different between C struct bitfields on char and on int - c

When using bitfields in C, I found out differences I did not expect related to the actual type that is used to declare the fields.
I didn't find any clear explanation. Now, the problem is identified, so if though there is no clear response, this post may be useful to anyone facing the same issue.
Still if some can point to a formal explanation, this coudl be great.
The following structure, takes 2 bytes in memory.
struct {
char field0 : 1; // 1 bit - bit 0
char field1 : 2; // 2 bits - bits 2 down to 1
char field2 ; // 8 bits - bits 15 down to 8
} reg0;
This one takes 4 bytes in memory, the question is why ?
struct {
int field0 : 1; // 1 bit - bit 0
int field1 : 2; // 2 bits - bits 2 down to 1
char field2 ; // 8 bits - bits 15 down to 8
} reg1;
In both cases, the bits are organized in memory in the same way: field 2 is always taking bits 15 down to 8.
I tried to find some literarure on the subject, but still can't get a clear explanation.
The two most appropriate links I can found are:
However, none really explains really why the second structure is taking 4 bytes. Actually reading carefully, I would even expect the structure to take 2 bytes.
In both cases,
field0 takes 1 bit
field1 takes 2 bits
field2 takes 8 bits, and is aligned on the first available byte address
Hence, the useful data requires 2 bytes in both cases.
So what is behind the scene that makes reg1 to take 4 bytes ?
Full Code Example:
#include "stdio.h"
// Register Structure using char
typedef struct {
// Reg0
struct _reg0_bitfieldsA {
char field0 : 1;
char field1 : 2;
char field2 ;
} reg0;
// Nextreg
char NextReg;
} regfileA_t;
// Register Structure using int
typedef struct {
// Reg1
struct _reg1_bitfieldsB {
int field0 : 1;
int field1 : 2;
char field2 ;
} reg1;
// Reg
char NextReg;
} regfileB_t;
regfileA_t regsA;
regfileB_t regsB;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int* ptrA, *ptrB;
printf("sizeof(regsA) == %-0d\n",sizeof(regsA)); // prints 3 - as expected
printf("sizeof(regsB) == %-0d\n",sizeof(regsB)); // prints 8 - why ?
printf("sizeof(regsA.reg0) == %-0d\n",sizeof(regsA.reg0)); // prints 2 - as epxected
printf("sizeof(regsB.reg0) == %-0d\n",sizeof(regsB.reg1)); // prints 4 - int bit fields tells the struct to use 4 bytes then.
printf("addrof(regsA.reg0) == 0x%08x\n",(int)(&regsA.reg0)); // 0x0804A028
printf("addrof(regsA.reg1) == 0x%08x\n",(int)(&regsA.NextReg)); // 0x0804A02A = prev + 2
printf("addrof(regsB.reg0) == 0x%08x\n",(int)(&regsB.reg1)); // 0x0804A020
printf("addrof(regsB.reg1) == 0x%08x\n",(int)(&regsB.NextReg)); // 0x0804A024 = prev + 4 - my register is not at the righ place then.
regsA.reg0.field0 = 1;
regsA.reg0.field1 = 3;
regsA.reg0.field2 = 0xAB;
regsB.reg1.field0 = 1;
regsB.reg1.field1 = 3;
regsB.reg1.field2 = 0xAB;
ptrA = (int*)&regsA;
ptrB = (int*)&regsB;
printf("regsA.reg0.value == 0x%08x\n",(int)(*ptrA)); // 0x0000AB07 (expected)
printf("regsB.reg0.value == 0x%08x\n",(int)(*ptrB)); // 0x0000AB07 (expected)
return 0;
When I first write the struct I expected to get reg1 to take only 2 bytes, hence the next register was at the offset = 2.

