librdkafka C API Kafka Consumer doesn't read all messages correctly - c

I am using librdkafka C API consumer (specifically using rd_kafka_consumer_poll to read and I did call rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer before this)
Problem I see is that in my google test I do following
write 3 messages to kafka
init/start kafka consumer (rd_kafka_consumer_poll)
in rebalance_cb I set each partition offset to RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_STORED and assign them to handle
At this point I believe it should read 3 messages but it reads only last message but surprisingly offset for each partition is already updated!
Am I missing something here using Kafka consumer?
And one more question is I initially thought stored offset is in kafka broker and there is unique offset for topic + consumer group id + partition combination.
So I thought different consumer groups reading same topic should have different offset.
However, it doesn't look like the case. I am always reading from same offset when used different consumer groups.
I am suspecting this may be related to offset commit but not sure where to tackle this.
Any insight?

Configuration to look at : auto.offset.reset
From Kakfa consumer documentation :
What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current
offset does not exist any more on the server
From librdkafka documentation :
Action to take when there is no initial offset in offset store or the
desired offset is out of range: 'smallest','earliest' - automatically
reset the offset to the smallest offset, 'largest','latest' -
automatically reset the offset to the largest offset, 'error' -
trigger an error which is retrieved by consuming messages and checking
'message->err'. Type: enum value
Default value is latest.
So, you're trying to set partition offset to -1000 which is obviously not a valid offset.
Apparently, librdkafka reads last message in this case (I didn't check code).


Using KeyBy vs reinterpretAsKeyedStream() when reading from Kafka

I have a simple Flink stream processing application (Flink version 1.13). The Flink app reads from Kakfa, does stateful processing of the record, then writes the result back to Kafka.
After reading from Kafka topic, I choose to use reinterpretAsKeyedStream() and not keyBy() to avoid a shuffle, since the records are already partitioned in Kakfa. The key used to partition in Kakfa is a String field of the record (using the default kafka partitioner). The Kafka topic has 24 partitions.
The mapping class is defined as follows. It keeps track of the state of the record.
public class EnvelopeMapper extends
KeyedProcessFunction<String, Envelope, Envelope> {
The processing of the record is as follows:
DataStream<Envelope> messageStream =
DataStreamUtils.reinterpretAsKeyedStream(messageStream, Envelope::getId)
.process(new EnvelopeMapper(parameters))
With parallelism of 1, the code runs fine. With parallelism greater than 1 (e.g. 4), I am running into the follow error:
2022-06-12 21:06:30,720 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph [] - Source: Custom Source -> Map -> Flat Map -> KeyedProcess -> Map -> Sink: Unnamed (4/4) (7ca12ec043a45e1436f45d4b20976bd7) switched from RUNNING to FAILED on # (dataPort=37839).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: KeyGroupRange{startKeyGroup=96, endKeyGroup=127} does not contain key group 85
Based on the stack trace, it seems the exception happens when EnvelopeMapper class validates the record is sent to the right replica of the mapper object.
When reinterpretAsKeyedStream() is used, how are the records distributed among the different replicas of the EventMapper?
Thank you in advance,
After feedback from #David Anderson, replaced reinterpretAsKeyedStream() with keyBy(). The processing of the record is now as follows:
DataStream<Envelope> messageStream =
env.addSource(kafkaSource) // Line x
.process(new EnvelopeMapper(parameters))
Is there any difference in performance if keyBy() is done right after reading from Kakfa (marked with "Line x") vs right before the stateful Mapper (EnvelopeMapper).
DataStream<T> stream,
KeySelector<T, K> keySelector,
TypeInformation<K> typeInfo)
you are asserting that the records are already distributed exactly as they would be if you had instead used keyBy(keySelector). This will not normally be the case with records coming straight out of Kafka. Even if they are partitioned by key in Kafka, the Kafka partitions won't be correctly associated with Flink's key groups.
reinterpretAsKeyedStream is only straightforwardly useful in cases such as handling the output of a window or process function where you know that the output records are key partitioned in a particular way. To use it successfully with Kafka is can be very difficult: you must either be very careful in how the data is written to Kafka in the first place, or do something tricky with the keySelector so that the keyGroups it computes line up with how the keys are mapped to Kafka partitions.
One case where this isn't difficult is if the data is written to Kafka by a Flink job running with the same configuration as the downstream job that is reading the data and using reinterpretAsKeyedStream.

