ESP32 how to reset GPIO pins used with PCNT, so they can also be used for EXT1 wake up from deep sleep? - c

I configure 4 gpio pins as pulse counters to read Hall-effect liquid flow sensors, which works fine, but when I try to use those same pins to wake up from a deep sleep, sleep ends immediately. If I don't configure the pins for PCNT, deep sleep works as expected.
I even went so far as setting a flag in RTC memory so that it sleeps for as long as 5 seconds, wakes up and does not configure PCNT before trying to go back to sleep. It still wakes from the second sleep immediately, so whatever it is about those pins is retained across deep sleep.
Is there a way to restore the default state of those pins without resetting the entire device?

The answer is, set both *_gpio_num members of pcnt_config_t to PCNT_PIN_NOT_USED and call pcnt_unit_config again:
pcnt_config_t pcnt_config = {
.pulse_gpio_num = PCNT_PIN_NOT_USED,
.ctrl_gpio_num = PCNT_PIN_NOT_USED,
.channel = PCNT_CHANNEL_0;


interrupt every x seconds EFM32G (C)

I working with EFM microcontroller (Silicon Labs)
I need to make a beep every x seconds, when the device in EM3 mode.
I tried so many ways without success.
Please try to help me with code example (I'm HW man, not a SW haha)
Refer to page 8 on the datasheet (thanks to #user694733)
EM3 mode description:
still full CPU and RAM retention, as well as Power-on Reset, Pin reset and Brown-out Detection, with a consumption of only 0.6 μA. The low-power ACMP, asynchronous external interrupt, PCNT, and I2C can wake-up the device.
So these are your options. One of these things can wake up the microcontroller. All of them are external inputs. So the microcontroller cannot wake itself up in this mode. This makes sense because all clocks are stopped.
If you had an outside clock connected to the PCNT you could use that to wake it up.
If you want the microcontroller to wake itself up, then you need EM2 mode or less:
In EM2 the high frequency oscillator is turned off, but with the 32.768 kHz
oscillator running, selected low energy peripherals (LCD, RTC, LETIMER,
PCNT, LEUART, I2C, WDOG and ACMP) are still available
In EM2 mode the microcontroller may wake itself up using the RTC (real-time clock), LETIMER (low-energy timer), WDOG (watchdog timer) or PCNT (pulse counter, which can be set to count pulses of the 32.768kHz clock).
The datasheet recommends using the Real-Time Clock or Low Energy Timer (RTC or LETIMER) modules.
... however, if we pay attention, we see the datasheet mentions something called the ULFRCO, Ultra-Low-Frequency RC Oscillator, which runs at approximately 1000 Hz. By searching for the keyword ULFRCO, we see that it does still run in EM3 mode, and it can be used as input for the WDOG. On page 89 we see this listed as a feature of EM3 mode.
So, you may configure the WDOG to reset the system after a few seconds. When the microcontroller resets due to watchdog timeout, it wakes up. You should not be afraid of using a system reset. The RMU_RSTCAUSE allows you to see that the system was reset because of the watchdog timer (not because it was first turned on or the reset pin was used). Memory contents are probably still there, but all peripherals are reset. As long as you can deal with peripherals being reset, you can probably make this work. You might even be able to use a little bit of assembly programming to jump back to exactly the point where the program left off.

need to use delay in a interrupt function using an STM32F4

so i'm using an STM32F4 based bare bone board (Black Pill) to run a program for my project
i m using the STM32CubeIDE for code generating
Current Overtime cases explanatory
the figure you just saw, is a graph i made simply on paint to explain the post
my project revolve around inductance load protection against short circuits, (doesn't matter but just clarification)
i m using interrupts, where the first interrupt triggers once the current reaches a reference 1 value
second interrupt triggers once the if reaches Value Reference 1
since current noises can't be filtered in my case, I have to avoid the triggering of instruction of int 2
there for I put a delay that is a bit bigger then the noise period (about 100ns)
if delay ended and int trigger is still on (high) , shut down the system (change the output)
if delay ended and int trigger is off (low), keep the system running (keep initial output)
this is the code i came up with so far
enter code here
I believe what you're looking for is a "Timer" and some interrupt handling magic. I will expand a little.
If your interrupt is OFF (in NVIC only, the rest is configured), but an interrupt triggering event occurred, the interrupt will NOT fire (obviously). But if you enable the interrupt in NVIC after that, it will fire immediately.
You set up a GPIO as input, you setup EXTI (external interrupt) and SYSCFG (binding port to EXTI), basically, you make a rising edge interrupt
In NVIC the corresponding interrupt is OFF
Rising edge happens on GPIO, immediately goes back down to LOW
You enable an interrupt in NVIC
Interrupt fires (even if the input never had a rising edge after NVIC interrupt was turned on)
My idea is the following.
In the interrupt 1 handler, you do 2 things.
Disable interrupt 2 in NVIC
Launch a delay via Timer with interrupt.
When interrupt 1 fires, it immediately disables interrupt 2 and enables timer. The timer eventually fires its own interrupt, where it enables interrupt 2 in NVIC. If interrupt 2 event happened, the interrupt 2 handler will be called immediately. If not, interrupt 2 will not fire.
During all this waiting your MCU is free to do whatever it wants, full interrupt implementation.

