Using React state to allow for temporary invalid numeric input - reactjs

I may be thinking about this wrong but I would like to have two components, a parent and a child, where the child has an input element where the user is expected to enter a number. The parent component's callback will only get called on valid numbers. This is enforced via Typescript and parseFloat.
class Child extends React.Component {
state = { number: '' };
inputChanged = (ev) => {
const stringy =;
this.setState({number: stringy});
const parsed = parseFloat(stringy);
if (parsed) {
render() {
return <input
value={this.props.number || this.state.number}
class Container extends React.Component {
state = { number: 5 };
numberSet = (value: number) => {
this.setState({number: value});
render() {
return <Child
The challenge comes in that I want to be able to set and change the number value in the child component with props. But I also want to allow the user to type numbers in.
If I only rely on the props and not state then when they type things like decimal points they do not show up because they are invalid from the perspective of parseFloat. But if I only rely on state then I can't seem to get the parent component to update the child component with new props.
I have created the following CodePen to reproduce as well. Notice how you cannot type a decimal point in the input field. Where am I going wrong here?

You are complicating things here with the pattern. The question itself may be incorrect and mis-informed.
But to address your problem of not able to use decimal values,
the problem is parseFloat('52.') is 52 and the code runs on every change because of the change in this.props and you are never successful in adding that '.' !
Using a controlled component like below should solve all your problems!
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
return <input
value = {this.props.number}
class Container extends React.Component {
state = { number: 5 };
numberSet = (ev) => {
let value =;
this.setState({number: value});
render() {
return <Child
React.render(<Container />, document.getElementById('app'));`


Is it safe to pass in React component class instance to child component to access to the parent's variables and methods?

I am trying to get data from parent component. I know that I can pass in functions or variables to the child component but its looks cleaner to just pass in this to child component to access to its parent functions or variables.
class Parent extends Component {
state = {
_id: 123456789
foo = (val) => {
render() {
<Child parentInstance={this} />
class Child extends Component {
update = (e) => {;
render() {
<input onChange={this.update} />
If you find yourself passing this down (as I did many times when learning React!), you’ll find it useful to re-read Thinking in React.
In this instance, you should be passing the ID down as a prop. When the state changes, React knows that it’s used to calculate that prop and so will re-render the child component.
As for the callback, that’s best handled as an individual function. If you find yourself passing many callbacks around in your app, you may want to look into using a more complex state management system than just Reacts internal state values.
class Parent extends Component {
state = {
_id: 123456789
foo = (val) => {
this.setState({ _id: val })
render() {
<Child parentId={this.state._id} onChange={} />
class Child extends Component {
update = (e) => {
render() {
<input onChange={this.update} />
It is more typical to pass properties and callbacks as props, not the instance itself.
i.e. <Child parentId={this.state._id} onUpdate={} />

ReactJS render element by ref

I am trying to render an parent-component which has two children. The rendering of the children will switch, so one time there will be only the first child rendered, another time it will be the last and finally it will switch back to the first child (which then should contain all the values shown before).
I thought this would be simple but it turned out that it is not.
Now to the problem: Whenever the method switchContainer is called, it will switch the container and render the other. However all member-variables, props and states are getting lost and it basically reinstanciated the child-component from scratch.
Is there a way to save the child-components "as-is" and once it is getting re-rendered, it will hold all the member-variables, props and states again?
I know that you can send props and states to the element like this:
<Child props={<data>} states={<data>}>
but this doesn't solve the issue with the missing membervariables and in my opinion it isn't a smooth solution.
My attempt so far is (this is just a mockup):
class Parent extends React.Component<any,any> {
private firstContainer:any;
private secondContainer:any;
private currentContainer:any;
constructor(props:any) {
this.firstContainer = <Child>;
this.secondContainer = <Child>;
public render() {
return (
public switchContainer() {
if(this.currentContainer === this.firstContainer) {
this.currentContainer = this.secondContainer;
else {
this.currentContainer = this.firstContainer;
class Child extends React.Component<any,any> {
private anyValue:string;
constructor(props) {
this.change = this.change.bind(this);
public render() {
return (
<input onChange={this.change} value={this.anyValue}/>
private change(e:any) {
this.anyValue =;
You can try maintaining a state and update children in render instead of saving child as firstContainer and secondContainer
class Parent extends React.Component<any, any> {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
firstChild: true
public render() {
const { firstChild } = this.state;
<Child1 show={firstChild}/>
<Child2 show={!firstChild} />
public switchContainer() {
this.setState(({ firstChild }) => ({ firstChild: !firstChild }));
And in child component, handle show to showContent otherwise render null. If you want to retain state, you should not unmount the component.

React handle state update

I'm using the react to build some input forms.
While all children inputs have and their own states to store values I have no idea how to process the to a parent.
Here's example:
class FormComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
title: null,
someAmount: null
render() {
let me = this;
return (
onChange={(proxy, value) => {
me.setState({title: value})
onChange={(proxy, value) => {
if (!isNaN(Number.parseFloat(value))) {
me.setState({someAmount: value})
handleChange() {
//Calling the parent
//State here is outdated
this.props.onUpdate && this.props.onUpdate(this.state);
export default FormComponent;
Or where I can find some example of usage of compex forms with much inputs in react.
Sounds like you need to consider moving some of your state into the parent components. The React docs have a good article about this.
To summarize, you can pass your hanleChnage(); function as a prop to your child components if you declare the function in your parent.
function handleChange() { //do something... }
<ChildComponent parentOnChange={this.handleChange.bind(this) />
As your components grow in complexity, you might consider using Redux for state management, thus serving as a single source for all state in your application.
Set a child property, (e.g. callParentProperty) to reference a function in the parent component (e.g. parentFunction).
class ParentComponent extends Component{
parentFunction(parameter) {
console.log("This is the form value");
render() {
return <FormComponent callParentFunctionProperty={this.parentFunction.bind(this)} />
class FormComponent extends Component {
handleChange() {
let formValue = this.state.someAmount;

