Nagios web interface doesn't accept the credentials - nagios

I have a nagios4 instance running in a container and based on "nagios4_inspect" file the credentials are:
But when I go to the http://localhost/nagios and insert the credentials it doesn't accept it.
Am I doing something wrong?

Please go to below location and reset the password
sudo htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin/
Before apply the above command, please verify the file location of htpasswd.


How to enable that terminal reads from stdin [duplicate]

I have written scripts for Windows and Linux to essentially set up a new users workspace with all the git repositories from our server.
I would like the user to enter the password for our server once, store it in a local variable, pass that variable to each git pull command, then erase the password variable and exit.
How can I input the password when the git pull command requests it? Both for Windows batch file and a Linux shell script.
Here is code from the Linux script:
echo "Enter password: "
read pswd
clear #No screen peaking
#This is repeated for each repo
mkdir $location
cd $location
git init
git remote add origin git#<server>:$location.git
git pull origin master
#Above prompts for password & is where I want to automatically input $pswd
I've tried various things recommended on SO and elsewhere, such as piping, reading from .txt file, etc. I would prefer to not need anything more than plain old windows cmd and Linux terminal commands. And as this script is just for set up purposes, I do not need to securely store the password permanently with something like ssh agent.
I'm running Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10, but this script is meant for setting up new users, so it should ideally work on most distributions.
git pull "https://<username>:<password><github_account>/<repository_name>.git" <branch_name>
git pull "" master
Note: This works for me on a bash script
I would really recommend to not try and manage that password step, and delegate that (both on Linux and Windows) to git credential helper.
"Git http - securely remember credentials"
"How to use git with gnome-keyring integration"
The user will enter the password only once per session.
Read the remote url from git and then insert the ID and password (PW) to the url might work.
For example try the following:
origin=$(git remote get-url origin)
git pull ${origin_with_pass} master

Cannot boot Chainlink: opening db: failed to open db:

When I "chainlink node start",
I get the error:
"Cannot boot Chainlink: opening db: failed to open db: failed to connect to host=/private/tmp user=myname database=: server error (FATAL: unrecognized configuration parameter "?application_name" (SQLSTATE 42704))"
I follow this youtube video:
I have a .env
but it is not reading from there.
No matter what I change on DATABASE_URL,
I get the same error.
The database parameters are set via environment variable
As Richard said, you need to set DATABASE_URL as an environment variable. For some reason, the chainlink client cannot read file .env and set the environment variable as expected.
The way how I solve the problem is to set DATABASE_URL as an environment variable explicitly by command:
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://<usrname>:<passswd>#localhost:5432/chainlink_node?sslmode=disable
You can find all configurations of Chainlink node here.
Hope it helps.
The format to connect to the database is the following:
I always follow this steps to create the database:
sudo -u postgres psql
create database $DATABASE;
create user $USERNAME with encrypted password '$PASSWORD';
grant all privileges on database $DATABASE to $USERNAME;
Just change the variables
sudo -u postgres psql
create database chainlink;
create user username with encrypted password 'pass';
grant all privileges on database chainlink to username;
And then:
I don't recommend at all this credentials for production.

Use Wireguard Without a Password on Ubuntu 20.04

Now that I finally got my wireguard vpn working. I'm wondering if someone could help write the sudoers command that will allow me to connect and disconnect without a password.
In my /etc/sudoers file I currently have:
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wg
Which works great for:
But how do I edit the sudoers in order to be able to execute these without a password:
$wg-quick up wg-client1 and $wg-quick down wg-client1
Add the path to the wg-quick executable to your existing wg sudoers rule:
username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wg, /usr/bin/wg-quick

psql: error: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Davinci"

Im trying to setup postgres database for my django project, so i donwnloaded the installer together with the pgadmin. i set a default password when installing and i used it to login to the pgadmin and it worked, i now wanted to run so cli commmand, so i added postgres to path in my system enviroment variable in other to be able to run it on the cli and it works, i mean the system recognise the commands but im getting errors which i think its comming from the database itself. i have no idea about this error, this is my first time using it.
PS: it asked for my system user password and i entered it, then i got the error bellow.
Password for user Davinci:
psql: error: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "Davinci"
Try running psql -U postgres and then inserting the password you chose at pgadmin.
User postgres is the default, but it seems like Windows is trying to run psql -U Davinci when you type only psql, so you have to specify which user (-U for user / postgres for the username) when trying to connect.

How to copy file from SSH remote host to Jenkins Server

We are using Jenkins server for our daily build process and executes some bash scripts on remote hosts over SSH. This scripts are generating html log files on remote hosts.
We are using Copy to slave plugin to copy files on slave machines and Publish over ssh plugin to manage SSH sessions in build process.
Now the question is, We want to copy some files (log files of Scripts) from remote ssh host to Jenkins Server.
Which will be possible and better option for the same (plugin will be better if any).
sshpass is an option, but looking for any plugin or better way to do the job.
use sshpass command to send file in
Build Environment -> Execute Shell script on remote host using ssh ->
Post build script
sample command :
sshpass -p "password" scp path/of/file <new_server_ip>:/path/of/file
This will skip password prompt for scp command and will provide password to scp.
I think you can generate ssh keypair and pass it to the slave as a parameter with, for example, Config File Provider Plugin
Then just use scp to retrieve files using this keypair for authentication process.
Obviously way too late, but in case you're already using publish-over-ssh, want to avoid duplicating the credentials and have a shared library you can use this piece of groovy to obtain the host configuration:
import jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.*
def getSSHHost(name) {
def found = null
it.hostConfigurations.each{host ->
if ( == name) {
found = host
As mentioned, this either requires a Global Shared Library (so that your code is trusted) or (probably) a number of admin approvals, sorry for that.
This returns a BapSshHostConfiguration.
For a password connection you can do:
def sshHost = getSSHHost('Configuration Name')
def host = [host: sshHost.hostname, user: sshHost.username, password: sshHost.password]
sshHost = null
set +x
sshpass -p "${host.password}" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${host.user}#${}:filename.extension .
set -x
This copies the file to your local work directory.
Probably not the best code ever, but I'm not a groovy specialist. It works and that is enough for me. (the set +x is to avoid it echoing the command in the log, showing the password). Getting rid of anything Non-CPS (sshHost = null) before you perform a CPS call saves you a lot of headaches :)
Since it took me quite a while to figure out I wanted to share this for whoever comes next.
