Hi everyone and i'm sorry in advance if this is an obvious thing but i'm new to this environment.
So i'm trying to create a new column and i want to do some manual changes in the SQL tab as shown in the following picture:
but i'm not able to edit it. I saw some videos about pgadmin 3, there was a "read-only" check box where you can uncheck it so you can make changes. How can i do that in pgadmin 4. Thanks in advance.
The textbox is read only but since you have added a column, you can define it as primary key in 1 go. I suppose you have missed the rightmost column.
Done with PGAdmin 4 v4.1
I read the Q/A "How to insert a row in postgreSQL pgAdmin?" from enter link description here
, but it's for pgAdmin 3.
I just installed postgreSQL 9.6.2 with pgAdmin 4, but could not find the option shown in pgAdmin 3, which you can click to have an excel-like window where you can add and update data in a table without using SQL language (as per #KarelG). Does anyone know whether it stills exist in postgreSQL 9.6.2 with pgAdmin 4? Thanks.
After editing the data, simple click on Save Data Changes (F6) icon.
You can select the table, use the right mouse button to select “View Data” and any of the subselections you choose.
You can add new rows in the resulting grid.
To save them in the database, use the “Save” icon with the image of a floppy disk:
The table needs to have a primary key to become editable in pgadmin so that the column names have a pencil icon next to them instead of a padlock.
You can right-click the table, then select View-Edit Data, and select Filtered Rows, Edit the rows and simply close on the X in the upper right. It will ask you if you want to SAVE.
I had some trouble finding this too, but found it eventually: Right-click the table, then select "View/Edit Data", and select "Filtered Rows", then enter the condition (format: field name = ). Now it will only be showing the row you want to find and edit, and you can double-click the value, change it, then click the save-icon button to save it.
I had the same trouble. Trying to find out some short keys, I found using F6 key pretty useful.
Query tool -> F5
It will run the current query in the query editor.
Query tool -> Edit some cells -> F6
It will save the current changes to the database.
Check the query history to confirm what happend exactly.
I have a form in MS Access (datasheet view) which is based on the output of a SQL Server query. Now this is used in a front end where the user needs to be able to select from a drop down the value for one of the columns, 'NAME'. I tried adding a combo box which is mapped to take distinct names from the SQL Server table to the datasheet form but the results were not as desired.
Kindly provide advice on how this can be possible. I did this before by using a lookup on a similar MS Access database, but in a multi-user environment, the database was corrupted and now I moved my back end to SQL Server.
Just got the answer to my question. here are the steps I followed.
a) Add a combo box to the datasheet form in design view like Johnny Bones suggested.
b) Create a drop down with values.
c) Point the Control Source property to the field in the SQL Server table which needs to be updated, in this case NAME.
d) And voila, your drop-down now shows the values in the table and you can include a drop down for the user.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction Johnny.
In datasheet view, I think you'll need to set up the field in the table.
Open the table in Design View
Click on the specific field in question
At the bottom you will see 2 tabs; General and Lookup (I
apologize, my work doesn't allow me to upload pics, so I hope you
can visualize it)
On the Lookup tab, change the Display Control from Text Box to
Combo Box
At that point, the properties should look familiar if you've worked with Combo Boxes, and you can change them to suit your needs.
I haven't had this problem until I first tried to manually add data to a database since my upgrade to WebMatrix 3, so I don't know if this is a bug or some kind of fault prevention.
I have defined a very simple table with the primary key as int and set it to not allow nulls, and be of the type IsIdentity so that the int value will automatically increment, as needed.
A pic of that is shown here:
Okay, seems simple enough, but when I try to manually add data to the table, it, as it should, does NOT allow me to modify the primary key value in any way (because it is automatic).
All I do is put in a couple of string values to the type and location columns and it tells me that it couldn't commit changes to the database because of the invalid value in the primary key field (it acts as though it is gonna try to throw NULL in as the value, but this should be overridden when it automatically adds the row. The user-interface does not allow me to control or edit this value in anyway).
A pic of this is shown here:
What is this? Some kind of bug? Is it a new rule that WebMatrix does not allow a developer to add values to the database manually? Do I have to write a query every time I want to add something to the database? Am I in the Twilight Zone? (Okay, sorry about the last one...)
Also, I've noticed that if I don't have IsIdentity set, I can edit the field, put a PERFECTLY VALID integer therein, and it still errors the same way, so I use ESC to backup my changes, then hit refresh, only to find that it did, indeed, add the row anyway :/ . So, this interface seems kind of buggy to begin with. In my scenario above (using IsIdentity), it DOES NOT add the row anyway, unfortunately.
I just recently downloaded a WebMatrix update, and it appears that they have fixed this! Yay! (till now I was just querying generic INSERT INTO statements and editing them manually from there).
I think the SQL CE tooling with WM3 is broken, suggest you look at other tools for editing data - I can recommend the standalone SQL Server Compact Toolbox (disclosure: I am the author)
I am needing to edit several text fields in a SQL Server database. What would be the best way of doing this? The only solution I have so far is writing an update statement(along with escaping quotes and such) to update it.. This just seems really cumbersome though. Is there a better way?
