Events not appearing in angular ui calendar - angularjs

I'm using Angular ui calendar in my app.
Everything is working fine. The calendar is showing, but events are not appearing in the calendar.
Here is my code: -
$timeout(function() {
$ = [
title: 'Long Event',
start: '2019-01-10'
$scope.eventSources = [$];
return $scope.uiConfig = {
calendar: {
height: 450,
editable: true,
header: {
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'today prev,next'
Here I'm using timeout because I want some delay for calendar to be loaded.
This is my HTML code: -
<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" class="span8 calendar" ng-model="events" calendar="myCalendar" style="height:700px;"></div>
The docs suggest you should give an array named eventSources. I have given it, but nothing works.
Please suggest what I'm doing wrong.
Here is the screenshot: -

You are initializing scope variables after sometime 5 seconds, your calendar is getting the undefined variables and hence if you check your console there are errors., what you need to do is to load the calendar only when this variables comes defined.
So, you need
if this variables defined then only your calendar will comes into picture.
Your div should look like this
<div class="span8" ng-if="uiConfig!==undefined">
<div class="calendar" ng-model="eventSources" calendar="myCalendar1" ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar"></div>
this will make sure to initialize when this variables has some values.


AngularJs - ag-grid rowData using "controller as" syntax

[Update] This Plunker does what I want, but :
it uses ui-grid, rather than ag-grid.
it injects the grid into the module, rather than just the single controller which uses it.
I presume that these changes would be straightforward & will try to work them into my code when I get home in about 14 hours time.
If anyone wants to fork that Plunk and make those changes, I will award a bounty, as this is a good basic start point demo for others wanting to do the same, so that a Plunker would be of general help.
I am tantalizingly close, but
Cannot read property 'setRowData' of undefined (caused by "<ui-view class="ng-scope ng-binding">")"TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRowData' of undefined
I am using "controller as" syntax, hence the Self; (Self = this;). That is working fine, my problem is when I try to set the rowData for an ag-grid in the templateURL of a ui-router state.
It's much to big to post, but here's the relevant stuff:
<div id="currentCandidatesGridDiv"
class="ag-theme-balham red_border"
style="height: 30%; width:90%">
// lookup the container we want the Grid to use
const currentCandidatesGridDiv = document.querySelector('#currentCandidatesGridDiv');
// create the grid passing in the div to use together with the columns & data we want to use
new agGrid.Grid(currentCandidatesGridDiv, Self.currentCandidatesGrid);
Self.currentCandidatesGrid =
columnDefs: [
{ headerName: "Candidate", field: "candidate_name", sortable: true },
{ headerName: "Skills", field: "skills", sortable: true },
{ headerName: "Start date", field: "start_date", sortable: true }
rowData: [],
pagination: true,
paginationAutoPageSize: true,
Was I correct to rowData: [], or ought I to have rowData: <someVariable>?
Then I calculate the row data into an array, Self.currentCandidatesGridRowData.
When I try to Self.currentCandidatesGrid.api.setRowData(Self.currentCandidatesGridRowData); I get error showing above.
I searched, but cannot find a working Plunker using the controller as syntax.
[Dupers] 1) the "dupe" question does not have an answer, so is of no use to me
2) my question is specifically about using Self.xxxGrid.api.setRowData(Self.xxxGridRowData); with the `controller as syntax. Pleas ere-open. Thnaks
DEMO of ag-Grid with AngularJS using "controller As" syntax
When the ag-Grid script loads, it does not register with AngularJS 1.x. This is because AngularJS 1.x is an optional part of ag-Grid and you need to tell ag-Grid you want to use it:
angular.module("example", ["agGrid"])
For more information, see
Ag-Grid Documentation - Basic AngularJS 1.x Example
angular.module("example", ["agGrid"])
.controller("exampleCtrl", function() {
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Make", field: "make"},
{headerName: "Model", field: "model"},
{headerName: "Price", field: "price"}
var rowData = [
{make: "Toyota", model: "Celica", price: 35000},
{make: "Ford", model: "Mondeo", price: 32000},
{make: "Porsche", model: "Boxter", price: 72000}
this.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: rowData
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
html {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: auto;
body {
padding: 1rem;
overflow: auto;
<script src="//"></script>
<script src='//'>
<body ng-app="example" ng-controller="exampleCtrl as $ctrl"
style="height: 100%">
<div ag-grid="$ctrl.gridOptions" class="ag-theme-balham"
style="height: 100%;">
Was I correct to rowData: [], or ought I to have rowData: <someVariable>?
You can even ignore this property in gridOptions, but the difference is that:
if you will define rowData as an empty array - grid will render handle it as 'No rows to show', but if you will not define it, grid will show 'Loading...' - which is more correct, with a delayed request case.
Besides, you can handle overlay logic by yourself for more details check here.
Now, as I said in comments
Cannot read property 'setRowData' of undefined
this issue could be caused by using the wrong reference.
First, take a look and check this answer with ag-grid developer comment also.
Secondly, about an issue itself:
.controller('yourController', [function() {
var Self = this; // here's your controller reference
// then you will have columns and rowData (probably)
// but the most important part is here
Self.currentCandidatesGrid = {
... // anything that you need
onGridReady: gridReady // major point for future api reference
function gridReady(params){
Self.gridApi = params.api;
Self.columnsApi = params.columnsApi;
And after gridReady you would be able to use grid API methods via Self.gridApi

