Hugo - How to display an image in related content - hugo

I'm trying to display up to three related articles at the bottom of a blog post using Hugo.
I have some test code where I get data for front matter fields like Title and Summary, but I can't access Image.
Not sure what I am doing wrong
{{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 3 }}
{{ with $related }}
<div class="related-content">
<h2>Related content</h2>
<ul class="article-gallery">
{{ range . }}
<div class="card">
<a class="button" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
<img src="" alt ="">
<h3>{{ .Title }}</h3>
<!-- Cannot Access Image -->
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Custom, user-defined data elements in a page's front matter needs to be accessed through .Params:
{{ .Params.Image }}
See The Hugo Docs
Note: there is a predfined "images" (with an 's') that can be accessed directly. Did you mean to use that instead?


how to iterate over objects id value ? in vue js

I have a data JSON file locally where I can get the data into a component and print the object value depending on the object array number starting from 0 and on ... how can I print it using the object's id value?
in resolution as an example id=321 I want to print that object.
here is my current working code printing by object array value:
<div class="exespotbody">
<center><h2> Stories Spotlight </h2></center><br>
<div class="Fgrid">
<!-- single news Block for data-->
<!-- <img src="">
<img :src="`{{ dataList[0].logo_url}}`"> </img>
<h6> {{ dataList[0].title }} </h6>
<!-- <p v-html="dataList[0].blog_entry"> </p> -->
<p> {{ dataList[0] }} </p>
<p> {{ dataList[0].author.title}} </p>
<!-- single news Block for data END-->
import dataData from "#/data/data.json";
export default {
name: 'StoriesSpotlight',
data() {
return {
dataList: dataData,
the result on screen :
Here is a is Vue tools pic for data:
what I want to do is print the data of the object bind by the id of the object for example id=321 that would be my next step...
So you want to find an object by its id from an array, then you can use find() on dataList
dataList.find(item => === 321).title
dataList.find(item => === 321)
dataList.find(item => === 321).author.title
I might be misreading this question, but I think you're talking about using object properties?
If so, just copy the lines used for displaying the other object properties
<img :src="`{{ dataList[0].logo_url}}`"> </img>
<h6> {{ dataList[0].title }} </h6>
<h6> ID: {{ dataList[0].id }} </h6>
<!-- <p v-html="dataList[0].blog_entry"> </p> -->
<p> {{ dataList[0] }} </p>
<p> {{ dataList[0].author.title}} </p>
For iterating across the full dataList Use v-for
<div v-for="entry in dataList" key="" class="Fgrid">
<!-- single news Block for data-->
<!-- <img src="">
<img :src="`{{ entry.logo_url}}`"> </img>
<h6> {{ entry.title }} </h6>
<!-- <p v-html="entry.blog_entry"> </p> -->
<p> {{ }} </p>
<p> {{}} </p>
<!-- single news Block for data END-->

Hugo .Data.Pages in partial only works on root (index.html) but not on other pages

I have a nav.html partial with this in it:
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-primary" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
{{ range $.Data.Pages }}
{{ if ( not ( .IsPage) )}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href={{ .Permalink }}>{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
It works on the root of my site, but does not work when rendering a page or list "inside" the site.
How do I access the "root" context .Data.Pages no matter where I am in the site so my nav partial works all the time?
I found it, .Data.Pages is for the current node, I wanted this:
{{ range $.Site.Pages }}
{{ if ( eq .Kind "section" )}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href={{ .Permalink }}>{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Using Angular $first and $last outside of ng-repeat