The relevant part of the standard is C11/C17
An implementation may allocate any addressable storage unit large enough to hold a bit-field. If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains, whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined. The alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified.
that, in connection with C11/C17
A. bit-field shall have a type that is a qualified or unqualified version of _Bool, signed int, unsigned int, or some other implementation-defined type. It is implementation-defined whether atomic types are permitted.
and that you're using char means that there is nothing to discuss in general - for a specific implementation check the compiler manuals. Here's the one for GCC.
From the 2 excerpts it follows that an implementation is free to use absolutely whatever types it wants to to implement the bitfields - it could even use int64_t for both of these cases having the structure of size 16 bytes. The only thing a conforming implementation must do is to pack the bits within the chosen addressable storage unit if enough space remains.
For GCC on System-V ABI on 386-compatible (32-bit processors), the following stands:
Plain bit-fields (that is, those neither signed nor unsigned) always have non- negative values. Although they may have type char, short, int, long, (which can have negative values),
these bit-fields have the same range as a bit-field of the same size
with the corresponding unsigned type. Bit-fields obey the same
size and alignment rules as other structure and union members, with
the following additions:
Bit-fields are allocated from right to left (least to most significant).
A bit-field must entirely reside in a storage unit appropriate for its declared type. Thus a bit-field never crosses its unit boundary.
Bit-fields may share a storage unit with other struct/union members, including members that are not bit-fields. Of course,
struct members occupy different parts of the storage unit.
Unnamed bit-fields' types do not affect the alignment of a structure or union, although individual bit-fields' member offsets obey the
alignment constraints.
i.e. in System-V ABI, 386, int f: 1 says that the bit-field f must be within an int. If entire bytes of space remains, a following char within the same struct will be packed inside this int, even if it is not a bit-field.
Using this knowledge, the layout for
struct {
int a : 1; // 1 bit - bit 0
int b : 2; // 2 bits - bits 2 down to 1
char c ; // 8 bits - bits 15 down to 8
} reg1;
will be
1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|a b b x x x x x|c c c c c c c c|x x x x x x x x|x x x x x x x x|
<------------------------------ int ---------------------------->
and the layout for
struct {
char a : 1; // 1 bit - bit 0
char b : 2; // 2 bits - bits 2 down to 1
char c ; // 8 bits - bits 15 down to 8
} reg1;
will be
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
|a b b x x x x x|c c c c c c c c|
<---- char ----><---- char ---->
So there are tricky edge cases. Compare the 2 definitions here:
struct x {
short a : 2;
short b : 15;
char c ;
struct y {
int a : 2;
int b : 15;
char c ;
Because the bit-field must not cross the unit boundary, the struct x members a and b need to go to different shorts. Then there is not enough space to accommodate the char c, so it must come after that. And the entire struct must be suitably aligned for short so it will be 6 bytes on i386. The latter however, will pack a and b in the 17 lowest bits of the int, and since there is still one entire addressable byte left within the int, the c will be packed here too, and hence sizeof (struct y) will be 4.
Finally, you must really specify whether the int or char is signed or not - the default might be not what you expect! Standard leaves it up to the implementation, and GCC has a compile-time switch to change them.


