I looked through Flink official documentation ,but didn't find what kinds of SQL that flink has supported
Flink’s SQL support is based on Apache Calcite, which implements the SQL standard. The SQL support is not yet feature complete, but lately each new release has brought some exciting new features -- such as temporal tables and match_recognize, which were added in Flink 1.7.
I believe this part of the documentation provides the details you are looking for.
For learning how to work with Flink SQL, I recommend the Apache Flink® SQL Training on github.
The documentation for Database Migration Assistant claims that it will identify and flag any "deprecated features". However, this does not seem to be true in the least. I have a SQL Server on-premises database full of features that Microsoft's documentation considers to be deprecated. However, DMA does not detect ANY of these things in an assessment targeting Azure SQL Managed Instance.
Overview of Data Migration Assistant
Numerous "deprecated" features, such as returning result sets from triggers, using deprecated hash algorithms in the HASHBYTES function, and so on, are not appearing at all in the assessment results. Clearly, the documentation is incorrect.
Am I missing something here?
I have a project which required migrating all the stored procedure from SQL Server to Hadoop ecosystem.
So the main point makes me concerned that if HPL/SQL is terminated or not up-to-date as in http://www.hplsql.org/new. It shows latest updated features HPL/SQL 0.3.31-September 2011,2017
Has anyone been using this open source tool and this kind of migration is feasible basing on your experience? Very highly appreciated your sharing.
I am facing the same issue of migrating a huge amount of stored procedures from traditional RDBMS to Hadoop.
Firstly, this project is still active. It is included in Apache Hive since version 2.0 and that's why it stopped releasing individually since September 2017. You could download the latest version of HPL/SQL from the hive repo.
You may have a look at the git history for new features and bug fixes.
I am creating a flink job, that needs Dynamic Tables with continuous queries,I found the concept here but did not find any good example program to try it on.
Can someone help me in this.
If you are looking for examples that use SQL, I would suggest either the Flink SQL Training or the Flink SQL Demo shown in Flink SQL in 2020: Time to show off! - Fabian Hueske & Timo Walther.
If you prefer the Table API, there's a tutorial in the docs.
Can someone please share some links/references or guide me how to do database migration from IBM Netezza to Google's Bigquery?
I suggest you to check the data warehouse migration offer due to this process involves lots of steps such as:
Migration Strategy
Migration Plan
Effort estimation
Technical Architecture
Additional, GCP does not offer official documentation to migrate from Netezza to BigQuery; nevertheless, you can take a look into the Data Transfer Service migration documentation to get an idea of all the work that this migration implies.
On the other hand, I found some third-party companies that offers this service, maybe you can take a look there, and finally a Medium post that talks about this.
First of all, I am sorry because it might be a stupid question but after a day research I am confused and I have a very less time to decide.
We are using TFS as a CI tool and as an SCM. And Postgresql for DB.
Planning to Automate DB with Postgresql and TFS.
Please suggest a tool for this that I can go forward with running my SQL files on specific DB as I want.
Can anyone please tell me if I use DbUp Migration Extension of TFS is it supporting Postgresql? As this link shows it only works with Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Azure and then another Document says DbUp supports a number of different databases including Postgresql.
also, Does Flyway have support for c# and TFS ?
Most popular tools to do what you want is Liquibase and Flyway.
As I know there is only one significant difference: Flyway - plain SQL based, Liquibase - provides abstraction level based on XML, JSON or YAML as well as plain SQL. You can use abstractions (provided by Liquibase) to increase portability of your scripts.