How to config OpenTok change status of Archive from "UPLOADED" to "AVAILABLE"? - archive

Steps for Reproduct:
1. I config OpenTok storage video on Amazon S3.
2. I call api startArchive to start streaming video.
3. I call api StopArchive to stop streaming video.
4. I check status of this archive on OpenTok. It's has status "UPLOADED".
5. I login to Amazon S3. The video file that I streaming above is exist on Amazon S3.
6. The status of archive on OpenTok is still "UPLOADED". It's not change to "AVAILABLE". The url value of archive is null.
I don't know the reason that status of archive not change to "AVAILABLE".

Tokbox developer here
Please note that "AVAILABLE" is only used when you don't provide a custom s3 bucket to upload the archive, and the file is uploaded to tokbox cloud [1]
if you you specify your bucket, the status will be: STARTED->STOPPED->UPLOADED
if you don't specify your bucket, the status will be: STARTED->STOPPED->AVAILABLE


File upload in Moodle using jmeter

I'm busy setting up a load test for file upload in moodle and I am struggling with the file upload. It seems to be losing the sesskey when it gets to the uploading of the file.
Here is the error message from the response data:
"{"error":"A required parameter (sesskey) was missing","errorcode":"missingparam","stacktrace":null,"debuginfo":null,"reproductionlink":null}".
Please help, this test needs to be done in the next 2 days.
Thank you in advance.
I extracted the sesskey using the Regular Expression Extractor and this worked for downloading a file and taking a quiz in moodle but for file upload it loses the session.
Just record the file upload event using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, the only thing you will need to do is to copy the file(s) you will be uploading to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation prior to starting the file upload in the browser, this way JMeter will be able to properly capture the request and generate the relevant HTTP Request sampler and HTTP Header Manager
See Recording File Uploads with JMeter article for more details.
Once you have recorded "skeleton" you can correlate the dynamic values like sesskey

Turn off file change monitoring Google app engine

I have an application hosted on GAE where I am creating files within directories which will then get passed to the user. By creating files I mean they are text or image files stored in the working directory or in some sub-directory. However when I create the file to be modified Google app engine recognizes that there was a file changed and will not proceed any further. Is there a way to turn off file change detection completely in my application?
INFO 2016-08-18 05:47:39,456] default: "POST /GatherContent HTTP/1.1" 500 2188
INFO 2016-08-18 05:47:40,467] [default] Detected file changes:
The preferred way to store files in GAE is using the blobstorage or cloud storage. So my guess would be no, it is not possible to turn off.

How do you retrieve thumbnails from the cloud accounts?

When you ask Kloudless to retrieve the files from an account, using: GET /v0/accounts/{account_id}/folders/{id}/contents/, it only lists the actual files, there are no thumbnail files.
So you cannot use the get files contents:GET /v0/accounts/{account_id}/files/{id}/contents/
because it needs a specific file id for the thumbnail file, but you don't get that because none are listed in the preview call.
So how do you retrieve thumbnails for the files?
2016-09 Update: A thumbnails endpoint (docs) is now available for select services. The prior SO answer has been preserved below as it describes the File Download endpoint which is valuable to obtain the file contents for services that do not yet support obtaining thumbnails for.
At the current time the Kloudless API does not support returning thumbnails for
files stored in users' cloud storage accounts.
The request that you are making:
GET /v0/accounts/{account_id}/files/{id}/contents/
is a download request which fetches the full contents of the file.
The file ID can be obtained from the objects listed in the
children request which you referenced before:
GET /v0/accounts/{accounts_id}/folders/{id}/contents/
This will return a list of file/folder objects which have the ID of the
resource as well as other metadata. The ID in the returned file objects can be
used in the download request to fetch the contents of the file.

Google Cloud Storage return status 404 Not Found even though object exists?

I have a script that uploads a photo to google compute engine to be processed, saves it in google cloud storage, and then responds with the path which i send to an app engine app to be read... testing with the gsutil cp command shows that the picture is saved correctly to GCS as the cp command always finds it.
However a lot of times app engine has problems find the photo when I send the path, returning a:
NotFoundError: Expect status [200] from Google Storage. But got status 404
Any thoughts?
Thanks to Voscausa, you can simply solve the issue by utilizing adequate parameters:

Create a Directory under Library/Caches in PhoneGap iOS Application

I can put my data in directory of Documents folder of App, but it has been rejected from Apple for reason of not follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines.
Trying to figure out how to create a directory under Library/Cache in iOS on the file system using PhoneGap.
I want to create a directory for my PhoneGap application, so I can store images and JSON data user synced from server.
When I use window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, onError);, it save my file to Documents folder under my App, so I got Apple rejected. The reason is the system backup all data under Documents folder to iCould after iOS6, so Apple does not allow big data like images or JSON file which could sync from your server again to keep in this folder.
So I use LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY instead. It does not save the data to Library/Cache, but it save data to temp folder of App, which does not been auto backup to iCloud and not auto deleted either. Finally, my application has been passed Apple review.
