I would like to setup a daily auto backup of my online myphpadmin database. The backup can be stored on my PC (which is turned on most days) or online somewhere (within myphpadmin somewhere?)
What is the easiest way to achieve this?
myphpadmin has an event scheduler, but requires SQL instructions - but I cant find the commands necessary to make this work.
Thanks for your help
This may depend on your hosting. But i solved it like this:
Create script, eg. backup.sh, with 777 rights, in some not publicly accessible folder
#change directory to your backup directory
cd /home/xxx/backup_dbs/;
#get backup of database of applications
mysqldump --user='myuser' --password='mypw' mydb >tmp_db.sql;
#compress it in zip file
zip app_database-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M).sql.zip tmp_db.sql;
#remove sql file
rm -rf tmp_db.sql;
#delete backups older than 20 days
find /home/xxx/backup_dbs/app* -mtime +20 -type f -delete;
and then schedule it via cron jobs
It does work on a VPS as well as another cheap reseller account i have. If it doesn't, maybe you just have to call up your hoster to activate execution of shell scripts for you.
I have this update tool for my program. The tool updates the SQL Server database with this code (vb and sql).
Dim sql As Process = Process.Start("sqlcmd.exe", Param + " -i update.sql -o log.txt")
Param contains the name of the .bak file myprogram_update.bak among others.
update.sql starts with
RESTORE DATABASE [myprogram_tmp]
FROM DISK = N'$(db_src)'
MOVE N'myprogram_tmp' TO #mdf,
MOVE N'myprogram_tmp_log' TO #ldf,
#mdf and #ldf are standard paths read from the SQL Server settings.
The update tool is shipped to customers and the problem is that usually SQL Servers aren't allowed to read in user directories of windows like Desktop or Downloads. But many customers unzip the archive to these directories and then they get this error.
Could not access myprogram_update.bak / access denied.
I can't change the settings on every customers server, so is there any way to make it work for these directories? One idea of mine was to run a setup first and unzip it to program files but maybe there is a smarter solution.
Edit: the tool runs in administrator mode.
You should ask for elevation and run as an administrator account, maybe this will help:
I've now put my program into an setup which is usually installed under an ordinary folder, like C:\Program Files (x86)\MyProgram. Here SQL-Server has access.
I need to implement an automatic trasfer of daily backups from one DB to another DB. Both DB's and apps are hosted on heroku.
I know this is possible if to do it manually from local machine with the command:
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE `heroku pgbackups:url --app production-app` --app staging-app
But this process should be automated and run not from local machine.
I have an idea to write a rake which will execute this command; and run this rake daily with the help of Heroku Scheduler add-on.
Any ideas how it is better to do this? Or maybe there is a better way for this task?
Thanks in advance.
I managed to solve the issue myself. It appeared to be not so complex. Here is the solution, maybe it'll be useful to somebody else:
1. I wrote a script which copies the latest dump from a certain server to the DB of the current server
namespace :backup do
desc "copy the latest dump from a certain server to the DB of the current server"
task restore_last_write_dump: :environment do
last_dump_url = %x(heroku pgbackups:url --app [source_app_name])
system("heroku pgbackups:restore [DB_to_target_app] '#{last_dump_url}' -a [target_app_name] --confirm [target_app_name]")
puts "Restored dump: #{last_dump_url}"
To avoid authenication upon each request to the servers, craete a file .netrc in the app root (see details here https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/authentication#usage-examples)
Setup Scheduler add-on for heroku and add our rake task along with the frequency of its running.
That is all.
I have the following problem and I need to know if there´s a way to fix it.
I have a client who was cheap enough to decline buying a backup plan for his postgreSQL databases on the main system that runs his company and as I thought it would happen some day, some OS files crashed during a blackout and the OS needs to be reinstalled.
This client didn't have any backups of the databases but I managed to save the PostgreSQL main directory. I read that the databases are stored somehow inside the data directory of the postgres main folder.
My question is: Is there any way to recover the databases from the data folder only? I am working in a windows environment (XP service pack 2) with PostgreSQL 8.2 and I need to reinstall PostgreSQL in a new server. I would need to recreate the databases in the new environment and somehow attach the old files to the new database instances. I know that's possible in SQL Server because of the way that engine stores the databases but I have no clue in postgres.
Any ideas? They would be much appreciated.
If you have the whole data folder, you have everything you need (as long as architecture is the same). Just try restoring it on another machine before wiping this one out, in case you didn't copy something.
Just save the data directory to disk. When launching Postgres, set the parameter telling it where the data directory is (see: wiki.postgresql.org). Or remove original data directory of the fresh installation and place the copy in its place.
This is possible, you just need to copy the "data" folder (inside the Postgres installation folder) from the old computer to the new one, but there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, before you copy the files, you must stop the Postgres server service. So, Control Panel->Administrative tools->Services, find Postgres service and stop it. When you're done copying the files and setting permissions, start it again.
