How to create a custom in-app notification in Salesforce? - salesforce

In Salesforce lightning I see a bell icon in the top right corner which displays notifications. I have a custom object and I would like to know if it is possible to create a notification inside Salesforce when the record value changes.

Yes, you can create a task whenever a record is getting changed on the desired object. Task will help you to get notified whenever a record is changed
Creating task based on record change can be done using apex triggers.


Implement AutoSave feature in Salesforce

I want to implement Auto Save feature in the comment tab of Case in Salesforce.
That means, whenever a user is writing a comment in any case, rather than clicking on the Save button, it should automatically get save after every 10 seconds for example.
How can this be achieved? I am extremely new to Salesforce.
Have attached a sample screenshot below.

Azure SQL Alerts to integrate with TEAMS

I am trying to integrate Azure SQL Alerts with Teams. I have created webbook and the link I got paste it into Azure action group. When I run a test it has fail output. So then I have created runbook and within the runbook created webbook. The link I got from the webbook I inserted into the action group when run test it was successful. I can see the alert in the azure runbook/webbook but didn't come trough TEAMS.
Please Follow these steps to achieve the Alert goals
Step 1: Create a blank Logic App
• For this step, you need to login to the Azure portal and create a new Logic App. Once you’re in the right place, click on the Add menu and select the Logic App type you want to create. The available types are: Standard and Consumption. You can find all the necessary info in the page Pricing and billing models for Azure Logic Apps at link
Step 2: Configure the Logic App
• In the Logic App designer page, click on the When a HTTP request is received. This will be our trigger .
• After the selection, you will be presented with the Logic App designer canvas. This is where we will do all our remaining configurations starting with the trigger activity we just added
• Configure the activity with the JSON schema that the trigger will use. Since the request will contain the alert’s JSON payload, you can refer (and use) the sample schema you can find in the article Common alert schema definitions at link .Copy the sample alert payload from the page, click on Use sample playload to generate schema, paste the content and click Done
• To create a condition used to decide which notification activity to use, click on the New Step, in the search box type Control
• Select the Control group and then select the Switch activity to add it to the canvas. For groups with lots of activities, you can enter the activity name or part of it in the search box.
Once added, this activity needs some configuration:
Team ID,Channel, Message
As far as the Team ID and the Channel go, you can select Azmon alert,With regards to the Message body part, this is representing the information sent through the notification. Here you can enter static text formatted as you like, dynamic content as well as formulas. In my example I started with a kind of title and followed with sections under which there are the info I wanted to send. For the static text, you just need to write it. For the dynamic content and/or formulas, once you decided the line where to put it, click on Add dynamic content and select it from the side panel click in the Message canvas and either select it from the Dynamic content list or assemble it using the Expression builder
In this post, since I got everything correctly parsed from the trigger activity (the When a HTTP request is received), I will go use the dynamic content only. For instance, after having put some text like – Alert Id: I will select alertId content from the list
Step 3: Configure the Action Group
configure an Action Group to use it in order receive our alerts as expected.From the Azure Monitor blade
• From the Alerts page, click on Manage actions
• Click on New action group
• Enter the necessary basic information and click on Next: Notifications
• Configure the following according to what has been created before:
o Action type
o Name
o Selected
• making sure to enable the common alert schema and select and create
Step 4: Add the new action group to your alerts
we have the Action group created and configured; we need to add it to all the alerts we want to notify
• From the Alerts page, click on Manage alert rules
• In the Actions section, add the new action group to the existing one (or remove them if not necessary
• Select the newly created (and de-select the selected ones if necessary) and click Select
• Click Save to save and apply the changes
Step 5: Test
Refer below doc

Way to follow or receive notification on page update for end user?

We have a need for our end-users to be able to click a "watch" button or something similar to get update notifications when page contents are updated.
Is there a feature or plugin for this?
Thank you.
There's no built-in mechanism for this, but you could build one by defining a "Subscription" model to keep track of which users are watching a given page, and adding a listener for the page_published signal that sends the notification to those users.

Why are custom fields auto-populating in Salesforce upon completion of Docusign

I am trying to figure out why/how certain fields are auto-populating on my Opportunity object when I complete a Docusign.
The issue: On an Opportunity record I click a custom button that sends a DocuSign to a list of signers. When the last signer completes signing the document, and the DocuSign Status is marked as completed I refresh the Opportunity record and 2 custom fields have been populated with today's date.
Here are the items I have already looked into to trouble shoot the issue:
On the fields themselves, I have clicked the 'where is this used?' button, and the only places these fields are used are in Page layouts and reports. It is NOT referenced in any apex classes or process builders.
I have looked through all my workflow rules, and field updates on those workflow rules. These fields are not referenced in any of the workflows/field updates.
I have set field history tracking on the fields and found that the change is being made by an integration user. I then set up a debug log on the integration user and in all of the debug logs there is no reference to the fields being updated there.
In a sandbox I tried deleting the field to see if it might be referenced by a Custom metadata type, and no errors were thrown saying it was. I have also looked into the custom settings and custom metadata types to see if the reference to these fields could be in there. 
Hoping someone can let me know if they've seen this issue before, or know any other ways to troubleshoot this issue. 
It sounds like there's been some custom configuration setup, out of the box the package shouldn't add new fields to the opportunity record that are updated upon completion of an envelope. All of that information should only be found on the DocuSign Status object initially.
I would recommend reaching out to the DocuSign support team and have them take a look at the configuration with you to see what may be happening.

Using apex Code How to create Listview on Sobject, Having standard and custom fields

Anyone having idea about how to create Custom ListView on Standard Sobject, that can have both standard as well as custom fields.
Please share your knowledge.
Navigate to the tab for the custom object in you are in Classic salesforce click the "Create New View" link next to the list view droplist if in Lightning click the Cog to the right top of the UI then click the "New" menu option. Select the Standard and Custom fields that you want to appear in the list view, I believe up to 10 fields, and the criteria for the view and who can see the listview, then save.
You can create this via code using the metadata API. You would have to download one of the wsdl files, use the wsld to Apex generator to create a wrapper for it and use that to create a soap envelope with the request. It might be easier to use where he did the work already, see this posth
