Grouping lines considering intersections of each line using python - arrays

There are 5 lines. I want to group them considering whether they intersect or not by limiting to the two end points of each line.
I want to get the logic for any of the lines, not being limited to the given scenario.
Array of 5 lines (coordinates of end points).
lines_all = [[(1, 10), (5, 10)],[(3, 5), (5, 5)],[(3, 10), (3, 13)],[(5,10),(5,13)],[(3,13),(4,13)]]
Then finally I want to get the following array list.
result = [[[(1, 10), (5, 10)], [(3, 10), (3, 13)],[(3, 13), (4, 13)]], [[(1, 10), (5, 10)], [(5, 10), (5, 13)]],[(3, 5), (5, 5)]]

To find all line segment intersections, you can use Bentley-Ottmann algorithm.
Arbitrary found Python implementation


Find total number of ways possible to create an array of size M

Suppose I have M = 2 and N = 5 and K = 2 where
M = size of array
N = Maximum number that can be present as an array element
K = Minimum number that can be present as an array element.
So how do I find the number of possible ways to create an array using the above conditions. Also the current number should be not be greater than the previous element.
The arrays created using the above conditions are
i.e 10 array can be created from the above conditions.
I tried doing it by using combinations and factorials, but not getting the desired output. Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming you are just interested in the number of combinations the formula is -
See more here
This is known as a combinations_with_replacement: combination because the order doesn't matter (or it would be a permutation), and with replacement because elements can be repeated, like [5, 5].
list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(2, 6), 2))
# [(2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
If you want the exact ones you listed, you will have to reverse each element, and the list itself.
list(reversed([tuple(reversed(element)) for element in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(2,6), 2)]))

Kotlin - index of duplicate elements in an array

Is there an easy way to get the index of matching elements in an array without writing a for loop and then collecting the index?
Eg: val arr = arrayOf<Int>(2,3,4,2,5,2,6,3,2)
Output: For element 2, output should be (0,3,5,8) and For element 3, output should be (1,7)
Kotlin provides indexOf(element) which returns first index and then lastIndexOf(element) which will give me last index. Am looking for an easy way to get indexes of all matching elements.
My solution: Standard solution of iterating over the array and collecting index.
var indexArrOf2 = mutableListOf<Int>()
var indexArrOf3 = mutableListOf<Int>()
for(i in arr.indices) {
if (arr[i] == 2) {
if (arr[i] == 3) {
Yes, you can use mapIndexedNotNull:
arr.mapIndexedNotNull { index, elem -> if (elem == 2) index else null }
A little convoluted but returns a map Map<Element, List<Indices>> to use as desired.
arr.mapIndexed { index, i -> i to index } //List<Pair<Int, Int>> - [(2, 0), (3, 1), (4, 2), (2, 3), (5, 4), (2, 5), (6, 6), (3, 7), (2, 8)]
.groupBy { it.first } //Map<Int, List<Pair<Int, Int>>> - {2=[(2, 0), (2, 3), (2, 5), (2, 8)], 3=[(3, 1), (3, 7)], 4=[(4, 2)], 5=[(5, 4)], 6=[(6, 6)]}
.mapValues { { it.second } } //Map<Int, List<Int>> - {2=[0, 3, 5, 8], 3=[1, 7], 4=[2], 5=[4], 6=[6]}
I'd use the withIndex() extension function to add the index.  You can then select the matching items, and get their indices:
val arr = arrayOf(2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 6, 3, 2)
println(arr.withIndex().filter{ it.value == 2 }.map{ it.index })
// prints '[0, 3, 5, 8]'

Read values and list of lists in Haskell

Before to mark this question as duplicated, I already read this topic: Haskell read Integer and list of lists from file and the solution doesn't solve my problem.
I'm trying to read the content in a File that contains this structure:
String, String, [(Int, Int, Int)]
The file looks something like this:
Name1 22/05/2018 [(1, 5, 10), (2, 5, 5), (3, 10, 40)]
Name2 23/05/2018 [(1, 10, 10), (2, 15, 5), (3, 50, 40),(4,20,5)]
Name3 22/05/2018 [(4, 2, 1), (5, 2, 2), (6, 50, 3), (1,2,3)]
Name4 23/05/2018 [(1, 3, 10), (2, 1, 5), (3, 2, 40), (6,20,20)]
In Haskell, I created this function to read the contents of the file and "convert" this content to my custom type.
rlist :: String -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
rlist = read
loadPurchases :: IO [(String, String, [(Int, Int, Int)])]
loadPurchases = do s <- readFile "tes.txt"
return (glpurch (map words (lines s)))
glpurch :: [[String]] -> [(String, String, [(Int, Int, Int)])]
glpurch [] = []
gplpurch ([name, dt, c]:r) = (name, dt, (rlist c)) : gplpurch r
But when I try to execute the "loadPurchases" function, I get this error:
Non-exhaustive patterns in function glpurch.
Using :set -Wall, I received this help message:
<interactive>:6:1: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for `glpurch':
Patterns not matched:
([_, _]:_)
My problem is how to create all these conditions.
I will be very grateful if anyone can help me create those conditions that are likely to determine the "stopping condition"
You are only matching lists of length 3 when in fact there are many more words on each line. Just try it in GHCi:
> words "Name1 22/05/2018 [(1, 5, 10), (2, 5, 5), (3, 10, 40)]"
You probably want to recombine all words past the first two:
glpurch ((name : dt : rest) :r) = (name, dt, (rlist $ unwords rest)) : gplpurch r
To solve my problem, I did what #Welperooni and #Thomas M. DuBuisson suggested.
I added this code to my function:
glpurch ((name: dt: c: _): r) = (name, dt, (read c :: [(Cod, Quant, Price)
And I removed the blanks that were in the list in my file, these spaces made the division of the text not done correctly.

Construct a decision-tree classifier with binary splits at each node?

Construct a decision-tree classifier with binary splits at each node, using tuples in relation r (A, B, C) shown below as training data; attribute C denotes the class.
Show the final tree, and with each node show the best split for each attribute along with its information gain value.
Training Data:
(1, 2, a), (2, 1, a), (2, 5, b), (3, 3, b), (3, 6, b), (4, 5, b), (5, 5, c), (6, 3, b), (6, 7, c) ?
How to proceed?
Any link will be helpful?
Have you found what algorithm (i.e. ID3) do you want to use to build your decision tree? To predict the class, you need to train your decision tree based on observations about data (i.e. features). This lilnk explains the decision tree learning.

Swift: Sort Array with NSRange

I have an array with some NSRanges and want to sort them depending on their location.
var rangeArr = Array<NSRange>()
rangeArr.append(NSMakeRange(14, 4))
rangeArr.append(NSMakeRange(1, 3))
rangeArr.append(NSMakeRange(5, 5))
...results in:
(14, 4), (1, 3), (5, 5)
But I need a result like:
(1, 3), (5, 5), (14, 4)
rangeArr.sortInPlace {$0.location < $1.location}
