two way binding not working even with dot notation - angularjs

I'm starting with AngularJS and I am using a controller variable to navigate an array of questions, and it is working when using nextQuestion function, index gets updated and the next question is shown in the view, but if I try to obtain the same value (index) in a different function, it always returns 0.
I have seen on other questions that you should use an object to contain the variable to not manipulate primitive types directly in the controller, but it still does not work.
My controller:
myApp.controller('SurveyController',['$scope','$http', '$location','$routeParams','surveyMetrics','DataService',function($scope,$http, $location,$routeParams,surveyMetrics,DataService){
var vm = this;
vm.scope = {
index: 0
vm.surveyMetrics = surveyMetrics;
vm.surveyQuestions = DataService.surveyQuestions;
vm.DataService = DataService;
vm.getQuestions = function(){
$scope.questions =;
vm.activateSurvey = function(){
vm.getCurrentIndex = function(){
return vm.scope.index;
vm.nextQuestion = function () {
console.log('NEXT QUESTION!');
console.log('NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: '+ vm.surveyQuestions.length);
var currentIndex = vm.getCurrentIndex();
var newIndex = currentIndex+1;
scope = {};
if (currentIndex == vm.surveyQuestions.length) {
newIndex = vm.surveyQuestions.length -1;
vm.scope.index = newIndex;
console.log('Inside Object: '+vm.scope)
vm.previousQuestion = function () {
console.log('PREVIOUS QUESTION!');
console.log('NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: '+ vm.surveyQuestions.length);
if (vm.scope.index == 0) {
vm.scope.index = 0;
vm.activeSurveyQuestion = function(questionId,index){
console.log('question id and index',questionId,index);
if (questionId == index) {
var navBtn = document.getElementById('navBtn_'+index);
vm.navigateSurvey = function () {
var answerPane = document.getElementById('answer-pane');
document.onkeydown = function (e) {
console.log('INSIDE KEYDOWN: ')
var pressedKey = e.keyCode;
console.log('PRESSED KEY IN SURVEY: ' + pressedKey);
if (pressedKey === rightArrow) {
console.log('survey - right arrow pressed');
console.log('FUCKING INDEX FML!: '+vm.getCurrentIndex()+' | '+vm.scope.index);
var questionType = DataService.getQuestionType(vm.scope.index);
console.log('Survey Controller: question type: '+questionType);
if (pressedKey === leftArrow) {
console.log('survey - left arrow pressed');
My View:
<!--Satisfaction Survey-->
<div ng-controller="SurveyController as survey" ng-init="survey.getSurvey();">
<p ng-repeat="question in survey.surveyQuestions" ng-show ="survey.surveyMetrics.surveyActive">
<!--Survey Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="surveyModal" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<!-- Modal content-->
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="text-center"> Customer Satisfaction Survey</div>
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">{{survey.surveyQuestions[survey.getCurrentIndex()].question}}</h4>
<div class="modal-body survey" id="answer-pane">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-2 survey-left-arrow" ng-click="survey.previousQuestion();" id="previousQuestionBtn">
<div class="col-sm-8">
<!-- <p ng-repeat="answer in survey.surveyQuestions[survey.index].answers">{{answer}}</p> -->
<p ng-repeat="answer in survey.surveyQuestions[survey.getCurrentIndex()].answers">
<button type="button" class="btn" id="answerId_{{survey.getCurrentIndex()}}"
ng-class="{'survey-check-box': (survey.surveyQuestions[survey.getCurrentIndex()].type !== 'SingleChoice'),
'survey-btn_{{($index+1)}}': (survey.surveyQuestions[survey.getCurrentIndex()].type === 'SingleChoice')}">
<input type="checkbox" ng-if="survey.surveyQuestions[survey.getCurrentIndex()].type !== 'SingleChoice'"> {{answer}}
<div class="col-sm-2 survey-right-arrow " ng-click="survey.nextQuestion();" id="nextQuestionBtn">
<div class="text-center">
<strong> <p>Question: {{survey.surveyQuestions[survey.scope.index].questionNum}} of {{survey.surveyQuestions.length}}</p> </strong>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<!-- <nav aria-label="Survey navigation">
<ul class="pagination pagination-sm justify-content-center">
<div ng-repeat="question in survey.surveyQuestions" >
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" id = "navBtn_$index" ng-click="survey.index = $index">{{}}</a>
</nav> -->
I would like for the controller to change the variable and the view to update accordingly
Thank you for your time and thank you in advance.

