How to cancel promise in componentWillUnmount() without using this.isMounted? - reactjs

I have to call API when the user stops typing and it is working perfectly fine. And I have to mount when the enter key is pressed.
I made a Mock Component here which does this.
But, when the component is unmounted it shows the error Cannot call setState on an unmounted component. Previously I handled this error with this.isMounted. Now I was trying to handle it using promise cancelling in componentWillUnmount as mentioned in the React Blog.
this.cancellablePromise = makeCancelable(getSearchResults(word));
.then(res => {
console.log({ res });
this.setState({ values: res });
.catch(err => console.log("error", err));
console.log("in data ", this.cancellablePromise);
The cancellablePromise gets assigned after the promise got resolved. So there is a null object in componentWillUnMount for cancellablePromise instance.

Looks like you just need to do the following thing:
myAwesomeMethod = () => {
this.cancellablePromise = makeCancelable(getSearchResults(word));
componentWillUnmount() {
this.cancellablePromise && this.cancellablePromise.cancel();
this.cancellablePromise will be undefined only in the case when you unmount your component before the call of the method with promise call.

The issue is that your handleChange method calls debouncedGetSearchResult, but you are initializing this.cancellablePromise in getSearchResult. This leaves a 500ms window for the unmount to happen before you have initialized this.cancellablePromise.
You need to rework this so that the debouncing is part of the cancelable promise rather than prior to it.


ApolloClient - LazyQuery is not fired on clean-up effect

I have a problem, I try to call a lazyQuery in a clean-up effect, and nothing happens.
When the component is unmounted, the console.log "closing connection..." is correctly printed in the console, but nothing in the Network tab of my browser.
I have checked in Insomnia that my query is correct, tested to fire the query outside of a clean-up effect, it works.
the closeConnection function is not undefined when the return function of the effect is called, I made sure of that too. connectionRef.current is not null nor undefined, because the console log in the if is printed inside the console.
onCompleted & onError are not printed in the console.
My guess is that, since it is the unmounting of the hook, the useLazyQuery is already unmounted when the function is called, leading to this bug where nothing happens...
I cannot find anything on this on stack overflow, and nothing in Apollo client documentation, does anybody have of had the same issue ? Any idea on how I could fix that ?
I need to call this lazyQuery when the component is unmounted, because I have a connection with my server and do not want this connection to be kept alive after the component that calls this hook is unmounted.
const connectionRef = React.useRef(null);
const [closeConnection] = useLazyQuery(closeConnectionQuery);
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
if (connectionRef.current !== null) {
console.log("closing connection ...");
const id =;
connectionRef.current = null;
variables: { id },
onCompleted: () => {
console.log("ON COMPLETED");
onError: (error) => {
console.log("ERROR:", error);
}, []);
// connectionRef is set somewhere else in the hook, when the connection is made.
I expected the lazyQuery to be called properly.

Cannot set state in useEffect

I am trying to get the result from the session and set its state in my react component.
But every time I am getting the memory leak problem due to which I am unable to set my session status to true.
My useEffect code looks like this:
useEffect(() => {
let mounted = true;
.then(session => {
console.log('session: ', session);
if (mounted) {
.catch(e => {
console.log('inside error or no session found');
return () => {
mounted = false;
}, [status, getSession]);
I tried these methods to solve my problem: Boolean Flag to Control the useEffect and AbortController to clean the useEffect, but both of them did not work.
can you please suggest what is going wrong?
The name of your mounted variable suggests you're expecting that effect callback to only fire on first mount, and the cleanup to only fire on dismount, but your dependency array ensures that the cleanup and effect callback happen every time status or getSession changes.
You don't use status in the callback, so you should remove that to avoid triggering the effect when setting it true. If getSession is stable (doesn't change) across the life of the component, you can remove that as well. Then, with an empty dependency array, your callback will only get called on mount, and your cleanup will only get called on dismount.
Just a side note: If you can modify getSession to accept an AbortSignal you can use to tell it to cancel its operation proactively, in general that's preferable. For instance, if you were using fetch (perhaps getSession does under the covers?), you could do that because fetch accepts an AbortSignal. Details: fetch, AbortController, AbortSignal