I have this code:
<main class="gallery">
<nav class="gallery-list-thumbs">
<li ng-click="showLarge($event); modalShow()" ng-repeat="photo in photos | filter:{'section': section }">
<img data-ref="ref-{{ }}" data-orientation="{{ photo.orientation }}" class="photo-small" ng-src="photos/{{ photo.section }}/th/{{ photo.src }}">
<section class="gallery-item" ng-hide="modalHidden">
<h1 ng-model="section">{{ section }}</h1>
<div class="photo-container">
<div class="modal-close" ng-click="modalShow()"></div>
<div class="modal-prev"></div>
<div class="modal-next"></div>
<img data-photoref="ref-{{ }}" ng-repeat="photo in photos | filter:{'section': section }" class="photo-large below orientation-{{ photo.orientation }}" ng-class="{'above':$first}" ng-src="photos/{{ section }}/{{ photo.src }}">
What I hope to achieve, is to hide the modal-prev when the user click on the first li in gallery-list-thumbs and the same thing with modal-next on the last li.
So far, using $index, it's fairly easy since I can target it by a scope change, but how do I get the last element when there's a different amount of images per galleries? It would be easier if the next and prev arrows were inside the ng-repeat since I could use $first and $last, but I don't want to have to include them in.
OK, I was able to find it by myself.
The solution was to change a scope on $first and last and then add a ng-show and ng-hide depending on the scope value.
Here's the code if anyone has this kind of issue:
<main class="gallery">
<nav class="gallery-list-thumbs">
<li ng-click="showLarge($event); modalShow();setPosition('inbetween'); $first && setPosition('first') ; $last && setPosition('last')" ng-repeat="photo in photos | filter:{'section': section }">
<img data-ref="ref-{{ }}" data-orientation="{{ photo.orientation }}" class="photo-small" ng-src="photos/{{ photo.section }}/th/{{ photo.src }}">
<section class="gallery-item" ng-hide="modalHidden">
<h1 ng-model="section">{{ section }}</h1>
<div class="photo-container">
<div class="modal-close" ng-click="modalShow()"></div>
<div class="modal-prev" ng-hide="currentOrder == 'first';">{{ currentOrder }}</div>
<div class="modal-next" ng-hide="currentOrder == 'last';">{{ currentOrder }}</div>
<img data-photoref="ref-{{ }}" ng-repeat="photo in photos | filter:{'section': section }" class="photo-large below orientation-{{ photo.orientation }}" ng-class="{'above':$first}" ng-src="photos/{{ section }}/{{ photo.src }}">

Bind button/links with my carousel images in Angularjs

In my application there is a carousel with images that I get from my service. Under the carousel there are 3 buttons that give more information about the image.
These information buttons should replace the bullet indicators for a standard carousel. The buttons get an active class when the corresponding image is displayed so it stands out from the other 2.
Below is my code, I'm using this carousel
<ul rn-carousel>
<li ng-repeat="promo in promos">
<img ng-src="{{ promo.slider[0].slide }}" alt="{{ }}">
<div ng-repeat="promo in promos">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<p>- {{ promo.descr }} <span>{{ promo.disc }}</span></p>
I have no problems getting the info out of my service, it's just the linking part that is giving me problems.
I found the solution after searching through the issues page of the carousel I'm using.
<ul rn-carousel rn-carousel-index="currentSlide">
<li ng-repeat="promo in promos">
<img ng-src="{{ promo.slider[0].slide }}" alt="{{ }}">
<div ng-repeat="promo in promos">
<button ng-class="{activeBtn: $index==$parent.currentSlide}" ng-click="$parent.currentSlide = $index">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<p>- {{ promo.descr }} <span>{{ promo.disc }}</span></p>
I had to name my carousel-index and for my indicators I had to refer to the parent element for the binding to work.
Thanks to Capricorn for leading the way.

AngularJS: controlling ng-show from outside ng-repeat

I'm in the middle of learning Angular, and I am attempting to show or hide contents in a content div depending on side menu items being clicked.
<div id="side-menu">
<h3>Side Menu</h3>
<div ng-repeat="item in example">
<p ng-click="collapsed=!collapsed">
API Name: {{ }}
<div id="content">
<!-- What do I have to add here to "connect" to "item in example"? -->
<div ng-show="collapsed">
<p>Debug: {{ item.debug }}</p>
<p>Window: {{ item.window }}</p>
What do I have to add to controller ng-show from the other div?
Use $parent:
Read this to understand the most important basics of Angular' scopes.
