I have a listbox, code below, that I'm populating with 900 items. When I scroll down the list quickly I get an exception of 'An ItemsControl is inconsistent with its items source'. Any ideas as to what is causing the issue?
<ListBox x:Name="FileList" ItemsSource="{Binding Files}" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True"
MaxHeight="520" >
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<CheckBox x:Name="FileChecked" IsChecked="{Binding Checked}" Grid.Column="0" BorderThickness="1"/>
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" Grid.Column="1" />
<Label Content="{Binding Source}" Grid.Column="2" Style="{StaticResource FileProperties}" />
<Label Content="{Binding Destination}" Grid.Column="3" Style="{StaticResource FileProperties}"/>
<Label Content="{Binding ArchiveLocation}" Grid.Column="4" Style="{StaticResource FileProperties}"/>
enter image description here
Here is a video of the issue. https://www.screencast.com/t/YUlp24zoXiG
I believe I've found the problem. I've pasted the problematic code below, so that other visitors can benefit from this answer.
// Your code from GitHub unchanged
private async void Preview_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
vm.Files = new List<InstrumentFile>();
for (int i = 0; i < InstrumentList.Items.Count; i++)
ListBoxItem lbi = (InstrumentList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i)) as ListBoxItem;
ContentPresenter cp = GetFrameworkElementByName<ContentPresenter>(lbi);
DataTemplate dt = InstrumentList.ItemTemplate;
CheckBox cb = (dt.FindName("InstrumentChecked", cp)) as CheckBox;
if (cb.IsChecked == true)
List<InstrumentFile> instrumentFiles = new List<InstrumentFile>();
Instrument instrument = ((Instrument)(InstrumentList.Items[i]));
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(instrument.FileSource);
foreach (string file in files)
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
instrumentFiles.Add(new InstrumentFile()
Name = fi.Name,
Source = instrument.FileSource,
Destination = instrument.Destination,
ArchiveLocation = instrument.ArchiveLocation
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instrument.FileExt) == false)
IEnumerable<InstrumentFile> filteredFiles = instrumentFiles.Where(f => f.Name.ToUpper().EndsWith(instrument.FileExt.ToUpper()));
if (filteredFiles.Count() > 0)
if (instrumentFiles.Count > 0)
catch (Exception ex)
await metroWindow.ShowMessageAsync("Exception Encountered", ex.Message, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, Helpers.DialogSettings());
FileCount.Content = vm.Files.Count.ToString() + " files";
Here, you're initializing the Files property in the view model. This causes the data-binding to be updated to an empty list. There's no problem so far. However, you then add things to Files, but these changes are not propagated to the data-binding system because the list in the view model is not an ObservableCollection.
You can fix this problem in a couple of ways. One type of fix is to set the Files property in the view model after you've created and filled the list. The new code would look like this (abbreviated):
private async void Preview_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
// Create new variable to store the list
var files = new List<InstrumentFile>();
// You do a bunch of things, but you now add items to files, not to vm.Files
// Finally, change Files
vm.Files = files
That last line will raise the PropertyChanged event in the view model to update the data-binding, but will do so with the full list of items.
The second kind of fix is to change the type of Files in your view model to ObservableCollection<InstrumentFile>. Any time you make a change to Files, the correct event will be raised to update the data-binding.
I am using xamarin.forms listview for my project. The design is below:
<ContentView x:Name="Overlay" IsVisible="False"
VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" Margin="10,20,10,30"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0,0,1,1" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" BackgroundColor="LightGray">
<StackLayout Spacing="0">
<StackLayout Padding="20" BackgroundColor="#9C6114" Spacing="0">
<Label Text="Country Name" TextColor="White" FontAttributes="Bold" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center"></Label>
<StackLayout Spacing="0">
<ListView x:Name="CountryList" HasUnevenRows="True" Margin="10,0,0,0">
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsToggle}"></Switch>
<Label Text="{Binding CountryName}"></Label>
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button x:Name="btncancel" Text="Cancel" TextColor="White" BackgroundColor="#9C6114" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" Clicked="btncancel_Clicked"></Button>
<Button x:Name="btnsubmit" Text="Submit" TextColor="White" BackgroundColor="#9C6114" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" Clicked="btnsubmit_Clicked"></Button>
For this listview, there is emplty space below the listview. I cannot remove the extra spaces in listview. Please see the attached image.enter image description here
Please help me to resolve this issues.
