Authenticate Samba using Azure AD - azure-active-directory

We have a samba file server using security = user, authenticating users in local linux, works great.
We migrated our cloud solution to Office 365, which includes a Azure AD.
Is that possible to Samba authenticate users in Azure AD and map to local linux users?
I wouldn't like to join samba as domain member, actually, don't even know if it is possible, too cumbersome.
I'd like a simple solution to this issue.

According to the note of the offical document Overview of Azure Active Directory authentication over SMB for Azure Files (preview), as below, it seems to be impossible for authenticating Samba with AAD although this document is for Azure File Storage.
Azure AD authentication over SMB is not supported for Linux VMs for the preview release. Only Windows Server VMs are supported.
However, a workaround way I think is to combine a LDAP with Azure AD and then to authenticate Samba with LDAP. You can try to refer to the documents below to know how to do.
Configure secure LDAP (LDAPS) for an Azure AD Domain Services managed domain
LDAP-based authentication for Samba
As above, it seems to be not a simple solution. Maybe you need to consider for your scenario using Samba to develop a web application with Azure AD authentication.


Azure Active Directory Integrated Authentication with SQL

I'm quite new to the Azure AD. So I will be grateful for any hint.
I need to enable members of a given domain (of a given Active Directory) to log in to Azure SQL Server using Azure Active Directory - Integrated Authentication.
So far I've logged into Windows and connected it to Azure Acticve Directory in Windows Setting.
Looking through the documentation, I understand that I need to select one of the authentication methods proposed by Microsoft within Azure Active Directory. The easiest seems to be Password hash synchronization. So I would like to pick this one (But if others are simpliest I am open to change that choice)
What is the easiest way to synchronise this? Can I avoid having to create a Windows Server VM and install Azure AD Connect there?
The current configuration of AD Connect on Azure Portal looks as follows:
To mention it again, the only service I care about is logging in via Azure Active Directory
I apologise if the whole question has been wrongly structured, but it is simply based on what I have found on the forums and in the documentation.
Thanks in advance for any tips
[for example:,,]
You don't need Azure AD Connect or password hash sync unless you have an on-premise Windows Server AD that you want to sync to Azure AD. Should note that AD is not the same as Azure AD. You don't need Windows Server AD with Azure SQL, just Azure AD. To grant a certain security group access to the server, you can run CREATE USER [group-name-here] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER; in the Azure SQL DB. Then you can use standard SQL stuff to grant that "user" access to the DB/tables.
Users should then use Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA as the authentication method in SQL Server Management Studio.

Azure Active Directory to new Windows 2019 Server

we have been using office 365 E3 for the past number of years. we would like to configure a windows 2019 essentials server locally for file storage and a few shared applications (ie quickbooks multi-user).
is there a process to pull the user information from azure active directory to the local server? any advice is greatly appreciated.
thank you!!
If my understanding is correct, you really want is to be able to grant admin rights to your Azure AD users and allow them to login to the server with their regular Azure AD credentials.
If yes, then most optimum way of doing is to have on prem AD and have you user synced up from Azure AD to local AD. Azure AD Connect comes pretty handy in this scenario.
You can also take a look at Azure AD DS, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) provides managed domain services such as domain join, group policy, lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP), and Kerberos / NTLM authentication that is fully compatible with Windows Server Active Directory. You use these domain services without the need to deploy, manage, and patch domain controllers in the cloud. Azure AD DS integrates with your existing Azure AD tenant, which makes it possible for users to sign in using their existing credentials.
Check this link as well for additional reference:
Hope it helps.

Can a local/on premises domain Trust Azure AD?

I am not sure this is possible, but can Azure AD be trusted by a local on-premises domain?
I can see plenty of information on extending the local domain into Azure, but my requirement is more of less the reverse of this.
Ideally I would like the local domain to trust Azure AD, but as an alternative
could Azure AD DS be used to extend Azure AD into an Azure AD DS domain and then have a two way trust with the local domain?
I am not sure this is possible, but can Azure AD be trusted by a local
on-premises domain?
As I know, there is no way to make Azure AD be trusted by a local on-premise domain.
Azure AD is used for authentication for Internet-based services such as Office 365 and Azure, as well as much more, including Facebook and thousands of other services that are already federated with Azure AD (which mean they trust Azure AD without you having to do anything other than enable that application or service to be used by your users).
Your on-premises Active Directory can be synced to Azure AD by using Azure AD Connect (including password sync) and federation. This allows users on their corporate assets to log on with their AD account and when they access Internet services, such as Office 365, authentication with Azure AD just happens seamlessly via the federation, allowing access to all the different services that Azure AD is federated with.
Azure AD Domain Services provides managed domain services such as domain join, group policy, LDAP, Kerberos/NTLM authentication that are fully compatible with Windows Server Active Directory. You can consume these domain services without the need for you to deploy, manage, and patch domain controllers in the cloud. Azure AD Domain Services integrates with your existing Azure AD tenant, thus making it possible for users to log in using their corporate credentials.

How to implement single sign-on using kerberos authentication in azure active directory

Using Azure Active Directory When i am applying single sign on for my web application i am able to do the Password-based single sign-on successfully.
But when i am doing with Integrated Windows Authentication(for kerberos authentication mainly), i am not able to configure it. i am very confused.
Can anybody guide me how to enable kerberos authentication for web application.
or please send me any example links how to set kerberos authentication for web applications.
If you are trying to use Azure AD with Kerberos for Windows Integrated Authentication there was a comment about AADConnect, which has some offerings, especially if you use ADFS for Federated sign-ins. There is also the Azure App Proxy with KCD support

Azure AD graph API using on-premise domain

I am trying to access the Azure AD graph API. I have successfully added users to my test environment (ADFS) and changed their domain to {mytestdomain} The password synchronization using Azure AD Connect works.
Now I have setup the production environment (including ADFS) accordingly and I am now synchronizing the users, but obviously can't change the domains to {mydomain} The users now have {mydomain}.net and I am synchronizing the users to a verified domain in Azure AD.
When trying to access{mydomain}.net/oauth2/token
using the following (yes, I know that grant_type is not recommended, but that's not the point)
grant_type: password
username: {user}#{mydomain}.net
password: XXXX
client_id: {Guid}
I get:
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials.
AADSTS50126: Invalid username or password
If I use an administrator like admin#{mydomain} it works fine.
In the Azure portal I have tried changing the primary domain from {mydomain} to {mydomain}.net, but it does not make a difference.
It says in the management portal:
"To configure {mydomain} for federated sign-on to your Azure Active Directory, run Azure AD Connect on your local network."
Does that apply when using the graph API as well? Do I have to setup federation on my local network or is there another way around?
In the azure portal I have tried changing the primary domain from
{mydomain} to {mydomain}.net, but it does not make a
I'm not clear the details of your Syncing steps. Besides verified you custom domain in Azure AD, you also need some other configurations, like Azure AD sign-in configuration. You can see more details in this document.
Does that apply when using the graph api as well? Do I have to setup
federation on my local network or is there another way around?
Yes, Since you're using ADFS, you need to use Federated SSO (with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)) to allows your users to sign in to both cloud and on-premises resources by using the same passwords.
You can also see more details about Azure AD Connect user sign-in options in this official document.
Hope it helps!