Enum and unsigned long bitfields

If I have the following struct with an enum and unsigned long, how is the padding accomplished? I believe the compiler wont do anything with var1 and var2 since it is 32 bits and filled.
typedef struct {
unsigned long var1 : 8;
unsigned long var2 : 24;
my_enum var3 : 2;
my_enum var4 : 2;
} my_struct;
Would there be a padding for both var3 and var4? such as 30 bits of padding to var3 and 30 bits to var4, or 28 bits. I'm just trying to understand how bitfields work across different data types and implementation types.
Types used in a bitfield:
I would only use signed int or unsigned int in your stucture as bitfield type. According to the C99 standard ( #4):
A bit-field shall have a type that is a qualified or unqualified version of
_Bool, signed int, unsigned int, or some other implementation-defined type.
Sure an unsigned long and enum type are implementation-defined types, but if you use them the behaviour is not portable. You can see it in 2 different GCC versions:
According to the manual for gcc 4.8.4:
Allowable bit-field types other than _Bool, signed int, and unsigned int (C99
No other types are permitted in strictly conforming mode.
According to the manual for gcc-5.2.0:
Allowable bit-field types other than _Bool, signed int, and unsigned int (C99 and C11
Other integer types, such as long int, and enumerated types are permitted even in strictly conforming mode.
Bitfields are working in word and byte level and cannot cross word boundaries. C99 guarentees that bitfields will be packed as tightly as possible, provided they don’t cross storage unit boundaries ( #10).
An implementation may allocate any addressable storage unit large enough to hold a bit-
field. If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a
structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains,
whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is
implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to
low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined. The alignment of the
addressable storage unit is unspecified.
If you you want to pad the exisiting bit fields in a unit up the the next unit you can do it with a length zero bitfield as said in the standard ( #11):
As a special case, a bit-field structure member with a width of 0
indicates that no further bit-field is to be packed into the unit in which the previous bit-
field, if any, was placed.
Further it says something about the end in C99 ( #15):
There may be unnamed padding at the end of a structure or union.
What that means for your struct:
You var1 and var2 will be stored together in 4 byte (32 bit) of memory without any gaps. Because bitfields can operate at byte level your var3 and var4 can also be stored together representing one byte. But the order of them is implementaion defined.
If you put a zero length bit field in between of them the var4 would start at the next aligned unit. The end of your structure will may be padded up to 32 bit or 64 bit.
Real code example with your struct:
Because you can't take addresses of bitfields it is not so easy to analyse the bahaviour of bitfields, here is a little piece of code that I wrote to analyse it with a little workaround anyway.
I set the values inside the structure with a bit pattern that is easy to recognize and print out every bit of the whole structure (total size with sizeof()). You can see the result on ideone, or below. Note that the used system uses little-endian format per structure variable, therefore the bytes are swapped in contrast to the humand readable form (big-endian format). Also the var3 and var4 are in a different order as the standard says that it is implementation defined.
sizeof(my_struct) = 8
sizeof(my_struct_var) = 8
Byte 0: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Byte 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Byte 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte 3: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte 4: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
Byte 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte 6: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Your structure uses effectively the byte 0 to 3 and a half of byte 4. Because I compiled on a 64 bit machine and ideone too, the half byte 4 is padded up to byte 7. Also I recommend reading this guideline about structure padding and bitfields.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error "unsupported char size"
typedef enum { ONE, TWO, THREE } my_enum;
typedef struct
unsigned long var1 : 8;
unsigned long var2 : 24;
my_enum var3 : 2;
my_enum var4 : 2;
} my_struct;
int main(void)
int idx;
int bitIdx;
my_struct my_struct_var;
memset (&my_struct_var,
printf("sizeof(my_struct) = %lu\n", sizeof(my_struct));
printf("sizeof(my_struct_var) = %lu\n", sizeof(my_struct_var));
my_struct_var.var1 = 0x81; /* 1000 0001 */
my_struct_var.var2 = 0x800001; /* 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 */
my_struct_var.var3 = 0b10; /* 10 */
my_struct_var.var4 = 0b11; /* 11 */
for (idx = 0; idx < sizeof(my_struct_var); ++idx)
char * curByte = &my_struct_var;
curByte += idx;
printf("\nByte %d: ", idx);
for (bitIdx = 0; bitIdx < CHAR_BIT; ++bitIdx)
printf("%c ", ((*curByte & (1 << ((CHAR_BIT - 1) - bitIdx))) >> ((CHAR_BIT - 1) - bitIdx)) + '0');
return 0;

Sizeof a struct in C

Well, after reading this Size of structure with a char, a double, an int and a t I still don't get the size of my struct which is :
struct s {
char c1[3];
long long k;
char c2;
char *pt;
char c3;
And sizeof(struct s) returns me 40
But according to the post I mentioned, I thought that the memory should like this way:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+-------------+- -+---------------------------+- - - - - - - -+
| c1 | |k | |
+-------------+- -+---------------------------+- - - - - - - -+
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
+---+- -+- -+- - - - - -+----+
|c2 | |pt | | c3 |
+---+- -+- -+- - - - - -+----+
And I should get 18 instead of 40...
Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong ? Thank you very much !
Assuming an 8-byte pointer size and alignment requirement on long long and pointers, then:
3 bytes for c1
5 bytes padding
8 bytes for k
1 byte for c2
7 bytes padding
8 bytes for pt
1 byte for c3
7 bytes padding
That adds up to 40 bytes.
The trailing padding is allocated so that arrays of the structure keep all the elements of the structure properly aligned.
Note that the sizes, alignment requirements and therefore padding depend on the machine hardware, the compiler, and the platform's ABI (Application Binary Interface). The rules I used are common rules: an N-byte type (for N in {1, 2, 4, 8, 16 }) needs to be allocated on an N-byte boundary. Arrays (both within the structure and arrays of the structure) also need to be properly aligned. You can sometimes dink with the padding with #pragma directives; be cautious. It is usually better to lay out the structure with the most stringently aligned objects at the start and the less stringently aligned ones at the end.
If you used:
struct s2 {
long long k;
char *pt;
char c1[3];
char c2;
char c3;
the size required would be just 24 bytes, with just 3 bytes of trailing padding. Order does matter!
The size of the structure depends upon what compiler is used and what compiler options are enabled. The C language standard makes no promises about how memory is utilized when the compiler creates structures, and different architectures (for example 32-bit WinTel vs 64-bit WinTel) cause different layout decisions even when the same compiler is used.
Essentially, the size of a structure is equal to the sum of the size of the bytes needed by the field elements (which can generally be calculated) plus the sum of the padding bytes injected by the compiler (which is generally not known).
It is because of alignment, gcc has
#pragma pack(push,n)
// declare your struct here
#pragma pack(pop)
to change it. Read here, and also __attribute__((__packed__)).
If you declare the struct
struct packed
char c1[3];
long long k;
char c2;
char *pt;
char c3;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
then compiling with gcc, sizeof(packed) = 18 since
c1: 3
k : 8
c2: 1
pt: 4 // it depends
c3: 1
Apparently Visual C++ compiler supports #pragma pack(push,n) too.
what is a size of structure?
#include <stdio.h>
struct {
char a;
char b;
char c;
int main()
printf("%ld", sizeof(st));
return 0;
it shows 3 in gdb compiler.