How to add event dynamically via UI full calendar

I am implementing the UI-calendar in my angular js application. I have successfully added the calendar on the page. But I want to add the event to agendaWeek calendar and save that data into DB.
My code implementation is
<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" data-ng-model="eventSources">
$scope.eventSources = [];
$scope.uiConfig = {
calendar: {
defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
height: 450,
editable: true,
header: {
left: '',
center: 'title',
right: 'prev,next'
eventClick: $scope.alertEventOnClick,
eventDrop: $scope.alertOnDrop,
eventResize: $scope.alertOnResize
Please anyone help me to implement the event implementation
You have all the fullcalendar very well described in the docs.
You could implement the eventClick for example like so:
This method is obviously triggered when a user clicks a day in the calendar.
There you create an event source object based on properties you get from the eventClick method.
function eventClick(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
var tempEventSource = {events: [{
title: calEvent.title,
start: calEvent.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: calEvent.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
className: calEvent.className[0]
var newEvent =[0];
eventService.saveEvent(newEvent).then(function(event) {[0].eventid =;
uiCalendarConfig.calendars['your_calendar'].fullCalendar('addEventSource', tempEventSource);
Note you get the uiCalendarConfig from injecting it in your controller:
function CalendarController(eventService, uiCalendarConfig)

Unable to render the calendar properly for FullCalendar AngularJS Directive

I am new to AngularJS and have to incorporate an Admin LTE full calendar feature in my webapp. I found an Angular directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar JQuery plugin. The link to the directive is here:
Although I am able to display the calendar, I am not able to get the previous, today and next feature working for the calendar. This help to toggle between the months of the calendar. I know this feature is inside the uiConfig but I am not able to understand why this feature doesn't get rendered.
Below is my code. I have included all the files necessary for the plugin but did not show in index.html.
<div class="col-xs-12" resize>
<h1>Calendar Page</h1>
<div class="calendar" ng-model="testevents" config="uiConfig.calendar" ui-calendar="{{uiConfig.calendar}}"></div>
app.controller("calendarController", ["$scope", "displayCalendar", "dialogs", "$filter", function ($scope, displayCalendar, dialogs, $filter) {
$scope.$parent.pageTitle = "Displays Reporting Period Start and End Dates";
/* config object */
$scope.uiConfig = {
calendar: {
height: 450,
editable: true,
header: {
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'today prev,next'
eventClick: $scope.alertOnEventClick,
eventDrop: $scope.alertOnDrop,
eventResize: $scope.alertOnResize,
eventRender: $scope.eventRender
$scope.form = {};
$scope.testevents = {
events: [
title: 'event1',
start: '2015-12-12'
title: 'event2',
start: '2015-12-11'
// etc...
color: 'yellow', // an option!
textcolor: 'black' // an option!
looking at the demo code on their github page
<div class="calendar" ng-model="eventSources" calendar="myCalendar1" ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar"></div>
I think you would need to change yours to:
<div class="calendar" ng-model="testevents" calendar="myCalendar1" ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar"></div>
here is the .html page for their demo
Have you also added the ui-calendar component to the app initialisation?
'var myAppModule = angular.module('myApp', []);'
inside the [] normally you have to inject a third party component so it can be seen by the rest of your controllers.
Ok.. So after hours and hours of debugging, I figured out what the issue was.
I included fullcalendar.print.css also which was throwing off the styling for fullcalendar.css.
So an advice peeps, if the buttons are not getting rendered properly u might need to consider checking the CSS and remove fullcalendar.print.css.