how to remove lag in setState using callback function in react

how to remove lag in setState using callback function in react
tried using callback but still lag state and data in array state cannot be mapped
.then(res => {
const getmeal6 = res['data']['data'];
this.setState({ getmeal6 },()=>{
console.log('log232',this.state.getmeal6); => {
return (
in log233 the state is proper but in log232 the state lags with 1
The problem with your current code is that both http calls, and calls to setState are asynchronous.
// this call is asynchronous
.then(res => {
const getmeal6 = res['data']['data'];
// this is also asynchronous
this.setState({ getmeal6 },()=>{
// this call happens synchronously! It will almost certainly happen before the two
// async calls complete => {
return (
If you want to do something after your http call and the setState are both resolved, you need to either be inside the then function of a promise, or in the callback function of setState.
So something like this:
// this call is asynchronous
.then(res => {
const getmeal6 = res['data']['data'];
// this is also asynchronous
this.setState({ getmeal6 },()=>{
// this is where you need to put the
// code you want to happen after the http call and setState
That said, you need to reconsider what you are trying to do - either by refactoring your state management using something like Redux, or by using async await in your method, to make your code a little easier to read, or by a totally new approach to the problem at hand.

Can I get an example of how to cancel a MobX flow?

Mobx official documentation states that you can call cancel on the returned promise from a flow. There are just no examples of how to do it.
The context:
Call async action within componentDidMount, we need to cancel this action within componentWillUnmount. Want to also setState saying the ui can render after the promise is resolved.
componentDidMount() {
this._fetchRawEguide = this.props.combinedEguide.fetchRawEguide(null, true)
.then(() => {
this._fetchRawEguide = null;
loaded: true
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this._fetchRawEguide) {
The Mobx action looks something like this
fetchRawEguide = flow(function*(date, redirectOnError = false) {
try {
const res = yield request(...);
Running into the issue where it says .cancel() doesn't exist when it tries to call it.
I've tried to use when() with regular await / async, it didn't seem to work. If someone has an example for await / async that would be great.
This seemed to work
this._fetchRawEguide = this.props.combinedEguide.fetchRawEguide(null, true);
this._fetchRawEguide.then(() => {
this._fetchRawEguide = null;
loaded: true
I think applying .then to the promise returned by flow may be casting it and removing the .cancel function

Is using async componentDidMount() good?

