Disabled reason for option in react-select - reactjs

Is there a way to show why an option is disabled when I use react-select ?
Something like a disabledReason property in the option object ?

Assuming you want to show the reason alongside the disabled option in the menu, you can override how the option is rendered to render in a way that includes the reason.
How to do this exactly with the react-select API depends on if you are using V1 or V2 of react-select.
Example for V1: https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/blob/v1.x/examples/src/components/CustomComponents.js
Docs for V2: https://react-select.com/props#replacing-components

One possible solution is
Use react's SyntheticEvent onMouseEnter on the react-selection component to check if mouse hover.
Check if the react-select components is disabled
If the react-select is disabled, show the a tooltip
In React, onMouseEnter or hover is not working as expected
tooltip div with ReactJS


Show action only on row hover in material-UI v5 data grid

I'm using MUIv4 and built the following table component which show some actions on hover.
UI Before Hover
UI After Hover
Now I want to shift to MUI v5 Datagrid to replace this component. But could not find anything that could fulfill my design need i.e show actions on hover. Is there any way to do this on Datagrid component?
Link of MUI5 DataGrid with somehow desire result
Note: I want to show the action on one row at a time like in gmail
Just give me the code: https://codesandbox.io/s/datagridprodemo-material-demo-forked-63c9j?file=/demo.js:699-864
You can use renderCell with Chip like this:
renderCell: (params) => {
return (
<Chip variant="outlined" size="small" label={params.value} />
As you are requiring some GMail like interface try setting the icon property of Chip. Reference: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/v5.3.0/docs/src/pages/components/chips/IconChips.js
And it looks something like this:
You could check this documentation about migration from v4 to v5 https://mui.com/components/data-grid/migration-v4/#removed-props.
There are some removed props related to hover event: onCellEnter, onCellLeave, onRowEnter, and onRowLeave. The developer said that they removed the props for better performance https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui-x/issues/3799.
You could also check this documentation https://mui.com/components/data-grid/components/#row for the implementation examples when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the row or this documentation https://mui.com/components/data-grid/components/#cell when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the cell.

Dropdown on button click using Material UI

How to show dropdown on button click using material ui?
Currently, I'm able to do so but extra select field is getting populated which is not required. I don't want to hide select field with css.
Also, How can I change width, height, position and other properties of generated popover using material ui?
codesandbox url: https://codesandbox.io/s/du8mr
current implementation
You can use Menu component instead of a Select component.
You can change the Menu props using MenuProps which receives all Popover props.
From Menu documentation:
Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (Popover).

Material-UI Popper remains visible when `open` prop is set to `true`

I'm using Material-UI Popper component and using it with its keepMounted prop set.
The issue I'm having is that when the Popper's component open prop is false the popper goes of out of the window boundaries but remain visible.
Q: What approach should I use to ensure that the popper is not visibled/displayed when the Popper component's open is false?
I've looked into it (see below for more details) but without success.
I've setup a small repro and example code here:
Scroll to the bottom when the tooltip/popper "isn't shown" and notice that it's still visible. Clicking the button toggles the value of the Popper component's open property.
I'm hoping for the popper to be hidden when open is false while still using keepMounted. I would prefer if it wouldn't be shown at all (e.g display: none) not just go out of sight.
From Material-UI docs, I’ve seen that popper.js modifiers can be passed using the modifiers prop and look at modifiers~hide specifically.
In the doc it's mentioned that the hide modifier:
[...] will set a x-out-of-boundaries attribute which can be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is out of boundaries.
As per the doc this modifier should be enabled by default but it seems that the x-out-of-boundaries attribute doesn't seem to be applied to the popper container div at all.
So I haven't been able to rely on a CSS selector in this case.
I've also found this GH issue that I believe led to the implementation of the hide modifier.
I've tried to pass down [1] to the modifier a hidePopper function similar to the one suggested in the same GH issue here to detect when the popper goes in and out of the boundaries and set its style accordingly. Here's a fork of the previous repro with the code updated to reflect this:
But the boundaries attribute is not present on the data object passed to the function (see the console logs) when testing here:
Sorry if I'm missing something and would really appreciate any guidance on this. Thanks
[1] via the hide.fn modifier attribute.

React-Bootstrap OverlayTrigger not working when overlay is something other than a ToolTip or Popover

The documentation for the react-bootstrap overlay trigger says that the overlay prop can be an element or text. However, whenever I pass it something other than a "Tooltip" component it doesn't work. In fact, if you modify their code example on the website linked below to be just a div instead of a Tooltip or a string, it doesn't work on their site either. Does it have to be passed a Tooltip?
Easiest thing to pass is a Tooltip or a Popover.
You could also pass it something else, but then you have to wrap it in an Overlay instead of an OverlayTrigger. See the react-bootstrap docs on Custom Overlays for more specific examples.

Can I use material-ui FloatingActionButton as the submit and reset button for my redux-form

I'm attempting a simple redux form using Material UI component. Following the example on their page it's easy to get redux Field components rendering as material-ui fields ?
However I would like to use material-ui buttons as the Submit and Reset buttons for my form rather than just the standard HTML . Despite searching at length and trying a few things I cannot get this to work.
Any idea if it is possible to use material-ui buttons (e.g. FloatingActionButton) as my redux-form buttons ?
jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/h6kvv8j0/3/
Just apply the "type" attribute:
<form ...>
<FloatingActionButton type="submit">...</FloatingActionButton>
<FloatingActionButton type="reset">...</FloatingActionButton>