It's 'survey.scope.index' not 'survey.index' in your HTML. I think you may be unclear the difference between using 'this' and '$scope'. You're mixing the two together which is not necessary. I would suggest removing 'scope' and just reference it in your HTML as 'survey.index'.


How to popup chat window using node.js

I am working on node.js and began to create a chat application I have built it successfully but the problem is that I want the chat window should be open when the client click on the name of the sender(who sent the message to the client).
I will show you the example what I have done till now.
Here you can see that the chat box is already open but I want it should open when a user is selected from "List of users" and the content of chat box should be replaced whenever a new user is selected and previous content should be removed.
Here is my index.html code :
<div class="col-md-4 user-list">
<h2>List of Users</h2>
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item"
ng-repeat="user in userList"
ng-class="{ 'active' : == selectedUser.uid}"
ng-click = seletedUser(,user.userName);
'cursor': === socketId ? 'not-allowed' :'pointer'
<span id='{{}}' >{{ === socketId ? 'You': user.userName }}</span>
<span id='{{ + "notify"}}' style="color:black; opacity:0.5; font:2px; padding:5px; visibility:hidden;"> {{'typing...'}}</span>
<div class="container" id="messages">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> {{'Chat -' + selectedUser.uname}}
<div class="panel-body">
<ul class="chat col-md-7"
ng-repeat = "message in messages"
ng-style ="{'float':message.fromid == socketId ? 'left' : 'right'}">
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="direct-chat-text"
ng-style = "{'background-color': message.fromid == socketId ? '#d9edf7' : '#62f3bc'}"
<div class="panel-footer">
<div class="input-group">
<textarea elastic type="text" class="form-control custom-control" ng-model='message' ng-keyup="keyup()" ng-keydown="keydown()" ng-change="change()" placeholder="Type your message here..."></textarea>
<span class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary" ng-click="sendMsg()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></i></span>
If you would require any other information related to code please comment.
As I am newbie to node.js so help me to solve my problem.
My script.js code which have sufficient details:
app.controller('app', ($scope,$timeout,socket) => {
$scope.socketId = null;
$scope.selectedUser ={ uid: null, uname: null};
$scope.messages = [];
$scope.msgData = null;
$scope.userList = [];
var TypeTimer;
var TypingInterval = 1000;
$scope.username = window.prompt('Enter Your Name');
if ($scope.username === '') {
$scope.seletedUser = (id,name) => {
if(id === $scope.socketId)
alert("Can't message to yourself.")
$scope.selectedUser =
uid: id,
uname: name
$scope.sendMsg = () => {
// const keyCode = $event.which || $event.keyCode;
if ($scope.message !== null && $scope.message !== '' && $scope.selectedUser.uid !== null) {
toid : $scope.selectedUser.uid,
fromid: $scope.socketId,
msg : $scope.message,
name : $scope.username
TypeTimer=$timeout( function(){
toid : $scope.selectedUser.uid,
fromid: $scope.socketId,
$scope.message = null;
alert("enter a message or select a User to send message");
socket.on('userList', (userList,socketId) => {
if($scope.socketId === null){
$scope.socketId = socketId;
$scope.userList = userList;
socket.on('exit', (userList) => {
$scope.userList = userList;
socket.on('setMsg',(data) => {
document.getElementById(data.fromid+'notify').style.visibility= data.msg;
socket.on('sendMsg', (data) => {
my understanding is u want to show a pop up on click of a button or some text box u can use angular bootstarp model as shown here
and control the close and open in angularjs contoller and send the chat details too server side
After searching some tutorials and questions(on StackOverflow) I found a way and going to share with you all.
I created a directory name "open" and an attribute visible of this "open" directive to show and hide the dialog.
app.directive('open',function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: `<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span>{{"Chat -" + selectedUser.uname}}
<div class="panel-body">
<div ppp-chat></div>
<div class="panel-footer">
<div class="input-group">
<textarea msd-elastic type="text" class="form-control custom-control" ng-model="message" ng-keyup="keyup()" ng-keydown="keydown()" ng-change="change()" placeholder="Type your message here..."></textarea>
<span class="input-group-addon btn btn-primary" ng-click="sendMsg()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></i></span>
link: function postLink(scope,element,attrs) {
if(value == true)
$(element).on('',function() {
scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;
$(element).on('',function() {
scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;
And a method in controller to toggle the chat window(hide or show)
$scope.toggleChat = () => {
$scope.showChat = false;
$scope.showChat = !$scope.showChat;
this toggleChat is used to change the value of showChat scope variable that is used to turn on(off) the visibility of chat box by alterating the showChat value as true or false.
In html I have replaced my id="messages" element( with its child and subchild) with
<open visible="showChat">

