Value from $rootScope is not loaded properly - angularjs

So I'm basically trying to get a property from my $rootScope when the page loads. I need this property so I can display the value in my form.
After testing this:
console.log("DEBUG $rootScope", $rootScope);
console.log("DEBUG $rootScope.localClient", $rootScope.localClient);
I've noticed that $rootScope contains a localClient property, but $rootScope.localClient is undefined. Why is this?
See console screen below.
Here is where I fill the localClient object
function setClient(client, tvaNumber) {
if (tvaNumber) {
if (angular.isUndefined($rootScope.localClient))
$rootScope.localClient = {};
$rootScope.localClient[tvaNumber] = client;

Try accessing it like this,
console.log("DEBUG $rootScope.localClient", $rootScope['localClient']);

You must make sure the attribute loaded before use it, because JavaScripte always pass a reference to an object. Or you can try console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($rootScope)) get the real value.
One example:
var a = {}; console.log(a);a.test = '1';


Use constant property to build another property inside the same constant angularjs

In short my problem is this: I want to use angular constant functionality to save values that I will need in my app. I was wandering if one could build a property using the value of another property of the same constant. Like this:
app.constant("url", {
basicUrl: "/svc",
managementPanel: basicUrl + "/managemnent.html"
// and so on...
Is there any way one can achieve this? I tried using the "this" keyword but it referenced the window object.
You can put it all to function:
(function() {
var constant = {};
constant.base = 'base';
constant.nested = constant.base + '/nested';
constant.nested2 = constant.nested + '/nested2';
app.constant('test', constant)
You will need to use a factory instead of the constant shorthand for this.
app.factory("url", function() {
var url = {};
url.basicUrl = "/svc";
url.managementPanel = url.basicUrl + "/managemnent.html";
return url;

angular-dialog-service update parent scope data object

I've a template:
<p class="text-right">
<a ng-click="editTherapeuticProposal(meow.accepted_tp)" class="fa fa-pencil"></a>
which calls the editTherapeuticProposal function defined in its controller, passing it the meow.accepted_tp object (here I use angular-dialog-service:
// here tp is equal to meow.accepted_tp
$scope.editTherapeuticProposal = function(tp) {
dialogs.create('surgeon/templates/create_edit_therapeutic_proposal.tpl.html', 'SurgeonCreateEditTherapeuticProposalCtrl', {scope: $scope, tp: tp}, { copy: false });
tp is an object.
Then in the dialog controller I display a form in order to let the user modify tp. I do some stuff, the relevant ones are:
// data is the object received by the dialog controller: {scope: $scope, tp: tp}
if(typeof != 'undefined') {
$scope.therapeuticProposal = angular.copy(;
I copy the object to work on a different object (I don't want data to be updated if not saved)
When pressing the save button in the dialog, the following function runs:
var complete = function(tp) { = tp;
Ok, the problem is that meow.accepted_tp in the parent scope doesn't get updated. If I do
var complete = function(tp) { = 'meow';
Its title gets updated. There is clearly something wrong with the prototypal inheritance, I know that in order to get variables updated they should be properties of an object, but tp is already passed as an object property (of the data object). Any ideas?
After re-reading the angular-dialog-service docs, you can pass a result back using modalInstance. It sounds like this is what you want to do.
The reason your binding isn't working is because you're changing the object reference from a child scope, rather than a property on the object bound (which is why = 'meow' works).
Anyway, for your case, try this:
// here tp is equal to meow.accepted_tp
$scope.editTherapeuticProposal = function(tp) {
var dlg = dialogs.create('surgeon/templates/create_edit_therapeutic_proposal.tpl.html', 'SurgeonCreateEditTherapeuticProposalCtrl', {scope: $scope, data: data}, { copy: false });
dlg.result.then(function(tp) {
// Get the result and update meow.accept_tp
$scope.meow.accepted_tp = tp;
Then in the dialog, when you complete, do:
var complete = function(tp) {
For an example, see, in particular the customDialogCtrl (not customDialogCtrl2) is what you want.