Is using componentDidMount() as an async function good practice in React Native or should I avoid it?
I need to get some info from AsyncStorage when the component mounts, but the only way I know to make that possible is to make the componentDidMount() function async.
async componentDidMount() {
let auth = await this.getAuth();
if (auth)
Is there any problem with that and are there any other solutions to this problem?
Let's start by pointing out the differences and determining how it could cause troubles.
Here is the code of async and "sync" componentDidMount() life-cycle method:
// This is typescript code
componentDidMount(): void { /* do something */ }
async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> {
/* do something */
/* You can use "await" here */
By looking at the code, I can point out the following differences:
The async keywords: In typescript, this is merely a code marker. It does 2 things:
Force the return type to be Promise<void> instead of void. If you explicitly specify the return type to be non-promise (ex: void), typescript will spit an error at you.
Allow you to use await keywords inside the method.
The return type is changed from void to Promise<void>
It means you can now do this:
async someMethod(): Promise<void> { await componentDidMount(); }
You can now use await keyword inside the method and temporarily pause its execution. Like this:
async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> {
const users = await axios.get<string>("http://localhost:9001/users");
const questions = await axios.get<string>("http://localhost:9001/questions");
// Sleep for 10 seconds
await new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, 10000); });
// This line of code will be executed after 10+ seconds
this.setState({users, questions});
return Promise.resolve();
Now, how could they cause troubles?
The async keyword is absolutely harmless.
I cannot imagine any situation in which you need to make a call to the componentDidMount() method so the return type Promise<void> is harmless too.
Calling to a method having return type of Promise<void> without await keyword will make no difference from calling one having return type of void.
Since there is no life-cycle methods after componentDidMount() delaying its execution seems pretty safe. But there is a gotcha.
Let's say, the above this.setState({users, questions}); would be executed after 10 seconds. In the middle of the delaying time, another ...
this.setState({users: newerUsers, questions: newerQuestions});
... were successfully executed and the DOM were updated. The result were visible to users. The clock continued ticking and 10 seconds elapsed. The delayed this.setState(...) would then execute and the DOM would be updated again, that time with old users and old questions. The result would also be visible to users.
=> It is pretty safe (I'm not sure about 100%) to use async with componentDidMount() method. I'm a big fan of it and so far I haven't encountered any issues which give me too much headache.
Update April 2020:
The issue seems to be fixed in latest React 16.13.1, see this sandbox example. Thanks to #abernier for pointing this out.
I have made some research, and I have found one important difference:
React does not process errors from async lifecycle methods.
So, if you write something like this:
throw new Error('I crashed!');
then your error will be caught by the error boundary, and you can process it and display a graceful message.
If we change the code like this:
async componentDidMount()
throw new Error('I crashed!');
which is equivalent to this:
return Promise.reject(new Error('I crashed!'));
then your error will be silently swallowed. Shame on you, React...
So, how do we process errors than? The only way seems to be explicit catch like this:
async componentDidMount()
await myAsyncFunction();
or like this:
If we still want our error to reach the error boundary, I can think about the following trick:
Catch the error, make the error handler change the component state
If the state indicates an error, throw it from the render method
class BuggyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { error: null };
buggyAsyncfunction() { return Promise.reject(new Error('I crashed async!'));}
async componentDidMount() {
await this.buggyAsyncfunction();
this.setState({error: error});
render() {
throw this.state.error;
return <h1>I am OK</h1>;
Your code is fine and very readable to me. See this Dale Jefferson's article where he shows an async componentDidMount example and looks really good as well.
But some people would say that a person reading the code may assume that React does something with the returned promise.
So the interpretation of this code and if it is a good practice or not is very personal.
If you want another solution, you could use promises. For example:
componentDidMount() {
.then(auth => {
if (auth) this.checkAuth(auth)
When you use componentDidMount without async keyword, the doc say this:
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidMount(). It will trigger an extra rendering, but it will happen before the browser updates the screen.
If you use async componentDidMount you will loose this ability: another render will happen AFTER the browser update the screen. But imo, if you are thinking about using async, such as fetching data, you can not avoid the browser will update the screen twice. In another world, it is not possible to PAUSE componentDidMount before browser update the screen
I think it's fine as long as you know what you're doing. But it can be confusing because async componentDidMount() can still be running after componentWillUnmount has run and the component has unmounted.
You may also want to start both synchronous and asynchronous tasks inside componentDidMount. If componentDidMount was async, you would have to put all the synchronous code before the first await. It might not be obvious to someone that the code before the first await runs synchronously. In this case, I would probably keep componentDidMount synchronous but have it call sync and async methods.
Whether you choose async componentDidMount() vs sync componentDidMount() calling async methods, you have to make sure you clean up any listeners or async methods that may still be running when the component unmounts.
(My build: React 16, Webpack 4, Babel 7):
When using Babel 7 you'll discover:
Using this pattern...
async componentDidMount() {
try {
const res = await fetch(;
const data = await res.json();
} catch(e) {
you will run into the following error...
Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
In this case you will need to install babel-plugin-transform-runtime
If for some reason you do not wish to install the above package (babel-plugin-transform-runtime) then you will want to stick to the Promise pattern...
componentDidMount() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
.catch(err => console.error(err));
I like to use something like this
const result = makeResquest()
async makeRequest(){
const res = await fetch(url);
const data = await res.json();
return data
Actually, async loading in ComponentDidMount is a recommended design pattern as React moves away from legacy lifecycle methods (componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, componentWillUpdate) and on to Async Rendering.
This blog post is very helpful in explaining why this is safe and providing examples for async loading in ComponentDidMount:
To Tag on to #C-F's answer, I added a typescript decorateor
(AsyncMethodErrorHandler) to handle errors in async componentDidMount() and other async methods that fail to bubble up errors to
the application state.
I found this easier than wrapping dozens of async methods in a try/catch block in an app
whose maintainince I inherited.
class BuggyComponent extends React.Component<{error_message?:string}> {
async componentDidMount() {
await things_that_might_fail();
return <p>Something went wrong: {this.state.error_message}</p>
function AsyncMethodErrorHandler(
/* Key in the this.state to store error messages*/
key: string,
/* function for transforming the error into the value stored in this.state[key] */
error_handler: string | { (e: Error): string } = (e: Error) => e.message
) {
return function (
cls: React.Component,
propertyKey: string,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
) {
const f: { (...args: any[]): Promise<any> } = descriptor.value;
return {
value: function (...args: any[]) {
return f.apply(this, args).catch((e: Error) => {
console.log(`an error occured in the ${propertyKey} Method:`, e);
(this as any as React.Component).setState({
typeof error_handler === "string"
? error_handler
: error_handler(e),
Note that as of this writing, this solution does not work for async function properites because:
property decorator[s] can only be used to observe that a property of a
specific name has been declared for a class
