Counting of the threads of a Codename One app - codenameone

Log.p("Active threads: " + Thread.activeCount(), Log.DEBUG); logs a different threads count when the same Codename One app is run on different devices. I don't understand: if I don't use timers or network threads, all the app shouldn't run inside only one thread (the EDT)?
Thank you for any clarification.
(This question is referred to Codename One only)

The default generated code has 2 network threads which will open once a network request is made. Codename One also creates the EDT and will occasionally spawn a short lived thread to do a wait task e.g. for the various AndWait methods or for showing a dialog.
Other than that you would have the OS native EDT which in some OS's also includes another worker thread. GC thread which is also sometimes accompanied by a finalizer thread. You would also have task dedicated threads such as those for handling media, push etc.
Many of these threads would be idle and thus will have no noticeable impact on performance.


What does an asynchronous server mean?

I am reading a journal, it stated
Lighttpd is asynchronous server, and Apache2 is a process-based
What does this actually mean?
Which server will you recommend for RasPi in purpose of monitoring purposes.
See this website for a detailed explanation.
In the traditional thread-based (Synchronous) models, for each client there is one thread which is completely separate and is dedicated to serve that thread. This might cause I/O blocking problems when process is waiting to get completed to release the resources (memory, CPU) in hold. Also,creating separate processes consumes more resources.
Asynchronous servers do not create a new process or thread for a new request. Here the worker process accepts the requests and process thousands of it with the implementation of highly efficient event loops.Asynchronous means that the threads can be executed concurrently with out blocking each other. It enhances the sharing of resources without being dedicated and blocked.

A way to accept a network connection while running other tasks?

I am building a server application that is supposed to do text processing in the background but it's task changes based on signals from a client application. My problem is that I can't do the programs primary job while waiting for connections. Is there anyway to run this job at the same time? I have looked at multithreading, however because the application is supposed to maintain an internal state while running I can't work out how make it function in this way. The program is written in C.
If you have to maintain internal state that all threads need access to, you need synchronization. Every thread comes with its own stack, but they all share the heap. If you access an object on the thread, you need to make sure your thread obtains a lock on that state (possibly wait until you can get it) and then changes the state, releases the lock and so on.
The common way to do this on POSIX systems is the pthread API. C11 has added standardized threading support to the language which can be found in the header threads.h, but support for it is very rare.
Alternatively, you can also use multiple processes. That would change how you communicate between threads but the general model of your application would remain the same.

c linux multithreading networking

I have a network application on a gateway. It receives and sends packets. For most of them, my gateway acts as a router, but in some cases, it can receive packets too.
Should I have:
only one main thread
a main thread + a dispatch thread in charge of giving it to the correct flow handler
as many threads as there are flows
something else.
Doing multithreading correctly is no simple matter, in many cases a select and friends based solution will be a whole lot easier to create.
Your case sounds a lot like a typical Unix service daemon. The popular solution to your problem is not to use threads, but forks.
The idea is that your program listens on the socket and waits for connections. As soon as a connection arrives, it forks. The child process then continues to process the connection. The father process itself just continues in the loop and waits for incoming connections.
Advantages over threading:
Very simple program design
No problems with concurrency
Established method for Unix/Linux systems
Things get complicated when several connections interact with each other (your use case doesn't sound like they would)
Performance penalty on Windows systems (not on Unix systems!)
You can find many code examples online.
I don't know much about networking applications, but I think it's like this:
If you have the ability to react asynchronous to the requests you would probably use just one single thread (like in Node.JS). If you won't be able to react asynchronous the main thread would always block the other actions.
If you are not able to react asynchronous on your requests you have to use more than one thread. But you could achieve that in many different ways: you could create for every request a thread, or a limited number of threads and assign them then to your requests.
My personal preference is use one main thread and one worker thread per connection. No cap whatsoever. I am assuming that your server will be stateless like a HTTP server.
For stateful servers you will have to figure out some way to control number of threads.

Linux automatically restarting application on crash - Daemons

I have an system running embedded linux and it is critical that it runs continuously. Basically it is a process for communicating to sensors and relaying that data to database and web client.
If a crash occurs, how do I restart the application automatically?
Also, there are several threads doing polling(eg sockets & uart communications). How do I ensure none of the threads get hung up or exit unexpectedly? Is there an easy to use watchdog that is threading friendly?
You can seamlessly restart your process as it dies with fork and waitpid as described in this answer. It does not cost any significant resources, since the OS will share the memory pages.
Which leaves only the problem of detecting a hung process. You can use any of the solutions pointed out by Michael Aaron Safyan for this, but a yet easier solution would be to use the alarm syscall repeatedly, having the signal terminate the process (use sigaction accordingly). As long as you keep calling alarm (i.e. as long as your program is running) it will keep running. Once you don't, the signal will fire.
That way, no extra programs needed, and only portable POSIX stuff used.
The gist of it is:
You need to detect if the program is still running and not hung.
You need to (re)start the program if the program is not running or is hung.
There are a number of different ways to do #1, but two that come to mind are:
Listening on a UNIX domain socket, to handle status requests. An external application can then inquire as to whether the application is still ok. If it gets no response within some timeout period, then it can be assumed that the application being queried has deadlocked or is dead.
Periodically touching a file with a preselected path. An external application can look a the timestamp for the file, and if it is stale, then it can assume that the appliation is dead or deadlocked.
With respect to #2, killing the previous PID and using fork+exec to launch a new process is typical. You might also consider making your application that runs "continuously", into an application that runs once, but then use "cron" or some other application to continuously rerun that single-run application.
Unfortunately, watchdog timers and getting out of deadlock are non-trivial issues. I don't know of any generic way to do it, and the few that I've seen are pretty ugly and not 100% bug-free. However, tsan can help detect potential deadlock scenarios and other threading issues with static analysis.
You could create a CRON job to check if the process is running with start-stop-daemon from time to time.
use this script for running your application
while ! /path/to/program #This will wait for the program to exit successfully.
echo “restarting” # Else it will restart.
you can also put this script on your /etc/init.d/ in other to start as daemon

