Getting extended properties on users objects - azure-active-directory

I try to query a user including extended properties:
However I get following error:
Could not find a property named 'properties' on type 'microsoft.graph.user.
Is it possible in one request to get a user object with all of it's extended properties?
Best scenario would be something like following where I query for the departmentNumber from the extended properties with direct properties:

This is because, as the message states, there is no property named properties.
How you retrieve custom properties depends on how they were created. There are two types: Open Extensions and Schema Extensions. Each is stored and behaves a little differently so you'll want to refer to the documentation I linked to for help determining which type you want to use.


Can I reference an external database as the properties of a model in viewer?

I'm attempting to create an instance of the Forge-viewer API to reference an outside database (Homemade, not bim360 or Fusion) as the Properties of an object selected. (i.e. the database parameters fill-in the properties window) However, I'm unable to find a method. What do you recommend?
The best place to start would be the below code samples: //interaction with custom data source and many data centric plugins
Basically you will need to customize the model property panel and feed in your own data source by extending Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.ViewerPropertyPanel and setProperties/setNodeProperties ...

How to map composite db object to clr object that has less properties?

We perform a Npgsql upgrade from 2.* to 3.2.7.
I want to map a database object "dbObject" that has fields: a,b,c
to a clr object "clrObject" that has properties: a,b
I define a mapping as follows:
And I get a runtime error that states, that clrObject does not have a property that matches "c" field in dbObject.
Is there a way to omit some fields when mapping dbObject to clrObject?
This isn't possible at the moment - Npgsql requires that your CLR object have all the necessary fields/properties to map to the PostgreSQL property. You can open an issue on to request this.

Accessing ActiveDirectory properties belong to objectClass=posixGroup

I am trying to update the memberUid property of the posixGroup.
I do a directory search and find my record. If I loop through the I can list the values (it is defined as Multi-value) of the field.
I define a DirectoryEntry using the searchresults.getdirectory method.
If I do anything with the property from this directoryentry, for instance check if it exists (property.contain), or list it or try to update it I get an unknown error x'8000500C'.
The fields cn and description' do not cause this problem.
If I add other user defined properties I also get the error.
How can I work with properties belonging to this type of schema?
Your error looks like it is:
8000500c The Active Directory datatype cannot be converted to/from a native DS datatype
This seems to imply that the data returned is not a native AD datatype.
There seems to be a workaround at this article.

Create new field type for custom content

I want to create a new content type called "Message". It will have a couple of fields, "message-body" which will be plain text and "addressees". The addressees field should reflect a list of the registered users of the site.
The idea is to create a field type that will be a checklist where all users of the site can be selected, and those that are will receive the message in "message-body" via drupal_set_message($msg).
I am not suceeding so far in creating a custom field type. The Field API documentation is not very clear.
You maybe already found the solutions for you problem.
I think in your case you can use Entity Reference. In your custom content type you can create a new field with the Entity Reference type. Then on the configuration page you can choose which entity to reference, like node, taxonomy or users, with different types of widget.
Here's a link of the Entity Reference module.
Why not make a content type via the menu interface
Or you need it as a module that you can re-distribute?
An easier way then is to make use of features. It allows you to 'export' a built content type into a module. Enabling the module (on another site), then creates all the fields that where in the export.

Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: MAP<String,AcctId__c>

I'm trying to get over a limitation in Salesforce where Lead objects can't have related lists that convert with the Lead over to Opportunity, Contact and Account. I have set up 4 objects of type Lookup Relationship, and created a dummy record in each.
I want to use Custom Settings to store the id of each of these dummy records, so that when the Lead converts, any custom objects can also convert to objects with Master/Detail relationships on the respective standard objects.
My trigger on Lead(after update) tries to create a Map of the Custom Settings:
Map cs = AcctId__c.getAll();
AcctId__c is the Custom Setting api name. Compile time is giving me the above message.
Now, I copied this code directly from the Salesforce documentation. What am I forgetting?
I believe that you must include the actual map definition <String,AcctId__c> after the word Map.
Check out this page.