I had a problem that was similar to that. I followed this link: https://xamarinsharp.com/2017/05/20/xamarin-forms-listview-height-change-dynamically-using-mvvm-and-also-solve-empty-space-issue/
Basically, if you didn't already, you'll need to set up your project with MVVM. In your XAML you'll have to give a HeighRequest property to your listview and set it's value as: HeighRequest="{Binding Height}". In your viewmodel, add this:
int _height;
public int Height
get { return _height; }
_height = value;
Then, in your viewModel's constructor (or wherever you set up your listview's objects), add this:
Height = (**object**.Count * 60) + (**object**.Count * 10);
This worked just fine for me!
After much searching, I found the following worked for me: I have a list view template with a Frame that contains a Grid. In my XAML file I added a SizeChanged event and BindingContext for the Grid:
<ListView x:Name="worksiteList"
ItemsSource="{Binding WorksiteList}"
<StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" Margin="0" Padding="0">
<Frame ...>
BindingContext="{Binding .}"
Then in code behind, I added the SizeChanged event handler and an override of OnAppearing, as follows:
private Dictionary<int, double> _worksiteFrameSizeMap = new Dictionary<int, double>();
public void worksiteGrid_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var grid = sender as Grid;
if (grid != null)
var frame = grid.Parent as Frame;
if (frame != null)
var worksite = grid.BindingContext as Worksite;
if (worksite != null)
var frameHeight = 0.0;
frameHeight += frame.Height;
frameHeight += frame.Margin.Top;
frameHeight += frame.Margin.Bottom;
_worksiteFrameSizeMap[worksite.WorksiteId] = frameHeight;
protected override void OnAppearing()
var worksiteListViewHeight = 0.0;
foreach (var item in _worksiteFrameSizeMap)
worksiteListViewHeight += item.Value;
worksiteList.HeightRequest = worksiteListViewHeight;
This is the only way I could get the list height so there is no blank space below the last list item (and I tried many others that didn't work). Unfortunately there is a slight blink as the page appears. I am inclined to think the ListView control has a bug because the ListView ought to do this automatically (does anyone ever want blank space below a list?) and there is no simple way to access the item sizes in a list.
i'm building a tool to display and edit the web.config and want to add an "ADD" Button so that i can add an additional connectionstring to the web.config.
private ConnectionStringSettingsCollection _ConnectionStrings;
public ConnectionStringSettingsCollection ConnectionStrings
return _ConnectionStrings;
if (_ConnectionStrings != value)
_ConnectionStrings = value;
private void ExecuteAddConnectionString()
ConnectionStrings.Add(new ConnectionStringSettings("a","b","c"));
private void ReadConfig()
ConnectionStrings = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings;
public void CreateConfig()
string webDirPath = (PathWithoutFile());
var vdm = new VirtualDirectoryMapping(webDirPath, true, "web.config");
var wcfm = new WebConfigurationFileMap();
wcfm.VirtualDirectories.Add("/", vdm);
config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenMappedWebConfiguration(wcfm, "/");
<TabItem Header="ConnectionString">
<GroupBox Header="ConnectionStrings" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" Margin="5">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ConnectionStrings}" Margin="5" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0">
<ListBox.ItemTemplate >
<DataTemplate >
<ContentControl >
<vm:ConnectionStringAdd Width="400" Margin="5"/>
So when i click on the Add Button it gives me the following Error:
An ItemsControl is inconsistent with its items source
I know that this is because the GUI doesn't receive a notification about the change, but how do i solve it in my case? Can i somehow make the Connectionstrings to a observable collection?
