successfully save a value as a replacement pattern for use in the other actions?
I got some very good help here on retrieving Product-Display information from a Product-Order.
As I said, the linked answer helped a great deal but the returned path data for the Product-Display comes back in the http://www.mysite/node/77 format. However, I really just need the numeric value only so I can load the node by performing a Fetch entity by id action supplying the numeric value and publishing the Product-Display node etc.
So, I implemented a custom action which will take the Product-Display URL(node/77) and return 77.
I copied the Fetch entity by id code and modified it so my returned numeric value can be saved and used in other Actions. The code is below:
function my_custom_action_info(){
$actions['publish_product_display_node'] = array(
'label' => t('Fetch product-display id'),
'parameter' => array(
'type' => array(
'type' => 'uri',
'label' => t('My Action'),
'options list' => 'rules_entity_action_type_options2',
'description' => t('Specifies the product-display url.'),
'provides' => array(
'entity_fetched' => array('type' => 'integer', 'label' => t('Fetched entity')),
'group' => t('Entities'),
'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
return $actions;
function publish_product_display_node($path = null){
$parts = explode('node/', $path);
return $parts[1];
function rules_entity_action_type_options2($element, $name = NULL) {
// We allow calling this function with just the element name too. That way
// we ease manual re-use.
$name = is_object($element) ? $element->getElementName() : $element;
return ($name == 'entity_create') ? rules_entity_type_options2('create') : rules_entity_type_options2();
function rules_entity_type_options2($key = NULL) {
$info = entity_get_info();
$types = array();
foreach ($info as $type => $entity_info) {
if (empty($entity_info['configuration']) && empty($entity_info['exportable'])) {
if (!isset($key) || entity_type_supports($type, $key)) {
$types[$type] = $entity_info['label'];
return $types;
function rules_action_entity_createfetch_access2(RulesAbstractPlugin $element) {
$op = $element->getElementName() == 'entity_create' ? 'create' : 'view';
return entity_access($op, $element->settings['type']);
As I said I copied the modified code so I don't claim to thoroughly understand all the functions aside from publish_product_display_node.
My code modifications work as far as setting the Product-Display URL token as the argument and also setting an entity variable label(Display NID) and value(display_nid).
The problem is when I check display_nid in newly created actions, the value is empty.
I need help figuring out the how to successfully save my entity value so I can use it in following Actions.
in the function publish_product_display_node, can you verify that you don't need to be returning $parts[0], instead of $[parts[1]?
It's just that Drupal paths are frequently in the form 'node/7' or 'taxonomy/term/6', and if you explode with 'node/' as the separator, you'd only have a single value which would start at index 0 for nodes...
So, just wondering if that would solve your issue...
I am creating a custom datasource and I am having problems when i request find('list'). find('all') returns perfectly what I want within my controller but find('list') just returns an empty array.
The funny thing is if I do a die(Debug($results)) in the datasource within the read function then I get my find('list') array correctly but if I return it i then get an empty array in my controller. Any ideas?
Code below:
public function read(Model $model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = null) {
if ($queryData['fields'] == 'COUNT') {
return array(array(array('count' => 1)));
$this->modelAlias = $model->alias;
$this->suffix = str_replace('Flexipay', '', $model->alias);
$this->url = sprintf('%s%s%s', $this->sourceUrl, 'getAll', Inflector::pluralize($this->suffix));
$r = $this->Http->get($this->url, $this->config);
$results_src = json_decode($r->body, true);
if($model->findQueryType == 'list'){
return $this->findList($queryData, $recursive, $results_src);
foreach($results_src['PortalMandantenResponses']['portalMandantenResponses'] as $r){
$results[] = $r;
$e = array($model->alias => $results);
return $e;
return false;
My response from die(debug(array($model->alias => $results);
(int) 0 => array(
'Mandant' => array(
'ns2.id' => (int) 79129,
'ns2.name' => 'company a'
(int) 1 => array(
'Mandant' => array(
'ns2.id' => (int) 70000,
'ns2.name' => 'company b'
Controller Code is here:
public function test2(){
//$a = $this->User->find('list');
$a = $this->Mandant->find('list', array('fields' => array('ns2.systembenutzernr', 'ns2.systembenutzernrBezeichnung')));
$a = $this->Mandant->find('list', array('fields' => array('ns2.systembenutzernr', 'ns2.systembenutzernrBezeichnung')));
You can use $a for the dropdown creation in view file.
