Correct way to handle commands that rely on multiple view models - wpf

I'm relatively new to WPF and MVVM and i am trying to understand how to use commands correctly when they have dependencies in more than 1 view model.
A couple of examples:
In my current application i have a RelayCommand which causes a save action to occur in a couple of different view models (they write a couple of different files). Currently i am handling this using a the mvvmlight messenger to send a message to those view models to get them to do the save which i think is the correct way to do it as it avoids having to provide some kind of delegate or event to/on those view models.
I have a RelayCommand in a view model that has a CanExecute method which relies on the state of 2 other view models. I've currently handled this via the mvvmlight messenger as well by having changes in the view models the CanExecute method depends on message that their state is now valid for the operation. This seems messy but the only alternative i could think of was to use a delegate or event effectively weaving the view models together which i believe i should be avoiding.
Is there some generally accepted way to deal with this which i am missing?

In general your view model layer should have a 1:1 relationship with your view, there should be no good reason for a "Save" function to exist in a view model which is then called by another view model.
What it sounds like you should be doing is putting that logic into a service i.e. something like this:
public interface ISerializationService
void Save(SomeData data);
Then you need an implementation for this service that does the actual work:
public class SerializationService : ISerializationService
void Save(SomeData data)
// actual save happens here
Your view models should then contain properties that point to instances of these services:
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ISerializationService SerializationService { get; set; }
// called when the user clicks a button or something
private void ButtonClickCommand()
The only question remaining is "What sets the value of SerializationService?", and for that you need a dependency injection framework. There are plenty out there, MVVMLight installs one itself, but Ninject is the de-facto standard. When implemented properly the injection framework will create all view models for you and then "inject" the dependencies, i.e. your SerializationService property, of type ISerializationService, will be initialized with an instance of your SerializationService class (which in a case like this will also be configured to be a singleton).
Dependency Injection takes a bit of work to get your head around but once you start using it you'll never look back. It facilitates complete separation-of-concerns whilst alleviating the need to pass pointers to everything all up and down your architectural hierarchy.


Notification from ViewModel to View

I need to send notification from ViewModel to View in MVVM WPF application. In most cases it will be simple MessageBox on View side. Is it unacceptable violation of MVVM pattern to use types like System.Windows.MessageBoxResult or System.Windows.MessageBoxImage in ViewModel (in this case VM must reference UI-specific libraries)?
I need to pass title, message and notification type from VM and by creating custom enumerations I am in fact copying existing functionality from .NET Framework.
You don't need notification mechanism. That's one option. Another is using simple service class:
public class ViewModel
IDialogService _dialogService; //ctor injection or use service locator
public void CommandExecute()
public interface IDialogService
bool? ShowMessageBox(params....);
public class DialogService : IDialogService
public bool? ShowDialog(params...)
I find this approach more straightforward, easier to understand and easier to debug. Messaging may easily turn into memory leak and in this case I don't see any benefit over my approach.
Will you use custom enum in ShowMessageBox parameters, or will you use
First of all, ViewModels belong to presentation layer. It is OK to use enums like System.Windows.MessageBoxImage in ViewModel.
In MVVM, ViewModels are separated from Views because of following reasons:
ViewModels expose data and logic from Model in such way that is easily consumable from Views (e.g DataBinding)
ViewModels are easier testable
ViewModels provides better design time support (Blendability, test data)
ViewModels separates application logic from the actual presentation markup which makes it easier to understand (readbility)
Does using enum like System.Windows.MessageBoxImage breaks any of the points above? The answer is no.
If you wanted to reuse IDialogService and your ViewModels on multiple platforms, for example WPF, UWP and Xamarin, then you need to create your own enum, because it may not exist on all platforms. The golden rule is: don't add another layer of abstraction if you don't need it.
You could have the view implement an interface, say INotificationService and then pass the view to the view model constructor. That won't violate MVVM, and you will still be able to bind the view model to the view using the DataContext property on the view.
I decided to keep ViewModel as clean of UI (View) stuff as possible, so I will create custom enumeration inspired by MessageBox and tailored exactly to my needs.