Second, you need to set the permissions for the data files. Because postgres server actually runs on another user account, it will not be able to access the files if you just copy them into the data folder, because it will not have permissions to do so. So you need to change the ownership of the files to the "postgres" user. I had to use subinacl for this, install it first, and then use it from command prompt like this (first navigate to folder where you installed it):
subinacl /subdirectories "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\data\*" /setowner=postgres
(Changing ownership should also be possible to do from the explorer: first you must disable "Use simple file sharing" in Folder options, then a "Security" tab will appear in the folder Properties dialog, and there are options there to set permissions and change ownership, but I wasn't able to do it that way.)
Now, if the server service can't start after you start it manually again, you can usually see the reason in the Event viewer (Administrative tools->Event viewer). Postgres will throw an error event, and inspecting it will give you a clue about what the problem is (sometimes it will complain about a postmaster.pid file, just remove it, etc.).
The question is very old, but I want to share an effective method that I found.
If you have not got a backup with "pg_dump" and your old data is folder, try the following steps.
In the Postgres database, add records to the "pg_database" table. With a manager program or "insert into".
Make the necessary check and change the following insert query and run it.
The query will return an OID after it has worked. Create a folder with the name of this number. Once you have copied your old data into this folder, the use is now ready.
*** Recover From Folder ***
Check this table on your own system.
Change the differences below.
datname, datdba, encoding, datcollate, datctype, datistemplate, datallowconn,
datconnlimit, datlastsysoid, datfrozenxid, datminmxid, dattablespace, datacl)
-- Write Your collation
'NewDBname', 10, 6, 'Turkish_Turkey.1254', 'Turkish_Turkey.1254',
False, True, -1, 12400, '536', '1', 1663, Null);
Create a folder in the Data directory under the name below New OID.
All old backup files in the directory "data\base\Old OID" are the directory with the new OID number
Copy. The database is now ready for use.
select oid from pg_database a where a.datname = 'NewDBname';
As shown by move database to another hard drive. All we need to do is to modify the registry table and file permissions. By modifying registry table(shown in image 1), postgresql server know the new location of data.
modify registry
If you have issues with permissions or with stuff like icacls during installation to old data folder then try my solution from sister website.
I do so but the most tricky part was to change the owner permission:
go to services from administative tools
find postgres service and double click on it
at log on tab change to local system
then restart
I use a Wordpress plugin called 'Shopp'. It stores product images in the database rather than the filesystem as standard, I didn't think anything of this until now.
I have to move server, and so I made a backup, but restoring the backup is proving a horrible task. I need to restore one table called wp_shopp_assets which is 18MB.
Any advice is hugely appreciated.
For large operations like this it is better to go to command line. phpMyAdmin gets tricky when lots of data is involved because there are all sorts of timeouts in PHP that can trip it up.
If you can SSH into both servers, then you can do a sequence like the following:
Log in to server1 (your current server) and dump the table to a file using "mysqldump" --- mysqldump --add-drop-table -uSQLUSER -pPASSWORD -h
Do a secure copy of that file from server1 to server2 using "scp" ---
Log out of server 1
Log into server 2 (your new server) and import that file into the new DB using "mysql" --- mysql -uSQLUSER -pPASSWORD DBNAME < BACKUPFILE
You will need to replace the UPPERCASE text with your own info. Just ask in the comments if you don't know where to find any of these.
It is worthwhile getting to know some of these command line tricks if you will be doing this sort of admin from time to time.
try HeidiSQL http://www.heidisql.com/
connect to your server and choose the database
go to menu "import > Load sql file" or simply paste the sql file into the sql tab
execute sql (F9)
HeidiSQL is an easy-to-use interface
and a "working-horse" for
web-developers using the popular
MySQL-Database. It allows you to
manage and browse your databases and
tables from an intuitive Windows®
EDIT: Just to clarify. This is a desktop application, you will connect to your database server remotely. You won't be limited to php script max runtime, or upload size limit.
use bigdupm.
create a folder on your server witch is not easy to guess like "BigDump_D09ssS" or w.e
Download the http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump.php importer file and add them to that directory after reading the instructions and filling out your config information.
FTP The .SQL File to that folder along side the bigdump script and go to your browser and navigate to that folder.
Selecting the file you uploaded will start importing the SQL is split chunks and would be a much faster method!
Or if this is an issue i reccomend the other comment about SSH And mysql -u -p -n -f method!
Even though this is an old post I would like to add that it is recommended to not use database-storage for images when you have more than like 10 product(image)s.
Instead of exporting and importing such a huge file it would be better to transfer the Shopp installation to file-storage for images before transferring.
You can use this free plug-in to help you. Always backup your files and database before performing this action.
What I do is open the file in a code editor, copy and paste into a SQL window within phpmyadmin. Sounds silly, but I swear by it via large files.
I want to both backup my Xampp directory and also transfer it to another computer.
Is there an easy way to do this?
When I try to copy it, it gives me a restriction, even though I am not running xampp at the time.
Thank you!
I'd say that rsync would be quite a good way of doing this you could either backup the entire directory or you can use the "--files-from=" parameter to specify a file containing a list of what you want to backup, aka the htdocs directory and config files.
You could have a look at the rsync example page this covers both local and remote backups.
Make sure you have all the services turned off (apache, mysql, ftp, etc..). Go to start->run->services.msc