How to Implement Patterns to Match Brute Force Login and Port Scanning Attacks using Flink CEP

I have a use case where a large no of logs will be consumed to the apache flink CEP. My use case is to find the brute force attack and port scanning attack. The challenge here is that while in ordinary CEP we compare the value against a constant like "event" = login. In this case the Criteria is different as in the case of brute force attack we have the criteria as follows.
username is constant and event="login failure" (Delimiter the event happens 5 times within 5 minutes).
It means the logs with the login failure event is received for the same username 5 times within 5 minutes
And for port Scanning we have the following criteira.
ip address is constant and dest port is variable (Delimiter is the event happens 10 times within 1 minute). It means the logs with constant ip address is received for the 10 different ports within 1 minute.
With Flink, when you want to process the events for something like one username or one ip address in isolation, the way to do this is to partition the stream by a key, using keyBy(). The training materials in the Flink docs have a section on Keyed Streams that explains this part of the DataStream API in more detail. keyBy() is the roughly same concept as a GROUP BY in SQL, if that helps.
With CEP, if you first key the stream, then the pattern will be matched separately for each distinct value of the key, which is what you want.
However, rather than CEP, I would instead recommend Flink SQL, perhaps in combination with MATCH_RECOGNIZE, for this use case. MATCH_RECOGNIZE is a higher-level API, built on top of CEP, and it's easier to work with. In combination with SQL, the result is quite powerful.
You'll find some Flink SQL training materials and examples (including examples that use MATCH_RECOGNIZE) in Ververica's github account.
To be clear, I wouldn't use MATCH_RECOGNIZE for these specific rules; neither it nor CEP is needed for this use case. I mentioned it in case you have other rules where it would be helpful. (My reason for not recommending CEP in this case is that implementing the distinct constraint might be messy.)
For example, for the port scanning case you can do something like this:
FROM events e1, events e2
WHERE e1.ip = e2.ip AND timestampDiff(MINUTE, e1.ts, e2.ts) < 1
GROUP BY e1.ip HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT e2.port) >= 10;
The login case is similar, but easier.
Note that when working with streaming SQL, you should give some thought to state retention.
Further update
This query is likely to return a given IP address many times, but it's not desirable to generate multiple alerts.
This could be handled by inserting matching IP addresses into an Alert table, and only generate alerts for IPs that aren't already there.
Or the output of the SQL query could be processed by a de-duplicator implemented using the DataStream API, similar to the example in the Flink docs. If you only want to suppress duplicate alerts for some period of time, use a KeyedProcessFunction instead of a RichFlatMapFunction, and use a Timer to clear the state when it's time to re-enable alerts for a given IP.
Yet another update (concerning CEP and distinctness)
Implementing this with CEP should be possible. You'll want to key the stream by the IP address, and have a pattern that has to match within one minute.
The pattern can be roughly like this:
Pattern<Event, ?> pattern = Pattern
.where(iterative condition 1)
.where(iterative condition 2)
.within(1 minute)
The first iterative condition returns true if the event being added to the pattern has a distinct port from all of the previously matching events. Somewhat similar to the example here, in the docs.
The second iterative condition returns true if size("distinctPorts") >= 9 and this event also has yet another distinct port.
See this Flink Forward talk (youtube video) for a somewhat similar example at the end of the talk.
If you try this and get stuck, please ask a new question, showing us what you've tried and where you're stuck.