Size of structure with bit fields

Here I have a code snippet.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
struct value
int bit1 : 1;
int bit2 : 4;
int bit3 : 4;
} bit;
return 0;
I'm getting the output as 4 (32 bit compiler).
Can anyone explain me how? Why is it not 1+ 4 + 4 = 9?
I've never worked with bit fields before so would love some help. Thank you. :)
When you tell the C compiler this:
int bit1 : 1
It interprets it as, and allocates to it, an integer; but refers to it's first bit as bit1.
So if we consider your code:
struct value
int bit1 : 1;
int bit2 : 4;
int bit3 : 4;
} bit;
What you are telling the compiler is this: Take necessary number of the ints, and refer to the chunks bit 1 as bit1, then refer to bits 2 - 5 as bit2, and then refer to bits 6 - 9 as bit3.
Since the complete number of bits required are 9, and an int is 32 bits (in your computer's architecture), memory space of only 1 int is required. Thus you get the size as 4 (bytes).
Instead, if you were to define the struct using chars, since char is 8 bits, the compiler would allocate the memory space of two chars for each struct value. And you will get 2 (bytes) as your output.
Because C requests to pack the bits in the same unit (here one signed int / unsigned int):
(C99, "If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit"
The processor just likes chucking around 32 bits in one go - not 9, 34 etc.
It just rounds it up to what the processor likes. (Keep the worker happy)

