Is admin consent required in a native app using Directory.AccessAsUser.All? - azure-active-directory

According to this page, admin consent should not be required for a native app using Directory.AccessAsUser.All
As a side note, for native applications, this permission behaves like a User permission instead. A native app does not have an identity per se, and it is already doing the direct user’s bidding anyway. It stands to reason that the app should be able to do what the user is able to do, just as happens on-premises when a classic native client (say Word or Excel) can or cannot open a document from a network share depending on whether the user has the correct permissions on that folder.
I'm not seeing this in practice. The "API Permissions" page in Azure portal warns me that admin consent will be required, and users attempting to sign in using my app also get told that admin consent is required.
I haven't provided a Web redirect URL, just checked under the Public Clients section - i'd expect this to be enough for admin consent not to be required, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Is the doc above wrong, or am I missing something?

That page is wrong, consent framework doesn't allow a permission to be Admin/User.
If it is marked Admin, it requires admin consent.
That may have been right in the past though.


Automatically deploy an Enterprise Application on AzureAD

I have a React Application that uses Microsoft AD to authenticate users.
As a first step, and according to Microsoft Documentation, we need to register the application with the Microsoft identity platform.
This is inline with Microsoft Identity Platform Documentation, in this diagram we can see that for ALL types of applications (SPA, Web App, etc), we always need to configure an application in AzureAD:
This process is "cumbersome", and i'm trying to remove it by having the application installed automatically.
Several third-parties do this, such as Zapier, SpecFlow, etc.
Basically, they have a process where:
User logs in on Zapier
User is redirected to Azure AD sign-in page
User is authenticated and authorized
AzureAD shows the Consent Page
User consents
Application is installed on user's AzureAD
I've been reading and searching in Microsoft's Documentation, and i cannot find a single document that shows or even mentions this type of flow.
BUT, i know that this is possible, as there are several third parties that are doing exactly this, as Zapier, for example.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, there must exist some Microsoft document that explains how this process is done!
Apologies if this should be a comment, not an answer. I do not have enough SO reputation to write comments.
Zapier is published to the Azure Active Directory application gallery (1c76d9b0-0826-4b19-8706-29572657af1e). You can do this as well:
If an application already exists in the gallery, it does not need to be "registered" in the user's tenant, as the registration definition is defined in the gallery.
Once an app is in the gallery, users can use it only if their tenant's administrators allow this, per the settings on this page:
Enterprise applications | User settings
From the user's end, there are other governance controls that may impact the user's ability to use your app, but I think "register your app in the gallery" is probably what you're asking for.

Azure AD App Registration settings for UIPath

we are using UIPath within our company for RPA. We tried setting up UIpath to send mail on behalf of other users. We followed this guide:
There are 2 odd things to this setup:
We HAVE to make the App Registration a "Public Client" in Azure. To my knowledge, normally this applies to frontend web applications where the app secret cannot be kept hidden. This is a backend process, so I think there is no reason of having to use a public client. Am I right in this statement? What are the downsides of having a public client? Anyone possessing the client_id can impersonate this app registration? (can act as this app registration and ask users for credentials and get a token on behalf of this app?)
I added some api permissions to the App Registration like, mail.send, etc. It stated that no "Admin consent required", but it didnt work. After I pressed the "admin consent" button it said that it granted those permissions and the configuration seemed to work. What does this ADMIN CONSENT button do? If I add permissions to an App Registration, do I always have to press admin consent?
Some extra clarification about the public credentials:
-I register an application called App-X, which is set to public.
-Normally, without a public client, when I request a token, I need both the client_id and the client_secret. By using the client_secret, microsoft knows that I am indeed really the application App-X who is requesting this token on behalf of the user.
-Without using client_secret, anyone who knows the client_id, can request consent from a user and say "I am App-X and I am asking for permissions", while in fact they are not App-X (just some random someone who finds the client_id). After the user consented, because "he knows App-X and he trusts it", then the malicious user/app can also request a token from microsoft because he only needs a client_id.
1.This is a backend process, so I think there is no reason of having to
use a public client. Am I right in this statement? What are the
downsides of having a public client? Anyone possessing the client_id
can impersonate this app registration? (can act as this app
registration and ask users for credentials and get a token on behalf
of this app?)
It depends on your application type. "Public client" is usually used to configure mobile and desktop client applications. Since UIPath is a mobile application that monitors the RPA environment, for your application registration, you need to choose to use "Public Client" registration.
If you don’t want your application to be used by users of other organizations, you don’t need to register the application as a multi-tenant application when you register your application. If your application needs to be used by multiple organizations, you need to register the application as Multi-tenant application. In this case, in theory, all tenants can use this application. However, you can verify which tenant the logged-in user comes from when logging in, and you can prevent tenants that you do not want to log in from logging in. Please see:here.
2.What does this ADMIN CONSENT button do? If I add permissions to an App Registration, do I always have to press admin consent?
Each application registers permissions it requires. Some permissions can be granted by users, some other only by the administrator.
Let's suppose you have only permissions that can be consented by users. The first time they use the application, they'll be prompted (each user) to consent those permissions to the application. If in the same scenario you click on grant admin consent, it is the equivalent of accepting it for all users on the tenant.
Now let's suppose the application registers permissions that require admin consent, you have no choice but to click that button if you want the application to work and be able to request tokens.
For those permissions that require the administrator’s consent, you You can go to Azure portal>App registrations>API permissions>Admin consent required to view .

What AAD error codes indicate consent should be prompted for?