Though it's not the best solution, I have created a quick tool to generate such update statements for me. It is freely available here: http://jsbin.com/otake/latest
Quick and dirty: use and MS Access data project
gives you a smarter data editor than SSMS on the tables
you can wizard up a bound form with multi-line text box
You should be able to right-click the Table and choose "Open Table" to get the datasheet view--then you can browse to the one you want and make changes as needed.
If you select "Edit Top X Rows" on the table where you want to edit the text you can then modify the SQL that returns the data in the editable grid, so you can edit a single row (or exactly the rows you want) directly.
To modify the SQL, click on the button that reads "SQL", usually on the leftish side of the screen, if you haven't rearranged the toolbars.
I am attempting to create a Stored Procedure for a newly created database. However the SSMS intellisense does not recognize more than half of the tables which have been created.
For example whilst in the left hand column under tables I have a table dbo.Room, when I type "dbo." in the new query window, that table is not listed, in fact only 17 out of 37 tables are listed.
I can see no difference between the tables listed by intellisense and those not. If I manually type dbo.Room, it is underlined, with an error of
Invalid Object Name 'dbo.Room'..
Have I missed something in setting up the tables?
UPDATE: I have tried refresh of the tables list (several times)
Edit -> IntelliSense -> Refresh Local Cache
This should refresh the data cached by Intellisense to provide typeahead support and pre-execution error detection.
NOTE: Your cursor must be in the query editor for the IntelliSense menu to be visible.
Make sure that the selected DB is the one where the table is. I was running the Script on Master. In my case, I had to switch to hr_db.
Rookie mistake but, could help someone.
Ctrl + Shift + R refreshes intellisense in management studio 2008 as well.
once you create a new SQL Server object, your newly created object does not get updated in the IntelliSence Local Cache and due to this, it shows red line underneath that object. So you just need to refresh SSMS IntelliSence Local Cache and once you refresh it, IntelliSence will automatically add newly created object in the cache and the red line will disappear. try this
Edit -> IntelliSense -> Refresh Local Cache or Ctrl + Shift + R
In my case, the IntelliSense cache was listing object information for an entirely different database. If I clicked the "New Query" button in SSMS, it would open a query to my default catalog on the server and that query editor would always only use that database. Refreshing the cache didn't change anything. Restarting SSMS didn't change anything. Changing the database didn't change anything.
I ended up creating a query by right-clicking on the database I actually wanted to use and choosing "New Query" from that context menu. Now SSMS uses the correct objects for IntelliSense.
Are you certain that the table in question exists?
Have you refreshed the table view in the Object Explorer? This can be done by right clicking the "tables" folder and pressing the F5 key.
You may also need to reresh the Intellisense cache.
This can be done by following the menu route: Edit -> IntelliSense -> Refresh Local Cache
The solution is:
Click menu Query,
then click 'Change Database'.
Select your appropriate database name.
That's it.
Same problem with me when I used this syntax problem solved.
Use [YourDatabaseName]
Your Query Here
Even after installing SP3 to SQL Server 2008 Enterprise this is still an "issue." Ctrl+Shift+R like everyone has been saying solved this problem for me.
In azure data studio press "cmd+shift+p" and type "intellisense", then you will see an option to refresh intellisense cache.
did you try: right click the database, and click "refresh"
I realize this question has already been answered, however, I had a different solution:
If you are writing a script where you drop the tables without recreating them, those tables will show as missing if you try to reference them later on.
Note: This isn't going to happen with a script that is constantly ran, but sometimes it's easier to have a script with queries to reerence than to type them everytime.
Solved for SSMS 2016.
Had a similar problem, but Intellisense was not in Edit menu.
What seemed to fix it was turning Intellisens on and off, right click on the SQL editor and click 'Intellisense Enabled'. Right click again on 'Intellisense Enabled' to turn it back on again. Ctr Q, I also does this.
This solved the problem, and also I know get the Intellisense on the Edit menu.
I just had to close SMSS and reopen it. I tried Refresh Local Cache and that didn't work.
I ran into the problem with :
ODBC and SQL-Server-Authentication in ODBC
Solution :
I had to set the Param MetaDefSchema to sqlserver username :
FDConnection1.Params.AddPair('MetaDefSchema', self.FDConnection1.Params.UserName);
The wikidoc sais :
MetaDefSchema=Default schema name. The Design time code >>excludes<< !! the schema name from the object SQL-Server-Authenticatoinname if it is equal to MetaDefSchema.
without setting, the automatic coder creates :
dbname.username.tablename -> invalid object name
With setting MetaDefSchema to sqlserver-username :
dbname.tablename -> works !
See also the embarcadero-doc at :
Hope, it helps someone else..
regards, Lutz
Don't forget to create your migrations after writing the models
For me I had rename from
I was working on Azure SQL Server. For storing the data I used table values param
x int;
I discovered the error in writing on the queries
[#INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] = 3
While querying the columns, it's okay to wrap it with braces like [#INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] but when referring to just the table valued param, there should be no params. So it should be used as #INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3
So the code now must be changed to
[#INTERMEDIATE_TABLE3].[ConsentDefinitionId] = 3
In my case, I was trying to alter a stored procedure that didn't exist in the database, after creating it and refreshing local cache, it worked