Aggregation Strategy based on message size of aggregate

I would like to aggregate exchanges, and when then exchange hits a certain size (say 20KB) I would like to mark the exchange as closed.
I have a rudimentary implementation that checks size of the exchange and if it is 18KB I return true from my predicate. However, if a messages comes in that is 4KB and it is currently 17KB that will mean I will complete the aggregation when it is 21KB which is too big.
Any ideas on how to solve this? Can I do something in the aggregation strategy to reject the join and start a new Exchange to aggregate on?
I figured I could put it through another process to check actual size remove messages off the end of the message to fit the size, and for each removed message, push them back through...but that seems a little ugly because I have a constantly compensating routine that would likely execute.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
I think there is an eager complete option you can use to mark it as complete when you have that 17 + 4 > 20 situation. Then it will complete the 17, and start a new group with the 4.
See the docs at:
And you would also likely need to use `PreCompleteAggregationStrategy' and return true in that 17 + 4 > 20 situation, as otherwise it would group them together first and complete, eg so it becomes 21. But by using both the eager completion check option and this interface you can do as you want.

Apache Camel - Make Aggregator 'flush'

I effectively want a flush, or a completionSize but for all the aggregations in the aggregator. Like a global completionSize.
Basically I want to make sure that every message that comes in a batch is aggregated and then have all the aggregations in that aggregator complete at once when the last one has been read.
e.g. 1000 messages arrive (the length is not known beforehand)
aggregate on correlation id into bins
A 300
B 400
C 300 (size of the bins is not known before hand)
I want the aggregator not to complete until the 1000th exchange is aggregated
thereupon I want all of the aggregations in the aggregator to complete at once
The CompleteSize applies to each aggregation, and not the aggregator as a whole unfortunately. So if I set CompleteSize( 1000 ) it will just never finish, since each aggregation has to exceed 1000 before it is 'complete'
I could get around it by building up a single Map object, but this is kind of sidestepping the correlation in aggregator2, that I would prefer to use ideally
so yeah, either global-complete-size or flushing, is there a way to do this intelligently?
one option is to simply add some logic to keep a global counter and set the Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS header once its reached...
Available as of Camel 2.9...You can manually complete all current aggregated exchanges by sending in a message containing the header Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS set to true. The message is considered a signal message only, the message headers/contents will not be processed otherwise.
I suggest to take a look at the Camel aggregator eip doc, and read about the different completion conditions. And as well that special message Ben refers to you can send to signal to complete all in-flight aggregates.
If you consume from a batch consumer then you can use a special completion that complets when the batch is done. For example if you pickup files or rows from a JPA database table etc. Then when all messages from the batch consumer has been processed then the aggregator can signal completion for all these aggregated messages, using the completionFromBatchConsumer option.
Also if you have a copy of the Camel in Action book, then read chapter 8, section 8.2, as its all about the aggregate EIP covered in much more details.
// If all messages are processed,
// flush the aggregation
.setHeader(Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS_INCLUSIVE, constant(true))

How to aggregate files in Mule ESB CE

I need to aggregate a number of csv inbound files in-memory, if necessary resequencing them, on Mule ESB CE 3.2.1.
How could I implement this kind of logics?
I tried with message-chunking-aggregator-router, but it fails on startup because xsd schema does not admit such a configuration:
<message-chunking-aggregator-router timeout="20000" failOnTimeout="false" >
<expression-message-info-mapping correlationIdExpression="#[header:correlation]"/>
I've also tried to attach mine correlation ids to inbound messages, then process them by a custom-aggregator, but I've found that Mule internally uses a key made up of:
Serializable key=event.getId()+event.getMessage().getCorrelationSequence();//EventGroup:264
The internal id is everytime different (also if correlation sequence is correct): this way, Mule does not use only correlation sequence as I expected and same message is processed many times.
Finally, I can re-write a custom aggregator, but I would like to use a more consolidated technique.
Thanks in advance,
I've tried with message-chunk-aggregator but it doesn't fit my requisite, as it admits duplicates.
I try to detail the scenario I need to cover:
Mule polls (on a SFTP location)
file 1 "" is detected and kept in memory somewhere (as an open SFTPStream, it's ok).
Some correlation info are mantained for grouping: group, sequence, group size.
file 1 "" is detected again, but cannot be inserted because would be duplicated
file 2 "" is detected, and correctly added
stated that group size has been reached, Mule routes MessageCollection with the correct set of messages
About point 2., I'm lucky enough to get info from filename and put them into MuleMessage::correlation* properties, so that subsequent components could use them.
I did, but duplicates are processed the same.
Thanks again
Here is the right router to use with Mule 3:
