OPENDATASOURCE (Transact-SQL) - Connecting to multiple tables - sql-server

I have a use case for OPENDATASROUCE. However, my SQL query has multiple tables with left joins.
Most of the examples have one table only. How I connect in case I have 2 tables (2nd table has left join)
Below is a typical example and working great:
FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLNCLI', 'Data Source=RemoteServerName;Integrated Security=SSPI').Billing.dbo.Invoices
But I need to join invoices table with 'customer' table like below. I am not sure how I do that?? Please help
FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLNCLI', 'Data Source=RemoteServerName;Integrated Security=SSPI').Billing.dbo.Invoices as inv
left join Billing.dbo.customers as cust
on inv.customer = cust.customer

OPENDATASOURCE is one way to talk to a remote server using the "linked server" or "distributed query" functionality in SQL Server. However, it is not likely the best path for you to use in this case as it does not allow for the SQL Server Query Optimizer to rewrite the query and push parts of the query down to the remote source (potentially reducing the number of rows returned to you over a slower network connection vs. your local database). If possible, creating an actual linked server would help you here. This would give you the option to say to the optimizer "these two tables are from the same remote source". Then the optimizer can consider plans that remotes a single query to the remote server that joins those two tables together, applies any filters and group by clauses, and then returns the result to the calling server.
Here's the mechanism to add a linked server:
Once you have a remote server (which I'll call "remote" here), you can write the query using the 4-part name syntax for remote servers instead of using OPENDATASOURCE.
SELECT * FROM REMOTE.Billing.DBO.Invoices LEFT JOIN REMOTE.Billing.DBO.Invoices on <join condition> <WHERE clause>
Here is a paper on how linked servers work under the covers which should give you a conceptual overview as to why this approach is likely better for you:
Best of luck!


Golang SQL: More Efficient to Query Two Tables at Once or Separate Queries/Connection Pools?

I have a connection pool for database A and database B. I am moving some Node.JS code over to Go (I'm using SQL Server if that matters), and some of the queries are doing this:
select ... from some_table;
select ... from B..other_table;
Is it better to do it that way, or like:
I read this line:
create one sql.DB object for each distinct datastore you need to access
from here. And only now do I realize I read 'datastore' as 'database', so now I'm not even sure if it's efficient to have these two database connection pools!
Thank you for any help!
For most scenarios and SQL Server client programs sending multiple SELECT queries in a batch is not materially more efficient. Perhaps if the queries returned very small result sets, and you ran them at very high frequency, you could see a material difference. But in the paradigm case, whether you send the queries in one or two batches won't matter much.
It won't matter to SQL Server at all, so the only difference will be in the client/server network traffic.
SSMS will let you compare the client statistics between running queries in a one-batch script and a multi-batch script. EG running
select top 10 * from sys.objects
select top 5 * from sys.columns
and then
select top 10 * from sys.objects
select top 5 * from sys.columns
in SSMS outputs the following client statistics

Why is a Teradata query faster in MS-Access than SQL Server

I need to join a Teradata table with about 0.5 billion records and a local table with about 10,000 records. I have it working in MS Access and it takes about 15 minutes to run. I would prefer to do it in SQL Server but can't even get a join with 1 record in the local SQL table to work.
Why is MS Access able to do this, albeit slowly, whereas SQL Server chokes? What is MS Access doing differently from SQL Server?
The SQL Server query with a join that fails:
SELECT a.trk, a.wgt
FROM openquery(TERADATA, 'SELECT trk, wgt
INNER JOIN (Local_Tbl) b ON a.trk = b.Tracking_Number
A simple SQL Server query without a join that works:
FROM openquery(TERADATA,'SELECT trk, wgt
WHERE trk = ''773423067500''')
Not the answer, but I had a similar issue using OPENDATASOURCE. Performance was terrible, the query took hours to run.
The solution was to ensure all colmns involved in the WHERE clause had mathcing datatypes. In my case the remote column was INT but in the query it was being passed as a varchar: ...'WHERE remote_table.ID = ''4'''...
Once I changed all values to the appropriate datatypes the query took seconds to run.
Look at the Execution Plan in SQL Server. Since it knows very little about the dataset that is going to come back from Teradata, it is making some has assumptions.
Swapping the order of the tables in the join will help. Using an explicit INNER HASH JOIN may help (once you've switched the order).

