Can I find out during debugging which field is public, which is private, which is protected? - xdebug

I apologize in advance if the question is stupid, I'm newbie. There is such a code:
class A {
public $ public_field = 1;
protected $ protected_field = 2;
private $ private_field = 3;
$a = new A();
$stop = 1;
I put a stop on the line
$stop = 1;
And in my IDE (I have PhpStorm) I see the fields of the object $a:
Can I somehow find out which of them is public, which is private, which is protected?

You can view Class members' access modifier in Structure Window.
On Windows:
Press Alt + 7 to open Structure Window on your left.
OR press Ctrl + F12 to open as pop-up.
More about Structure Window here
Members' access modifiers are not mentioned in their helps so I suppose it's not possible to do view them from Watch Window. Unless someone makes a plugin for that.


Windows Form "Jumps" when clicked

This question is regarding a Windows form built in PowerShell using System.Windows.Forms - I intend to convert it to C# at some point, just hasn't happened yet. C# contextual answers welcomed.
So in order to make this tool appear more like an "app" verses another WPF thing, the control boxes were removed, along with the title. In doing so, we lose the ability to move the form. So I decided to write a nice little number to handle that, which you all may agree or disagree with. Anyhow, it works great on my workstation, laptop, and a remote session to a few random terminal servers. However, when testing with a user, the app experiences a "jump" when clicked on where this bit of code might be picking up on the mouse click. The form's icon still shows in the toolbar, but it's obvious that the form has gone way off screen, and cannot be pulled back to center. I am not 100% sure if it's the code, but I have a feeling. I cannot reproduce this on my machines. Please don't tell me how to get the form back on the screen, that is just a workaround. I appreciate any ideas.
$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 0
function handler_Form_MouseUp{$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 0}
function handler_Form_MouseDown{
$GLOBAL:FX = $Form.Location.X
$GLOBAL:MX = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
$GLOBAL:FY = $Form.Location.Y
$GLOBAL:MY = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y
$GLOBAL:ButtonDown = 1
function handler_Form_MouseMove{
#write-host ("X:"+ ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X) + " || Y:" + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y))
$newX = $GLOBAL:FX + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X - $GLOBAL:MX)
$newY = $GLOBAL:FY + ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y - $GLOBAL:MY)
$Form.SetDesktopLocation($newX, $newY)
$GLOBAL:FX = $Form.Location.X
$GLOBAL:MX = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
$GLOBAL:FY = $Form.Location.Y
$GLOBAL:MY = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y

Need to figure out how to use DeepZoomTools.dll to create DZI

I am not familiar with .NET coding.
However, I must create DZI sliced image assets on a shared server and am told that I can instantiate and use DeepZoomTools.dll.
Can someone show me a very simple DZI creation script that demonstrates the proper .NET coding technique? I can embellish as needed, I'm sure, but don't know where to start.
Assuming I have a jpg, how does a script simply slice it up and save it?
I can imagine it's only a few lines of code. The server is running IIS 7.5.
If anyone has a simple example, I'd be most appreciative.
I don't know myself, but you might ask in the OpenSeadragon community:
Someone there might know.
Does it have to be DeepZoomTools.dll? There are a number of other options for creating DZI files. Here are a few:
Example of building a Seadragon Image from multiple images.
In this, the "clsCanvas" objects and collection can pretty much be ignored, it was an object internal to my code that was generating the images with GDI+, then putting them on disk. The code below just shows how to get a bunch of images from file and assemble them into a zoomable collection. Hope this helps someone :-).
CollectionCreator cc = new CollectionCreator();
// set default values that make sense for conversion options
cc.ServerFormat = ServerFormats.Default;
cc.TileFormat = ImageFormat.Jpg;
cc.TileSize = 256;
cc.ImageQuality = 0.92;
cc.TileOverlap = 0;
// the max level should always correspond to the log base 2 of the tilesize, unless otherwise specified
cc.MaxLevel = (int)Math.Log(cc.TileSize, 2);
List<Microsoft.DeepZoomTools.Image> aoImages = new List<Microsoft.DeepZoomTools.Image>();
double fLeftShift = 0;
foreach (clsCanvas oCanvas in aoCanvases)
//viewport width as a function of this canvas, so the width of this canvas is 1
double fThisImgWidth = oCanvas.MyImageWidth - 1; //the -1 creates a 1px overlap, hides the seam between images.
double fTotalViewportWidth = fTotalImageWidth / fThisImgWidth;
double fMyLeftEdgeInViewportUnits = -fLeftShift / fThisImgWidth; ; //please don't ask me why this is a negative numeber
double fMyTopInViewportUnits = -fTotalViewportWidth * 0.3;
fLeftShift += fThisImgWidth;
Microsoft.DeepZoomTools.Image oImg = new Microsoft.DeepZoomTools.Image(oCanvas.MyFileName.Replace("_Out_Tile",""));
oImg.ViewportWidth = fTotalViewportWidth;
oImg.ViewportOrigin = new System.Windows.Point(fMyLeftEdgeInViewportUnits, fMyTopInViewportUnits);
// create a list of all the images to include in the collection
cc.Create(aoImages, sMasterOutFile);