FullCalendar's dayClick not firing when a date is tapped

What I'm trying to do. Tap a day in the calendar and have show the details of that day's events in the area below it.
How I'm doing it. With Angular and the ui-calendar directive. In FullCalendar's dayClick event, I'm creating a new set of events that are happening on that day. In the template, I'm doing a typical ng-repeat="event in daysEvents" div. This works perfectly fine when I'm testing it in ionic serve.
The problem. The dayClick event doesn't work in the iOS emulator, when I send the app to my device (with ionic run ios) or Chrome Developer Tools "Toggle device mode".
The code. Here's my controller:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ui.calendar'])
.controller('CalendarCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.eventSources = [
title: "Spring Awards Night",
start: moment("2015-5-19 18:30"),
description: "The Spring Awards are awesome and you should come."
$scope.uiConfig = {
height: 'auto',
editable: false,
left: 'prev',
center: 'title',
right: 'next'
dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {
$scope.daysEvents = $scope.eventSources.filter(function(event){
return event.start.isBetween(date, moment(date).add(1, 'days'));
And part of my template:
<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>
If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks in advance.
1st solution:
This happens only when using UI-Calendar (FullCalendar) with Ionic, because Ionic catches all tap events. That's why it works fine for you in a desktop browser, but not in a mobile browser.
To solve this issue, add data-tap-disabled="true" to UI-Calendar directive, like this:
<div data-tap-disabled="true" ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>
UPD - 2nd solution:
By disabling the Ionic tap listeners, you'll face the default browser's 300ms delays after each tap is made, which leads to an extremely poor user experience.
So, another solution for your question would be to select dates programmatically.
function onViewRender( view, element ){
// 1. Add tap listeners for each day (in my case - the date number element)
var matches = document.querySelectorAll(".fc-day-number");
_.forEach(matches, function(element){
$ionicGesture.on('tap', function (event) {
// 2. On tap - parse data-date attribute from the element
var selectedDateStr = $('data-date');
// 3. And select an according day with uiCalendarConfig select method
uiCalendarConfig.calendars.mobileCal.fullCalendar('select', moment(selectedDateStr), moment(selectedDateStr).add(24,'h'));
}, angular.element(element));
In FullCalendar, if you drag on the day then the dayclick event is fired.
Other devices fire the dragstart and dragend events when you tap on the day, but iOS devices don't.
I had no choice but to modify fullcalendar.js. You can see my modified version here:

AngularJS - FAQ inside a modal (bug?)

Currently i'm developing a webapp with AngularJS for a giant company, and i'm trying to have a simple FAQ inside a modal.
In my localhost the FAQ it's working just fine (very similar to the original FAQ in angular documentation), but when i write exactly the same code inside a modal i'm getting a console error:
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'addGroup'
Important to state that inside the modal my $scope.oneAtATime = true; it's being ignored, so basically even if i force it to be true
<accordion close-others="true">
It's always false.
This addGroup method is on the AngularJS library code.
Any ideas?
<div class="modal__container__body">
<div id="faq_accordion" ng-controller="AccordionController">
<accordion close-others="true">
<accordion-group heading="{{faq.title}}" ng-repeat="faq in faqs">
The controller
lobby.controller("AccordionController", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
$scope.oneAtATime = true;
$scope.faqs = [
title: "Q1?",
content: "A1"
title: "Q2?",
content: "A2"
title: "Q3?",
content: "A3"
title: "Q4?",
content: "A4"
Please notice that in the above code i'm forcing close-others to be true, directly in the html tab.
We had the same problem recently, change
<div id="faq_accordion" ng-controller="AccordionController">
<div id="faq_accordion" ng-controller="MyAccordionController">
That should fix it. You basically overwrote the plugin controller with your own. Don't forget to change the controller definition also, it's the part that's breaking it.