Master-Detail relation with inheritance in a WPF MVVM application

I think this is a rather basic question, but I haven't been able to find an answer to this.
I have the following scenario:
Without using any form of EntityFrameWork I have a PersonViewModel and a PersonDetailsViewModel, which inherits from the PersonViewModel. In my PersonView I display a collection of PersonViewModels in a grid. I have properties like Name, DateOfBirth etc, as columns. When I double click on a person a PersonDetailView pops up which is bound to a PersonDetailsViewModel. In this View there is extra information shown about the person (Gender, SocialSecurity number etc.). The user I allowed to edit all properties.
Now I wonder what the best/common approach is to make sure that the PersonViewModel gets updated with the values that have been editted in the PersonDetailsViewModel.
I can think of several options. For starters I could opt for not using different ViewModels, but instead use PersonDetailViewModels to show in the grid, but the downside to that is that I would need to retrieve a lot of unnecessary data per ViewModel.
I can also synchronise the corresponding properties after the PersonDetailsView closes.
The third option I can think of is that instead of inheriting from the PersonView I will include a property in PersonDetailsView that is of the type PersonView and expose it's properties and use it for binding in the PersonDetailsView. All other extra properties in PersonDetailsViewModel will then be retrieved in it's constructor.
In my experience, the best way to update view models who share the same data is to use the Mediator pattern to send a notification message that the data has updated.
In order to have a good object oriented design we have to create lots
of classes interacting one with each other. If certain principles are
not applied the final framework will end in a total mess where each
object relies on many other objects in order to run. In order to avoid
tight coupled frameworks, we need a mechanism to facilitate the
interaction between objects in a manner in that objects are not aware
of the existence of other objects.
It is syntactically important to your design that the notification says what has happened (the data was updated) and not what should happen (data gets reloaded) because that response may not stay the same as the system evolves.
Often, common MVVM libraries have Mediator implementations in them. For example, Prism's EventAggregator.
in Addition to Sheridans answer. i would expose the Detail as a property of type PersonDetailsViewModel
public class PersonViewModel
public PersonDetailsViewModel Detail {get;set;}
then your xaml looks simply like that
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Detail.Gender}"/>
EDIT1: in addition to the comments above
i would not do any inheritence (thats what user1087702 wrote in his question). i would simply create 2 classes: PersonVM and PersonVMDetail. And if the request is, to show Details from my person object, why in hell shouldn't i just create a public Property in my PersonVM class of type PersonVMDetail - to fullfill this request?
The simplest way to achieve your requirements would be to add a constructor to your PersonViewModel class that takes a PersonDetailsViewModel instance and updates its common properties:
public PersonViewModel(PersonDetailsViewModel personDetailsViewModel)
Name = personDetailsViewModel.Name;
DateOfBirth = personDetailsViewModel.DateOfBirth;
PersonViewModel = new PersonViewModel(PersonDetailsViewModel);
Of course, this doesn't have to be in the constructor... it could just as easily be a method in the PersonViewModel class, or even a helper method in a separate Factory Pattern class, it's up to you.

Pass Single Instance of Model to Multiple View Models in same Module for different views