Suspend and Resume thread (Windows, C)

I'm currently developing a heavily multi-threaded application, dealing with lots of small data batch to process.
The problem with it is that too many threads are being spawns, which slows down the system considerably. In order to avoid that, I've got a table of Handles which limits the number of concurrent threads. Then I "WaitForMultipleObjects", and when one slot is being freed, I create a new thread, with its own data batch to handle.
Now, I've got as many threads as I want (typically, one per core). Even then, the load incurred by multi-threading is extremely sensible. The reason for this: the data batch is small, so I'm constantly creating new threads.
The first idea I'm currently implementing is simply to regroup jobs into longer serial lists. Therefore, when I'm creating a new thread, it will have 128 or 512 data batch to handle before being terminated. It works well, but somewhat destroys granularity.
I was asked to look for another scenario: if the problem comes from "creating" threads too often, what about "pausing" them, loading data batch and "resuming" the thread?
Unfortunately, I'm not too successful.
The problem is: when a thread is in "suspend" mode, "WaitForMultipleObjects" does not detect it as available. In fact, I can't efficiently distinguish between an active and suspended thread.
So I've got 2 questions:
How to detect "suspended thread", so that i can load new data into it and resume it?
Is it a good idea? After all, is "CreateThread" really a ressource hog?
After much testings, here are my findings concerning Thread Pooling and IO Completion Port, both advised in this post.
Thread Pooling is tested using the older version "QueueUserWorkItem".
IO Completion Port requires using CreateIoCompletionPort, GetQueuedCompletionStatus and PostQueuedCompletionStatus;
1) First on performance : Creating many threads is very costly, and both thread pooling and io completion ports are doing a great job to avoid that cost. I am now down to 8-jobs per batch, from an earlier 512-jobs per batch, with no slowdown. This is considerable. Even when going to 1-job per batch, performance impact is less than 5%. Truly remarkable.
From a performance standpoint, QueueUserWorkItem wins, albeit by such a small margin (about 1% better) that it is almost negligible.
2) On usage simplicity :
Regarding starting threads : No question, QueueUserWorkItem is by far the easiest to setup. IO Completion port is heavyweight in comparison.
Regarding ending threads : Win for IO Completion Port.
For some unknown reason, MS provides no function in C to know when all jobs are completed with QueueUserWorkItem. It requires some nasty tricks to successfully implement this basic but critical function. There is no excuse for such a lack of feature.
3) On resource control : Big win for IO Completion Port, which allows to finely tune the number of concurrent threads, while there is no such control with QueueUserWorkItem, which will happily spend all CPU cycles from all available cores. That, in itself, could be a deal breaker for QueueUserWorkItem.
Note that newer version of Completion Port seems to allow that control, but are only available on Windows Vista and later.
4) On compatibility : small win for IO Completion Port, which is available since Windows NT4. QueueUserWorkItem only exists since Windows 2000. This is however good enough. Newer version of Completion Port is a no-go for Windows XP.
As can be guessed, I'm pretty much tied between the 2 solutions. They both answer correctly to my needs.
For a general situation, I suggest I/O Completion Port, mostly for resource control.
On the other hand, QueueUserWorkItem is easier to setup. Quite a pity that it loses most of this simplicity on requiring the programmer to deal alone with end-of-jobs detection.
Instead of implementing your own, consider using CreateThreadpool(). The OS will do the work for you, and you don't have to worry about getting it right.
Yes, there's a fair amount of overhead involved with CreateThread. One solution is to use a thread pool, QueueUserWorkItem. Another is to just start a set of threads and have them retrieve a 'job item' from a thread-safe queue.
If you want to also support Windows XP, you cannot use CreateThreadpool -- otherwise, if Vista and newer is sufficient, Windows thread pools are the easiest way.
If Windows XP support is needed, spawn a number of threads and assign them to an IO completion port, then have each thread block on GetQueuedCompletionStatus(). Completion ports let you post events to the port which will wake exactly one thread per event, and they are very efficient. They use a LIFO strategy on waking threads to keep caches warm, too.
In any case, you will never want to suspend a thread. Never ever. Block, wait, but don't suspend.
The reason is that with suspend you get the problem that you describe, plus you will create deadlocks, e.g. if your thread is within a critical section or mutex. Aside from a debugger, nobody should ever need to suspend a thread.
