jsPsych integration with React - reactjs

I've been trying to put a custom experiment made with jsPsych, a library for running behavioral experiments, with custom plugins into a React container but i've run into some issues.
The first thing i tried to do was use makebrainwave's jspsych-react package, but when i try to run the example, after having to change the routes of the files in the import section and replacing the use of 'fs', i'm still running into this error:
Trial level node is missing the "type" parameter. The parameters for the node are: {} experiment.js:924
TypeError: jsPsych.plugins[trial.type] is undefined[Learn More] experiment.js:1051
Could anyone help me with it? It looks like it's trying to initialize something and failing, but otherwise I'm kinda lost in the error.
The first error occurs in the constructor function:
// constructor
var _construct = function() {
// store a link to the parent of this node
parent_node = parent;
// create the ID for this node
if (typeof parent == 'undefined') {
relative_id = 0;
} else {
relative_id = relativeID;
// check if there is a timeline parameter
// if there is, then this node has its own timeline
if ((typeof parameters.timeline !== 'undefined') || (typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial_type] == 'function')) {
// create timeline properties
timeline_parameters = {
timeline: [],
loop_function: parameters.loop_function,
conditional_function: parameters.conditional_function,
sample: parameters.sample,
randomize_order: typeof parameters.randomize_order == 'undefined' ? false : parameters.randomize_order,
repetitions: typeof parameters.repetitions == 'undefined' ? 1 : parameters.repetitions,
timeline_variables: typeof parameters.timeline_variables == 'undefined' ? [{}] : parameters.timeline_variables
// extract all of the node level data and parameters
var node_data = Object.assign({}, parameters);
delete node_data.timeline;
delete node_data.conditional_function;
delete node_data.loop_function;
delete node_data.randomize_order;
delete node_data.repetitions;
delete node_data.timeline_variables;
delete node_data.sample;
node_trial_data = node_data; // store for later...
// create a TimelineNode for each element in the timeline
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.timeline.length; i++) {
timeline_parameters.timeline.push(new TimelineNode(Object.assign({}, node_data, parameters.timeline[i]), self, i));
// if there is no timeline parameter, then this node is a trial node
else {
// check to see if a valid trial type is defined
var trial_type = parameters.type;
if (typeof trial_type == 'undefined') {
console.error('Trial level node is missing the "type" parameter. The parameters for the node are: ' + JSON.stringify(parameters));
} else if ((typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial_type] == 'undefined') && (trial_type.toString().replace(/\s/g,'') != "function(){returntimeline.timelineVariable(varname);}")) {
console.error('No plugin loaded for trials of type "' + trial_type + '"');
// create a deep copy of the parameters for the trial
trial_parameters = Object.assign({}, parameters);
And the second one in the first line of the folowing function
function setDefaultValues(trial){
var trial_parameters = Object.keys(jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters);
for(var i=0; i<trial_parameters.length; i++){
if(typeof trial[trial_parameters[i]] == 'undefined' || trial[trial_parameters[i]] === null){
if(typeof jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[trial_parameters[i]].default == 'undefined'){
console.error('You must specify a value for the '+trial_parameters[i]+' parameter in the '+trial.type+' plugin.');
} else {
trial[trial_parameters[i]] = jsPsych.plugins[trial.type].info.parameters[trial_parameters[i]].default;
I installed jspsych-react with yarn into the project and the test container is the following:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Experiment } from "jspsych-react";
import { visualOddball } from "./examples/timelines/visualOddball";
import { callbackHTMLDisplay } from "./examples/plugins/callbackHTMLDisplay";
import { callbackImageDisplay } from "./examples/plugins/callbackImageDisplay";
export default class ExperimentComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
settings={{ timeline: visualOddball }}
"callback-html-display": callbackHTMLDisplay,
"callback-image-display": callbackImageDisplay
Has anyone integrated something similar without using the jspsych-react package? which approach did you take?
Thanks in advance!


Component not re-rendering when nested observable changes

Adding a node to a list and yet a component is not re-rendering. Mobx Chrome Extension dev tools says it's a dependency but for some reason still no reaction!
A button renders 'Add' or 'Remove' based on whether a node is in a list. It doesn't re-render unless I move to another component and then open this component again.
#inject("appStore") #observer
class EntityTab extends Component {
render() {
return (
{/* BUTTONS */}
{ this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.structure.dictionary[id] !== undefined ?
<div onClick={() => this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.function(id)}>
<div onClick={() => this.props.appStore.currRepo.canvas.otherfunction(id)}>
The Add button renders, I click on the button which triggers
and then we go to this function
#observable graph = new Graph();
otherfunction = (idList) => {
// Do nothing if no ids are given
if (idList === null || (Array.isArray(idList) && idList.length === 0)) return;
// If idList is a single value, wrap it with a list
if (!Array.isArray(idList)) { idList = [idList] }
let nodesToAdd = [];
let linksToAdd = [];
// Add all new links/nodes to graph
Promise.all(idList.map((id) => { return this.getNode(id, 1) }))
.then((responses) => {
for (let i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
let res = responses[i];
if (res.success) {
this.graph.addData(nodesToAdd, linksToAdd, idList, this.sidebarVisible);
The getNode function creates new Node objects from the data. For reference, those objects are instantiated as such
export default class Node {
id = '';
name = '';
type = '';
constructor(r) {
for (let property in r) {
// Set Attributes
this[property] = r[property];
anyway, the addToGraphFromIds triggers
this.graph.addData(nodesToAdd, linksToAdd);
and then we go to that function
addData = (nodes, links) => {
which triggers
which leads to this function
#observable map = new Map();
#observable map2 = new Map();
#observable dictionary = {};
#observable dictionary2 = {};
#observable allNodes = [];
#observable allLinks = [];
addNodes = (nodes=[]) => {
if (!nodes || nodes.length === 0) return;
nodes = utils.toArray(nodes);
// Only consider each new node if it's not in the graph or a duplicate within the input list
nodes = _.uniqBy(nodes, (obj) => { return obj.id; });
const nodesToConsider = _.differenceBy(nodes, this.allNodes, (obj) => { return obj.id; });
// Add nodes to map
let currNode;
for (let i = 0; i < nodesToConsider.length; i++) {
currNode = nodesToConsider[i];
this.map.set(currNode.id, new Map());
this.map2.set(currNode.id, new Map());
this.dictionary[currNode.id] = currNode;
// Update internal list of nodes
this.allNodes = this.allNodes.concat(nodesToConsider);
As we can see in the first codebox,
this.props.appStore.repo.canvas.graph.structure.dictionary[id] !== undefined
Should cause the button to change values as we have added the current node. The nodes appear in the dictionary when I log or use mobx chrome extension dev tools, but I have to switch tabs and then the button will re-render. I've tried using other lines like
but that doesn't work either. Am absolutely stuck and need help. I have a feeling it has to do with nested observables, and maybe tagging #observable isn't good enough, but not quite sure. repo and canvas are marked as observables and instantiate a new Repo() object and new Canvas() object, much like new Node() is created in getNodes.
Mobx (v4) does not track addition or removal of entries in an observable object unless observable.map is used. Or upgrading to mobx v5 should solve the issue.
For your specific issue you can try:
#observable nodeIdToNodeData = {};
this.nodeIdToNodeData = {...this.nodeIdToNodeData, [currNode.id]: currNode};
Or try to upgrade to mobx v5.
More info here
Looks like Edward solved it, similar to Redux it looks like you have to create a new object with the dictionary rather than modify it. I'm guessing it's because the key currNode.id is already defined (as the value undefined), and we're just modifying it to be currNode. That's my guess, regardless it works now.

Null check still throws Flow error

What is the rule for where you need to put your null check to avoid Flow errors? This code surprised me by giving an error:
// #flow
import React, { Component } from "react";
type Props = {|
apples: ?Array<Array<string>>,
oranges: ?Array<Array<string>>,
class FruitBasket extends Component<Props> {
render() {
if (this.props.oranges == null || this.props.apples == null) {
return null;
var dummyVariable = 16;
var apples = this.props.apples.map((ask) => {
return null;
var oranges = this.props.oranges.map((bid) => {
return null;
return null;
export default FruitBasket;
The error is:
Cannot call this.props.oranges.map because property map is missing in null or undefined [1].
It seems silly that the Flow compiler would "forget" the null check after the var apples = ... declaration.
This is an validation/ordering issue. Flow doesn't know what this.props.apples.map() does, so it is technically possible that it could end up setting this.props.oranges = null. Since that could happen, by the time this.props.oranges.map() is called, the if (this.props.oranges == null) refinement is no longer in effect, and this.props.oranges could be null, from the standpoint of the typechecker. You have two solutions:
Move the if (this.props.oranges == null) return null; check to just before the this.props.oranges.map() call. The downside being that then you split up your bail-out logic, and end up mapping apples for no reason.
Assign the values to temporary variables, so that Flow can tell that their type won't change later. This would be my recommendation.
render() {
if (this.props.oranges == null || this.props.apples == null) {
return null;
const { oranges, apples } = this.props;
var dummyVariable = 16;
var applesItems = apples.map((ask) => {
return null;
var orangesItems = oranges.map((bid) => {
return null;
return null;

old react and IE11 polyfills

Im running React 0.13 and cant upgrade (long story). Cant use Babel-Polyfill.
I need to make the application IE11 compatable so I need to implement a lot of polyfills.
How do I or can I include the polyfills in a singular file and make that file globally visible?
I have a file containing just the polyfills ( like this one )
But im unsure how to include it to just be visible globally by default.
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
Object.assign = function(target) {
'use strict';
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
target = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var source = arguments[index];
if (source != null) {
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
you can implement a function that wraps all the polyfills and import it wherever you need it.
export function loadCustomPolyfills() {
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
Object.assign = function(target) {
//other polyfills
and in you entry point file, at the beginning
import { loadCustomPolyfills } from './custom-polyfills';

Is it possible to retrieve a component's instance from a React Fiber?

Before v16 of React -- that is, before the introduction of React fibers -- it was possible to take a DOM element and retrieve the React component instance as follows:
const getReactComponent = dom => {
let found = false;
const keys = Object.keys(dom);
keys.forEach(key => {
if (key.startsWith('__reactInternalInstance$')) {
const compInternals = dom[key]._currentElement;
const compWrapper = compInternals._owner;
const comp = compWrapper._instance;
found = comp;
return found || null;
This no longer works for React v16, which uses the new Fiber implementation. Specifically, the above code throws an error at the line const comparWrapper = compInternals._owner because there is no _owner property anymore. Thus you cannot also access the _instance.
My question here is how would we retrieve the instance from a DOM element in v16's Fiber implementation?
You may try the function below (updated to work for React <16 and 16+):
window.FindReact = function(dom) {
let key = Object.keys(dom).find(key=>key.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance$"));
let internalInstance = dom[key];
if (internalInstance == null) return null;
if (internalInstance.return) { // react 16+
return internalInstance._debugOwner
? internalInstance._debugOwner.stateNode
: internalInstance.return.stateNode;
} else { // react <16
return internalInstance._currentElement._owner._instance;
var someElement = document.getElementById("someElement");
FindReact(someElement).setState({test1: test2});
React 17 is slightly different:
function findReact(dom) {
let key = Object.keys(dom).find(key => key.startsWith("__reactFiber$"));
let internalInstance = dom[key];
if (internalInstance == null) return "internalInstance is null: " + key;
if (internalInstance.return) { // react 16+
return internalInstance._debugOwner
? internalInstance._debugOwner.stateNode
: internalInstance.return.stateNode;
} else { // react <16
return internalInstance._currentElement._owner._instance;
the domElement in this is the tr with the data-param-name of the field you are trying to change:
var domElement = ?.querySelectorAll('tr[data-param-name="<my field name>"]')

How to retrieve query parameter in Server Script

I'm using Windows Azure Mobile Service to build the backend for my app. For server script's read operation, now I want to retrieve the query parameter like $filter, $select in the script, etc. Any idea?
After hacking around with the 'query' object in the 'read' function's parameter (by using console.log ), I finally found the solution:
function isObject(variable) {
return variable !== null &&
variable !== undefined &&
typeof variable === 'object';
// Find all the member-value pairs from the expression object
function findMemberValuePairsFromExpression (expr, ret) {
if (!isObject(expr)) {
return null;
ret = ret || {};
for (var name in expr) {
if (expr.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var prop = expr[name];
if (name === 'parent') { // Ignore parent property since it's added by us
else if (name === 'left') { // member expression are in the left subtree
if (isObject(prop)) {
prop.parent = expr; // Remember the parent
findMemberValuePairsFromExpression(prop, ret);
else if (name === 'member') {
// Found a member expression, find the value expression
// by the knowledge of the structure of the expression
var value = expr.parent.right.value;
ret[prop] = value;
if (expr.parent) {
// Remove the added parent property
delete expr.parent;
return ret;
// Get the filters component from query object and
// find the member-value pairs in it
function findMemberValuePairsFromQuery (query) {
var filters = query.getComponents().filters;
return findMemberValuePairsFromExpression(filters);
function read (query, user, request) {
Remember that this approach heavily relies on the inner structure of the query object so it may break in the future.
query.getComponents() also returns other parts of the query, like 'select', 'skip', 'top', etc. Basically anything of the oData protocol