I am working on a project using PRISM where I have left navigation implemented as Tree View and any click event happens raise event using event aggergation to Enrolment Module which has multiple view model for multiple views (like Wizard Applicaiton where you can go through many views to collect data). I want to have a common or shared or singleton model which can be passed across this view models and save at the end.... users can click on any link any navigation at any time and it should save data in to this singleton model expsosed through different view model. Do you have any samples which are doing something like this... or can you type up a quick one on how to do it? OR it is not possible to do it at all. I am following all patterns from Brian Lagunas's Pluralsight Video for PRISM so try to use that way....
I would have a MasterViewModel which controls the "wizard" pages and current state
It would contain the following properties:
List<ViewModelBase> Pages
int CurrentPageIndex
ViewModelBase CurrentPage, which returns Pages[CurrentPageIndex]
MyClass DataObject
The MasterView that goes with the MasterViewModel would be nothing more than a ContentControl with it's Content bound to CurrentPage. I would probably also define DataTemplates in the MasterView which tells WPF which View to draw with which Page
Your MasterViewModel would be in charge of handling the pages, and passing each page a reference to the data it needs. For example in the constructor it might say,
public MasterViewModel(MyClass dataObject)
DataObject = dataObject;
Pages.Add(new InfoPage(DataObject));
Pages.Add(new AddressPage(DataObject.Addresses));
Pages.Add(new PhonePage(DataObject.Phones));
Pages.Add(new SaveMyClassPage(DataObject));
CurrentPageIndex = 0;
I have an example here if you're interested
I don't know, is it prism way, or something another, when I build something like wizard, first of all I create instance of all data which wizard collect.
public WizardData wd = new WizardData();
Then, every page of wizard are initialized by this wd instance, i.e.
public FirstWizardPage(WizardData wd)
this.wizardData = wd;
So, this way allow you to have button Finish on every page, for example. You can initialize your ViewModel with wd, or its properties.
This way is not the best. Its hust one of the possible way.
Another - is to create singleton and use it without reference passing from page-to-page.
When you use Prism you also have a Dependency Injection Container, usually Unity or MEF. To solve your problem you can register your model as singleton to those DI containers. Every view model that asks the DI container to resolve their dependecy, in our special case the model, will get the singleton instance back from the DI container.
Unity example: You register your model as singleton instance:
public void Initialize( )
container.RegisterInstance<Model>(new Model(), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager( ));
Now you can resolve your dependencies in your view model:
public ViewModel(IUnityContainer container)
Model model = container.Resolve<Model>();

MVVM: Communication between the Model and ViewModels

I'm developing a WPF application using the MVVM pattern. I'm using MVVM Light library and I'm also trying to use a dependency injector (I'm considering Ninject and Unity).
I've read a lot of blog articles and I'm quite confused about the "proper" way of making my classes communicate with each other. In particular, I don't know when to use Dependency Injection and when to rely on the mediator pattern.
Lets consider an example. I have a ViewModel, lets call it DataViewModel, and the Data class that provides some kind of data.
How is it better to communicate between them:
A. Inject a dependency to DataViewModel with an interface of IData? This way Data will not have to rely on Messenger, but it will have to provide an event if the Data changes, and the ViewModel will have to subscribe to it.
B. Rely on the mediator pattern (implemented in MVVM Light as Messenger) and send messages between Model and ViewModel? This way it will not be necessary to use Dependency Injection at all, because whole communication will be based on messages.
Moreover, should my ViewModels have injected dependencies on other ViewModels, or it would be better just to rely on the Messenger? If the first, would it be necessary to define a separate interface for each ViewModel? I think that defining an interface for each VM will be an additional work, but maybe it is worth it.
Generally the ViewModel goes to a Service (as Prism calls it) to retrieve the data it needs. That service is pushed to the ViewModel via DI (Constructor Injection) although you could perform this another way via a ServiceLocator.
Therefore your ViewModel will hold a reference to a service which will abstract away the retrieval of your data. The data could be coming from a DB, XML file, who knows...the abstraction is there. So for your case of IData, the reference to that type will occur at some point in the ViewModel but not by way of any from of DI. If your IoC framework allows it (Prism does) you create mappings of interface types to concrete types and then retrieve those types via your container; such is the case with Unity.
Here is a brief example...Scripts is bound to the View and the ViewModel is injected into the View. Notice the use of the IScriptService to retrieve the data. The data coming back is a collection of IScript types, however we never formally injected that type into the ViewModel because we don't care about the type as a single entity we care about the type on a grandeur scale.
public ScriptRepositoryViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IScriptService scriptService, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
_container = container;
_scriptService = scriptService;
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
public ICollectionView Scripts
if (_view == null)
_view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(_scriptService.Scripts);
_view.Filter = Filter;
return _view;
When you make your way to the View, the same case can be had there, the View will get injected via DI (Constructor Injection) with the ViewModel. I would not make other ViewModels depend on each other, keep them isolated. If you begin to see a need for coupling take a look at the data you are trying to share, more often then to that data needs to be abstracted out further and not become coupled to any ViewModel.
There is more than one good solution to your problem,
I suggest you to use some single interface in your data models, put it in a base class, this interface will allow your data objects to communicate with the outside world.
For the view models inject not the data but an interface that can retrieve data for you, the data will expose events that the vm can register to them after he gets them.
data oject should not know who holds him, view model knows what kind of data he holds but I dont recommend to inject this data due to flexibility issues.