Many thanks
I already have a working ListBox with Items from my local database. Now I wanted to upgrade this to a CollectionViewSource for filtering. After my upgrade the new ListBox with CollectionViewSource shows nothing.
MainPage Code Behind:
// Data context for the local database
private BuildingDataContext toDoDB;
// Define an observable collection property that controls can bind to.
private ObservableCollection<Building> _buildings;
public ObservableCollection<Building> BuildingTable
return _buildings;
if (_buildings != value)
_buildings = value;
public CollectionViewSource Source { get; set; }
// Konstruktor
public MainPage()
// Connect to the database and instantiate data context.
toDoDB = new BuildingDataContext(BuildingDataContext.DBConnectionString);
// Data context and observable collection are children of the main page.
this.DataContext = this;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
// Define the query to gather all of the to-do items.
var toDoItemsInDB = from Building todo in toDoDB.BuildingTable
select todo;
// Execute the query and place the results into a collection.
BuildingTable = new ObservableCollection<Building>(toDoItemsInDB);
Source = new CollectionViewSource();
Source.Source = BuildingTable;
// Call the base method.base.OnNavigatedTo(e);
For that purpose I added the lines:
public CollectionViewSource Source { get; set; }
Source = new CollectionViewSource();
Source.Source = BuildingTable;
I tried as well to put
Source = new CollectionViewSource();
Source.Source = BuildingTable;
in my MainPage Constructor. It doesnt work as well.
My Mainpage.xaml:
<!--<ListBox x:Name="toDoItemsListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding BuildingTable}" Grid.Row="0" Margin="12, 0, 12, 0" Width="440" SelectionChanged="goToNavigation">-->
<ListBox x:Name="toDoItemsListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Source.View}" Grid.Row="0" Margin="12, 0, 12, 0" Width="440" SelectionChanged="goToNavigation">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="440">
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<TextBlock Name="textBlockShortcut" Text="{Binding Shortcut}" Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Grid.Column="0" Margin="0,0,0,5" FontSize="36" />
<TextBlock Name="textBlockName" Text="{Binding BuildingName}" Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Grid.Column="1" Margin="0,0,0,5" FontSize="36" />
The first commented line shows the old working listbox without CollectionViewSource. So what am I missing?
private void goToNavigation(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// If selected index is -1 (no selection) do nothing
if (toDoItemsListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
// Navigate to the new page
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["SelectedItem"] = toDoItemsListBox.SelectedItem;
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/NavigationPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
// Reset selected index to -1 (no selection)
toDoItemsListBox.SelectedIndex = -1;
You would usually create and bind to a CollectionViewSource in XAML:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs"/>
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs}}" ...>
and in code-behind just access that CollectionViewSource like this:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
var cvs = Resources["cvs"] as CollectionViewSource;
cvs.Source = BuildingTable;
You don't use the CollectionViewSource class directly, you use a CollectionView of the appropriate type.
View = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView( myCollection );
and then you bind that directly to your source.
ItemsSource="{Binding View}"
You can and only should use a CollectionViewSource from xaml, because thats its main purpose. From code you should directly create a CollectionView or use the GetDefaultView method.
I have used tab control for view my usercontrols..
in 1st usercontrol
I have used datagrid to diplay Record and for Binding I have used generic List.
When want to change this List as per selected date then that collection is changed in database and in viewmodel also as List's set propery get executes but in view when i selected new tab and then go back to prevois tab at that time List's get property executes & then i am able get view as per selected date.