I am using adal.js in a SPA client to login and acquire access tokens for my web service. We are updating our app registrations with new permissions, which will require users to consent again.
I'm wondering what set of error codes from AAD indicate consent should be asked for as opposed to taking some other error handling action?
To my surprise, I was unable to Google a full reference listing all error codes AAD may return. Is this information publicly documented? I'm referring to the error codes of the pattern, AADSTSxxxxx (i.e. AADSTS65001, etc), which may be returned from the oauth2/authorize endpoint.
AADSTS65001 is the primary consent error that indicates the end user needs to do consent again. I would recommend against looking for specific AADSTSxxxxxx errors and having your app branch off encountering that error. Sometimes these change and there could be new errors in the future that indicate a similar "consent needed" message.
If you're building a single-tenant app, a good option is to perform admin consent when you make a required resource update to your app. You can do this by clicking Grant Permissions in the Azure Portal or sending an Auth request with prompt=admin_consent and signing in with an admin account.
For multi-tenant, there's a few options depending on the app. One option is to build an admin consent experience for updates like this where an admin could go, hit a button that initiates an admin consent request, and then have the admin sign in.
One new feature coming to adal.js that I believe will make the development process a bit easier is the new interactive acquire token call. This will allow you to specify a resource on an acquireToken call that can show UI and will ask for consent if needed. Once this is available, your app can attempt the silent acquireToken request, and upon failure attempt this interactive version. Watch out for this release on Github.

Drupal ; TOTP Authentication for authenticated users

I have enabled the modules Two Factor Authentication and TFA Basic Plugins. I am using TOTP as my validation plugin. I had downloaded the Google Authentication app on my mobile device.
I have successfully done TOTP Authentication on my admin account. However, I have several authenticate user accounts I need to make. How can I set there accounts so that they can do TOTP Authentication?
Currently if I create a user/password for them then go to security, I see the TOTP Authentication screen where I can scan. However, how do I give the user the ability ?
If I provide them user/password but want them to have TOTP setup to there mobile device how do I do that?
Thanks in advance,
You may have come across this by now, but there is a permission "Set up TFA for account" provided by TFA Basic, which you'll want to ensure you set for relevant roles (which may well be simply "authenticated user").
In case you were looking to use the "require TFA" for a role, then any user with that role will be unable to log in all by themselves, and will get an error "Login disallowed. You are required to set up two-factor authentication. Please contact a site administrator".
Therefore, if you wish to enforce TFA, you'll need to do some custom implementation unless you're in a position to walk each user through initial setup (I suspect not). should provide some pointers for this.
You could consider instead of enforcing TFA: at the least it offers a default rule which encourages those who have not enabled TFA to do so.

Active Directory and User Management

I'm very new to LDAP and Active Directory and I'm probably understanding something completely wrong.
I know ASP.NET Identity and forms authentication (however, I'm also quite new to that) and my question is actually if it is possible to use certain features you can use with forms authentication (explanation further below) with Active Directory.
I'm building an MVC web application and I'd like to authenticate my users against Active Directory. That would be possible with ADFS. The template you get when using ASP.NET Identity in VS2013 uses passive authentication. Is it however possible to not do this redirect to the Active Directory domain but create a custom login page for the user?
Is it also possible to do user management with Active Directory like that is possible with forms authentication? I was thinking about:
A page where the user can register himself
Ability for the user to change his password (I know this is possible with ADFS, but the user may not be logged in. I want him to do this when he's logged in, with a self-made page.)
Logging in on a new computer should ask for a code specified in an email
Set up password policy in the application
... (Other things that I might have forgotten)
When these things aren't implicitly possible with Active Directory, please advise on how to configure the application to acquire this functionality (when possible with Active Directory).
Thank you very much in advance for helping me!
To leave my question not too open, I maybe better just start with that custom login page. When I understand it well, the normal flow when using ADFS to authenticate your users against is:
A user tries to access a web page of an application for which he needs to be authenticated
(Passive) redirect to a login page provided by ADFS -> user enter his AD credentials
ADFS returns token
Token is sent to the web application (that ADFS trusts)
When the web application thinks everything is ok, it stores an authentication cookie in the user's browser (I guess), and the user can access the web page
What I would like:
A user tries to access a web page of an application for which he needs to be authenticated
Redirect to a login page of that same web application where the user can enter his credentials
The entered credentials are sent to ADFS (I guess) and it returns something (a token?) with information about whether the login succeeded or not (This step could be preceded by a call to some (self-made) service (a Web API application) that multiple client applications could use for their authentication against the same directory)
When the login succeeded, the web application stores a cookie in the user's browser and the user is able to access the page
I don't know if that makes sense? I'm just wondering how companies that use Active Directory to store user information can still have a custom login page, registration page and other user management stuff. (Or don't they use AD but do they just have their own databases?)
Normally if you want a custom login page you use an ADFS active profile implementation (e.g. WCF) to do the authentication.
User provisioning is not part of ADFS. To do this you need an Identity Manager e.g. PingFederate, OpenIDM.
If you are using ADFS 2.0 or 2.1, you can customize the pages (because they run on IIS) and add these features or redirect to a separate website which does.
Most of what you want is OOTB AD functionality. Refer: Everything in Active Directory via C#.NET 3.5 (Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement).
Password policy can be extremely complex. I don't know of any API's that explicitly do this.
If you are using ADFS 3.0, these is no ISS so you are pretty much out of luck.
It's not really an answer to my question here, but if someone is interested in what I eventually did: you can read it (very briefly) here.