Notable to link javascript object and angularjs in controllers

I am trying to develop a mobile application in which i am getting JSON object using javascript page main.js,now I am trying to print the object using angualjs Controllers,but could not find any way.CAn anyone help me out on this?
function written in Main.js`
function getViewColumnsSuccess(result){
var httpStatusCode = result.status;
if (200 == httpStatusCode) {
var invocationResult = result.invocationResult;
var isSuccessful = invocationResult.isSuccessful;
if (true == isSuccessful) {
var result = invocationResult.text; //var FinalCol=reult;
} else {
alert("Error. httpStatusCode=" + httpStatusCode); } } }
The var result I want to get in DemoController in another page
app.controller('tableCtrlNew', function($scope,$http) { });
First controllers are not for print data, for that you should dataBinding, in views.
For Example:
In your controller you have this var;
$"John Doe";
So, then to print that in some view, you shoud print that in some view that has that scope, so to print in one view(html) that is simple like:
<span class="labelName"> {{name}}</span>
It is data-binding, with this you automatically print data from a controller into a view, but remember, it must be in the same scope to works.
Assign Result to Window object
window.result = invocationResult.text;
In controller you can use $window
app.controller('tableCtrlNew', function($scope,$http,$window) {

Firebase $save doesn't work inside an event handler function

I must be missing something really basic. I have an input box where the list name is entered. The name is then saved to the Firebase.
When using $watch, it works just fine. However, if done through ng-keyup event, it returns the following error
TypeError: undefined is not a function.
What am I missing?
<input id="which_list" ng-keyup="enterThis($event)" ng-model="" >{{}}</span>
$scope.which_list = sync.$asObject();
$scope.$watch('', function() { $;
$scope.which_list.$save() // THIS WORKS
// $scope.which_list => d {$$conf: Object, $id: "id", $priority: null, name: "to1_list", $save: function…}
$scope.enterThis = function(event){
if (event.keyCode === 13) { $;
$scope.which_list.$save(); // THIS DOESN't WORK
// $scope.which_list = Object {name:"list_name"}
EDIT: In the comment, I included the value of $scope.which_list shown at the breakpoint.
Currently as you are changing in scope which_list converting to plain old JavaScript objects (POJO), I believe you need to unable 3 way binding between scope variable and $asObject().
var which_list = sync.$asObject();
// set up 3-way data-binding
which_list.$bindTo($scope, "which_list");
Also as you are using $scope.which_list object which contains name and other property,So do initialize it on starting of your controller like
$scope.which_list = {}
Hope this could help you, Thanks.

How do you tell when a view is loaded in extjs?

Im working on an extjs application. We're have a page that is for looking at a particular instance of an object and viewing and editing it's fields.
We're using refs to get hold of bits of view in the controller.
This was working fine, but I've been sharding the controller into smaller pieces to make it more managable and realised that we are relying on a race condition in our code.
The logic is as follows:
Initialise the controller
parse the url to extract the id of the object
put in a call to load the model with the given view.
in the load callback call the controller load method...
The controller load method creates some stores which fire off other requests for bits of information using this id. It then uses some of the refs to get hold of the view and then reconfigures them to use the stores when they load.
If you try and call the controller load method immediately (not in the callback) then it will fail - the ref methods return undefined.
Presumably this is because the view doesnt exist... However we aren't checking for that - we're just relying on the view being loaded by the time the server responds which seems like a recipe for disaster.
So how can we avoid this and be sure that a view is loaded before trying to use it.
I haven't tried rewriting the logic here yet but it looks like the afterrender event probably does what I want.
It seems like waiting for both the return of the store load and afterrender events should produce the correct result.
A nice little abstraction here might be something like this:
yourNamespace.createWaitRunner = function (completionCallback) {
var callback = completionCallback;
var completionRecord = [];
var elements = 0;
function maybeFinish() {
var done = completionRecord.every(function (element) {
return element === true
if (done)
return {
getNotifier: function (func) {
func = func || function (){};
var index = elements++;
completionRecord[index] = false;
return function () {
completionRecord[index] = true;
You'd use it like this:
//during init
//pass in the function to call when others are done
this.waiter = yourNamespace.createWaitRunner(controller.load);
//in controller
'SomeView': {
afterrender: this.waiter.getNotifier
//when loading record(s)
Ext.ModelManager.getModel('SomeModel').load(id, {
success: this.waiter.getNotifier(function (record, request) {
//do some extra stuff if needs be
I haven't actually tried this out yet so it might not be 100% but I think the idea is sound