My main view and which contain 1st usercontrol as 1st tab item is given below:
Xaml code for above view is given below:
ItemsSource="{Binding Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
<Grid DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" >
<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" >
<Label HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" Width="75" Content="{Binding SumOfWeightJama,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="16" />
ItemsSource="{Binding Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Udhar,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
<Grid DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
<Label Width="75" HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" Content="{Binding SumOfWeightUdhar,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="16"/>
And View Model for above View is given below:
private DateTime _FilterDate ;
public DateTime FilterDate
return _FilterDate;
_FilterDate = value;
Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama = (ViewModel.AllDataCollactions.AllTransactionsDetails.Where(s => s.TransactionDate.Equals(FilterDate) && s.IsJama).OrderBy(s => s.TransactionsID)).ToList();
Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Udhar = (ViewModel.AllDataCollactions.AllTransactionsDetails.Where(s => s.TransactionDate.Equals(FilterDate) && !s.IsJama).OrderBy(s => s.TransactionsID)).ToList();
public List<Model_TransactionsDetails> Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama
return model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama;
model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama = value;
public List<Model_TransactionsDetails> Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Udhar
return model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Udhar;
model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Udhar = value;
public ViewModel_MasterBook()
FilterDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date;
InsertCommand = new RelayCommand(AddExecute, CanAdd);
Can any one help me How can i get view as per selected date immediately..
actually it should work i cant see an error. but when i use some kind of Lists in my WPF projects i use observablecollection with clear, add, delete.
but first i would change the binding
ItemsSource="{Binding Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama,Mode=OneWay}"
because Mode=TwoWay makes no sense, you never set the itemssource from your datagrid to the viewmodel.
second i would change to ObservableCollection
public ObservableCollection<Model_TransactionsDetails> Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama
get; private set;
with private setter because just initialize once.
this.Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama = new ObservableCollection<Model_TransactionsDetails>();
and then in your FilterDate setter fill the collection
var newdata = (ViewModel.AllDataCollactions.AllTransactionsDetails.Where(s => s.TransactionDate.Equals(FilterDate) && s.IsJama).OrderBy(s => s.TransactionsID)).ToList();
this.Model_Transactions_TransactionsDetails_Jama.AddRange(newdata);//AddRange is simply an extension method i wrote, you can simply use foreach and .Add()
I am creating a WPF window with a DataGrid, and I want to show the blank "new item" row at the bottom of the grid that allows me to add a new item to the grid. For some reason, the blank row is not shown on the grid on my window. Here is the markup I used to create the DataGrid:
<toolkit:DataGrid x:Name="ProjectTasksDataGrid"
Style="{DynamicResource {x:Static res:SharedResources.FsBlueGridKey}}"
ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedProject.Tasks}"
<toolkit:DataGridCheckBoxColumn HeaderTemplate="{DynamicResource {x:Static res:SharedResources.CheckmarkHeaderKey}}" Width="25" Binding="{Binding Completed}" IsReadOnly="false"/>
<toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Header="Days" Width="75" Binding="{Binding NumDays}" IsReadOnly="false"/>
<toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Header="Due Date" Width="75" Binding="{Binding DueDate, Converter={StaticResource standardDateConverter}}" IsReadOnly="false"/>
<toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Header="Description" Width="*" Binding="{Binding Description}" IsReadOnly="false"/>
I can't figure out why the blank row isn't showing. I have tried the obvious stuff (IsReadOnly="false", CanUserAddRows="True"), with no luck. Any idea why the blank row is disabled? Thanks for your help.
You must also have to have a default constructor on the type in the collection.
Finally got back to this one. I am not going to change the accepted answer (green checkmark), but here is the cause of the problem:
My View Model wraps domain classes to provide infrastructure needed by WPF. I wrote a CodeProject article on the wrap method I use, which includes a collection class that has two type parameters:
VmCollection<VM, DM>
where DM is a wrapped domain class, and DM is the WPF class that wraps it.
It truns out that, for some weird reason, having the second type parameter in the collection class causes the WPF DataGrid to become uneditable. The fix is to eliminate the second type parameter.
Can't say why this works, only that it does. Hope it helps somebody else down the road.
Vincent Sibal posted an article describing what is required for adding new rows to a DataGrid. There are quite a few possibilities, and most of this depends on the type of collection you're using for SelectedProject.Tasks.
I would recommend making sure that "Tasks" is not a read only collection, and that it supports one of the required interfaces (mentioned in the previous link) to allow new items to be added correctly with DataGrid.