Printing text in Silverlight that measures larger than page

I have a silverlight application that allows people to enter into a notes field which can be printed, the code used to do this is:
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
Viewbox box = new Viewbox();
TextBlock txt = new TextBlock();
txt.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
Paragraph pg = new Paragraph();
Run run = new Run();
pg = (Paragraph)rtText.Blocks[0];
run = (Run)pg.Inlines[0];
txt.Text = run.Text;
pd.PrintPage += (s, pe) =>
double grdHeight = pe.PrintableArea.Height - (pe.PageMargins.Top + pe.PageMargins.Bottom);
double grdWidth = pe.PrintableArea.Width - (pe.PageMargins.Left + pe.PageMargins.Right);
txt.Width = grdWidth;
txt.Height = grdHeight;
pe.PageVisual = txt;
This simply prints the content of the textbox on the page however some of the notes are spanning larger than the page itself causing it to be cut off. How can I change my code to measure the text and add more pages OR is there a better way to do the above where it will automatically create multiple pages for me?
There are several solutions to your problem, all of them under "Multiple Page Printing Silverlight" on Google. I was having a similar problem and tried most of them. The only one that worked for me was this one:
But honestly you should look at Google first and see whether there are better solutions to your specific problem.
Answering your question, there is a flag called HasMorePages that indicates you need a new page. Just type pe.HasMorePages and you will see.
Hope it helps
First you need to work out how many pages are needed
Dim pagesNeeded As Integer = Math.Ceiling(gridHeight / pageHeight) 'gets number of pages needed
Then once the first page has been sent to the printer, you need to move that data out of view and bring the new data into view ready to print. I do this by converting the whole dataset into an image/UI element, i can then adjust Y value accordingly to bring the next set of required data on screen.
transformGroup.Children.Add(New TranslateTransform() With {.Y = -(pageIndex * pageHeight)})
Then once the number of needed pages is reached, tell the printer to stop
'sets if there is more than 1 page to print
If pagesLeft <= 0 Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
Or if this is too much work, you can simply just scale all the notes to fit onto screen. Again probably by converting to UI element.
Hope this helps

How to make a composite manifest for Microsoft smooth streaming

I am new to Microsoft Smooth Streaming and have questions about the making of composite manifests.
Following the guidance from here.
I was able to make a composite manifest of a single clip element that played in Silverlight player.
However, when I try to add more clips from other videos, the player stopped working and gave out no error information.
And I am doing this all by hand. and when I trying to use the Expression Encoder 4 Pro to create such a video, I got a normal .ismc file instead of a .csm file.
My questions are:
What is the best way of making a composite manifest which contains clips from different videos?
Is there any spec to follow when encoding these videos? or does the support of composite manifest put any restriction on the video format?
And the last one is: Is there an easy way to debug it (like validating my .csm file)?
EDIT my own solution:
Looks like no one cares about this, but since I finally solved this, I am writing this down here to save others' time.
to debug a composite manifest, I built a simple Silverlight app in Visual Studio, and add a simple function to report an error:
public MainPage()
this.SmoothPlayer.SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<SmoothStreamingErrorEventArgs>(SmoothPlayer_SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred);
public void SmoothPlayer_SmoothStreamingErrorOccurred(object sender,
SmoothStreamingErrorEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + e.ErrorCode + "; " + e.ErrorMessage);
And I found this web page useful.
You need to use:
<c t="", d"">
instead of
<c d="">
You have to calculate the ClipBegin and ClipEnd values right.
Below is a sample code in python to convert a .ismc to a .csm(assume that the ism below is an xml.etree.ElementTree object representation of the manifest xml content):
def ism2csm(url, ism):
if ism is None: return csm
csm = xml.Element('SmoothStreamingMedia', {'MajorVersion':'2', 'MinorVersion':'1', 'Duration':ism.attrib.get('Duration')})
clip = xml.Element('Clip', {'Url':url, 'ClipBegin':'0','ClipEnd':'0'})
for stream_index in ism.iter('StreamIndex'):
for stream_index in clip.iter('StreamIndex'):
t = 0
last_c = None
for c in stream_index.iter('c'):
c.attrib['t'] = str(t)
t += int(c.attrib.get('d'))
if last_c is not None: del last_c.attrib['d']
last_c = c
if clip.attrib.get('ClipEnd') == '0':
clip.attrib['ClipEnd'] = str(t)
return csm