react component - parent child interaction; component Lifecycle

I am developing a simple browser app to get some specific data from the user.
I have several components to simplify the proccess of collecting that data, but I am currently rethinking my way of rendering this component.
Basically, i have my main component, which uses state to keep track of which component to render.
I am doing this for almost all of my components.
Also, i also have a function inside the parent component, that i pass to the child component via props, and that is used as a callback to pass the child state to its parent, when that component is no longer useful.
class Main extends React.Component {
this.state = {
renderA: true,
renderB: false,
childState: null
childState: state
render() {
let content = null;
if(this.state.renderA === true){
content = <ComponentA />
} else {
content = <ComponentB />
So, using the above example, the child would be something like this
class ComponentA extends React.Component {
this.state = {
stop: false,
usefullInfo: null
destroy() {
render something (like a Form) untill this.state.usefullInfo is set;
in that case, set this.state.stop true which will call destroy, passing the usefull information to parent
So, this method works for me, but i can see clearly that most probably this is not the way to do this.
At this point my question are:
1) how can I stop rendering a component without having to track it with some property like this.state.stop ?
2) if i want to render 2 different components, like in the main component, do I always have to keep a renderA and renderB property on state, to render one or another?
3) is there a better way to pass information from child to parent? i am currently using a callback function passed via props from parent to child, and i am invoking that callback when the component has done its purpose
4) any general suggestions on how to improve the quality of the above code?
Thank you for you help :)!
Your example works fine, but in React it is recommended to lift state up when handling data from multiple children (source). So I would recommend to keep the sate of every children in the parent, and pass props with values and handlers to the children.
Here's a sample app you can check. The form components handle the case you want to implement.
To answer your questions:
The parent component should decide, based on its own state, whether to render a child component or not.
It's not needed to keep variables on state about what component to render. that should be computed in render() based on the parent's state
Yes, callback are the recommended way to pass information to parents
Code quality looks good. You can always do good with tools like prettier or ESlint.
Here's an example:
class Main extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
stateA: '',
stateB: '',
handleStateChange(name, value) {
[name]: value,
render() {
const { stateA, stateB } = this.statel;
const shouldRenderA = !stateA;
if (shouldRenderA) {
return <ComponentA value={stateA} onChange={value => this.handleStateChange('stateA', value)} />;
return <ComponentB value={stateA} onChange={value => this.handleStateChange('stateB', value)} />;
class ComponentA extends React.Component {
render() {
const { value, onChange } = this.props;
return <input type="text" value="value" onChange={onChange} />;

How to allow updates to input without updating props in React?

I would like to allow a user to enter changes in an input field without propagating them to the parent. I did this by returning out of the onChange function whenever I don't want to propagate. However this seems to undo the character I typed.
Here is a use case. I have a number field. I want to trigger onChange on parent when there is a number entered, but ignore "." and ","s (formatters.staticToFloat removes them).
export default class NumberField extends React.Component {
render () {
var props = this.props;
var format = props.formatter || formatters.number;
return (
value={!_.isUndefined(props.value) ? format(props.value) : null}
onChange (e) {
var numValue = formatters.stringToFloat(;
//they added a . or , we don't propagate change
if (this.props.value === numValue) {
if (this.props.onChange) {
value: numValue,
valid: validation.isValid(numValue, this.props.validation)
So far the best way I've come up with is maintaining a separate formattedValue state that only gets set when I want to override the default formatting. It works, but seems like a super dirty solution.
export default class NumberField extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
formattedValue: null
render () {
var props = this.props;
var state = this.state;
var format = props.formatter || formatters.number;
var inputValue = state.formattedValue || (
!_.isUndefined(props.value) ?
format(props.value) :
return (
onChange (e) {
var numValue = formatters.stringToFloat(;
//they added a . or , we don't propagate change
if (this.props.value === numValue) {
} else {
formattedValue: null
if (this.props.onChange) {
value: numValue,
valid: validation.isValid(numValue, this.props.validation)
Sounds like a case for using state to store the formatted value inside the component, and use a special variant of setState with a callback.
all user input (including . and ,) is put in state and rendered in input field back to user.
only when the format is correct, the parent onChange() is called.
The parent may actually do a re-render triggered by the onChange() call. Therefore, we need to make sure that the last entered character is updated in state, and only after that the parent's onChange() will be called.
Your component would look like as follows:
export default class NumberField extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
value: !_.isUndefined(props.value) ?
props.formatter ? props.formatter(props.value).toString() : formatters.number(props.value).toString()
: null;
render () {
var props = this.props;
var state = this.state;
return (
onChange (e) {
var numValue = formatters.stringToFloat(;
// if numValue is different from current state
// then it must be an OK update,
// so we update state AND call parent if function exists
if (numValue.toString() != this.state.value) {
value: numValue
this.callParent // here is the magic: we pass a callback, to be called after state update and after re-render
} else {
// otherwise we only update state (to display invalid character)
value: numValue
callParent() {
// state is updated and component has re-rendered when this is called
// so we can use state.value to inform parent
if (this.props.onChange) {
value: this.state.value,
valid: validation.isValid(this.state.value, this.props.validation)
This may be a bit of overkill: you keep a state (formatted value) that you also communicate to the parent. If your parent ALWAYS passes down the newly forwarded input, then you could make your component a lot simpler:
No state, but simply re-render based on props.
You only really need state if the value presented to the user in the input field can deviate from what you communicate to parent.