SQLAlchemy: Multiple databases (on the same server) in a single session?

I'm running MS SQL Server and am trying to perform a JOIN between two tables located in different databases (on the same server). If I connect to the server using pyodbc (without specifying a database), then the following raw SQL works fine.
SELECT * FROM DatabaseA.dbo.tableA tblA
INNER JOIN DatabaseB.dbo.tableB tblB
ON =
Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get the analog to work using SQLAlchemy. I've seen this topic touched on in a few places:
Is there a way to perform a join across multiple sessions in sqlalchemy?
Cross database join in sqlalchemy
How do I connect to multiple databases on the same SQL Server with sqlalchemy?
How can I use multiple databases in the same request in Cherrypy and SQLAlchemy?
Most recommend to use different engines / sessions, but I crucially need to perform joins between the databases, so I don't think this approach will be helpful. Another typical suggestion is to use the schema parameter, but this does not seem to work for me. For example the following does not work.
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://...') #Does not specify database
metadataA = MetaData(bind=engine, schema='DatabaseA.dbo', reflect=True)
tableA = Table('tableA', metadataA, autoload=True)
metadataB = MetaData(bind=engine, schema='DatabaseB.dbo', reflect=True)
tableB = Table('tableB', metadataB, autoload=True)
I've also tried varients where schema='DatabaseA' and schema='dbo'. In all cases SQLAlchemy throws a NoSuchTableError for both tables A and B. Any ideas?
If you can create a synonym in one of the databases, you can keep your query local to that single database.
USE DatabaseB;
CREATE SYNONYM dbo.DbA_TblA FOR DatabaseA.dbo.tableA;
Your query then becomes:
SELECT * FROM dbo.DbA_TblA tblA
INNER JOIN dbo.tableB tblB
ON =
I'm able to run a test just like this here, reflecting from two remote databases, and it works fine.
Using a recent SQLAlchemy (0.8.3 recommended at least)?
turn on "echo='debug'" - what tables is it finding?
after the reflect all, what's present in metadataA.tables metadataB.tables?
is the casing here exactly what's on SQL server ? (e.g. tableA). Using a case sensitive name like that will cause it to be quoted.