While loop inside STM32F3xx HardFault handler does not execute forever as expected

I would like to find the cause of mysterious microcontroller resets that I am seeing in my project. The microcontroller I am using is an STM32F3 device with STM32F3xx driver library.
My setup also includes a J-link Ultra+ debugger, however frustratingly I have not yet figured out how to reproduce the resets. They occur almost always after leaving the device running for 12+ hours, and do not seem to occur when connected on a programming jig designed to interface with the debugger.
I believe that when the resets occur, the HardFault handler will be called. I have a number of these devices, and given I cannot connect them all to the debugger and the resets occur at inopportune times, I would like to be able to send some information via a serial line from the HardFault handler. The serial line would then be observed by an external device.
Further complicating things is the lack of unused UART pins. I am attempting to create a poor man's UART by flicking a GPIO on and off in the hard fault handler, with delays in between. To begin with, I just want to figure out how to flick this LED on and off with 50% duty cycle. My code currently looks something like this:
* #brief This function handles Hard fault interrupt.
void HardFault_Handler(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN HardFault_IRQn 0 */
HAL_GPIO_Init(LED_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
/* USER CODE END HardFault_IRQn 0 */
while (1)
/* USER CODE BEGIN W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
/* USER CODE END W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
I am testing this by triggering a divide-by-zero reset. I have disabled all watchdogs yet I am finding that when this while loop is entered, it does not while forever, in fact the device restarts when it first hits a HAL_Delay() command.
What might be causing the resets upon reaching HAL_Delay()?
Can I execute instructions indefinitely in the HardFault handler, or is there a limited amount of time I have to do things before a reset occurs?
Can I use timers in the hard fault handler?
Thanks very much for your help.
HAL_Delay(10); uses systick interrupt. When in HF you will not get any interrupts and this function will wait forever and your diodes will not flash. You need to delay another way, for example:
for(unsigned x = 0; x < 100000; x++) asm("");
Can I execute instructions indefinitely in the HardFault handler, or
is there a limited amount of time I have to do things before a reset
Yes you can stay there as long as you wish. But no interrupts!!!!
Can I use timers in the hard fault handler?
Yes, but no timer interrupts. Basically, you can use all the peripherals if you wish.
What might be causing the resets upon reaching HAL_Delay
Hard to say. Did you enable watchdog?
Basically do not use HAL in HF as most of the functions use HAL_Delay internally. Program bare registers instead

ARM Thumb-2 WFE instruction

I am working with Cortex M3 ARM processor.So, I have a main loop like this;
__ASM("wfe");//System wait for event...
So, manufacturer company said to me this;
If you don't want to reset your program from wdt(Watchdog Timer), you should set a empty timer ISR for every 1 ms.
There is problem for me here because ı have used "System_Watchdog_Refresh();" function and yeah processor running this function every loop.How watchdog timer reset the processor in this state?
Note that:
System_Watchdog_Refresh(): Reset wdt timer
Wdt can't be disable
foo() function doesn't matter for this state
When ı remove "__ASM("wfe");" processor doesn't reset from wdt
Thank you...
WFE sets the processor to standby until the next interrupt (or event). So even though you refresh the watchdog, the processor goes to sleep immediately after that and in the absence of any other events, stays in that state until the watchdog expires and resets the processor. To prevent that, you will need something that periodically triggers an interrupt (like an empty timer that the manufacturer suggests) to ensure the processor wakes up and resumes execution, thereby also refreshing the watchdog.
The timer interval should be something reasonably close to, but much less than, the watchdog timeout to ensure you get the ideal mix of power-saving and reliability.
(Moved my comments to an answer, since the OP says it works for him.)

Struggling to implement tickless support for FreeRTOS on an xmega256a3

I'm struggling to get tickless support working for our xmega256a3 port of FreeRTOS. Looking around, trying to understand under the hood better, I was surprised to see the following line in vTaskStepTick():
configASSERT( xTicksToJump <= xNextTaskUnblockTime );
I don't have configASSERT turned on, but I would think that if I did, that would be raising issues regularly. xTicksToJump is a delta time, but xNextTaskUnblockTime, if I read the code correctly, is an absolute tick time? Did I get that wrong?
My sleep function, patterned after the documentation example looks like this:
static uint16_t TickPeriod;
void sleepXmega(portTickType expectedIdleTime)
TickPeriod = RTC.PER; // note the period being used for ticking on the RTC so we can restore it when we wake up
cli(); // no interrupts while we put ourselves to bed
SLEEP_CTRL = SLEEP_SMODE_PSAVE_gc | SLEEP_SEN_bm; // enable sleepability
setRTCforSleep(); // reconfigure the RTC for sleeping
RTC.COMP = expectedIdleTime - 4; // set the RTC.COMP to be a little shorter than our idle time, seems to be about a 4 tick overhead
sei(); // need the interrupt to wake us
cpu_sleep(); // lights out
cli(); // disable interrupts while we rub the sleep out of our eyes
SLEEP.CTRL &= (~SLEEP_SEN_bm); // Disable Sleep
vTaskStepTick(RTC.CNT); // note how long we were really asleep for
setRTCforTick(TickPeriod); // repurpose RTC back to its original use for ISR tick generation
sei(); // back to our normal interruptable self
If anyone sees an obvious problem there, I would love to hear it. The behavior it demonstrates is kind of interesting. For testing, I'm running a simple task loop that delays 2000ms, and then simply toggles a pin I can watch on my scope. Adding some printf's to my function there, it will do the first one correctly, but after I exit it, it immediately reenters, but with a near 65535 value. Which it dutifully waits out, and then gets the next one correct again, and then wrong (long) again, alternating back and forth.