I just had the same problem writing my custom model though I don't know if the cause in your case is the same, though you should probably look in the same place.
in Model.php there is a function _findList($state, $query, $results), my issue was the fields you specify in the find() call must match the $results structure exactly, otherwise at the end of the _findList() function the call to:
Hash::combine($results, $query['list']['keyPath'], $query['list']['valuePath'], $query['list']['groupPath'])
returns the empty array. The keyPath of {n}.MODELNAME.id, etc must match the name of the model specified in $results, for example
[0] => ['MODELNAME'] = array()
[1] => ['MODELNAME'] = array()
In my case my keyPath and valuePath had a different value for MODELNAME than in the results array
Hope that helps
I am stuck at the loop function of cakephp.
The logic is I need to compare the data entered by users with the data already in a table. I have two tables, one is Bookings and one is Inventories_Bookings. Below is my coding but it doesnot work. any help! Thanks
public function add2() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
foreach ($invbook as $invenbook)
if ($this->request->data['Booking']['bookings_location'] == $invenbook['InventoriesBooking']['test'])
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The booking cannot be created'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'add2'));
debug($this->request->data['Booking']['bookings_location'] == $invenbook['InventoriesBooking']['test']);
$invbook = $this->Booking->InventoriesBooking->find('list',array('fields' => array('InventoriesBooking.id', 'InventoriesBooking.test')));
I would use a custom validation function for this.
You are able to create your own functions in the model, and from here you can access the database to do the lookup. If it matches you can return true.
You can read about custom validation methods in the book.
There is an example of a rule like this using the db in the book.
Quoted for great justice.
class User extends AppModel {
public $validate = array(
'promotion_code' => array(
'rule' => array('limitDuplicates', 25),
'message' => 'This code has been used too many times.'
public function limitDuplicates($check, $limit) {
// $check will have value: array('promotion_code' => 'some-value')
// $limit will have value: 25
$existing_promo_count = $this->find('count', array(
'conditions' => $check,
'recursive' => -1
return $existing_promo_count < $limit;
I am trying to test a controller function that accepts a json payload.
As per the documentation of testAction() this can be done via setting $options['data'] to the appropriate string. Its not working for me.
See the documentation quoted here: http://api20.cakephp.org/class/controller-test-case (Please scroll down the the testAction() section).
Here is my test case.
public function testCreate(){
//Some code here
$this->testAction('/shippingbatches/create', array('data' => '[3,6]', 'method' => 'post'));
//Some more code here
Here is my controller function
public function create(){
debug($this->request); //This debug shows me an empty array in $this->request->data
$order_ids = json_decode($this->request->data);
//Some more code here
The first line of the controller function is showing me an empty array in $this->request->data. If the 'data' passed from the testAction() is an actual array it comes in nice & fine. But not when it is set to a string (unlike it says in the documentation).
Here is the output of the debug.
object(Mock_CakeRequest_ef4431a5) {
params => array(
'plugin' => null,
'controller' => 'shippingbatches',
'action' => 'create',
'named' => array(),
'pass' => array(),
'return' => (int) 1,
'bare' => (int) 1,
'requested' => (int) 1
data => array()
query => array(
'case' => 'Controller\ShippingBatchesController'
url => 'shippingbatches/create'
base => ''
webroot => '/'
here => '/shippingbatches/create'
Please help.
When passing data like that, you must receive it using CakeRequest::input().
public function create() {
$json = $this->request->input('json_decode', true);
I should note that I discovered this by reading Cake's test cases for ControllerTestCase::testAction. Reading test cases can give you insight into how Cake's internals work and give you hints on writing tests.