Apache Flink: Why to choose the MemoryStateBackend over the FsStateBackend? - apache-flink

Flink has a MemoryStateBackend and a FsStateBackend (and a RocksDBStateBackend). Both seem to extend the HeapKeyedStateBackend, i.e. the mechanism for storing the current working state is entirely the same.
This SO answer says that the main difference lies in the MemoryStateBackend keeping a copy of the checkpoints in the JobManagers memory. (I wasn't able to glean any evidence for that from the source code.)
The MemoryStateBackend also limits the maximum state size per subtask.
Now I wonder: Why would you ever want to use the MemoryStateBackend?

As you said, both MemoryStateBackend and FSStateBackend are based on HeapKeyedStateBackend. This means, that both state backends maintain the state of an operator as regular objects on the JVM heap of the TaskManager, i.e., state is always accessed in memory.
The backends differ in how they persist the state for checkpoints. A checkpoint is a copy of the state of all operators of an application that is stored somewhere. In case of a failure, the application is restarted and the state of the operators is initialized from the checkpoint.
The FSStateBackend stores the checkpoint in a file system, typically HDFS, S3, or a NFS that is mounted on all worker nodes. The MemoryStateBackend stores the state in the JVM of the JobManager. This has the following pros and cons:
No need to setup a (distributed) file system.
No need to configure a storage location.
State is lost if the JobManager process dies.
Size of state is bound by the size of the JobManager memory.
Since checkpoints are lost if the JM goes down, the MemoryStateBackend is unsuitable for most production use cases. It can be useful for developing and testing stateful applications, because it requires not configuration or setup.


Access to Subtask Metrics in a KeyedStream

I want to load a large amount of data into Flinks state backend (RocksDB) and process events using this data (for example in a CoProcessFunction). The data is much larger than the memory of a TaskManager.
The data blocks for a key can be very large, which has a negative impact on latency if the data needs to be loaded from the state backend each time. Therefore I would like to keep the data for frequent keys locally in the CoProcessFunction.
However, the total data in the state backend is larger than the memory of a TaskManager so it is not possible to keep the corresponding data block from the state backend locally for each key.
To solve this problem I would need to know the current memory usage of a SubTask to decide if a data block for a key can be kept locally or if something needs to be deleted. So here is my question: Since keys are not clearly assigned to a subtask is there a way to access memory related subtask information or custom metrics related to subtasks in a KeyedStream ? Or is there another way to solve this problem ? (External access via Async I/O is not an option).
The RocksDB block cache is already doing roughly what you describe. Rather than implementing your own caching layer, you should be able to get good results by tuning RocksDB, including giving it plenty of memory to work with.
Using RocksDB State Backend in Apache Flink: When and How is a good starting point, and includes pointers to where you can learn more about the native RocksDB metrics, memory management, etc. I also recommend reading The Impact of Disks on RocksDB State Backend in Flink: A Case Study.
As for your question about accessing subtask metrics from within your Flink job -- I don't know of any way to do that locally. You could, I suppose, implement a Flink source connector that fetches them and streams them into the job as another data source.

How to store checkpoint into remote RocksDB in Apache Flink

I know that there are three kinds of state backends in Apache Flink: MemoryStateBackend, FsStateBackend and RocksDBStateBackend.
MemoryStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local RAM, FsStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local FileSystem, and RocksDBStateBackend stores the checkpoints into RocksDB. I have some questions about the RocksDBStateBackend.
As my understanding, the mechanism of RocksDBStateBackend has been embedded into Apache Flink. The rocksDB is a kind of key-value DB. So If I'm right, it means that Flink will store all checkpoints into the embedded rocksDB, which uses the local disk.
If so, I think the disk could be exhausted in some cases because of the checkpoints stored into the rocksDB. Now I'm thinking if it is possible to configure a remote rocksDB to store these checkpoints? If it is possible, should we worry about the remote rocksDB crashing? If the remote rocksDB crashes, the jobs of Flink can not continue working, right?
There is no option to use an external or remote RocksDB with Apache Flink. RocksDB is an embedded key-value store with a local instance in each task manager.
Several points:
Flink makes a strong distinction between the working state, which is always local (for good performance), and state snapshots (checkpoints and savepoints), which are not local (for reliability they should be stored in a distributed file system).
The RocksDBStateBackend uses the local disk for working state. The other two state backends keep their working state on the Java heap.
The checkpoint coordinator arranges for all of these slices of data scattered across all of the task managers to be collected together into complete checkpoints that are stored elsewhere. In the case of the MemoryStateBackend those checkpoints are stored on the JobManager heap; for the other two, they are in a distributed file system.
You want to configure RocksDB to use the fastest available local file system. Try to use locally attached SSDs, and avoid network-attached storage (such as EBS). Do not try to use a distributed file system such as S3 as RocksDB's local storage.
state.backend.rocksdb.localdir controls where each local RocksDB stores its working state.
The parameter to the RocksDBStateBackend constructor controls where the checkpoints are stored. E.g., using S3 as recommended by #ezequiel is the obvious choice on AWS.
RocksDB can work with any supported Filesystem by Flink
If you are running Flink probably you want to checkpoint, and resume from them.
I would externalise the storage outside the node. I you are using a cloud provider like AWS, then S3 is the right option.
So you should probably write something like:
new RocksDBStateBackend("s3://my-bucket", true); and assing it to your execution environment.
Please check the above documentation to configure properly your filesystem.

