i am using cakephp 3.7 and i load few .js file in my default.ctp layout. The problems comes when i try to add other .js in my view. These js files are added at the beginning of the js file list.
I do echo $this->fetch('script'); to print that block.
For example, i am using jquery, i load this library in default.ctp because i use it everywhere, the problem is that view js are loaded before jquery so i cannot use $
how can i "append" to script block, inside an action's view?
In your layout put (before < /head> if you wish)
, then in your view use
$this->Html->script("jquery.js",['block' => 'my_head_script']);
Did You use script blocks, described here: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/html.html#creating-inline-javascript-blocks?
I want to load a modified .tpl file vtigercrm\layouts\vlayout\modules\Vtiger\ListViewContents.tpl to a .php file from which I get HTML data after using AJAX and javascript . It's something feasible?
Im assuming that you want to view that template in the DetailView. In that case you can make a widget in module/Vtiger/models/DetailView.php in getWidget(). Just copy paste and change. The link you give here should go to a function in /module/Vtiger/views/Detail.php.
you should add your new function in the constructor.
Here you can copy any function and change it. you need to feed your variables to smarty with :
$viewer->assign('SMARTYVARNAME', $phpVar);
to fill the template. And finally you need to referance the template.
echo $viewer->view('tplname.tpl', $moduleName, 'true');
im not able to comment yet so i hope this is enough.
According to http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#customizing-the-templates-formhelper-uses,
the way to point to a list of template containers, is to create a file inside config folder.
// In a View class
$this->loadHelper('Form', [
'templates' => 'app_form',
This would load the tags in config/app_form.php. This file should
contain an array of templates indexed by name:
How do I do the same by pointing at a file inside a Plugin instead?
How do I do the same by pointing at a file inside a Plugin instead?
Guess as everywhere else in the framework? Dot notation: PluginName.app_form
If that is not working it should be added to the framework to be consistent.
Using AngularJS version of File Upload (https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/angularjs.html) I'm trying to figure out how I can declare dropZone via HTML attributes - an equivalent of:
dropZone: $('.dropZone', this)
On their wiki section they list an angular directive as a fork.
If you go to their usage section on their github repository, you will see that they had created a directive you can use this way:
<ng-upload-form url="//jquery-file-upload.appspot.com/" auto-upload="true" size-limit="500000"></ng-upload-form>
I think that should help you.
Hi I'm trying to make something like CMS with widgets so I have a folder widgets in my app folder there are my widgets for example app/Widgets/UsersOnline/UserOnline.php
I loading them from db with widgets model in beforefilter method in appController and there i pass them to the view, so with a widget helper I would like to render them on the position. But i can't get to the folder widgets/UserOnline/view.ctp with view->element() method this method require file to be in Elements/.
TLDR / Actual Question:
Is there any way to load files in view outside the view/ and /elements ? Thanks in advance.
You can use relative paths when calling the element:
<?php echo $this->Element('../../Widgets/UsersOnline/UserOnline'); ?>
Don't forget to name your element file 'UserOnline.ctp' too.
I have problem when I want to use $javascript->link('prototype') in the default.ctp layout. It returns:
Undefined variable: javascript [APP\views\layouts\default.ctp, line 6]
I also added this code into app_controller.php:
class AppController extends Controller {
var $Helpers = array('Html','Javascript','Ajax','Form');
The file prototype.js is already in webroot/js folder.
Where is the problem?
I have had this problem many times. It's usually either caused by the controller code being overwritten somewhere or some weirdness happening with Cake's automagic stuff. If you remove all of your helpers and then add them one by one it will probably work eventually.
Another perfectly valid way of generating JavaScript links is by using the following which doesn't access the $javascript variable:
echo $html->script(array('prototype'));
It has to be $helpers instead of $Helpers.
You just open the error console of the Firefox browser (shortcut key ctrl+shift+j).
Find the error and click on it.
After clicking, you will see the head portion.
Note the location of the JavaScript file (*.js) which you want to locate (you will see the location is not correct).
Cut the JavaScript file from webroot and paste it in given location of head block.
This will show on error console. Map_demo is my project, and in its place your project name will display:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/map_demo/js/test.js"></script>
Cut the JavaScript file from webroot
Make the JavaScript folder in your project application folder, /map_demo/js
Paste test.js (your script file) here
Now your JavaScript function will work.
Just in case somebody else comes across this bug/issue: it was also happening to me, until I commented out the line $session->flash(); in my default layout. Realising that the error was being caused by flash messages, I went back to the controller and noticed that I was using separate layouts for flash messages (e.g. 'message_alert') and that those layouts didn't actually exist in the view folder!
So remember, errors like this could mean that a file is not defined yet. Best of luck.