Custom Find/Replace dialog box

First of all, please bear in mind that I'm new to Windows Programming. I'll try to cover my question in great detail, so that hopefully the answer will be too.
A short introduction:
I'm copying writing a Notepad-like application using Win32 API and pure C. For those of you familiar with Petzold's Windows Programming, this is a modified version of his POPPAD program which he used to describe Common Dialog Boxes. I'm writing this strictly for educational purposes, so please refrain from posting comments like "why you using old technology, use .NET", as those comments will not help me solve my problem :).
Description of a problem:
Petzold in his POPPAD program used Common Dialog Boxes to write this Notepad-like application. He used Edit Control to provide all the functions of a basic text editor. POPPAD, much like a Notepad, also had Find and Replace dialog boxes where you could, well, find stuff AND replace it! Mind boggling, I know.
So this is where I wanted to test my newly acquired knowledge from reading the past chapters, as I decided to write my very own Find and Replace dialog box. Granted, it would be in the simplest form possibly. How hard can it be? You have one text field where you enter some text and you have one fancy button which says "Find!" on it.
Now I'd like to remind you once more that I'm new to Windows programming, so excuse me for any possibly newbie questions. Also, I'd like to point out that I'll focus solely on making the Find dialog box working, as Replace shouldn't be too hard to implement then.
So I played with the resource editor in Visual Studio, and few hours later I got this:
(stackoverflow doesn't actually allows me to post images, so here's the link below)
I named this dialog box "Find" (with the quotation marks), so I don't have to use MAKEINTRESOURCE macro in my program, as per Petzold's school of thought. I changed the caption of "Ok" button to "Find Next" and changed it's ID from IDOK to IDC_FIND. Also changed IDCANCEL to IDC_CANCEL and that single line Edit Control is IDC_FIND_FIND.
Now to the more serious things. In my main program's Windows Procedure, I have this piece of code:
hDlgModeless = CreateDialog (hInst, TEXT ("Find"),
hwnd, FindDlgProc) ;
return 0 ;
IDM_SEARCH_FIND is a message identifier of a Menu item, which when clicked should open up the Find dialog box. CreateDialog function is used to create a modeless dialog box and store it's handle into a global variable hDlgModeless. FindDlgProc is name of the dialog box procedure where (I think) all the code of finding the text should go.
So without further ado, here's the code of my Find dialog box procedure:
BOOL CALLBACK FindDlgProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
static TCHAR szFindWhat[MAX_STRING_LEN]; //Text to find
static int iOffset ; //Offset from the beginning of Edit control to the result
int iLength, iPos, iSingleLength ; //Length of a main Edit control and single line Edit control
PTSTR pstrDoc, pstrPos ;
switch (message)
return TRUE ;
switch (LOWORD (wParam))
//If the button "Find Next" has been pressed, process all the logic of finding the text
case IDC_FIND:
// Get the text from a single-line edit control in Find dialog box
// and save it in szFindWhat variable
iSingleLength = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDE_FIND_FIND)) ;
GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDE_FIND_FIND), szFindWhat, iSingleLength) ;
// Get the text from a main Edit control, allocate memory for it
// and store it in pstrDoc variable
iLength = GetWindowTextLength (hwndEdit) ;
if (NULL == (pstrDoc = (PTSTR) malloc ((iLength + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR))))
return FALSE ;
GetWindowText (hwndEdit, pstrDoc, iLength + 1) ;
// Search the document for the find string
pstrPos = _tcsstr (pstrDoc + iOffset, szFindWhat) ;
free (pstrDoc) ;
// Return an error code if the string cannot be found
if (pstrPos == NULL)
return FALSE ;
// Find the position in the document and the new start offset
iPos = pstrPos - pstrDoc ;
iOffset = iPos + lstrlen (szFindWhat) ;
// Select the found text
SendMessage (hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, iPos, iOffset) ;
SendMessage (hwndEdit, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0) ;
DestroyWindow (hDlg) ;
hDlgModeless = NULL ;
break ;
break ;
case WM_CLOSE:
DestroyWindow (hDlg) ;
hDlgModeless = NULL ;
break ;
return FALSE;
return FALSE ;
The only actual error I get here is that hwndEdit is undeclared identifier. hwndEdit is the main Edit control (not the single-line in Find dialog box). How do I get the handle to hwndEdit while I'm in a Find dialog box procedure?
I'd like to point out that I'm feeling a bit over my head here, so please say if I'm missing/doing wrong something obvious. I'm pretty sure that even if I fix the only error I'm getting, the program still won't work. Even though the concept of what I should be doing sounds fairly simple, actually programming that seems quite difficult :)
This is what the code above should do, in simplest form:
- Get the text from Find dialog box which I wish to search
- Get the text from main Edit control
- Do a substring search from the last offset (don't start from beginning every time)
- Find the position of a result and readjust offset
- Select the found text
I know I haven't really asked a direct question here, well I guess the direct question would be: How do I make this work? :) But more importantly it would be to understand how this exactly works. I'd appreciate if you can provide me with an elaborate answer. Thanks for all the help!
It looks like you're very close, you just need to get the hwndEdit from your main window. You passed your main window's handle in as a parent to your dialog box, so you should be able to get the parent window of your dialog box like so:
HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hDlg);
After that you can get the edit control from that parent by referencing the edit control ID in your main window definition. Something like this (assuming the control ID is IDC_EDIT):
HWND hwndEdit = GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDC_EDIT);