memory allocation for structures elements

Hi I am having difficulties in understanding about how the memory is allocated to the structure elements.
For example if i have the below structure and the size of char is 1 and int is 4 bytes respectively.
struct temp
char a;
int b;
I am aware that the size of the structure would be 8. Because there will be a padding of 3 bytes after the char, and the next element should be placed in multiple of 4 so the size will be 8.
Now consider the below structure.
struct temp
int a; // size is 4
double b; // size is 8
char c; // size is 4
double d; // size is 8
int e; // size is 4
This is the o/p i got for the above strucure
size of node is 40
the address of node is 3392515152 ( =: base)
the address of a in node is 3392515152 (base + 0)
the address of b in node is 3392515160 (base + 8)
the address of c in node is 3392515168 (base + 16)
the address of d in node is 3392515176 (base + 24)
the address of e in node is 3392515184 (base + 32)
The total memory sum up to 36 bytes, why does it show as 40 bytes?
If we create an array of such structure also the first element of the next array element can be place in 3392515188 (base + 36) as it is a multiple of 4, but why is it not happening this way?
Can any one plz solve my doubt.
Thanks in advance,
It seems that on your system, double has to have the alignment of 8.
struct temp {
int a; // size is 4
// padding 4 bytes
double b; // size is 8
char c; // size is 1
// padding 7 bytes
double d; // size is 8
int e; // size is 4
// padding 4 bytes
// Total 4+4+8+1+7+8+4+4 = 40 bytes
Compiler adds an extra 4 bytes to the end of struct to make sure that array[1].b will be properly aligned.
Without end padding (assuming array is at address 0):
&array[0] == 0
&array[1] == 36
&array[1].b == 36 + 8 == 44
44 % 8 == 4 -> ERROR, not aligned!
With end padding (assuming array is at address 0):
&array[0] == 0
&array[1] == 40
&array[1].b == 40 + 8 == 48
48 % 8 == 0 -> OK!
Note that sizes, alignments, and paddings depend on target system and compiler in use.
In your calculation, you ignore the fact that e is subject to be padded as well:
The struct looks like
0 8 16 24 32
where uppercase is the variable itself, and lowercase is the padding applied to it.
As you see (and as well from the addresses), each field is padded to 8 bytes, which is the largest field in the structure.
As the structure might be used in an array, and all array elements should be well-aligned as well, the padding to e is necessary.
It's heavily dependent on both your processor architecture and compiler. Modern machines and compilers may choose larger or smaller padding to reduce the access cost to data.
Four-byte alignment means that two address lines are unused. Eight, three. A chip can use that to address more memory (coarser grain) with the same amount of hardware.
A compiler might use a similar trick for various reasons, but no compiler is required to do anything but be no less fine-grained than the processor. Often, they'll just take the biggest-size value and use it exclusively for that block. In your case, that's a double, which is eight bytes.
This is a compiler dependent behavior.
Some compiler makes that 'double' to be stored after 8 bit offset.
IF you modify the structure as below you will get different result.
struct temp
double b; // size is 8
int a; // size is 4
int e; // size is 4
double d; // size is 8
char c; // size is 4
Every programmer should know what padding you compiler is doing.
E.g. If you are working on ARM platform and you set compiler settings to do not pad structure elements[ then accessing structure elements through pointers may generate 'odd' address for which processor generates an exception.
Every structure will also have alignment requirements
for example :
typedef struct structc_tag
char c;``
double d;
int s;
} structc_t;
Applying same analysis, structc_t needs sizeof(char) + 7 byte padding + sizeof(double) + sizeof(int) = 1 + 7 + 8 + 4 = 20 bytes. However, the sizeof(structc_t) will be 24 bytes. It is because, along with structure members, structure type variables will also have natural alignment. Let us understand it by an example. Say, we declared an array of structc_t as shown below structc_t structc_array[3];
Assume, the base address of structc_array is 0×0000 for easy calculations. If the structc_t occupies 20 (0×14) bytes as we calculated, the second structc_t array element (indexed at 1) will be at 0×0000 + 0×0014 = 0×0014. It is the start address of index 1 element of array. The double member of this structc_t will be allocated on 0×0014 + 0×1 + 0×7 = 0x001C (decimal 28) which is not multiple of 8 and conflicting with the alignment requirements of double. As we mentioned on the top, the alignment requirement of double is 8 bytes. In order to avoid such misalignment, compiler will introduce alignment requirement to every structure. It will be as that of the largest member of the structure. In our case alignment of structa_t is 2, structb_t is 4 and structc_t is 8. If we need nested structures, the size of largest inner structure will be the alignment of immediate larger structure.
In structc_t of the above program, there will be padding of 4 bytes after int member to make the structure size multiple of its alignment. Thus the sizeof (structc_t) is 24 bytes. It guarantees correct alignment even in arrays. You can cross check
to avoid structure padding!
#pragma pack ( 1 ) directive can be used for arranging memory for structure members very next to the end of other structure members.
#pragma pack(1)
struct temp
int a; // size is 4
int b; // size is 4
double s; // size is 8
char ch; //size is 1
size of structure would be:17
If we create an array of such structure also the first element of the next array element can be place in 3392515188 (base + 36) as it is a multiple of 4, but why is it not happening this way?
It can't because of the double elements in there.
It's clear that the compiler and architecture you are using requires a double to be eight byte aligned. This is obvious because there is seven bytes of padding after the char c.
This requirement also means that the entire struct must be eight byte aligned. There's no point in carefully making all the doubles aligned to eight bytes relative to the start of the struct if the struct itself is only four byte aligned. Hence the padding after the final int to make sizeof(temp) a multiple of eight.
Note that this alignment requirement need not be a hard requirement. The compiler could choose to do the alignment even if doubles can be four byte aligned on the grounds that it might take more memory cycles to access the double if it's only four byte aligned.

