TagUI RPA Download File From Browser - file

I want to automatic download file from browser using tagUI.
How can i do this with tagUI? I need Thanks in advance.

Sorry I don't track Stack Overflow for user queries. For issues and questions, raise directly to the GitHub page - https://github.com/kelaberetiv/TagUI/issues
To download files, there are 2 ways.
First way is write the TagUI script to perform the steps as you would normally do to download the file, logging in, clicking whatever you do to download as if you are doing it manually.
Second way is if you are familiar with Python, you can use the download() function to perform the download (provided it is a publicly available URL) - https://github.com/tebelorg/RPA-Python#pro-functions


Looking for Editor that can handle .doc or .docx files

i am writing a web application with React, where users can write protocolls for their appointments. The current system is: the web application saves the word file in the local file system, the user edits it and uploads it via a macro in word.
That seems a bit clunky to me and i am not so sure about the security issues of letting the browser directly access the local file system.
So i wanted to let the users edit the files directly via the browser, with an editor similar to GoogleDocs.
Problem is:
Documents have to remain on premis
Converting doc files to a format that can be displayed in a browser and back seems to have some formating issues.
The user must be able to download the file and edit it, in case they have an appointment without internet access and upload it later. So it has to be at least convertable to a document that can be easily edited in Word.
There are so many richtext editor, but from what ive seen none is designed for that use-case. So my question is: Is what i want to do even possible, and if so does anyone know a good editor or library for doing so?

Access list of files requested as a page loads using Selenium?

I'm using Selenium and as part of loading a web page, a number of additional HTTP requests are made, including downloading a file of JSON encoded data which is used as data for the web page.
From within the developer tools in Chrome, I can see the name of this file, but how can I get hold of this information via Selenium?
Note that I don't know how this file is downloaded (Javascript? Something else?) and I don't really care - the data is all I care about and the file seems to have a sufficiently obvious name (but probably not fixed!) that given a list of sdownloaded files, I can figure out which one is the one I want.
Seems my question is a duplicate and the answer can be found here:
how to access Network panel on google chrome developer tools with selenium?
The key command is:
timings = driver.execute_script("return window.performance.getEntries();")
...but you want to place this in a loop in case your code makes the request too soon and the file you want has not yet been read. I used a 1s delay and a max of 20 attempts - normally takes 2 cycles for the file I want to appear in this list.

Can one ever access a file stored in Heroku's ephemeral file system via the browser?

I've been writing an app to deploy on Heroku. So far everything has been working great. However, there's one last step that I haven't been able to solve: I need to generate a CSV file on-the-fly from the DB and let the user download the file.
On my local machine I can simply write the file to a folder under the web app root, e.g. /output, and then redirect my browser to http://localhost:4000/output/1.csv to get the file.
However, the same code fails again and again on Heroku no matter how I try to modify it. It either complains about not being able to write the file or not being able to redirect the browser to the correct path.
Even if I manually use heroku run bash and create an /output folder in the project root and create a file there, when I try to direct my browser there (e.g. https://myapp.herokuapp.com/output/1.csv, it simply says "Page not found".
Is it simply impossible to perform such an action on Heroku after all? I thought since we are free to create files on the ephemeral file system we should be able to access it from the browser as well, but things seem to be more complicated than that.
I'm using Phoenix framework and I already added
plug Plug.Static,
at: "/output", from: Path.expand("output/"), gzip: false
to my endpoint.ex. Apparently it works on localhost but not on Heroku?
I'll turn to Amazon S3 if indeed what I'm trying to do is impossible. However, I want to avoid using S3 as much as possible since this should be a really simple task and I don't want to add another set of credentials/extra complexity to manage. Or is there any other way to achieve what I'm trying to do without having to write the file to the file system first and then redirecting the user to it?
I know it doesn't strictly answer your question, but if you don't mind generating the CSV every time it is requested, you can use Controller.send_download/3 and serve arbitrary payload as a download (in your case the contents of the CSV).
Naturally you could store the generated CSVs somewhere (like the database or even ets) and generate them "lazily".

import wikipedia article using wget or curl (on windows)

i have a folder with wikipedia article (XML format).
I want imported files throught the Webinterface (Special:Import). Currently i do it with imacro. But this often hangs and need a lot of resources (Memory) an can only processing one file at once.So i am looking for better solution.
I currently figured out, that in have to login to get an edittoken. This is needed to upload the file.
Read already this. get stuck
To get his run in need two wget/curl "commandlines"
to login and get the edittoken (push user and pwd to form, get edittoken)
push the file to the Formular (push edittoken and content to form)
Building the loop to processing more than one file, i can do by my own.
First of all, let's be clear: the web interface is not the right way to do this. MediaWiki installation requirements include shell access to the server, which would allow you to use importDump.php as needed for heavier imports.
Second, if you want to import a Wikipedia article from the web interface then you shouldn't be downloading the XML directly: Special:Import can do that for you. Set
$wgImportSources = array( 'wikipedia' );
or whatever (see manual), visit Special:Import, select Wikipedia from the dropdown, enter the title to import, confirm.
Third, if you want to use the commandline then why not use the MediaWiki web API, also available with plenty of clients. Most clients handle tokens for you.
Finally, if you really insist on using wget/curl over index.php, you can get a token visiting api.php?action=query&meta=tokens in your browser (check on api.php for the exact instructions for your MediaWiki version) and then do something like
curl -d "&action=submit&...#filename.xml" .../index.php?title=Special:Import
(intentionally partial code so that you don't run it without knowing what you're doing).

How to create a api in HTML 5 that is cut/copy/paste

I was planning to create a new web app based on extjs, but i need to create a file upload area where i can work on file uploading , i have tried drag and drop method in html 5 but we don't need that, we need a method where a user can copy a file whatever it is(not big than 20 mb)and that file location got copied on the clipboard and when we paste the file in the selected area of the uploader and the file gets uploaded, what is the best way to go about this?
There is no general access to the clipboard from browsers these days. There is a flash object called zeroclipboard that can be used for some clipboard access.
For your particular need (if all the data is exchanged within your page), you may not need to use the actual clipboard and perhaps you can just use some global storage to store things that are copied for later paste (using your own copy/paste instead of clipboard operations).
This Specification to achieve this is: http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/clipops/
But seens that it isn't implemented in any browser yet (perhaps IE9)
This could help you : https://stackoverflow.com/a/6338207/230526
If not interested in standard based solution, firefox, because of the plugins API, have a workaround for this, that you can see here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_the_Clipboard
I also found this piece of code that promises to work on Webkit based browsers: http://forum.maxthon.com/viewthread.php?tid=79469&page=1#pid493997
If you need to have all browsers support, then Zero Clipboard as stated here, is the way to go.
UPDATE: Found this Jquery based script ( http://archive.plugins.jquery.com/project/clipboard ), that uses IE native API to access clipboard and Flash to all others. This could be a start point to merge all the others solutions and fallback to flash whether not available.
For Zero Clipboard, there is this one: http://www.steamdev.com/zclip/