SQL Server Linked Server Example Query

While in Management Studio, I am trying to run a query/do a join between two linked servers.
Is this a correct syntax using linked db servers:
from databaseserver1.db1.table1 foo,
databaseserver2.db1.table1 bar
Basically, do you just preface the db server name to the db.table ?
The format should probably be:
For example:
Update: I know this is an old question and the answer I have is correct; however, I think any one else stumbling upon this should know a few things.
Namely, when querying against a linked server in a join situation the ENTIRE table from the linked server will likely be downloaded to the server the query is executing from in order to do the join operation. In the OP's case, both table1 from DB1 and table1 from DB2 will be transferred in their entirety to the server executing the query, presumably named DB3.
If you have large tables, this may result in an operation that takes a long time to execute. After all it is now constrained by network traffic speeds which is orders of magnitude slower than memory or even disk transfer speeds.
If possible, perform a single query against the remote server, without joining to a local table, to pull the data you need into a temp table. Then query off of that.
If that's not possible then you need to look at the various things that would cause SQL server to have to load the entire table locally. For example using GETDATE() or even certain joins. Others performance killers include not giving appropriate rights.
See for some more info.
This may help you.
For those having trouble with these other answers , try OPENQUERY
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServer], 'select * from [DBName].[schema].[tablename]')
If you still find issue with <server>.<database>.<schema>.<table>
Enclose server name in []
You need to specify the schema/owner (dbo by default) as part of the reference. Also, it would be preferable to use the newer (ANSI-92) join style.
from databaseserver1.db1.dbo.table1 foo
inner join databaseserver2.db1.dbo.table1 bar
on =
select * from [Server].[database].[schema].[tablename]
This is the correct way to call.
Be sure to verify that the servers are linked before executing the query!
To check for linked servers call:
EXEC sys.sp_linkedservers
right click on a table and click script table as select
select name from drsql01.test.dbo.employee
drslq01 is servernmae --linked serer
test is database name
dbo is schema -default schema
employee is table name
I hope it helps to understand, how to execute query for linked server
Usually direct queries should not be used in case of linked server because it heavily use temp database of SQL server. At first step data is retrieved into temp DB then filtering occur. There are many threads about this. It is better to use open OPENQUERY because it passes SQL to the source linked server and then it return filtered results e.g.
FROM OPENQUERY(Linked_Server_Name , 'select * from TableName where ID = 500')
For what it's worth, I found the following syntax to work the best:
I couldn't get the recommendations of others to work, using the database name. Additionally, this data source has no schema.
In sql-server(local) there are two ways to query data from a linked server(remote).
Distributed query (four part notation):
Might not work with all remote servers. If your remote server is MySQL then distributed query will not work.
Filters and joins might not work efficiently. If you have a simple query with WHERE clause, sql-server(local) might first fetch entire table from the remote server and then apply the WHERE clause locally. In case of large tables this is very inefficient since a lot of data will be moved from remote to local. However this is not always the case. If the local server has access to remote server's table statistics then it might be as efficient as using openquery More details
On the positive side T-SQL syntax will work.
This is basically a pass-through. The query is fully processed on the remote server thus will make use of index or any optimization on the remote server. Effectively reducing the amount of data transferred from the remote to local sql-server.
Minor drawback of this approach is that T-SQL syntax will not work if the remote server is anything other than sql-server.
Overall OPENQUERY seems like a much better option to use in majority of the cases.
I have done to find out the data type in the table at link_server using openquery and the results were successful.
Its work for me
Following Query is work best.
Try this Query:
It Very helps to link MySQL to MS SQL
You must provide a database name in the Data Source DSN.
Run Management Studio as Administrator
You must omit the DBName from the query:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServer], 'select * from schema."tablename"')
For MariaDB (and so probably MySQL), attempting to specify the schema using the three-dot syntax did not work, resulting in the error "invalid use of schema or catalog". The following solution worked:
In SSMS, go to Server Objects > Linked Servers > Providers > MSDASQL
Ensure that "Dynamic parameter", "Level zero only", and "Allow inprocess" are all checked
You can then query any schema and table using the following syntax:
FROM LinkedServerName...[SchemaName.TableName]
Source: SELECT * FROM MySQL Linked Server using SQL Server without OpenQuery
Have you tried adding " around the first name?
from "databaseserver1".db1.table1 foo,
"databaseserver2".db1.table1 bar

How to make a select query for sql and access databases?

Using SQL server 2000 and Access 2003
Access Database Name - History.mdb
Access Table Name - Events
SQL Database Name - Star.mdf
SQL Table Name - Person
I want to take the field from person table, and include in Events table by using inner join
Tried Query
Select * from Events inner join person where =
So How to make a query for access and sql databases.
I want to make a Select query in access only. Not an sql Database.
Need Query Help?
While you can (possible, should -- why?) use a linked table, there are as ever more than one way to skin a cat. Here's another approach: put the connection details into the query test e.g. something like
FROM [ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;DATABASE=Star;UID=MyUsername;Pwd=MyPassword;].Person AS P1
[MS Access;DATABASE=C:\History;].[Events] AS E1
ON S1.seq = S2.seq
You can set up a linked table in Access to your SQL Server, and the instructions on how to do so vary slightly in Access versions. Look in the help file for "Linked Table", or go here if you have Access 2007.
Once you have a linked table set up, you'll be able to access the SQL Server table in your query. Note that optimizing a linked table join takes some work.
You can create a linked table in Access, that points to the table in SQL. The rest you can achieve in the query designer.
You should add the msaccess db as a remote server.
then you can do that join
