Office Fabric UI custom headers - reactjs

I am using Office Fabric UI React Detaillist component. I want to add a heading on top of column headers like below:
Please help how to achieve this using offfice Fabric UI React. Reference offuce Fabric UI react detail list below:

Docs on fabric ui are really outdated. While package is updated regularly (which is great).
Consider looking through source code / examples on github for better understanding of this package.
Looking at IColumn type at
it has
* If provided uses this method to render custom cell content, rather than the default text rendering.
onRender?: (item?: any, index?: number, column?: IColumn) => any;
which you can utilize to render header cell any way you like.
Here are some examples


React Material UI Visual Editor

I'm starting an open source project, a visual editor for React Material UI.
This is the link to the project.
Users will be able to drag and drop material components on the left drawer to the dropzone (middle/user layout), and use the toolbox on the right drawer to edit the CSS of individual components in the dropzone. Finally with a click of the button, the platform will generate react/ react-material-ui code and also have the capability convert the xml structure to a json for various device purposes.
This project is at the very beginning phase where I only have 1 button component.
Before diving deeper I would like to understand if my current implementations are valid or if there are better ways to implement this.
When I handle drag start:
ev.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy';
ev.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', ev.currentTarget.innerHTML);
and when I handle drop:
let html = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text/html"); = "none";
let text = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
let element = document.getElementById(text)
let element_prime = element.cloneNode(true)
The reason why I feel uncomfortable is because I'm actually using the document queries, which is not exactly the "react way" of doing things.
I'm thinking of only using createRef() when selecting a component in the dropzone when working on the CSS in the toolbox area.
link to createRef()
I generate the ids of the components with:
import { nanoid } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
######## UPDATE - 26 Apr 2022 ########
Based on some work done and relooking into the comments by #tunaayberk I found a way to gracefully handle it the react way. So react-dnd does make use of the redux flow and it has its own provider. An even better way to form the hierarchical json tree is to actually store it in the global state and just rendering the components in the dropzone from the json tree. That way we do away with handling the MUI classnames, DOM nested targets etc. Graceful way to handle this project using the react way.
checkout my medium post and give it some claps:

How to know deep inside component hierarchy we have a special component, efficiently?

I'm creating a form builder using React.
The point is, everything is dynamic.
A form can have fields, or field groups. Each field group can have many fields. Each field can have it's own controls, hints, valdiations, etc.
This means that a form is a component hierarchy. A tree of components.
Now I want to know if in this tree, any Upload field exist at all.
Because if there is no Upload field, then I submit the form using application/json content type. Otherwise I would submit the form using application/form-data content type.
I know I can traverse the entire JSON of component props. But that seems very inefficient.
Is there a way to traverse React's component tree in an efficient way?
You can do so by using contextApi or with its hook for React Version > 16.8 the useContext.
Read more in React official docs
My suggestion is to use formik npm package to build your form correctly and easily, formik using context for managing the state behind the scene. I recommend it for regular use of forms, not heavy form with many fields (~25-30 max) like in enterprises.
You can read about formik more here:
There is another alternative for formik which is also popular in react using forms:
react form hook:
I didn't use it yet but as I know it has some pros/cons over formik.
Easiest way is vanilla JS.
const FORM_SELECTOR = '#some-form-id';
const UPLOAD_SELECTOR = '.some-upload-class';
const form = document.querySelector(FORM_SELECTOR)
if(form.querySelectorAll(UPLOAD_SELECTOR).length) {
// upload exists
} else {
// upload does not exist

Add custom elements to React Table pagination-top

I'm looking to conditionally add a button to my React Table, and for it to display to the right of the row size selector in the PaginationTop section.
The project is currently using react-table 6.9.2.
Currently the table simply uses showPaginationTop as an argument in the ReactTable component, resulting in this header after some custom css:
With a custom element displaying, I'm looking for it to appear as:
Does anyone know if this is possible without changing the react-table source for PaginationTop?
My bad, this can be done with component overriding as mentioned in the documentation here:
For my solution this involved making a new component and setting it as the default:
Object.assign(ReactTableDefaults, {
PaginationComponent: Pagination,

Office UI Fabric - How to apply css styles to existing components

I'm using the provided components and every time I need to change a component style I wonder what's the proper way to do it.
Lets say I need to change the IconButton background color when it's disabled.
If I provide a theme, how am I supposed to know which palette/semanticColor is used by that component?
const iconsTheme = Fabric.createTheme({
semanticColors: {
disabledBackground: "#ff9933"
If I provide an IButtonStyles, how am I supposed to know that the property name is "rootDisabled.backgroundColor"?
const iconButtonStyles: IButtonStyles = {
rootDisabled: {
backgroundColor: "#ff0000",
For both these options, I had to dig into the component's source code on github to find out.
Is this the expected/correct way?
If so, between creating a Theme or an IStyle which would be the ideal/best practice?
Theme vs IStyles
I would say, use a Theme if you want all Fabric components to have the same customization.
Use the styles property if you just want to customize that specific component (or that one specific instance of the component).
How to discover the styling hooks if using IStyles
There are four ways that comes to mind.
Look at the documentation (e.g., look at the IDropdownStyles interface)
Utilize IntelliSense if you're using an editor like Visual Studio Code, which automatically enumerates the IComponentStyles and provides documentation if any.
Inspecting the DOM often provides hints (the hook areas usually look like {area}-{number} so root-33 for instance where the "area" name is root.
Read the source code.
Unfortunately for option 1 and option 2, Fabric React isn't super consistent with the IComponentStyles documentation so not all components have equally descriptive comments and in those cases, you may need to fallback to option 3 and option 4.

Nokia HERE maps: How to get the MCZoom and MCPan components?

I want the MCZoom and MCPan components shown in the HERE maps.(Ref picture),-0.127190,13,0,0,,77.587290,13,0,0,
I have tried out all the components listed in the documentation, but none of them renders the MCZoom and MCPan.
If its not something available for public to use, how do I create a component like this?