Flink - What is localdir configuration in RocksDB?

I'm new to flink and I have some confusion about the state backend configuration.
As far as I know, RocksDB saves all of the application's state on the filesystem.
I use s3 to store the state, so I configured both state.checkpoints.dir and state.savepoints.dir pointed to my s3 bucket.
Now I see that there is another option related to RocksDB storage called state.backend.rocksdb.localdir. What is the purpose of this?(I saw I can't use s3 for this)
Also, if RocksDB uses the local machine storage for something, what will be when I use Kubernetes and my pod suddenly failed? should I use persistent storage?
Another thing, I'm not sure I understood all the state things correctly.
Does the checkpoint save all of my state? For example, when I use AggregationFunction and the application failed, when the application restored, does the aggregated value for each key is restored?
Each of Flink's state backends keeps its working state somewhere local to each worker, while persisting the checkpoints somewhere durable, such as S3. With the heap-based state backend, the working state is stored as objects on the JVM heap, while with RocksDB the working state is stored as serialized bytes on the local disk (with an in-memory, off-heap cache). For performance reasons you don't want to use S3 (or even network-attached storage) for state.backend.rocksdb.localdir. Use local SSD storage if you can.
Flink doesn't rely on the local rocksdb storage surviving failures, just as it doesn't expect state on the heap to survive a failure, so you can safely use ephemeral storage as the rocksdb.localdir. When the state does need to be recovered, the latest checkpoint is sufficient. (But the copy on the local disk can be used as an optimization, avoiding the need to read from the DFS: see the docs on state.backend.local-recovery for details.
During recovery the aggregated value for each key in an AggregationFunction will be restored, should your application fail. The checkpoints include everything, including state kept by the sources and sinks, windows, timers, ProcessFunctions, RichFunctions, etc.

RocksDBStateBackend in Flink: how does it works exactly?

I have read the official Flink's documentation about the State Backends, here. In particular, I was interested in the RocksDBStateBackend.
I don't understand, if I enable this kind of backend, RocksDB will be accessible from TaskManagers through another node inside the Flink's cluster?
What I have understood so far about the RocksDBStateBackend is that Task Managers will store the states inside their memory, i.e. the memory of the JVM process. After that, will they send the states to store inside RocksDB? If yes, where is RocksDB inside the Flink's cluster? Where is it phisically?
RocksDB is an embedded database. If you are using RocksDB as your state backend for Flink, then each task manager has a local instance of RocksDB, which runs as a native (JNI) library inside the JVM. When using RocksDB, your state lives as serialized bytes on the local disk, with an in-memory (off-heap) cache.
During checkpointing, the SST files from RocksDB are copied from the local disk to the distributed file system where the checkpoint is stored. If the local recovery option is enabled, then a local copy is retained as well, to speed up recovery. But it wouldn't be safe to rely only on the local copy, as the local disk might be lost if the node fails. This is why checkpoints are always stored on a distributed file system.
The alternative to RocksDB is to use one of the heap-based state backends, in which case your state will live as objects on the JVM heap.

Checkpoint Shared is Very Large

I running my flink app with 16 parallelism. after 20 minutes shared checkpoint increase to 235MB. how i can i handle it. it's very large in long time.
Every task manager is a Openshift Pod
Task managers: 4
Tasks per task manager: 4
CPU per task manager: 4 Core
Memory per task manager: 6GB
Used Rocksdb state bakend
Enabled incremental checkpoint
Below image is for a task manager(Pod)
Flink will use only as much space for state as is required to do what you've asked it to do. If you are unhappy with the result, you need to somehow ask it to do less.
Here some things you might do:
Make sure your application isn't leaking state. This can happen, for example, if you are using keyed state with an unbounded key space, and aren't clearing the state.
Establish a state retention interval (for the Table/SQL API).
Use State TTL to free unneeded state.
There are certain anti-patterns that require a lot of buffering in state. You should avoid those. :)
You could restrict the resources available for storing state, but this will result in the job failing when those resources are exhausted.
Also, 235MB across 16 slots isn't very large for RocksDB. With incremental checkpointing, RocksDB is storing multiple (uncompacted) copies of the state. The actual active state you're using could be much less.