How have you combined the advantages of the direct View-to-Model approach and MVVM in your WPF projects?

In our application we have many Model objects that have hundreds of properties.
For every property on the model:
public string SubscriptionKind { get; set; }
we had to make an INotifyPropertyChanged-enabled property on the ViewModel:
#region ViewModelProperty: SubscriptionKind
private int _subscriptionKind;
public int SubscriptionKind
return _subscriptionKind;
_subscriptionKind = value;
which meant that when our View sent the Save event, we had to remap all these values of the view model back into the model:
customer.SubscriptionKind = this.SubscriptionKind
This became tedious and time-consuming as the models kept changing and we had to map all changes up into the ViewModels.
After awhile we realized that it would be more straight-forward to just connect the DataContext of the View directly to the Model which enables us to bind the XAML elements directly to the Model object properties so that the save event would simply save the object without any mapping whatsoever.
What we lost in this move is:
the ability via UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged to do fine-grained validation and manipulation in the ViewModel Property Setters, which I really liked: this we don't have anymore since any change in XAML simple changes the dumb property on the Model
the ability (in the future) to create mock views which test our viewmodel's UI logic in a novel way, e.g. "if property SubscriptionKind is set to "Yearly" then (1) change discount to 10%, (2) run "congratulations animation", and (3) make order button more prominent.
Both of these approaches have obvious advantages, e.g. the first way "View-direct-to-Model" approach especially when combined with LINQ-to-SQL is pragmatic and enables you to produce useful software fast, and as long as you use {Binding...} instead of x:Name you still have the ability to "hand off your views to a Blend Designer".
On the other hand, although MVVM requires you to maintain tedious mapping of Model to ViewModel, it gives you powerful validation and testing advantages that the first approach doesn't have.
How have you been able to combine the advantages of these two approaches in your projects?
Since your ViewModel has access to the model, you can also just directly wrap the model's properties:
#region ViewModelProperty: SubscriptionKindprivate
// int _subscriptionKind; - Use the model directly
public int SubscriptionKind
return this.Model.SubscriptionKind;
if (this.Model.SubscriptionKind != value)
this.Model.SubscriptionKind = value;
The advantage here is you can keep your validation in place in the ViewModel if you wish, and have more control over how it's set back to your model, but there is less duplication in place.
Why not use a mapping tool like AutoMapper? It's speedy and you don't have to write all of that mapping code:
Mapper.CreateMap<MyModel, MyViewModel>();
MyViewModel vm = Mapper.Map(myModelInstance);
Really easy and now you get the best of both worlds.
Automapper uses a technique that generates assemblies on the fly to do the mapping. This makes it execute just as fast as if you had written all of that tedious mapping code, but you don't have to.
Since my model objects are business objects, not directly related to the datamodel, I use them directly in the ViewModel.
The first mapping (datamodel to business object model) and the creation of properties are generated by a code generator.
I used a t4 Generator class to create my ViewModels from XAML not sure if this would help your situation.
