onPremisesDomainName for AAD group object? - azure-active-directory

Do AAD Group objects have onPremisesDomainName property, similar to that in User objects. I did not find it in the doc
Just wondering why there isn't a parity with User objects.

The onPremisesDomainName contains the on-premises domainFQDN, also called dnsDomainName synchronized from the on-premises directory.The property is only populated for customers who are synchronizing their on-premises directory to Azure Active Directory via Azure AD Connect.
The domainFQDN and DnsDomainName have been added for Group objects as of version 1.1.553.0. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/reference-connect-version-history
There are a number of similar threads worth checking out.
Find Domain Name in Active Directory
Get domain\username from microsoft graph


Add user properties to Azure Active Directory for SCIM provisioning (HiBob)

I'm trying to setup a user lifecycle flow that will allow me to create an Azure Active Directory user (Member, not Guest) when an employee is created in our HRIS tool (HiBob). There is a pre-existing integration which is enabled and allows us to get basic information (name, location, etc.).
In the HRIS system we also store some more unique data that I would like to be added to the users AAD profile (maybe an emergency contact for example) that we can then use to provision other applications (like Slack).
My issue is trying to create these custom property fields. I have read about Azure B2C as well as directory schema, custom security extensions and using MS Graph. None of these seem to be totally relevant to my situation.
FYI we are fully cloud, so Azure AD Connect is also not an option.
To store custom data in Azure AD objects such as users you can leverage Azure AD Directory Extensions in tandem with Azure AD Provisioning trough SCIM.

How to query Azure Active Directory as an end user

I can connect to our legacy company DOMAIN and query Active Directory. This has been my way to get the membership of groups.
We've added Office 365 and I cannot find the new groups added via Office 365 Groups (ie, Teams, etc) in Active Directory.
Is this a thing I should be able to do as an end user? And it so, how?
My preference (and what I've been using) is to Query via Power Query
(IE Excel->Data->Get&Transform->Get Data->From Other Sources->From Active Directory)
• As an end user, you have the default permission to view the groups and its members in an Azure AD tenant so, you can use the Microsoft Graph API explorer to view the groups and its related details in that console.
• Here is the link to access the Microsoft Graph Explorer - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer. You will have to login with your credentials in it and enter the below query with ‘GET’ parameter as set to get the list of all groups available in your tenant.
‘GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups’ – Please find the below screenshot for more details.
• Please find the below links for more information: -

Can you sync different AD domains under one Azure AD domain?

My problem is that we have 2 On-Premises Active Directory domains:
Some people are present in both of these AD-s. I want to sync them with Azure Active Directory so that they are all represented once, and all have the #mycompany.com suffix (instead of #mycompany.onmicrosoft.com). I also don't want some users to have #mycompany-dev.com in their azure AD account login name, so I want to do some sort of mapping I guess.
Is this possible with Azure AD Connect, or do I have to implement a synchronization method manually?
You can sync multiple on-premises domain to Azure AD. Kindly check the link and you will get a detailed information about different topologies supported

On premise AD objectGUID is different than object id in Microsoft Graph

I have a question similar to: On premise Active Directory ObjectId is different than Azure Active Directory ObjectId
We used objectGUID in AD to uniquely identify the users and groups. We also maintain the group memberships using objectGUID. When querying Microsoft tenant using Microsoft Graph, what we see for the id from User or Group objects is different from what we get from the on-prem AD. This makes it difficult to correlate the AAD and AD resources.
I tried to use onPremisesImmutableId using the request below, only to find that this id is my employee id.
Any idea how to retrieve the same objectGUID in the AAD world? I could not find anything close by looking at the User documentation.
Also for Group objects, I could not find the property onPremisesDomainName, similar to that in User objects. Is this by design?
That was the correct answer back when was written but things have changed a bit since then. There is an excellent blog post at Azure AD Connect: objectGUID vs. mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid that discusses this change. Specifically this bit:
Before Azure AD Connect version 1.1.524.0, Azure AD Connect (but also Azure AD Sync and DirSync) defaulted to the objectGUID attribute for objects as the source anchor. Azure AD Connect version 1.1.553.0, and beyond, defaults to the mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid for user objects, but objectGUID for groups and computer objects.
In your case, it sounds like your particular tenant mapping was configured differently (i.e. your employee id).
Given the issues raised in the blog post, I'd recommend against using objectGUID for this purpose altogether. If you're looking for a single property across both User and Group resources, I'd suggest looking at onPremisesSecurityIdentifier instead. This holds the SID from your on-prem AD.

Microsoft Graph - Can't get users Windows AD groups

When I use:
string graphRequest = $"{graphResourceUri}/me/memberOf?api-version=1.6";
I get an empty array because my logged in user isn't a member of any Azure Groups (I'm assuming).
What I want is to get the list of Windows Domain Active Directory groups this user is a member of. Is there no way to retrieve this? I don't care about Azure groups.
I found out that it was because we didn't sync any groups between our Active Directory and Azure, we only synced users. After syncing the necessary AD group now it shows up when I query the user's group member within Azure.