Angular controller value seeming to revert to original value

After originally setting my controller weddingPrice value a change caused by a function does not seem to change the variable. Its probably a simple error- can anyone help?
When sendWeddingQuoteInfo() is called it seems to send the original weddingPrice, not the one which has been updated when the return journey toggle has been checked.
What should happen is that the wedding price should be set at the start through the local setup function. Then if the return journey toggle is switched to on, the returnJourneyChange() should be fired, changing the global weddingPrice. When the Submit Quote button is pressed this should take the updated weddingPrice and send it to the next page. Currently this does not happen- no idea why.
<ion-view view-title="Wedding Pax Num" can-swipe-back="true">
<ion-content ng-controller="WeddingPaxCtrl">
<div class="card">
<div class="item centerText" style="background-color: brown;">
<div class="padding20Top padding20Bottom">
<h2 class="centerText">Select number of Passengers</h2>
<input ng-model="passengerNo" class="col col-50 col-offset-25 quoteTFieldWithListItems" type="textfield">
<h6 class="centerText">PASSENGERS</h6>
<ion-toggle ng-model="returnJourney.checked" ng-change="returnJourneyChange()">Return Journey
<ion-toggle ng-show="returnJourney.checked" ng-model="midnightReturn.checked" ng-change="midnightReturn()">Return Journey After Midnight</ion-toggle>
<h6 class="logText centerText"> {{ getCostBreakDown() }}</h6>
<div class="endOfPageButton">
<a href="#/app/home/tester">
<button class="button button-full button-clear" ng-click="sendWeddingQuoteInfo()">Submit Quote</button>
app.controller('WeddingPaxCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, PassData, WhichQuote, CostOfMarriage, StoreQuoteData, WeddingData, DataThrow) {
var item = WeddingData.getWeddingDataObject();
$scope.passengerNo = 49;
$scope.returnJourney = { checked: false };
$scope.midnightReturn = { checked: false };
var weddingPrice;
var sendInfo;
function setup() {
console.log("setup called");
weddingPrice = CostOfMarriage.getPrice(item[0], $scope.passengerNo, $scope.returnJourney.checked, $scope.midnightReturn.checked);
$scope.returnJourneyChange = function() {
console.log("return j called");
weddingPrice = 1000;
console.log("wedding price is now" + weddingPrice);
$scope.midnightReturn = function() {
$scope.getCostBreakDown = function() {
$scope.sendWeddingQuoteInfo = function() {
// var weddingPrice = $scope.weddingPrice;
console.log("WeddingPrice is " + weddingPrice + weddingPrice);
var sendInfo = ["Wedding Hire", item[0], $scope.passengerNo, "Extra", weddingPrice];
I think your ng-controller attribute is not at the right place. So the scope of your submit button is different.
I've moved the controller to ion-view element then the click is working as expected.
Please have a look at the demo below or here at jsfiddle.
(I've commented a lot of your code just to make the demo work.)
var app = angular.module('demoApp', ['ionic']);
app.controller('WeddingPaxCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams) { //, WeddingData, DataThrow) {
//var item = WeddingData.getWeddingDataObject();
$scope.passengerNo = 49;
$scope.returnJourney = {
checked: false
$scope.midnightReturn = {
checked: false
var weddingPrice;
var sendInfo;
function setup() {
console.log("setup called");
weddingPrice = 100; //CostOfMarriage.getPrice(item[0], $scope.passengerNo, $scope.returnJourney.checked, $scope.midnightReturn.checked);
$scope.returnJourneyChange = function() {
console.log("return j called");
weddingPrice = 1000;
console.log("wedding price is now" + weddingPrice);
$scope.midnightReturn = function() {
$scope.getCostBreakDown = function() {
$scope.sendWeddingQuoteInfo = function() {
// var weddingPrice = $scope.weddingPrice;
console.log("WeddingPrice is " + weddingPrice + weddingPrice);
//var sendInfo = ["Wedding Hire", item[0], $scope.passengerNo, "Extra", weddingPrice];
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<ion-view ng-app="demoApp" view-title="Wedding Pax Num" can-swipe-back="true" ng-controller="WeddingPaxCtrl">
<div class="card">
<div class="item centerText" style="background-color: brown;">
<div class="padding20Top padding20Bottom">
<h2 class="centerText">Select number of Passengers</h2>
<input ng-model="passengerNo" class="col col-50 col-offset-25 quoteTFieldWithListItems" type="textfield">
<h6 class="centerText">PASSENGERS</h6>
<ion-toggle ng-model="returnJourney.checked" ng-change="returnJourneyChange()">Return Journey
<ion-toggle ng-show="returnJourney.checked" ng-model="midnightReturn.checked" ng-change="midnightReturn()">Return Journey After Midnight</ion-toggle>
<h6 class="logText centerText"> {{ getCostBreakDown() }}</h6>
<div class="endOfPageButton">
<!---<a href="#/app/home/tester">-->
<button class="button button-full button-clear" ng-click="sendWeddingQuoteInfo()">Submit Quote</button>

$scope.passengerNo returns undefined

I'm having problems with receiving the value from an angular expression.
What should happen is when the endOfPageButton is clicked it should pass through the passengerNo and the title. The title is being passed through fine however the passengerNo is always undefined.
Can you tell me how I can get this to update as the passengerNo should be controlled by a textfield and I though the updated value should be automatically injected?
<ion-view view-title="{{title}}" can-swipe-back="true">
<ion-content ng-controller="QuoteItemCtrl">
<div class="card">
<div class="item centerText" style="background-color: brown;">
<h6 class="headerTextPadding">REGION</h6>
<div class="padding40Top padding20Bottom">
<h2 class="centerText">Select number of Passengers</h2>
<input ng-model="passengerNo" class="col col-50 col-offset-25 quoteTField" type="textfield">
<h6 class="centerText">PASSENGERS</h6>
<h6 class="logText centerText">SCHOOLS > {{title}} > {{getCost()}} > # {{multiplier}}</h6>
<div class="endOfPageButton">
<a href="#/app/home/finalquote">
<button class="button button-full button-clear" ng-click="sendQuoteInfo()">Submit Quote</button>
app.controller('QuoteItemCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, MakeSchoolQuote, DataThrow) {
var item = DataThrow.getDataObject();
$scope.passengerNo = 49;
$scope.title = item;
$scope.multiplier = MakeSchoolQuote.getMultipler(item);
$scope.getCost = function() {
$scope.pax = $scope.passengerNo;
var cost = $scope.multiplier * $scope.passengerNo
console.log("passenger numbers are" + $scope.pax);
return cost;
$scope.sendQuoteInfo = function() {
var data = [$scope.title, $scope.passengerNo, "N/A"];
var sendData = DataThrow.storeDataObject(data);

Why are changes in my arrays in my controller not being reflected in my view?

This is branching off of my last question: How to call $scope.$apply() using “controller as” syntax
I am using TypeScript in conjunction with Angular
Problem: I have an ng-repeat in my view
<!-- Simple View -->
<div ng-hide="wordTrack.showDetailedView">
<div class="col-md-12" id="wordTrackResult" style="padding: 10px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;">
<div class="wordListWellWrapper row" ng-repeat="words in wordTrack.wordList">
<div class="col-md-5 wordListWell form-control" ng-class="(words.IsPositive)? 'posWordWell': 'negWordWell' ">
<strong class="wordListWord">{{words.Word}}</strong>
<div class="wordListIcon">
<div class="whiteFaceIcon" ng-class="(words.IsPositive)? 'happyWhiteIcon': 'sadWhiteIcon' "></div>
<div class="col-md-2">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon-remove glyphicon" ng-click="wordTrack.removeWord(words.Word)"></span>
<p class="noWordText" ng-show="(wordTrack.notUsedWordList.length > 0)">The following words have not yet been used</p>
<div class="wordListWellWrapper row" ng-repeat="words in wordTrack.notUsedWordList">
<div class="col-md-5 wordListWell form-control" style="background-color: gray;">
<strong class="wordListWord">{{words}}</strong>
<div class="col-md-2">
<span aria-hidden="true" class=" glyphicon-remove glyphicon" ng-click="wordTrack.removeWord(words)"></span>
which is using two arrays in my controller (wordList and notUsedWordList):
module WordsToTrackController {
export class Controller {
public static $inject = ["$scope", "CampaignFactory", "VideoFactory", "DashboardFactory", "WordsToTrackFactory"];
wordList: Array<IWordTrackItem>;
notUsedWordList: Array<string>;
constructor($scope: ng.IScope, campaignFactory, videoFactory, dashboardFactory, wordsToTrackFactory) {
this.campaignFactory = campaignFactory;
this.videoFactory = videoFactory;
this.dashboardFactory = dashboardFactory;
this.wordsToTrackFactory = wordsToTrackFactory;
this.wordList = [];
this.notUsedWordList = [];
this.hasData = false;
this.fetchInProgress = false;
$scope.$on("video-switch",() => {
$scope.$on("detail-switch",() => {
this.showDetailedView = this.dashboardFactory.isDetailedView;
Inside my constructor, I am calling
$scope.$on("video-switch",() => {
which executes setWordLists() which attempts to grab the data from one of my factories and set the values of the arrays (which it is doing correctly)
setWordLists() {
this.fetchInProgress = true;
var campaignId = this.campaignFactory.currentId();
var videoId = this.videoFactory.currentId();
if (!campaignId || !videoId) {
this.wordsToTrackFactory.doGetWordsToTrackModel(campaignId, videoId)
.then((response) => {
this.fetchInProgress = false;
this.wordList = (response) ? : [];
this.notUsedWordList = (response) ? : [];
function doGetWordsToTrackModel(campaignId: number, videoId: number) {
return $http
.get(url, {
params: {
videoId: videoId,
campaignId: campaignId
Now, the problem is that even though the arrays are being set to the correct values, it is not being updated in my view (inside the ng-repeat).
I don't want to call $scope.$apply() for a quick fix either. Can anyone spot the source of the problem?
$scope.$apply() doesn't help, so i'm thinking ng-repeat isn't binding correctly, but I can't see how I set the view up incorrectly.
Edit: ........
I'm a moron and put my ' ng-controller="Controller as controller" ' on the incorrect element.......
wrong code:
<div class="col-md-4" >
<h2 class="text-center" ng-controller="WordsToTrackController as wordTrack">Words to Track</h2>
corrected code:
<div class="col-md-4" ng-controller="WordsToTrackController as wordTrack">
<h2 class="text-center">Words to Track</h2>

how to handle scope in angular js

I am working with angular js for my dashboard. I have an over all minimize button to minimize all widget and then each widget have own minimize button. I done with following script its not working.
when i click widget minimize button its minimize all widget. but i want minimize that widget only.
var dashboard = angular.module("dashboard",['ui.bootstrap']);
dashboard.controller('dash-control', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.isHidden = false;
$scope.toggle = function(){
$scope.isHidden = !$scope.isHidden;
$scope.toggleonce= function()
if( this.isHidden === true)
this.isHidden = false;
this.isHidden = true;
HTML code like follow:
<div class="contentpanel" ng-app="dashboard" ng-controller="dash-control as ctrl">
<button class="btn btn-white" type="button" ng-click="toggle()"><i class="fa fa-minus-square"> </i> </button>
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-show="isHidden">Contenr Heading 1</div>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-hide="isHidden">Content Description 1</div>
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-show="isHidden">Contenr Heading 2</div>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-hide="isHidden">Content Description 1</div>
I would rather create a directive with isolated scope for represent a inner widget. for instance;
return {
template:"<div>\r\n<a href=\"\" class=\"tooltips\" ng-click=\"toggleonce()\" title=\"Minimize Panel\"><i class=\"fa fa-minus\"><\/i><\/a>\r\n<div class=\"row tinychart\" ng-show=\"isHidden\">asdasdasd<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"row tinychart\" ng-hide=\"isHidden\">sdasdasd<\/div>\r\n\r\n <\/div>",
$scope.isHidden = false;
$scope.toggle = function(){
$scope.isHidden = !$scope.isHidden;
$scope.togglesingle = function()
if( this.isHidden === true)
this.isHidden = false;
this.isHidden = true;
Then In Html Body;
<div class="contentpanel" ng-app="dashboard" >
<button class="btn btn-white" type="button" ng-click="toggle()"><i class="fa fa-minus-square"> </i> </button>
<div my-widget></div>
<div my-widget></div>
Note that I haven't run and check the example. I hope you got the idea.
The ng-repeat will loop the array (list) and initiate each element to 'item' variable. You can pass that data to your directive. Check the updated code.