C- Size of structure when bit field is used and how it is stored in memory

void main()
struct bitfield
signed int a :3;
unsigned int b :13;
unsigned int c :1;
struct bitfield bit1 = { 2, 14, 1 };
printf("%d", sizeof(bit1));
Why is size 4 bytes here? And how exactly these elements are stored in memory?
Almost every aspect of bit fields is implementation defined. Even the signedness of a 'plain int' bit field is implementation defined; it may be signed or unsigned. The layout of the fields — whether they go from most significant bit to least significant bit in the containing 'unit' (the term used in the standard) or from least to most significant is implementation defined. The size of the largest permissible bit field; when a bit field is stored in a new unit; all these are implementation defined.
For example, on Mac OS X 10.8.4 using GCC 4.8.1, it is possible to demonstrate that the struct bitfield in the question is laid out with a occupying the 3 least significant bits (bits 0-2), b occupying the next 13 bits (3-15), and c occupying the next 1 bit (16):
#include <stdio.h>
static void print_info(int v);
int main(void)
int values[] =
0x55555555, 0xAAAAAAAA, 0x87654321, 0xFEDCBA98,
0xFEDCBA98, 0xFEDCBAA0, 0xFEDCBAA8, 0x0000BAA0,
0x0001BAA0, 0x00000008, 0x00000010, 0x00000018,
0x0000FFF0, 0x0000FFF8,
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]); i++)
return 0;
static void print_info(int v)
unsigned int x;
struct bitfield
signed int a:3;
unsigned int b:13;
unsigned int c:1;
} y;
} u;
u.x = v;
printf("0x%.8X => %2d 0x%.4X %1X\n", u.x, u.y.a, u.y.b, u.y.c);
Sample output:
0x55555555 => -3 0x0AAA 1
0xAAAAAAAA => 2 0x1555 0
0x87654321 => 1 0x0864 1
0xFEDCBA98 => 0 0x1753 0
0xFEDCBA90 => 0 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA91 => 1 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA92 => 2 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA93 => 3 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA94 => -4 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA95 => -3 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA96 => -2 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA97 => -1 0x1752 0
0xFEDCBA98 => 0 0x1753 0
0xFEDCBAA0 => 0 0x1754 0
0xFEDCBAA8 => 0 0x1755 0
0x0000BAA0 => 0 0x1754 0
0x0001BAA0 => 0 0x1754 1
0x00000008 => 0 0x0001 0
0x00000010 => 0 0x0002 0
0x00000018 => 0 0x0003 0
0x0000FFF0 => 0 0x1FFE 0
0x0000FFF8 => 0 0x1FFF 0
The test values are not chosen completely at random. From the test values 0xFEDCBA90 to 0xFECBA97, we can see that the least significant 3 bits contain a. From the test values 0x0000BAA0 and 0x0001BAA0, we can see that the 17th bit (or bit 16) contains c. And from the test values 0x00000008 to 0x0000FFF8, we can see that bits 3-15 contain b.
It must, however, be pointed out that the code is debatably portable in theory; since the code writes to u.x and then reads u.x and u.y.a, u.y.b and u.y.c, it is not accessing the member of the union last written to, which is strictly undefined behaviour. In practice, it 'always' works (I've not heard of a system where it doesn't work — it is unlikely but not technically impossible that there is a system where it doesn't work).
This layout is not the only possible layout by any stretch of the imagination. However, I don't have access to compilers or systems that demonstrate alternative layouts.
In ISO/IEC 9899:2011, section § Structure and union specifiers says:
¶11 An implementation may allocate any addressable storage unit large enough to hold a bitfield. If enough space remains, a bit-field that immediately follows another bit-field in a structure shall be packed into adjacent bits of the same unit. If insufficient space remains, whether a bit-field that does not fit is put into the next unit or overlaps adjacent units is implementation-defined. The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (high-order to low-order or low-order to high-order) is implementation-defined. The alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified.
¶12 A bit-field declaration with no declarator, but only a colon and a width, indicates an unnamed bit-field.126) As a special case, a bit-field structure member with a width of 0 indicates that no further bit-field is to be packed into the unit in which the previous bitfield, if any, was placed.
126) An unnamed bit-field structure member is useful for padding to conform to externally imposed layouts.
A slight variant of the structure in the question is:
struct exegesis
signed int a:3;
unsigned int :0;
unsigned int b:13;
unsigned int :0;
unsigned int c:1;
This structure has a size of 12 (on the same compiler/platform as before). The storage unit for bit fields on this platform is 4 bytes, so the anonymous zero-width fields start a new storage unit. a is stored in the least significant 3 bits of the first 4-byte unit; b in the least significant 13 bits of the second 4-byte unit; and c in the least significant bit of the third 4-byte unit. As noted in the quote from the standard, you can have anonymous bit fields that are larger than 0 too.
How bit-field is stored in memory is implementation dependent.
One possible reason is, the bit-field which has 17 bits, should hold at least 3 bytes, but the compiler choose to pad it to 4 bytes.
Again, almost everything about bit-field is implementation dependent, including the size of them and memory layout.
Last, don't use void main, always stay with int main
how the bit field is stored is architeture dependent means for little endian left to right and for big enian right to left.
the storage in the memory happens with the word size.1 byte is 1 word.so in our example its 17 bit as first two 8 bits are going to be stored in first two word.the next bit will be stored in the next word .the size should be 3 byte but the compiler does some padding so finally the size is becoming 4 byte.
for the storage in the memory you can refer this link