In my opinion this is a bug in the DataGrid. Mike Blandford's link helped me to finally realize what the problem is: The DataGrid does not recognize the type of the rows until it has a real object bound. The edit row does not appear b/c the data grid doesn't know the column types. You would think that binding a strongly typed collection would work, but it does not.
To expand upon Mike Blandford's answer, you must first assign the empty collection and then add and remove a row. For example,
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// data binding
dataGridUsers.ItemsSource = GetMembershipUsers();
EntRefUserDataSet.EntRefUserDataTable dt = (EntRefUserDataSet.EntRefUserDataTable)dataGridUsers.ItemsSource;
// hack to force edit row to appear for empty collections
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
dt.AddEntRefUserRow("", "", false, false);
Add an empty item to your ItemsSource and then remove it. You may have to set CanUserAddRows back to true after doing this. I read this solution here: (Posts by Jarrey and Rick Roen)
I had this problem when I set the ItemsSource to a DataTable's DefaultView and the view was empty. The columns were defined though so it should have been able to get them. Heh.
This happned to me , i forgot to new up the instance and it was nightmare for me . once i created an instance of the collection in onviewloaded it was solved.
`observablecollection<T> _newvariable = new observablecollection<T>();`
this solved my problem. hope it may help others
For me the best way to implement editable asynchronous DataGrid looks like that:
View Model:
public class UserTextMainViewModel : ViewModelBase
private bool _isBusy;
public bool IsBusy
get { return _isBusy; }
this._isBusy = value;
private bool _isSearchActive;
private bool _isLoading;
private string _searchInput;
public string SearchInput
get { return _searchInput; }
_searchInput = value;
_isSearchActive = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value);
private ListCollectionView _translationsView;
public ListCollectionView TranslationsView
if (_translationsView == null)
return _translationsView;
_translationsView = value;
private void ApplySearch()
var view = TranslationsView;
if (view == null) return;
if (!_isSearchActive)
view.Filter = null;
else if (view.Filter == null)
view.Filter = FilterUserText;
private bool FilterUserText(object o)
if (!_isSearchActive) return true;
var item = (UserTextViewModel)o;
return item.Key.Contains(_searchInput, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
item.Value.Contains(_searchInput, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private ICommand _clearSearchCommand;
public ICommand ClearSearchCommand
return _clearSearchCommand ??
(_clearSearchCommand =
new DelegateCommand((param) =>
this.SearchInput = string.Empty;
}, (p) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SearchInput)));
private async void OnRefreshRequired()
if (_isLoading) return;
_isLoading = true;
IsBusy = true;
var result = await LoadDefinitions();
TranslationsView = new ListCollectionView(result);
catch (Exception ex)
//ex.HandleError();//TODO: Needs to create properly error handling
_isLoading = false;
IsBusy = false;
private async Task<IList> LoadDefinitions()
var translatioViewModels = await Task.Run(() => TranslationRepository.Instance.AllTranslationsCache
.Select(model => new UserTextViewModel(model)).ToList());
return translatioViewModels;
<UserControl x:Class="UCM.WFDesigner.Views.UserTextMainView"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
<TextBlock Text="Search:"
Margin="0,0,5,0" />
<Button Style="{StaticResource StyleButtonDeleteCommon}"
ToolTip="Clear Filter"
Command="{Binding ClearSearchCommand}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding SearchInput, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
FontSize="13" />
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TranslationsView}"
<!-- your columns definition is here-->
<!-- your "busy indicator", that shows to user a message instead of stuck data grid-->
<Border Visibility="{Binding IsBusy,Converter={converters1:BooleanToSomethingConverter TrueValue='Visible', FalseValue='Collapsed'}}"
<TextBlock Foreground="White"
Text="Loading. . ."
FontSize="16" />
This pattern allows to work with data grid in a quite simple way and code is very simple either.
Do not forget to create default constructor for class that represents your data source.